Of course, the city's external operations are not always smooth sailing, because the lack of information makes it difficult to accurately assess the enemy's combat effectiveness. Many victory or defeat results can only be known after the battle.

There is no solution to the gap in strength, and the city's top officials will not fail to understand it.

But understanding is one thing, and policy treatment is another.

Not to mention that many senior officers in the military region had unshirkable responsibilities for this defeat.

The instability factor of Captain Bai is only when facing humans outside the city, he may make some choices that go against the interests of the city because of human justice, but when facing the Zerg, what problems can there be?

On such occasions, Captain Bai never had any problems. Even if he violated military orders, it was later proven that Captain Bai's choice was correct and had great merit.

The reason why Captain Bai is not willing to go into battle is purely because he hopes to see whether the direct descendants of the top military officials can firmly control the machine soul during Captain Bai's observation period.

This is the common opinion of many senior military officers, but Weislin is actually not willing to do so.

Bai E was a person he trained with his own hands, and he was regarded as a confidant. The direct descendants of other senior officers were all based on the senior officers' own petty thoughts, and there was no benefit to Weslin at all.

But how much say can a semi-empty marshal have? Even if senior military officers jointly expressed their opinions, he could only obey.

But when it comes to dividing the pot, he will definitely be indispensable.

Now that the battle was defeated, how could he, as the marshal of the military region, have no impact at all?

Weslin needs to consider the possibility of stepping down...

So how to find something beneficial to yourself amidst this negative impact is what needs to be considered most now.

As a key figure in this battle, Captain Bai's performance is remarkable.

His outstanding performance directly defeated the Overlord and even killed an insect nest guard. He must have had enough understanding of the insect nest.

Regardless of his grasp of the war situation or his strength, Bai E has already had the opportunity to step onto a bigger stage. Captain Bai's position will definitely be indispensable in the future military region.

This defeat has nothing to do with Captain Bai. It can even be said that Captain Bai single-handedly saved the entire army from defeat and minimized the losses in the military camp. After returning, no matter who is in charge of the situation, he will reuse this perfect leader. warrior.

If he could win over this rising star, he might be able to gain a little bit of capital for re-election.

"This time we are on the last step to attack the insect nest. One of the three insect nest guards was killed, and the Overlord retreated in embarrassment. As long as we are prepared next time, let Captain Bai be the vanguard, and we will destroy the insect nest. Hope is great!"

Listening to Weslin's words, all the officers had expressionless faces, except for a hint of disdain in their eyes.

It's all an afterthought.

If it weren't for suppressing Captain Bai and not allowing him to play immediately, the situation would be like this now?

However, the initiators of the suppression of Captain Bai were actually more officers here. Even if they clearly understood the core problem this time, they had nothing to say.

"If we want to continue to attack the insect nest next time, we must rebuild our organization. Recruiting from those civilians involves too much, so I propose to use the artificial human production line on a large scale to increase production."

It was a decent response, and through this battle, everyone could see it.

When the dominance is at its maximum, ordinary warriors are all used to deliver food.

In a place where lives are purely needed, using those civilians as cannon fodder is indeed a bit of a luxury.

Even civilians with no human rights can still have one or two friends, and pensions will always be paid after death. This is the foundation of urban conscription.

It is far better to use cheap and easy-to-use artificial humans to fill in the lines. After the death of a wave of insect nests, the military camp structure will be reduced.

Routine operations would probably have been carried out this way without Weslin's suggestion.

"However, the android troops have been scattered among various organizations in the military camp, and the ambiguous positions are always easy to cause disputes... So I decided to make Captain Bai Ebai the supreme commander of all the androids in the military camp. In the future, All the establishment of artificial humans will be coordinated by Captain Bai Ebai...oh no, it is Commander Bai. All other officers will only have temporary wartime command authority over the artificial humans after delineating responsibilities. When necessary, Commander Bai can cross-class command any grassroots soldier to cooperate with his actions!"

"Weslin!" An officer suddenly became furious.

Weslin glanced at the other party with a pair of slightly glowing eyes, "Huh?"

He had never been truly angry in the military camp. Maybe these officers really thought he was weak and could be bullied?

The officer who knew he had made a mistake instantly lowered his head, not daring to look directly into Weslin's eyes.

In fact, Weslin himself is a powerful psyker, but there is never any situation that requires him as a marshal to face threats personally.

"Marshal, are you a little hasty in your decision?" Another officer stood up and dissuaded him in a gentle tone.

At the same time, more officers showed unusual movements and seemed to be supporting them.

Weslin's decision undoubtedly placed a "deputy" marshal on everyone's head.

There are only about a thousand people in the military camp now, and many of them are artificial humans.

In the future expansion plan, the main expansion target is artificial humans, which is almost equivalent to saying that more than 90% of the future military camp may be composed of artificial human soldiers.

Besides the marshal... who else could be the person who could coordinate more than 90% of the military camp's establishment?

Weslin himself is the marshal, and of course he doesn't care if an artificial man threatens his position.

But what about others?

The military area is the place where most artificial people are used, and it is also the place where the attitude towards artificial people is the most intense. How can they accept it when an artificial person jumps up and stands on everyone's head to shit and urinate?

Even the moderates who have always supported giving reasonable treatment to artificial humans do not dare to show their support for Weslin at this moment.

They really hope that artificial humans can shine in some important positions, but they don't want to say that they are inferior to one person and superior to ten thousand people...

Except Carlos…

"I think what the marshal said is correct! Captain Bai's strength and achievements are obvious to all. I have no objection to letting him command all the androids!"

Weslin glanced at Carlos appreciatively, 'Young man, you have taken a broad road. ’

But maybe it’s narrow.

He knew that there was a high possibility that he would be stepped down, so he had to put all his treasure on Bai E, hoping that the city's top officials would value Captain Bai's strength enough and leave him the position of marshal.

If the city's top officials don't really value Captain Bai that much, then he still has to step down and return to the city to be a second-generation waste of the city owner waiting to die...

At this time, Carlos, who showed his support, would be in trouble.

But what does that have to do with myself?

He's not asking for everyone's opinion.

"Attention, everyone. The outcome of the current battle against the Zerg is inseparable from everyone here. We all know who insisted on suppressing Captain Bai to prevent him from playing, which led to the defeat of this battle."

Weslin's sharp gaze swept over every officer's face.

On weekdays, it’s okay to just do superficial things to keep everyone in a harmonious mood, but when it comes to the future, Weslin is not a coward who is willing to swallow his anger.

"I think everyone has seen the process of this battle and the performance of some fighters. I have no intention of settling the matter afterwards, but you should also pay a price."

There are countless systems involved behind so many officers. Even if they make mistakes, they will not all be replaced during the inventory after returning to the city.

But who should be replaced?

Weslin's words can actually determine the fate of many people.

And if you do something wrong, you should pay the price.

Balance is an elastic rope. The same amount of force is exerted when it is tightened, and it has to withstand the same amount of force when it rebounds.

They mistakenly placed their treasure on the direct descendants of high-ranking officials, only to be slapped in the face by reality. They should have expected to pay the price now.


There was silence.

Facing Weslin who was really serious, few of the senior officers who had done something wrong in the first place really dared to confront him head-on.

With a quick glance, Weslin confirmed with a serious face: "Since there is nothing to say, then this decision is officially passed and will take effect immediately!"

"Effective immediately!"

Bai E, who was piloting the mecha, suddenly heard a calm and powerful male voice coming from the mecha's voice channel, "Captain Bai, this is Weslin."

"Marshal! Say it."

"Your performance just now conquered every member of our military department, so we decided to officially appoint you as the general of the military department. From now on, any soldier born as an android will be under your jurisdiction. Only after When you are at your wits end, the artificial soldiers assigned responsibilities by you will be commanded by generals in their professional fields. Are you clear?"

Bai E was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect to hear such unexpected news. After a while, he suddenly replied: "... Got it!"

"Okay! Your appointment letter and shoulder straps are being made. We will hold an award ceremony for you as soon as you return to the camp!"


After the calm voice in the public voice was completely silent, a sigh sounded in the entire command car, and the atmosphere seemed a little strange for a moment.

An artificial human has climbed to this status in one day.

This was unexpected by everyone.

But for a warrior who showed such terrifying fighting prowess, it would seem a bit strange if he was never allowed to take the lead.

The reason why artificial humans could be suppressed at all costs in the past was because there was no "god of war" of this level among the artificial humans.

Now... maybe the layout of the military camp is really going to change.

The news that the army was defeated again and even reduced to a thousand people was spread throughout the city early in the morning.

When the army returned to camp, several vehicles from different organizations were already waiting at the door.

When Weslin got out of the car, the first thing he saw was a handsome but unkempt man with a beard.

The other person leaned against a car door and smiled gently at Weslin, like a friend he hadn't seen for many days.

"Sure enough, it's you..." Weslin walked over gently, and his voice suddenly turned cold as he leaned into the other person's ear, "Are you so eager to take my place?"

The man raised his eyebrows and smiled, "Under your 'wise' leadership, the military region suffered huge losses in the two battles against the Insect Hive. There must be someone with enough weight to shoulder such a huge loss, right? You said you would be your city lord." What's wrong with the second generation enjoying the pleasures in the city? If you have to come to the military camp to touch these swords, guns and cannons, do you think you are the material?"

"You are right..." Weslin nodded sincerely, "I hope you can get your wish."

A group of luxuriously dressed people who had been waiting in the conference room looked impatiently at the empty conference hall. An old man looked at a technician at the long table and asked softly: "Xiao Song, didn't you say that the person has returned? Where are the people?”

"He's back..." the technician replied immediately, and suddenly seemed to have received some news again, and replied instantly: "They said they had to go through an ordination ceremony first, and then they can come over."

When the old man heard this, he sneered, "The ordination ceremony? When does the ordination ceremony need to be held?"

On the huge school grounds, under the spotlight, Weslin looked at the thousands of defeated soldiers in front of him. His voice, amplified by psychic energy, spread to the entire audience.

"Everyone, we just evacuated from that terrible insect nest."

"Yes, we failed again."

"But our actions are not meaningless!"

"The invincible master has revealed its weak side in front of us. Through the joint efforts of all our warriors, we have found a way to definitely defeat it!"

"When we make a comeback, it will be the final stage to destroy the insect nest!"

"And here I first need to apologize to a great warrior."

"It was because I was not strong-willed enough and failed to insist on letting him play as the main battle force for the first time. I only insisted on letting him play when we were defeated afterwards, so that the entire unit suffered such heavy losses!"

"And I think every soldier present should know about this legendary warrior! He should also know about it!"

"He is our invincible General Bai E! It was he who single-handedly fought against the Zerg behemoth and bought enough space and time for the evacuation of our remaining establishment!"

"I also believe that during another expedition to the insect nest in the future, Admiral Bai E will lead us to completely defeat the huge threat on the side of the city!"

"From now on! General Bai E will become the highest commander in charge of all the android soldiers in our military region!"

"Now, please invite General Bai E to come up to the stage and confer honors!"

The decadent-looking man who followed closely behind stood in a dark place where the light could not reach, looking at the familiar figure under the spotlight with some curiosity in his eyes——

'Is Weslin crazy? ’

You knew you were going to step down, so you started acting randomly?

He had heard of Bai E's reputation, but what if he was just a thug who could communicate with machine spirits?

Can he prevent his own downfall by canonizing an insignificant general?

His front hand is sealed, but his back hand is closed, isn't it still useless?

"Crazy." The man's lips curved into a contemptuous smile. (End of chapter)

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