Wow! The explosion rate is really high

Chapter 463 Exploded again?

"I understand, sir." Bai E nodded and left politely.

Are those two children truly trusting? Or had he just heard his name from those two children before, and now he used it as a reason to get close.

I was also present when the other party first came into contact with Weslin, but at that time the other party did not show any kindness at all when he heard the name.

This kind of "goodwill" was only shown after now knowing more information.

Is there real goodwill behind this kindness, or is it just out of interest?

Bai E was not interested in communicating with him in depth. What Helen promised him was more important.

You can go see your own production cabin!

There was a faint breeze as I walked toward the underground production hall.

Helen's work efficiency is quite reliable, and the greetings she said she wanted to say have already been arranged. The moment she saw Bai E, a dark and thin old man in charge of the underground production hall drew his hand, "Admiral Bai E." , please come in!”

To access the underground production hall, you need to pass through many checkpoints, each of which is heavily guarded. The thick steel walls present a reliable texture, and even the bombardment of clusters of heavy artillery may not be able to break through the defenses in a short time.

And the moment he entered the hall, Bai E felt that his spiritual energy was stagnant for a moment.

The level of activity has also been greatly reduced.

Not only those omnics that have inherited some of the human technology of the Golden Age have methods to deal with psykers, humans themselves also have their own methods on how to guard against psykers.

After passing several barriers, Bai E came to the area where the underground production line was actually located.

The empty hall stretches as far as the eye can see. Production cabins that look like single beds are displayed in rows in the hall.

Dozens of pipes extend from the ground, linking from the head iron shell of the production cabin to the top of the production cabin.

Green light diffused from the transparent hatch cover on the surface of the production cabin. After Bai E got closer, he saw through the green light the dormant individuals sleeping inside.

This is a batch of artificial humans that are almost ready to take shape. Chi Guo's body is soaked in a green-looking solution, his eyes are closed, calm and peaceful.

Where souls come from, no one knows.

But these artificial humans, who came out of the production cabin for a while, seemed to be able to have their own thoughts soon.

Even Bai E, who has personally experienced this process, finds this process quite amazing.

But right now, Bai E has no time to study these ultimate cosmic problems.

Looking at the production cabin in front of him, Bai E's eyes only fell on the line of small words floating on it that only he could see——

[Artificial Human Production Cabin (Neutral) - Use "Lucky Strike" to destroy it and it will drop: Definitely (Integrated Central Control Chip*50, Scientific Research Experience 1000 Points); High probability (Technology: Artificial Human Intelligent Production Line); Possibly (Learning : genetic modification). 】

There are not many things that can be exploded, and it seems simple and clear.

But what it can provide is exactly what it needs at the moment.

All these things are the foundation for the current footing of the city. I don’t say how proficient I am, but in my own hands, at least I have the capital to say “no” to the city’s main body in the future.

Not to mention that with all this technology and knowledge, the forces developed by themselves will eventually have enough qualifications to challenge the city.

Looking around, no one was looking over here.

Those people seemed to have received Helen's order and were very relieved about their arrival, allowing them to move around and check as they pleased.

Moreover, his "eye of the sky" spiritual energy, which although suppressed but still effective at low efficiency, also covers a certain space around him all the time.

Even if the behavior is observed by a camera outside the range, it will be perceived by one's own spiritual energy.

As long as there is no special camera with psychic effects, Bai E will know clearly whether he is under surveillance or not.

But right now, of course there is none.

Just looking down at the dormant human body that was sleeping and almost taking shape in the production cabin in front of him, Bai E hesitated for a moment and then walked away.

There are so many production cabins, there is no need to kill a "newborn" that is almost ready to take shape.

After leaving a certain distance from the initial production cabin and looking at the almost empty green solution in the cabin, Bai E decided on his target.

You are the one!


In order to make his behavior a little more credible, Bai E deliberately put his body very close to it, making it look like he was attracted by the machine and wanted to get a closer look.


The moment the machine exploded, the green solution hit Bai E's face.

Gooey and a little sweet…

[Get dropped items: Integrated central control chip*50, scientific research experience 1000 points, technology: artificial human intelligent production line, knowledge: genetic modification. 】

Get it all!

Wiping away the thick liquid on his face, Bai E turned his head and saw a large group of white coats and armed soldiers running over quickly, attracted by the explosion.

Bai E stood there with his hands hanging down, trying to appear as harmless as possible.


The person in charge of the underground production cabin looked at the mechanical debris on the floor and the green solution that even splashed onto the wall of the production cabin next door. The first thing that was visible in his little eyes was anger, but it turned around after it fell on Bai E. It became helpless.

This was the person who Academician Helen specially told him to let in. He even specifically told him to look at them as he pleased and told them not to follow.

You must know that in the past, even if senior personnel from other departments wanted to inspect this underground production hall, they would send people to follow them throughout the process.

On the one hand, it is to monitor and fear that the other party will accidentally damage these precious machines. On the other hand, it is to popularize science and introduce some simple common sense about the artificial human production cabin.

Therefore, even if one or two machines are damaged by the target that Academician Helen has specially instructed, what to do with it must be reported to Academician Helen before she can make a decision. She is not qualified to punish him in any way.

At most, you can only ask him out "respectfully".

The dark and thin person in charge stood behind the gradually closing alloy door, looking at the departing figure with a look of pain on his face.

At this moment, he suddenly remembered a "gossip" that was only circulated among a few people -

"Dogs and white dogs are not allowed in!"

Don't get close to Bai'er, you will become unlucky.

Although anything with electricity has a chance of exploding, why does it happen that Bai E explodes as soon as he gets close to it?

I heard that the overturned maintenance bay in the hangar has not yet fully restored its proper maintenance functions...

"Mad! I encountered a ghost!"

Just after reporting her new breakthrough on Bai E to the so-called "big guys" in the city who were waiting for the results, Helen received news about Bai E's achievements from her subordinates——

Successfully blasted a production cabin!

Helen's lips curled up slightly, she shook her head helplessly and smiled, "I'm really impatient..."

Having just given him permission to visit, he turned around and went to implement the action.

Helen had long had doubts about Bai E's "characteristics" of touching things and blowing them up.

Since she decided to study Bai E, no information she knew about Bai E could escape her calculations.

Pasting machine, food production workshop, hangar maintenance bay... and now the artificial human production cabin.

Even... the gun target that Bai E smashed with a real gun when he was an android recruit at the beginning.

As long as there is purpose and action, traces will inevitably be left.

All these things that Bai E comes into contact with will end up being shattered into pieces without exception.

Is it a coincidence?

Or act with purpose?

Helen had only had a skeptical attitude towards Bai E's behavior before, but only this time, when she specifically ordered everyone to avoid observation and turn off all surveillance cameras, could she really confirm it. Bai E needs to gain something from these actions.

What could it be?


Is he studying the nature of these things?

From the gun target... Of course, I can't be sure about this little thing. There is not even a record on the record, let alone the time difference between the following times.

To the paste machine, the food production workshop, to the hangar and now the artificial human production cabin.

Food, machine repair, android creation, and decryption?

A clear line of logic formed in Helen's brain.

Can he understand it through research?

"Teacher?" came the apprentice's question.

Helen nodded and stood up. The black silk jade leg that was originally resting on the other leg was hidden under the loose robe, and she walked towards the underground production hall where the incident took place.

Arriving at the scene, Helen nodded and murmured to herself: "Sure enough..."

It was shattered again.

Although destroying something and then reassembling it is indeed the fastest way to learn the structure of something.

But what kind of research requires directly destroying these things into the form of raw materials?

Even the structure no longer exists. Are we planning to start studying it from molecules?

The person in charge of the production hall handed over a tablet from one side, which recorded pictures of the scene immediately after the incident and the narrations of bystanders.

Including Bai E who was covered in green solution...

After a quick glance up and down, a faint purple light flashed through Helen's eyes.

What exactly did he get after doing these actions, and what changes he was able to make... I'm really curious.

Turning around and leaving, Helen gave the order in a cold voice, "Clean up the scene and ask the logistics department to build another one. This matter does not need to be recorded. I will handle it."


Since coming back, he has been busy with various things. Bai E, who only slept for two or three hours on the eve of dawn, got up and ran straight out of the city.

Since I was locked up because of the risk of "losing control", I haven't been to the Black Street site for a long time to see how the players and residents have developed this place.

Bai E believes that the image he has established in the hearts of players from the beginning until today will prevent them from giving up easily, but these chaotic guys always need guidance from time to time, otherwise who knows whether they will suddenly have a nuclear bomb in their hands. The idea of ​​cities blowing up to the sky?

Although there is a high probability that this outrageous idea will not succeed in the end.

After successfully becoming the general of the military region, even without the token that allows him to leave the camp at any time, no guards will block Bai E's entry and exit, and he doesn't even need to say hello.

Wherever you go, you are greeted with only admiring looks.

["Lucky Blow" charge +1. 】

["Lucky Blow" charge +1. 】

["Lucky Blow" charge +1. 】


Bai E, who just walked around the military camp, received numerous skill charging prompts.

This prompt finally stopped until the maximum charge limit of 50 points that could be obtained through the same behavior in a short period of time was reached.


So after your status reaches a certain level, you can already rely on your face to increase your favorability, right?

No! In fact, it is still strength.

He has used his strength to climb from an ordinary soldier to his current position step by step, full of fantasy-inducing yearning.

An officer who was born into such a high position would not receive such equal treatment.

Bai E cursed slightly in his heart. Compared to the time when he was born, this way of earning energy is so much easier and more enjoyable now.

If you can get 50 points of charge into your account just by walking around the military camp every day, then the days when your guns will come with a "lucky hit" won't be too long away.

Black streets outside the city.

There was a lot of prosperity.

In this land that I haven't visited in a long time, the old houses and dilapidated roads have obviously been renovated.

Today is the weekend, and everyone in sight is lazily sitting in groups, chatting and farting in conspicuous places, or looking for a place to bask in the sun alone where it can be directly exposed to the sun.

It is already winter. Although the small temperature difference has no effect on Bai'e today, for these ordinary people, it is best for them to bask in the warm winter sun. enjoyed it.

Bearing in mind that the doctor from Gray Iron City was always coveting the black street, Bai E paid special attention to the situation around the black street. The spiritual power of the "eye of the sky" was always radiating around him, trying hard to find any suspicious person. Clues.

He did tell Yue Ying that he wanted her to help look after the Black Street while he was in solitary confinement, but ever since he asked Yue Ying to help look after the Black Street, the two of them have never been alone together until now. There was no chance, so naturally she didn’t have time to talk about whether she encountered any special changes when she was looking after the underworld.



There was peace.

Today's underworld seems like a real paradise, without any disputes or hidden dangers.

An active figure with mechanical prosthetics on his body bounced past him. For a moment, Bai E even had the illusion that he was playing a cyberpunk game.

'Um? Are all these players rich? All equipped with mechanical prosthetics? ’

This doubt flashed through my mind. In the distance of my sight, a tall and burly figure sitting on the steps looking into the distance suddenly appeared...

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