After getting off the bus, Bai E followed Weslin, and together they walked from the square towards the magnificent Gothic building that looked like a domed castle.

"Let's go, let me take you for a walk around first." Weslin smiled warmly, his golden hair fluttering in the wind, and he was high-spirited.

The hall has a very high ceiling, and there is a constant flow of people coming and going.

After coming here, the feeling of being under the spotlight all the way has disappeared a lot.

The people who can come to the deepest part of the city are not easy in the city. Maybe after two or three detours, everyone is related.

Amidst the melodious music, Weislin led Bai E towards the elevator shaft in the center of the hall.

After entering the elevator, Weslin directly pressed the button for the second underground floor.

Bai E took a quick look and saw that the whole building had about a dozen floors, both up and down.

The sound insulation effect of this place is almost perfect. As the elevator door slowly opens, the lively roar suddenly pours into the ears. It seems to be a completely different world from the previous silence.

The loud but not harsh music suddenly squeezed into the spacious elevator room from the outside, and Bai E instantly felt like he had returned to the abandoned underground building where the war-type demon prince was born.

A sexy girl in scantily clad clothes passed by swayingly holding a wine tray. Weislin and Bai E stepped into this crazy party one after another.

Neon lights were shooting everywhere, and dynamic music was shaking people's bodies.

Standing in four steel cages in the corner, sexy and exposed beauties are dancing passionately to the music.

As for the big stage in the center, two handsome men were fighting passionately with bare hands, punches hitting the flesh, and blood flying.

The blood of the people watching was boiling, and they were also baring their teeth and claws, as if they themselves were also having a passionate encounter.

If you look carefully, you can see that there are many inconsistencies in the movements of the two warriors on the stage who are participating in the gladiatorial battle, as if there is another will in the body competing with them for the right to use the body.

Originally, punching the opponent's weak spot with one punch could defeat the opponent in an instant. However, it always lost the original accuracy after a sharp deviation.

"You may have been exposed to this kind of unrestricted fighting outside." Weislin, who was standing in the corner with Bai E, swept his fingers across the audience in those specific area seats and explained with a chuckle, "But it can appear here. Yes, but it’s completely different from the outside. No matter how exciting the conventional unrestricted fighting is, it can no longer satisfy these people. So the current fighting is more... immersive."

Weslin tapped his chin on the two gladiators who were fighting on the stage, with a smile in his eyes, "Those two competitors have been injected with a lot of hormones in their bodies. They almost don't feel pain, so they don't care about themselves. Injuries suffered. Moreover, their physical fitness and anti-attack ability have been specially trained and enhanced with pharmaceuticals. Only players like this can make everyone happy."

Bai E's eyes swept across the audience in those specific areas, and his spiritual senses could clearly see a layer of gray light from spiritual creations surrounding them.

The spiritual light that shrouded all areas finally converged to one point and was directly connected to the core stage in the center.

From the faces of those spectators, Bai E could see many pathological flushes and madness.

The fists and kicks that were waved wantonly sometimes seemed to be unable to move even half a step forward as if they encountered resistance, and occasionally their cheeks would be suddenly thrown to the side as if they were attacked out of thin air.

However, those who looked back seemed to be waving their limbs more excitedly and feverishly, as if there was an invisible opponent right in front of them.

Bai E closed his eyes slightly, and a layer of gray aura covered his eyes.

When he opened his eyes again, the entire underground arena seemed to be divided into two completely different fields of opposing colors.

One side is red, the other is blue, and like the shorts worn by the players on the field, they are divided into two distinct camps.

The battle on the field is not so much a personal battle between two players, but a battle between the two camps of spectators in the entire arena.

Of course, the effects these audiences can play are often side effects.

Countless chaotic wills gathered together, causing great deviations in the movements of the two players affected by psychic energy, so that the struggle between the two often seemed a bit ridiculous.

Under Bai E's monitoring, the red and blue spiritual energy flow will sometimes strengthen and sometimes weaken.

This also means that the impact of the audience on the players on the stage is sometimes strong or weak.

Players who don't have anyone holding their hands will naturally achieve better results.

But in an instant, it will fall behind due to the pull of the audience. The battle is extremely enjoyable to watch during this pull and pull.

In addition, the audience on the stage will also have the excitement of participating in the battle in person because of personal participation and a certain proportion of "feedback".

It's exciting, but there's no real danger.

This 4D experience is much more exciting than the simple visual impact of Bai E seeing underground black boxing in the outer city.

Of course, in addition to this, Bai E also saw a gray area on both sides of the midline, which was probably where the audience who had just come here to "see the world" stayed.

That is where Bai E and Weislin are now.

"How about it? Do you want to go in and experience it?"

Bai E shook his head directly, showing no interest at all.

The battles he has participated in are not comparable to this kind of controlled death battle in a greenhouse.

"That's right..." Weslin nodded, "The fighting here may be a bit boring for you, so why don't we go somewhere else?"

"This is the largest gambling venue in the city. Millions of blackwater coins can come in and out every second. By the way, do you have money?"

Looking at Bai E's confused expression, Weislin smiled helplessly, "Money is a good thing. In human society, money is everything. When you visit the inner city more in the future, when you see something you want, just I know the benefits of money.”

"This is a song and dance hall, a place where many people who come here for the first time stay overnight." At this point, Weslin winked and said with a wicked smile, "You can spend the night here tonight, and we will go back to the military camp tomorrow. "


‘Old sex batch! ’

Bai E looked unmoved and cursed secretly in his heart.

Does he still know what these traditional projects have?

Just by seeing those highly suggestive dances and those closed rooms, Bai E knew what kind of fun was going on here.

It's a bad night, why not go back and practice psychic abilities.

"Finally, this is the auction house. You can see everything that can and cannot be sold in the city here. Or you can also ask them for entrustment. No matter how difficult it is to find, they will find a way to find it for you. ." Weislin brought Bai E to a box and sat down, leaning back on the comfortable sofa in the box. Weislin looked at the real-time picture of the auction table displayed on the box screen and explained with a smile: "Actually, I'm here today. , just for one of these things..."

No matter how careless he is, he won't come here just for enjoyment when he doesn't have much need.

Even if he wanted to, the finances in his pocket wouldn't allow it.

The auction has obviously not started yet. The host is talking some random nonsense on the stage. It is nothing more than about the types of treasures that will be auctioned today, and leaving some suspense to arouse some customers who had no intention of staying here. Wait and see desire.

Bai E, who came to a place like this with Weislin, felt bored and even wanted to seize the time to meditate and practice his spiritual powers.

However, when his eyes glanced at the transparent windows around the box, Bai E's eyes narrowed slightly and his face was slightly startled.

In the flash of sight just now, Bai E felt that he seemed to see a few familiar figures.

Like... Dai Lian and Gong Yan?

The strengthening of the body's three-dimensional attributes made Bai'e's various senses more sensitive. At the same time, his increasingly powerful spiritual cultivation also allowed him to have a kind of intuition about some of his flashes of light or things that were originally uncertain. judgments, and often quite accurate.

Bai E became more and more certain that he was seeing those players.

But why are they here?


Yes, I heard that they came to the inner city.

I just didn't expect that players like them, who had just entered the inner city for a short time, could actually get into this rather high-end place that Weslin said.

Can you only say that he is worthy of being a player?

I just don’t know what they plan to do when they come here?

Judging from their sneaky movements when they passed by just now, it seemed like they weren't planning to do anything good?

Want to help them?

Just when Bai E felt that this poor place was a bit boring and shouldn't exist, his heart began to become active.

"Don't mess around. I can't protect you if we make a big fuss here."

Wolf Scorpion, with a few little guys following behind him, couldn't help but give instructions over and over again.

If Wenjie hadn't been able to stop him from shouting "sister" and "good sister", she would never have taken these little guys straight to a place like this.

Mainly according to her speculation, Wenjie's handsome and muscular friend was most likely kidnapped to this place.

After all, his friend was quite powerful, and in terms of close combat alone, Wolf Scorpion didn't think he could get much benefit from that guy's hands.

This level of combat power can be taken away without anyone noticing. Except for this place, the strength of other small places is probably not up to par.

And with that guy's qualifications, he was kidnapped to a place like this, either as a candidate for the gladiator on the second floor, or as an exclusive toy for those with special quirks in the third floor, but the prerequisite for this... must first be The auction doesn't go out or the auction doesn't get a good price.

So first of all, it is definitely the right choice to take a tour of the photo venue.

But what should we do if we are sure that the person is really here?

Wolf Scorpion felt a little confused.

Are you spending a lot of money to buy people back from this place?

Or grab it directly?

The former has no money, and the latter has enough strength.

Regardless of the plan, Wolf and Scorpion find it unrealistic.

If she couldn't stand Wenjie calling her "sister" and "good sister" over and over again, she wouldn't even be willing to say this guess.

Wenjie, however, didn't care much about Wolf Scorpion's warnings. He just waved his hands and said, "I know, we know."

When you guys are doing things, do you need a bitch like you?

And they are players. If they die, the worst they can do is wait three days for the game to be restarted.

Why are you, an NPC, joining in the fun here? Just bring us in and that's it. If you don't go home and wait for news, you'll have to follow us in fear.

woman! So annoying!

"I went back to ask Xiaoguang, and just in time to get off the line, Xiaoguang also contacted Kuang Xin privately. Kuang Xin said that he was indeed kidnapped. It is said that he was given an injection and fainted instantly. His vision was blurred. Hei, when I opened my eyes again, I was in a small sealed room. There was no way to know the next news. I had to go offline today to get the next step. I thought I couldn't wait any longer, so I came back first. ." Dai Lian whispered to communicate with his companions.

Gu Lan nodded, "Then let's look for it. Where is the delivery channel for their auction house? How about we follow their passage and take a look? Maybe we can find traces of the gorilla."

"But I see there are cameras and guards everywhere. It seems unrealistic to go in directly. Why don't you observe the general situation first, collect some information and then decide what to do?"

In fact, none of them had much to worry about when encountering such unexpected changes.

This is not reality. Even if you die in the game, it is just a restart.

Although all the achievements accumulated so far in this game must be cleared, it is a game after all, so what if it is cleared?

On the contrary, encountering this special situation made each of them extremely excited.

The hidden plot triggered by the different personal templates in the group makes this game more interesting.

They even wished that a similar plot would happen to them to see what was going on.

"Go, go, go!"

"Be natural, don't act like a thief and arouse suspicion."

"Split up and meet here later."

Dai Lian made up his mind, turned around and left.

Bai E in the box was hesitating whether to find an excuse to go out for a walk and meet a few familiar figures in private. First, to confirm whether it was Dai Lian and the others, and second, to ask them what they planned to do here. .

If there was anything he could do to help a bunch of people, Bai E wouldn't mind brushing up on the favorability of these players.

However, before he had time to take action, he saw the figures of several players acting separately through the transparent window.

The figure that seemed a bit special at first seemed to have completely integrated into the atmosphere after two steps, and did not appear to be very conspicuous among the individual tourists coming and going around the auction house.

I still have some spy genes...

Bai Er hugged his arms happily, planning to see what these guys were going to do.

In this somewhat boring place for him, maybe these players can provide themselves with some fun.

However, in the blink of an eye, a bell rang throughout the audience.

Weislin, who had closed his eyes to rest, opened his eyes and said softly: "The auction has begun..."

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