Seeing that all the developments in the underworld were on the right track, and that the threat to the underworld that the doctor had been worried about before was completely eliminated, Bai E returned to the military camp with peace of mind.

And found Yueying secretly.

Yueying was sitting in a familiar corner meditating boredly, as if waiting for Bai E's arrival.

Feeling someone approaching, Yueying's meditating movements were not affected at all.

While meditating here, no one could see her except Bai E.

"Did you encounter a demon when I entrusted you with help last time?" Bai E got straight to the point and stated his purpose.

Yueying gently opened her eyes and glanced at Bai E, "Yes, a believer in conspiracy."

After a moment of silence, Yueying spoke again, "There's something wrong with your territory."

"?" Bai E looked puzzled, staring at Yueying with confusion, "What's wrong?"

"Devil." Yueying insisted, "In the Black Street area, there have been too many incidents of demon blessing."

"So?" Bai E was still puzzled.

Demons are pervasive, and wherever twisted desires exist, demons are likely to appear.

And because of the harsh environment and the changeable nature of people's hearts, it is normal for humans to have their own desires. Suffering breeds evil, so it is easy to attract demons. Isn't this a logical thing?

This is the world anyway. What else can we do but adapt?

Baie never doubted the rationality behind it.

Yueying frowned lightly, "Haven't you ever thought about how the local people would live a normal life if other places were like your territory, with a demon-blessed believer appearing every few days who was far more powerful than ordinary people? Go down?"

I'm afraid there is no other way besides joining the devil's camp together, right?

"Are there executives from the Arbitration Institute dealing with demon-related incidents?" Due to his limited knowledge, Bai E did not fully understand the layout of the entire city.

"Too few." Yueying shook his head slightly, "The number of psychically gifted people among you humans is too low compared to the overall population. It is impossible for them to perfectly guard every hidden corner."

Moreover, humans do not have the resources to train everyone who is not gifted with psychic powers into a being with psychic powers like the elves do.

Under this premise, the demon believers blooming everywhere can easily infiltrate the city into a sieve.

This world should have been a paradise for demons long ago, instead of a real universe where humans are still the main will.

Yueying continued to speak, spreading some basic common sense to Bai Er, "In fact, even if most demon believers fanatically believe in the evil god of high-dimensional space, they are just the lowest beings among demon believers, and may be worse than the Humans are a little bit stronger, but their strength is limited. Only those believers who have performed a large number of sacrifices and have fanatical beliefs have a certain chance of receiving certain blessings. But they may not be the ones you and I have seen. It is as powerful as a blessing from demons. Therefore, there must be some kind of problem in your territory, which causes demons to gather abnormally, and they are determined to invade this material world through your territory!"

"This..." Bai E muttered slightly, "Black street?"

What's so special about the black streets?

He was completely unaware.

There are countless gathering points outside the city like the Black Street in the city. Before he ruled the Black Street, the Black Street was full of barbaric order like every gathering point outside the city.

Savage yet ordinary.

If there really is anything special about it...

Maybe it's because it's actually in your own hands? !

Bai E's eyes narrowed slightly, and he suddenly discovered a little overlooked detail.

As an abandoned house playing games in the original world, I suddenly woke up in this strange and bad era after a dream-like mist.

No one explained to him why he appeared in this place. He just wanted to throw himself into a battlefield with aliens shortly after he was born.

Are you special? Of course I am special.

How magical does it sound to travel from player to NPC in the game?

There are even other players coming in to play this game with you. The difference is that they can play it like a real game, but you have to be careful at all times. Once you die suddenly, there will be no chance to play again.

From a player who was supposed to be in a higher dimension to an NPC in the game who has to worry about death all day long, isn't it special?

But really, how special it is... so many players are still playing with me.

I am just one of the vast army of players. Maybe there is a slight error in the way I open the game.

Countless times, Bai E wondered if he had forgotten a more important experience——

For example, "Galaxy OL" has actually been released a long time ago, and I have already obtained the access module of the game. However, I accidentally made some programming errors when I accessed it, so that my consciousness was trapped in this forever. In the game.

If I die, can I actually return to the original real world?

have no idea.

Bai E didn't dare to try.

They didn’t even dare to ask those players about the specific background of their world, whether they could find their home, and see if they were really lying on the bed...

But is this magical place really just a game? Is my original world really real?

Endless thoughts turned into a mess in Bai E's mind, and Bai E suddenly thought of the most accurate possibility——

Maybe the devil "sees" the characteristics of himself being reduced from a player to an in-game character, and wants to trace his origins to find the possibility of invading the "real real world."


Is this special enough?

It just takes some time to verify.

Bai E shook his head indifferently, "Ignore it. Let's talk about it next time we meet a demon."

Whether it is because the underworld is special or because I am special, will naturally come to the surface as time goes by.

After all, as his status in the city improves, the map for the next activities will not only include two points and one line from the black street to the military camp.

There are so many possibilities to be exposed to more things.

For example, tonight...

Weislin made an appointment with himself and said he wanted to go shopping in the inner city. He said he wanted to experience the customs and customs of the inner city and would take him there to hang out in the future.

"It's up to you, it's your own business anyway." Yueying was helpless.

The devil's home is in the high-dimensional space. Only they can infiltrate humans unscrupulously, and humans can't do anything about them.

"I have nothing else to do. I have to accompany Weslin to the inner city in the evening."

Yueying's expression was calm, and he responded calmly, as if it had nothing to do with him, "I know."

Looking at Bai E's leaving figure, Yueying frowned, full of confusion.

She felt that Bai E had obviously made some guesses, but did not say anything clearly.

Are there any concerns?

Bai E changed into a suit of clothes that Weslin had prepared for him.

According to him, the people he was about to meet were all big shots in the city, and the place he was going to was more for entertainment. Wearing a serious military uniform would somewhat ruin the atmosphere.

The dress just fits Bai E's figure, with a tall and straight figure and a resolute and handsome face.

Weislin, who had also changed into a formal dress, his eyes lit up when he saw Bai E.

He's good-looking but doesn't steal his spotlight, and he even has strong strength. What better partner and bodyguard could there be?

The key is to remain loyal. Even if he leaves the military camp in the future, he will have to abduct this kid and take him with him.

"Let's go to the inner city." Weslin took the initiative to open the way, took Bai E to his private car, and slipped into the city.

When the lanterns came on, the scenery of the inner city didn't look as prosperous as Bai'e's original metropolis in the real world.

The dim lights barely illuminated the long streets. The roads on both sides were desolate and the facilities were old.

People in a hurry can be seen everywhere on the roadside.

But when they saw Weslin's car, they subconsciously kept a certain distance.

In this city, there are some people that ordinary people cannot even look at.

No matter how bad the end of the world is, humans will still have to live.

Labor, exchange, and resources are the eternal social forms of mankind.

"The city has been developed for so many years, and the surface space has long been insufficient. Many people live deep underground." While driving, Weslin asked Baiekop, who was sitting next to him in the passenger seat, for some common sense about the inner city, " The place we will go to later is underground, and I will give you a lot of insights."

Weslin really wanted to keep Bai'e's absolute fighting power by his side, so he also began to try to use things that humans liked to completely and firmly pull him onto his chariot.

The only unbreakable prohibition in the genes of artificial humans is "for humanity."

But apart from that, their body structure is no different from that of natural people, and they can enjoy various enjoyments just like natural people.

Only by having the same hobbies and secrets together can he truly establish a closer relationship with himself in his heart.

Bai E looked at the lanterns outside the window and said nothing.

He was well aware of Weslin's plan, but he also wanted to take a closer look at the inner scenery of the city.

In the future, I will always take over at least 51% of the control of the city. Naturally, I will need to understand all aspects of the city.

The car went all the way down the spiral road and passed at least three checkpoints in the middle. However, Weslin's car had special signs, and there was no checkpoint that required the two of them to stop for inspection.

"The best enjoyment in the city is at the lowest level of the city, where it is the most chaotic and craziest place. Of course, for us, it is all about enjoyment." The corners of Weislin's mouth curled up slightly, and those who stared at the vehicles as they passed by He enjoyed the various looks he received.

The pursuit of the second-generation city lord is actually nothing. His father asked him to fight for power. At least he doesn't look so useless that he will be discriminated against.

Only true enjoyment is the joy that life should have.

Life is short, and to survive in this dark age, he doesn't think humans can be glorious again... at least not in his generation.

Just be responsible and play.

As we get to the lower level, the air becomes turbid and the temperature rises slightly.

After hundreds of years of development, cities unable to expand outwards can only gradually dig downwards.

Geothermal heat and difficult-to-circulate air create a harsh environment below.

The avenue of steel exudes the smell of engine oil, which enters the car through the bike's air circulation system, which is a bit pungent.

In addition to the "big shots" who come down from the top to play, the people at the bottom of the city in a physical sense are also at the bottom in terms of political status.

Recruitment in the military camp is actually for these poor people. Only these people at the bottom who have almost no hope for future life will put their heads in their belts and try to see if they can use their military exploits to fight for a future. They are in the military camp Li's status is actually not much different from that of artificial humans.

But precisely because of this, these people are a group of people who want to widen the gap with artificial humans.

Only by confirming the bottom status of artificial humans, they are not really the bottom class.

But now, with those greedy and repressed desires seeing him off all the way, Weslin's car taillights drove all the way to the end along the only steel avenue at the bottom of the city.

A giant building with colorful neon lights is at the end of this avenue.

The broad circular square is even larger than the training ground of the military camp. The bottom of the fountain in the square is diffused with golden light, and the statue of the holy goddess is white and spotless.

Beautiful music filled the entire square, and the pedestrians coming and going were all the city's upper classes in gorgeous and well-dressed clothes.

The more hopeless the dark age, the more crazy enjoyment is needed to anesthetize everyone's nerves.

This kind of drunken and luxurious atmosphere is far more addictive than the most high-end place Bai E has ever seen before he has traveled through it, making him completely intoxicated.

Bai E frowned slightly, feeling some subconscious discomfort.

Would such a breathtaking place really not attract the attention of demons?

And when the car drove past a certain boundary near the square, Bai E clearly felt a little strange feeling sweeping over him.

Looking back, I realized that he seemed to have passed some kind of psychic test just now.

Seemingly seeing the slight expression on Bai E's face, Weslin smiled and asked, "What? You don't quite adapt to the atmosphere here?"

An iron-blooded general on the battlefield will feel uncomfortable with this hedonistic atmosphere when he first comes here.

But no one will refuse to enjoy it. Weslin believes that this is the instinctive pursuit of human beings.

Bai E told the truth, "A little bit...but what I'm more surprised about is that this kind of place won't attract the attention of demons?"

It was hard for Bai E not to associate this place with the aura of desire with the devil's lair.

"Do you know how many veteran executives of the Arbitration Institute are watching around here? Not to mention that they spent a lot of money to carve a magic circle to filter out the temptation of demons. Moreover, demons are not that easy to corrode the real world. It is not intentional. It is actually not easy for demons to invade the core of our human world. Don’t worry, it is absolutely safe here.”

With a sound of "Ziya", Weislin stabilized the car and patted Bai E's shoulder. Weislin had a bright smile on his face, "Come on, enjoy it. Sometimes you have to learn to relax. This is our kingdom!" "

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