Wow! The explosion rate is really high

Chapter 454: Taking orders in times of crisis

The mechas of the Mechanical Tribunal came out with full force, flying across the battlefield, and kicked directly on the shoulder of a "worm nest guard" who was raising his double hammers to hit the mecha of the military camp.

No matter how powerful the chitin bone armor was, it could not remove the more direct impact.

The terrifying giant beast figure was kicked over and fell to the ground with a crash.

The moment the mecha with strange energy flowing through it landed on the ground, he flicked his right arm, and three dark, strange-shaped war blades instantly shot out.

"Step aside and let us take a look at the quality of these 'guards'."

The Mechanical Tribunal pilots who were watching the battle from behind had long been interested in these majestic behemoths. If the military hadn't said that their role was the final word, they would have rushed to the front line early in the morning.

The Mechanical Court is the most cutting-edge force on the real side of Blackwater City. It is rare in number but powerful and exists only to deal with some high-risk things.

They sit in the middle of the city and never move out easily.

Like these behemoths of the Zerg race that are far outside the city, if the bugs had not already reached the city, I am afraid they would never have the chance to face such a novel opponent in their lifetime.

Now that they finally had a chance, the mechanical court pilots in the three mechas were extremely excited.

"One person at a time, kill them all before the master arrives!"


"Let's see who's faster!"

The streamer mecha immediately pounced on him, the pitch-black blade vibrating crazily at a frequency invisible to the naked eye.

High frequency cutting!

This is a brand-new technology developed by the Research Institute. Due to cost reasons, only cutting-edge institutions like the Mechanical Court can use it as soon as the technology is installed.

No insect carapace that can't break through defense is a single enemy against the creations of mankind's top technology!


The sharp blade sliced ​​through the carapace, not as crisply as slicing through tofu as expected.

Just a shallow diagonal cut into the skin, the three sharp blades slid to the side along the arc-shaped body curve of the "Insect Nest Guard".

The huge torque output with all its strength was knocked out, driving the huge mechanical body to fall towards the guard's side.

Even if it is a mechanical court mecha, it is difficult to avoid the defect that feedback is always delayed.

The only difference is that they are directly connected to the operating system and can respond to changes in a more timely manner.

The next moment they sensed the imbalance of the machine, some parts of the three mechas instantly exerted force and forcibly pulled up the crumbling machine almost at the same time.

The counterattack and stabilization of the machine occurred almost at the same time. While pulling up the machine, the three mechas spun and kicked in the air. The mecha's right leg swept across the head of the giant ape-like "Insect Nest Guard".

The moment he landed, the rocket thrusters under his feet burst out with powerful thrust, and the three mechas rushed forward again, attacking continuously.

Compared with the "cumbersomeness" of the military camp mechas, the three mechas of the Mechanical Court are exactly like skilled human warriors, encircling and killing the heavily defended "worm nest guards" with extremely dexterous postures.

Under the flash of swords and shadows, they showed a main attack posture and almost showed a one-sided suppression situation. The three insect nest guards could only blindly pursue the afterimages left by the three mechas of the Mechanical Tribunal like headless flies.

Compared with the previous performance of the military camp mecha, it was completely different.

"Well done!"

"As expected of the pilot of the Mechanical Court!"

“It looks so pleasing to the eye!”

As long as the mechas of the Mechanical Court can control the area where the Overlord is located, the gradually awakening human warriors and military camp mechas can completely clean up the remaining low-level insect sea.

Without the terrifying weapon of war like the Thunder Beast, elite bugs such as cannon bugs, sand bugs, and mantis bugs have been almost wiped out, leaving roughly only the front line of worker bugs and bee bugs, which are no match for humans at all.

The difference is just a matter of time and loss.

However, Yueying, who was quietly watching all this in the corner, frowned slightly and was not blindly optimistic.

The situation on the field seemed strong, but the mechas belonging to the Mechanical Tribunal were actually just adventurers walking on the tightrope on the edge of the cliff.

A random oversight may lead to an irreversible situation.

Can they easily maintain such a fierce offensive?


Maybe it was at first, but now... they can no longer stop on their own initiative.

The three terrifying Zerg behemoths are quickly adapting to the performance of human mechas, and their seemingly blind pursuit is gradually approaching the operating limits of the pilots.

It is difficult to kill even three "Insect Hive Guards", let alone kill the last "Unknown Master"?

In the internal voice, the six elite pilots of the Mechanical Court communicated through gritted teeth.

"It's impossible to break the defense..."

"These damn things are too thick-skinned!"

Even if they are holding brand-new technological swords developed by the scientific research institute, the damage they can do to the giant beasts may still be limited.

Every time the knife goes down, it can only break the surface a little bit.

The thickness of the carapace of the "Hive Guard" is unknown. They tried their best to make every blow fall in the same place. After several blows, the pilots of these mechanical courts desperately discovered a fact——

The injuries they caused seemed completely inconsequential to the Hive Guards, as not even any excess body fluids could seep out from the wounds.


The even more terrifying and unknown giant beast named "Lord" is approaching at a slow pace.

In addition to its large-scale mental field control ability, no one knows what kind of melee strength it possesses.

But just looking at his extremely explosive muscles and those four terrifying blade arms, no one would doubt this.

Bugs, a race that extremely longs for practicality, will not evolve useless features for the sake of so-called face or appearance.

"Perhaps our target should not be on these 'guards'."

"The name and positioning of the Scientific Research Institute makes sense. The guards are just bodyguards that exist to protect important characters. Maybe we can bypass these guards and kill the real leader first."

Then their eyes turned to the crimson giant beast that was slowly approaching.

"As long as we kill it, these 'guards' are nothing to be afraid of!"

Being unable to break through the defense is only a short-term state, and any material has its ultimate fatigue level.

A drop of water penetrates a stone.

As long as the attack lasts long enough, the insect's carapace is not absolutely invincible.

Kill the Overlord first and let the main battle formation from the rear completely advance. The firepower of an entire army group will focus on these three "guard" behemoths. I don't believe they can still stand like this.

The Mechanical Tribunal pilot who recognized the facts made an instant decision. Through the connected voice, he gave an order across the system to the pilots in the military camp, "Captain Ainol, lead your people and stop these guards! Let's behead them." Lord! Buy us as much time as possible, and victory will eventually belong to mankind!"

Ainol's face was full of excitement, "Roger it!"

With the sword and shield in hand, Ainol was in high spirits again, "Brothers! This is the final decisive battle! Fight to the death for the future of Blackwater City!"

"Don't retreat!"

The remaining eight military camp mechas that still had combat capabilities launched a fearless attack on the three giant ape-like beasts. Without them to provide restraints, the three mechas of the Mechanical Tribunal would have been unable to react to the increasingly faster insects. Escape from the hands of the nest guard.

If you are not careful, you may be severely injured.

They are the key to this Zerg expedition and cannot tolerate any risk taking.

The former held his sword and shield close to his face and braced his hammers, while the other mecha came around and thrust the minigun in his hand into the guard's forehead.

The Vulcan roared, and the metal storm instantly unleashed an unimaginable terrifying impact.

The giant beast that dared to resist the blue and white mecha in front of it roared and fell to the side before it had time to use its terrifying power to crush it. This was the restraint that the human mecha with the advantage in numbers could cooperate with.

Of course, no matter what kind of effective containment they have, facing the terrifying defense of the "Hive Guards", they are still just adventurers dancing on the tightrope on the edge of the cliff.

The only thing that can be expected is the three mechanical court mechas that go to behead the master.

The Lord's eyes looked disdainfully at the three colorful mechas that came through the sky.

Under the seemingly slow movement, the speed of the four blade arms almost ignores time and space.


Like cutting tofu with a knife, colorful mecha fragments flew across the sky.

The mechanical court mecha, which was once thought to be able to decapitate people or barely maintain a stalemate, was also vulnerable to the master's true strength.

The master who decided to reveal his true strength no longer hid, and his huge body suddenly rushed towards the eight military camp mechas that were entangled with the guards.

The momentum is overwhelming.


Under the sword's arm, all things are equal.

The shattered mecha fragments scattered in the air in front of the master, and the unparalleled posture was enough to make anyone tremble in fear.

"Run!" The sense of danger almost shocked the mechanical eyes on his forehead, and Ainol called Rose to join in the effort.

However, the moment he turned around and ran away, the red claw blade easily sliced ​​through the body.

completely annihilated!

The view in the sky was vast, with only four giant crimson beasts standing on the vast land. The endless sea of ​​insects was chasing the human warriors who had barely woken up from the spiritual realm.

Humanity is utterly defeated!

"We need you!" Among the broken cockpit fragments, Rose looked at the black maintenance vehicle far away in the sea of ​​​​insects.

Baie is there.

She knew that Bai E was there.

She also believes that Bai E can hear her voice and that he has the ability to turn the tide!

A calm and steady voice sounded in the command vehicle, which was completely silent, "This is Bai'e, I request to attack in mecha form!"

"It's's all over..."

"This battle is completely lost..."

"That giant beast is not the enemy we should face at all!"

"Let's go! If we don't retreat, we won't even be able to protect the few remaining people..."

Many officers kept replaying the scene in their minds of mechas being instantly cut apart. Whether it was a mecha in a military camp or a mecha in a mechanical court, there seemed to be no difference when faced with that terrifying master. .

How can they defeat such a terrifying behemoth?

The voice that received no response sounded lonely again from the contact, "This is Bai'e, I request to attack in mecha form!"

Hamilton's slightly glazed eyes rolled, and the familiar voice evoked his last glimmer of hope.


We still have Baie!

When the entire mecha company and the mechas of the Mechanical Tribunal were destroyed, Hamilton could not imagine how the warrior who had repeatedly created countless miracles would rewrite the ending.

But there is an inexplicable magic that makes him choose to believe that when the building is about to collapse, only Bai E can reverse everything.

"Permission to attack!" Hamilton grabbed the communicator, turned on the switch and roared in response.

"Copy that." A calm voice responded immediately, and Hamilton instantly sat there as if he had lost all his strength.

Some officers rolled their eyes dully and smiled miserably, "Why are we still attacking... We don't have any mechas anymore."

"Everyone lost...lost..."

"Can't lose!" Suddenly a sonorous voice tried to encourage people. Yueying, who had always remained calm and even expected the result, spoke from the corner.

She pointed to a corner of the monitor screen. In the sea of ​​​​insects surging like a tide, a blue and white painted mecha that had fallen to the ground suddenly stood up again.

The color of the metal coating on the body is no longer so pure. In many places, the gray and black background of the metal itself can be seen, and the overall mottled appearance is difficult to describe, but no matter what... it is always a perfect mecha.

...Except for the leaky cockpit.

The technician operating the drone immediately controlled the drone to approach, and a vague figure could be seen moving in the blurry picture.


He held a black maintenance truck in one hand and activated the flamethrower with the other.

The repaired mecha stood up again. As soon as it stood up, it turned on its flamethrower to clear a large clean area around it.

Then the mecha strode forward towards the rear of the insect nest where all the mechas were broken.

One master and three guards all looked at him with cold eyes.

After sending all the mechas to the battlefield at the rear of the insect nest, Bai E didn't just slaughter low-level insects in the insect sea.

The unlucky mecha, which was the first to be bombarded by an Ultralisk in the sea of ​​worms and had its chest shattered, was repaired under his cover by two other servitors in the maintenance vehicle.

The eight-element alloy is hard and naturally difficult to forge.

However, the alloy used for repairs on the battlefield is just a temporary cap, which is naturally not as strong as the eight-element alloy.

But it doesn't really matter. Facing the master's sharp blade, even a body made of eight-element alloy is just a blow to crush his life.

As long as it can be used, there is not much difference for Bai E.

The mecha crossed the sea of ​​​​insects, and after arriving at the sea of ​​​​worms easily, in a calm open space, Bai E controlled the mecha and leaned over to put down the maintenance vehicle carried by the mecha's left arm.

The two servitors whose windshield in front of the maintenance vehicle had already been shattered shouted frantically to Bai E inside, "Come on, Captain Bai!"

"Damn it! I knew you would definitely return to the ranks of pilots! They can't do it without you!"

["Lucky Blow" charge +10. 】

Bai E smiled at the two fanatic believers and once again controlled the mecha to get up and move forward. (End of chapter)

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