Under the unexpected turn of events, no one could offer any other opinions.

Replace the marshal?

Under the leadership of Marshal Weislin, the military region successfully cultivated an outstanding strategic force like General Baie, and even showed enough strength to complete the establishment of diplomatic relations with the elves.

This level of performance cannot be said to be bad in any way. It is naturally difficult to say anything about the operation of replacing the marshal.

The old man and the decadent man leaning at the door looked at each other with some regret in their eyes.

I never expected that this idea would be strangled in the cradle before it was even proposed.

There was not much discouragement in the eyes of the decadent man. Instead, he looked at the silent figure on the stage with interest in his eyes.

Bai E...it's a bit interesting.

The review of the war ended in an unexpected way, and with Bai'e's final performance, everyone has full confidence in the next expedition to the insect nest.

As a newly consecrated general, when the subsequent development strategies of the military camp were discussed, Bai E listened to the whole process even if he did not express any opinions.

Basically, it was some general ideas that Weslin and the senior officers in the military camp said on the way back.

The recruitment of natural persons can be slowed down to serve as the main reserve of grass-roots officers in the future.

As the main cannon fodder, artificial humans can break through the usual production speed and accelerate the explosion of troops.

Afterwards, the training of the mecha company and the selection of full-time pilots were all decided by Bai E.

After participating in the decision-making of these matters, Bai E followed Helen's request and came to her research room alone.

"Sit down." Helen said without looking back when she heard the movement at the door.

There was a tablet placed in front of her. Judging from the sound coming out, it was a video of herself fighting against the Overlord and three insect nest guards on the battlefield.

After watching the video again, Helen turned around, took off the gold-rimmed glasses on her face, and looked at Bai E with a smile on her lips, "Do you want to explain?"

While the review meeting was opening in the military camp, all the key videos related to this battle had been sent to the hands of every city high-level official.

Even the machine soul couldn't explain Bai E's exaggerated performance this time.

It is not that there are no existences in the city that can communicate with machine spirits, but if they only rely on machine spirits, even the two experienced old men cannot achieve the same results as Bai E if they work together.

If you still use the machine soul to forcefully explain everything... then you are really rubbing everyone's IQ to the ground.

With Bai E's current strength, he will naturally not be subjected to harsh research such as slicing, and no one will dare to forcibly interrogate him.

But if Helen, who is in charge of research, can't come up with a reason that convinces everyone, it will be difficult for her.

"Explanation?" Bai E stretched out his hand, and a dark spiritual light gathered from his hand. For the first time, the undisguised spiritual energy fluctuations were displayed in front of someone who was not his own person. "Is this an explanation?"

From the psychic senses, one can clearly "see" that the psychic energy belonging to Bai E is blooming wantonly.

Like a blooming lotus composed purely of spiritual energy, it is constantly dimming and dying in the void.

"Psychic...psychic energy!" Helen lost her composure for the first time.

Her red lips opened in surprise, feeling completely unbelievable at the scene in front of her.

"How can it be!"

"How can it be?"

How is it possible for an artificial human to have psychic powers?

Even though she knew that Bai E definitely had some trump cards that she didn't understand...it might be expertise that had been trained to the extreme, it might be a gift inherited from some ancient ruins, or even if it was a deal with the devil, Helen never imagined that it would be Psionics.

The artificial human production cabin is something she has spent a lot of time studying in depth, so she knows better than anyone else the absolute nature of the genetic prohibition.

Not to mention that Bai E's spiritual energy was so powerful that the blooming spiritual flower even made him feel heavy pressure.

She is indeed not a powerful psyker who majors in psionic powers, but her talent is pretty good. Even through natural growth and the tilt of city resources, she is now at the second level of psionic strength.

But looking at the psychic lotus, she still felt an oppressive feeling.

"When did it happen!" Helen suddenly narrowed her eyes and stared at Bai E closely.

"Probably...after the first injection of genetic optimization fluid."

"Gene Optimization Fluid?" Helen muttered to herself.

Does genetic optimization solution still have this effect?


The quantity of genetic optimization fluid is not large, and it is not luxurious enough to be used for experiments.

The number of artificial humans injected with genetic optimization fluid in the past was too rare, and this was Bai E's first case.

As for normal natural people...

There are cases where people with psychic talents have their talents improved after being injected with genetic optimization fluid.

But from scratch, there has never been a case.

Even among natural people, it was the first time that Bai E had awakened his psychic talent after gazing at the genetic optimization fluid.

Of course, it is also possible that there are not enough cases. After all, the use of genetic optimization fluids in cities to improve human genetic potential only started in the past few decades. At the beginning, the output was limited because there was not enough sampling anyway.

"But your psychic strength... is a bit too strong." Helen looked obsessed, a little intoxicated. "When did it start to increase significantly?"

Of course, Bai'e's powerful spiritual energy could not have been developed slowly through daily practice, and neither were the extremely talented arbitration office executives.

There must have been a sudden boost that instantly raised his psychic level.

Bai E's eyes were faint, as if he was reminiscing, "Probably, after every battle. In fact, I wasn't sure what this feeling was at first. Only recently did I know that this is psychic energy."

After every war?

The warriors' remnant souls with strong fighting spirit found an individual who could be poured into it, and their remaining obsessions were blessed in the same person in the form of spiritual energy.

This kind of miracle, which in legend can only happen to a very small number of people with the destiny of a king, can actually happen to this artificial man?

Helen stared at Bai E, and for a moment it was difficult to see Bai E's true thoughts from the other person's not very alert eyes.

This guy has always maintained the honest and honest appearance of an android, but his strength and judgment of the situation are so accurate that he always feels like he has been deceived by what he said.

real? Fake?

There is no way to figure it out.

But since the other party said so, I can only believe it now.

"But you haven't gone through any spiritual training."

"While operating the mecha, I seemed to hear a strange voice teaching me how to use it..."


‘Machine soul? ! ’

Damn it!

Helen, who advocates science, feels helpless about this thing.

The machine soul is a completely unfamiliar existence to her.

Although the two old men in the Mechanical Tribunal were willing to cooperate with his research, they couldn't come up with a few words of useful information because they were so chatty.

Helen's understanding of machine spirits has always been quite one-sided.

But isn't this guy lying to me again?

Helen squinted her eyes like willow leaves, a little suspicious, "You mean the machine soul is teaching you how to use psychic powers?"

"Rather than teaching, it's better to actively absorb it, and then turn it into another kind of 'energy' that I can't understand, and act on the mecha."

‘Mechanical power! ’

There was a thump in her heart, and Helen already had some faith in Bai E's words.

With Bai E's status level, he should not be able to access the true core capabilities of omnics.

He could feel this similar effect, maybe it was actually happening to him.

The machine soul actively absorbed the huge spiritual energy in his body, and turned it into a mechanical power bonus suitable for the machine, so that it exerted a strength that exceeded the theoretical limit of the machine... This is a really suitable answer.

But is this an answer, or an excuse?

Helen was naturally suspicious of the current Bai E.

But the suspicion is limited to the bottom of my heart. Even if Bai E really hides something, what can I do now except "believe" in him?

Helen nodded and recorded the information she had just obtained. At the same time, she said, "Since you already have psychic powers, you must not let your psychic talents go to waste. Such powerful psychic powers can only be achieved with the help of machine souls." Passive use is too wasteful, and the city should send people to teach you some ways to use psychic powers in the future."

"Understood." Bai E nodded in agreement.

While Helen was registering, she asked softly, "What are your subsequent plans and requirements?"

"I would like to have the opportunity to take a look at our artificial human production line..." Bai Ewei lowered his head, seemingly making this request unintentionally.

Although the production cabins of those artificial humans are in military camps, their ownership is actually firmly controlled by the scientific research institute.

Except when it was first born, it would be extremely difficult to go back and take a look.

Even as a general who currently commands the entire artificial human establishment, he cannot even take a step into it before getting permission from the Research Institute.

Bai E wanted to go in and have a look, but he didn't have much other thoughts. He just wanted to see if he could kill one of them.

When I was born, my mind was in chaos. I didn't even have a chance to see if this thing fell under the jurisdiction of Lucky Strike, let alone what good things I could get if I exploded this thing.

Helen's beautiful eyebrows raised slightly, "Do you want to see those things?"

"Yeah." Bai E said bluntly, "I want to see what the thing we created looks like."

"..." After pondering for a moment, Helen nodded, "Okay, I'll say hello to them later."

"Swish, swish, swish~" Helen, who quickly wrote something on the paper in front of her with a marker, raised her head again, "If nothing happens, you can go back first. I have to wait with those waiting here. I'll hand it over to the person who finished the result, and besides..."

Helen's eyes stared into Bai E's eyes, her eyes captivating, "Finally, is there anything you want to say to me?"

"Yes." Bai E insisted, "War knife."

After the battle, the mechas are sent to the hangar to be inspected by the servitors. This is an inevitable process.

Even if it is a mecha that has given birth to its own machine soul, it still needs to be repaired and repaired by external objects and carefully cared for.

The tattered mecha can be incomparably powerful with the temporary bonus of the machine soul, but the machine soul cannot always output maximum power.

Logistics maintenance and supplies will always be absolutely indispensable in wars of this era.

This is the regulation.

Therefore, the abnormality on the alloy sword that finally killed the insect nest guard must not escape the inspection of those servitors.

That knife...has been permanently enchanted.

Helen smiled and raised the tablet that was originally placed on the table to Bai E's eyes, "Are you talking about these two?"

In the picture, it was when Bai E drew the line with his final knife.

The two swords are closest to the drone, and the details on the swords are clearly visible through the restoration process - there is not even a scratch on the surface of the swords after endless slashing.

Research is not just about people. Helen, who has researched this video many times, will certainly not miss any detail.

"Don't worry, both knives and your body are now in the hands of our people." Helen suddenly winked her right eye playfully, "I said, I will help you cover, you can trust me completely."

"..." Bai E was silent for two seconds before speaking softly: "What I mean is that the sword that finally killed an insect nest guard was permanently modified by the machine soul, and it was the same as the master's biological blade. The power used is almost the same, maybe you can get some inspiration from it and innovate the weapons and equipment of the current military camp."

"..." Helen, who felt that her charming eyes were blinded, nodded slightly awkwardly, "Is that so..."

"If there's nothing else, I won't disturb Academician Helen."

Looking at the back of Bai E who was moving away meticulously, Helen pressed her forehead with a hand in slight distress, her red lips slightly opened, and sighed, "Why do I feel like he still doesn't believe me..."

Bai E, who had just gone out, saw a figure he had just met waiting in the darkness in the corner of the building.

That decadent, unshaven man who seemed to have a bit of a feud with Weslin.

Seeing Baie appear, the man quietly walked out from the corner, stretched out a hand, and said with a smile on his face, "Admiral Baie, let me meet you. My name is Caesar, and I come from the Psyker Management Center."

‘Psyker Management Center? ’

The woman who took Killoran and Murphy away came from this place.

Bai E stretched out his hand and shook it briefly, with a look of pure confusion on his face, "You are looking for me..."

"I once heard about you from the mouths of two little guys. They said they have always missed you. I hope you can visit them when you are free."

Bai E frowned slightly and asked in confusion: "Which two little guys?"

"Killolan, and Murphy."

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