Faced with the belated arrival of Weislin and other military camp officers, people from all walks of life who had been waiting for a while looked unhappy. One of the old men even said bluntly: "We are going to step down soon. What are you doing?" What kind of investiture ceremony?”

The officials of the previous dynasty were all targets of the later dynasty.

Unless there is a grudge...but if there is a grudge, there is no need to avenge it now, right?

Weslin glanced at the old man who was speaking, and without saying a word, he just stepped steadily onto the high platform at the front of the conference room with his metal boots.

As long as the order to resign is not issued for a moment, he will still be the marshal of the military region.

"Does Marshal Weslin have anything to say about the failure of this battle?" Another energetic old man sitting next to him asked in a deep and expressionless voice.

This is his father's person.

Weslin glanced at the other party and knew the other party's intention. He was afraid that he would not know the situation he might face next, so he reminded himself that he needed to come up with something that would benefit him.

"As the military marshal, I cannot absolve myself of the blame for the failure of the operation against the insect nest in the Black Rock District. It was because we misestimated the combat capabilities of the target insect nest and made the wrong deployment of personnel. Although in the end We made timely changes at the critical moment and saved the entire army from being wiped out, but it still caused a considerable loss to the strength of the military region! This is a mistake of our overall command and has nothing to do with the soldiers at the grassroots level!"


The old men on the sidelines looked at Weslin a little strangely.

What do these words of his mean?

At this critical moment, I don’t want to throw the blame away, but I am eager to bear all the responsibility on myself, just like I am trying to please those soldiers at the grassroots level...

By the way, I heard that I just gave a big-headed soldier the title of General of the Military Region. Did he go crazy because he knew his future fate?

The old man under the city lord couldn't see that Weslin was so messed up, and took the initiative to try to find evidence, "Currently we only have the rough loss report of your expedition, and the specific details are not clear. There is an overall video of this expedition, I wonder if I can release it for everyone to take a look? After all, that insect nest is not only the enemy of the military region, but also the enemy of our entire Blackwater City. The decision to capture that insect nest was made by the entire city together. .”

"But the timing of the attack and the specific combat organization arrangements are decided by the military region itself!" The old man who made the sarcasm at first must pin the blame on Weslin.

"Let's take a look and talk." Another old man wearing a weird purple windbreaker said lightly.

The trench coat and robes filled with the mysterious aura of psykers reveal the origin of the speaker - the psyker management center.

The core decision-making level of the city is composed of spokesmen selected by various agencies in the city. However, those spokesmen naturally do not run around. The spokesmen also have their own spokesmen to form a small council of elders to judge some matters that are not that important but are important. A matter of considerable weight.

For example, right now...the appointment and replacement of a military region marshal.

"Yes!" The technician who received the order began to selectively cut and play the videos recorded from many angles and time periods during the battle.

Facing a large-scale insect sea composed of low-level bugs and some elite bugs, the human mechanized troops marched forward triumphantly.

Naturally, there aren't many problems with this fairly standard tactic including progress.

No one can find fault with this.

It's just that the sandworms that keep emerging from the ground in the middle and rear have a big impact on the military formation in the middle and rear, causing the advancement speed to be less than ideal, which is a bit worrying.

But this is not a crime of war.

"In the future, we need to ask the Research Institute to pay attention to preventing or cracking down on the underground."

"The defense is okay. We can arrange defense and monitoring facilities underground in advance, and take the initiative to fight on other people's territory. To this extent, it is already considered very good."

There are also many people who come from various institutions in the city who really want to learn lessons from this battle and work hard to completely eradicate the insect nest in the future.

They watched everything on the white curtain attentively. The footage recorded on the battlefield couldn't stop shaking, but it also made people more worried.

The appearance of seven thunder beasts made everyone present tense up instantly.

The emergence of this strategic behemoth often represents a turning point in the battle.

Even people from the city who have never participated in this battle know that the moment the Thunder Beast appears is the time when the real challenge of this expedition begins.

The mechas are dispatched!

However, half of them were blocked by the low-level insect sea...

"The level is too bad..."

"The selection requirements for the mecha company are not strict enough."

If all the pilots are blocked by the sea of ​​​​insects, it may be because the mechas are not powerful enough to break through the sea of ​​​​insects. However, there are obviously many mechas that can break through the sea of ​​​​insects. What will happen to the remaining pilots who have not broken through? explain?

No excuse other than "dish".

Relaxing the selection criteria and allowing these unskilled pilots to fly the Titan-class armed mechas that cost a lot of money to create, but did not play their intended role, was undoubtedly a waste of resources.

No one can escape any point involved in the entire process of pilot selection and training!

Many observers silently made notes and continued watching.

The bombardment of the Thunder Beasts caused a lot of damage to the army, but the speed at which the mecha company, which had high hopes, cleared these giant beasts was pitiful.

Only when one mecha after another was sent out of the sea of ​​low-level insects by a black maintenance vehicle, did the situation change slightly.

Looking at the ordinary black maintenance truck in the picture, many observers began to have doubts in their eyes.

What is this?

The road that the mecha couldn't break was opened by a maintenance vehicle?

The crane on the maintenance truck can be seen clearly. What new black technology is this from the scientific research institute?

Looking across the conference hall that was silent due to watching the video, all the observers temporarily suppressed their thoughts of asking Weslin questions, but were curious about another thing——

"Why not let the pilots from the Mechanical Tribunal fight?"

When reviewing, you naturally have to look for all the details that can be optimized in the entire process in order to do better next time.

No matter who is in power, the Hive is an enemy of mankind and a target that must be destroyed.

The Thunder Beasts have caused such serious losses to the human army. Let the pilots of the Mechanical Tribunal take action earlier. Can these Thunder Beasts jump like this?

Someone borrowed it but doesn’t know how to use it! Waste among waste!

Fortunately, the Thunder Beast had almost no means of resistance against the mechas approaching behind it. The only three hive guards were entangled by the mechas driven by a larger number of elite pilots, and those ordinary pilots were able to Killed seven thunder beasts far away from the main battlefield without any pressure.

"The loss is too great..."

"At least half of the people here are dead."

"Thunder Beast is really terrifying!"

A thick-skinned ultra-long-range firepower cannon.

The blow they can cause when they appear collectively is too terrifying, and it takes elite pilots to attack and behead them in order to control the harm of this giant beast to the human army.

In the final analysis, the selection criteria for the mecha company were not strict enough.

Not to mention the level of pilots in the Mechanical Tribunal, even with the level of the W0721 pilot, the losses would not be so great.

They are all pilots from the military camp. How can the gap be so big?

After this battle, if nothing else, the mecha company organization must be completely reshuffled!

The video continues to play regardless of human will.

When the thunder beasts were extinct, the master quietly appeared.

A shock wave that could not be expressed in the video instantly radiated across the entire field, and all the warriors suddenly froze in place as if they were under a immobilizing spell.

This scene has already been shown during the last expedition against the Zerg, and it is not surprising at this moment.

But what everyone didn't expect was that the low-level bugs that were also unable to move in the dominant spiritual field last time seemed to be unaffected this time and started to attack the sluggish flesh and blood bodies. sharp claws.

The "crunching" sound echoed throughout the conference hall through the video, making people feel creepy as if it was eating everyone's minds.

"Bugs can move!"

"The master's psychic domain can only take effect on the enemy!"

Everyone who saw this scene instantly felt a chill in their hearts.

This completely different scene from the last encounter instantly made everyone feel confused.

While most of our own army was unable to move, the enemy's insect sea was not affected at all.

How to fight this battle?

Putting them in the shoes of those officers, they were confused.

The more I take it in, the more panic I get.

Just being beaten, any tactics or strategies are empty talk.

"Only by killing the master, and as soon as possible, can this situation be ended."

"Don't they have the support of the Mechanical Court? It's time to take action."

He did take action.

The attack launched against the insect nest guards was fierce and dazzling, and it showed a completely different level from the pilots in the military camp.

"As expected of a member of the Mechanical Court, this smoothness seems much more comfortable."

"If someone with a mechanical court takes action, this master should be able to win, right? How could he be defeated in the end?"

So the three mechas of the Mechanical Tribunal were directly chopped down by the master with one knife...




Watching the colorful fragments flying all over the screen, the expressions of all the observers in the room were absolutely dull.

what happens?

Is this the mechanical court pilot that everyone has high hopes for?

You know, the pilots of the Mechanical Tribunal are the highest-level combatants in their city.

Psyker management centers, which are also high-end combat organizations, including psyker organizations such as the Heretic Arbitration Institute, are powerful, but in the face of giant individuals like the Overlord, no matter how powerful an individual's psychic power is, it is difficult to create enough blow.

Even if it can cause damage, it will definitely require the cooperation of a large number of high-level psykers.

Throwing all the rare high-level psychics in the city onto such a battlefield and using them as consumables, the city has not yet had the luxury to do so.

Even if the insect nest can be successfully annihilated, the large number of psychics lost will inevitably be weak in other aspects. If the demons take advantage of the situation and invade, the fate of the city will be unimaginable.

Neither can the people from the Mechanical Court!

The scene fell into absolute silence for a moment.

Many observers present began to sympathize with the senior military officers participating in the war, especially Weslin...

With such a disparity in strength, it was a blessing among misfortunes to be able to save thousands of soldiers to ensure the basic establishment.

However, after returning from defeat, he still has to face his trial...

"The master's strength is so strong, won't we be able to clean out this insect nest in our lifetime?"

The destruction of three Mechanical Tribunal mechas is not something that is unacceptable to the city. What is really difficult for them to accept is the real strength that the Mechanical Tribunal mechas can't even come out to dominate in an instant.

What does a flash kill count as a sign of strength? Not being able to see the upper limit of dominance will only plunge them into endless speculation.

Many observers began to ponder secretly, secretly worrying about the future fate of the city.

With such a powerful enemy right next to them, how can they sleep peacefully?

Following the military personnel, he walked into the venue. The bearded man who was just leaning against the door was holding his chin at the moment. He stared at the master who showed an absolutely invincible posture on the screen with a pair of sharp eyes and began to think about what he would do in the future. How to kill this incomparable beast.

After all, even if he takes over the military district, the enemy of the Black Rock District Insect Hive is the biggest threat he is destined to face.

'what to do? ’

This thought arises in everyone's mind.

A calm voice suddenly sounded from the external speakers in the conference hall——

"This is Bai'e, I request to attack in mecha form!"

Bai E?

What a familiar name.

"Permission to attack!"

A man's voice from an unknown source suddenly rose up.

So in the picture captured by the drone, a broken mecha that had fallen to the ground stood up again.

Crossing the sea of ​​​​insects all the way, I picked up the fragments of the epaulette that originally belonged to W0721.

Looking at the blue and white mecha standing alone on the earth, the memories of countless people were instantly activated.

"It's Bai E!"

"It's Captain Bai!"

"Isn't he hidden because he loses control easily?"

"You're right...but we still chose to take him with us." Until this moment, Weslin spoke for the first time after the video was played.

"The master of the Mechanical Tribunal can't defeat him, so what's the use of him?"

"Yeah...he's the only one left, so what?"

The combat effectiveness shown by Captain Bai when he wiped out the omnic army has been verified in detail by the Mechanical Tribunal. It is believed that it is probably the combat effectiveness that three or four groups of elite pilots from the Mechanical Tribunal can show together.

So the same three groups of elite pilots of the Mechanical Tribunal were all instantly killed by a sword. Is it possible that he alone can withstand the master's blade?

"Clang clang clang clang!"

The sound of the two swords and four bone blades clashing together.

Looking at the blue-and-white mecha in the video fighting four Zerg behemoths, everyone's brains stopped functioning... (End of this chapter)

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