Wow! The explosion rate is really high

Chapter 467 How much can Kuang Xin sell for?

Weslin was just a reminder.

He had little interest in the auction items that came on stage at the beginning. The purpose of the reminder was to let Bai E know that the show was about to begin.

Sure enough, as a suitcase was lifted onto the central platform of the central auction stage, the ordinary seats slightly further around the auction were almost fixed.

No matter how uninterested people are, they will often stop to see what is being auctioned on the stage.

Several players among them had no choice but to stay where they were and pretend to be attracted by the auction items on the stage.

"This is a genetic optimization solution that accidentally leaked out from the channels of the scientific research institute. As a basic optimization solution with 0 to 5 degrees, I don't need to explain its value to you. At the same time, as a gift, we will also provide absolutely safe Reliable injection service, free of charge, with the highest possible success rate guaranteed. The starting price is 10,000 black water coins, and each increase must not be less than 5,000 black water coins. Now, start bidding!"

The starting price doesn't matter. Everything that is scarce has its own value in people's hearts. A single genetic optimization fluid can create an absolutely powerful warrior.

This is the only possibility for ordinary people or people in general forces to change their lives and improve their class.

Not to mention that this is a basic entry-level optimization solution of 0 to 5 degrees. It is the type of optimization solution with the widest applicable threshold. Even most talented genetic optimizers use the same grade of genetic optimization solution even if they inject it for the second time. Gene optimization solution.

Moreover, it is a product leaked from a scientific research institute, and its quality is absolutely reliable. It is much more reliable than the genetically optimized liquid self-developed by private institutions. After injection, the degree of physical development and safety will be greatly improved.

Using this absolutely popular auction item as an opening ensures that the auction will not be cold at the beginning.

As the auctioneer finished speaking, a series of crazy biddings suddenly erupted from the seats on the field.

"I'll pay 20,000!"

"Thirty thousand!"

"Thirty-five thousand!"

"fifty thousand!"

The scientific research institute has limited supply of various materials to various official institutions in the city, and the city, facing constant internal and external troubles, does not have much qualifications for nepotism. Among the descendants of many families, only the most outstanding children can join the city's core institutions. , are eligible to compete for the scientific research institute’s quantitative allocation to each institution.

However, a family connected by blood always needs resources to maintain this close family relationship. The capable people in the clan have received help from the family, and now they naturally need to find ways to repay the donations through various channels. The descendants of the family.

From generation to generation, it is passed down like this.

Moreover, the city is too big, and it is difficult to completely unify the right to speak. Various large and small families, including those war gangs that are springing up like mushrooms and difficult to count, are not convinced by each other.

When you have no ability to expand outward, you can only ensure that you can live a better life in this world by seizing other people's things.

Therefore, anything of value will definitely attract absolute competition.

The auctioneer looked at the bids from the individual seats with a smile and was not anxious at all.

He knew that only the big shots in the private rooms upstairs had the absolute right to decide where this popular resource would go.

Of course, occasionally, when none of them want it, a little bit of precious resources will slip out from their fingers for other wild dogs to fight for.

But it seems like this is the case.

From beginning to end, no one in the private rooms on the upper floors seemed interested.

In the end, the bidding price was 105,000, and it was picked up by a buyer at the retail table.

Judging from the buyer's happy departure, this opportunity may be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for him.

Maybe he can create a powerful warrior who will shine on the big stage in the city one day and jump into the air.

Bai E watched quietly. From these little details, he gradually had a rough image of the overall impression of the city in his mind.

"Next item!" The auctioneer took out a paper document from the tray held by the waiter behind him.

"A sales contract for four hundred kilograms of Yuanjing ore. The city has recently reopened Internet technology. If you want to build your own private network center, you must use special crystal material such as Yuanjing. I am interested in developing in this area. Everyone must not miss this rare contract! The starting price is five thousand blackwater coins! Each increase must not be less than two thousand blackwater coins. Now, start bidding!"

In fact, it didn’t take long for cities to restart Internet technology, and it will take a certain amount of time to spread it to the people.

In the early days, there was a fear that the auction would be unsold due to lack of well-known demand. This is the first time that an ore that requires this kind of technology has been auctioned at an auction, and the valuation is relatively conservative.

Sure enough, resources of this level naturally have a certain threshold for getting started. There was almost no bid from the individual customer platform. After a while, only the first offer came from the private room on the second floor——

"Five thousand!"

The first quote seemed to light the fuse.

"Seven thousand!"

"Ten thousand!"

"Ten thousand and fourteen!"

"Thirty thousand!"

Some people are determined to win, and through observation of other people, it is generally known that not many people really urgently need this kind of thing.

A super high offer that was far higher than others instantly dispelled those who just wanted to buy it back and try it out.

No one in the box knows who the other person is, so there is no need to deliberately raise the price just to disgust others.

If you lose your money and offend someone, everyone is just asking for what they really need.

Bai E, who was standing next to Weislin, nodded and suddenly had his own thoughts in his mind.

Being able to appear in the auction house actually shows in disguise that the benefits handed over to the city itself are definitely not as much as those from the auction.

The source crystal ore necessary for this kind of Internet technology is like this, will there be an exception for the steel that I asked Liming Town to produce?

With the doctor's departure, the steel order from the homeless warlord also disappeared.

Before his own power could completely digest the steel he produced, Bai E urgently needed a channel to monetize the steel.

I was still having a headache about which channel to send it to, but the current auction might be a good place to go.

If there is a chance in the future, you can avoid Weslin and come here alone to ask.

The auctions continued one after another.

Everything that can appear at the auction has been carefully selected by the venue, and almost no auction has been left out.

People gradually began to flow in the individual guest seats, and Bai E, who was always paying attention to those players, also clearly found that they started to act again.

But looking at them running around like headless flies, Bai E thought they were probably looking for something?

The strange thing is that I didn't see that guy Kuang Xin.

Perhaps the player's movements were concealed enough in their eyes, but Bai E was sure that they had been targeted.

The view from the high-altitude camera was too clear. If he hadn't been afraid of disturbing the atmosphere of the auction, Bai E would have even thought that a heavily armed man would have driven them out at gunpoint.

But they were apparently unaware.

As the dust of another treasure settled, the circular central exhibition stand suddenly sank. Amidst the sound of mechanical operation, a corner of steel slowly rose from the bottom of the stand.

The corners of the steel were gradually revealed, and the gray iron cage was finally revealed in full before everyone's eyes.

If the previous ones were all practical treasures, then until now they were auction items in the sense of enjoyment.


four people.

Two men and two women.

Only the key parts of the body were covered with fabric, and the rest of the body was exposed. At this moment, all the hands and feet were hung up, and the whole body was displayed in a "big" shape in a steel cage.

The auctioneer stepped aside and introduced the exhibits behind him with a fervent expression and an enthusiastic tone, "Four excellent slaves with excellent appearance! Whether they want to be trained into the most loyal personal guards, or they are unparalleled in the underground fighting arena. Beasts, or trained into outstanding assassins, they are all excellent choices! Auction together for four! The starting price is 50,000 Blackwater coins, and each increase must not be less than 5,000 Blackwater coins. Now, start bidding! "

The four restrained figures now look a little confused, and they are obviously controlled by some kind of drugs.

But on the specially enlarged screen in the private room, the details of the four "slaves" can be clearly seen, and the specific physical examination information of each person is directly attached to the side.

Each individual's three-dimensional attribute has one that is close to the 15-point limit of an ordinary human body. The remaining two dimensions are not too stretchy, especially the biggest guy among them, whose physical strength and reflexes are all 15. points, only the insight is slightly worse, but it is still 14 points, and the attributes are not bad.

Moreover, the man is as handsome as the woman, with a good face and a toned body, not too strong. A feeling of health arises spontaneously. The muscles that have been clearly trained are clearly defined, and each of them has a good foundation.

Except for one of the male figures, the other three "slaves" were very young and looked like they might be in their teens.

It's the right age for polishing.

Bai E's eyes narrowed slightly, and he was instantly locked on one of the figures——

Kuang Xin!

The question just now was instantly solved.

No wonder I didn't see this guy among the players running around.

No wonder these players would hang out in this place that is temporarily inconsistent with their level.

It turns out that he came here to find his kidnapped companion... wait! Judging from the wild behavior of the players, they might have deliberately sold Kuang Xin to get the money and then kidnapped him.

He is a typical person who doesn’t want to give money but still wants money.

But no matter what the truth is, they are probably going to hit the wall this time.

This place is not a place where they can act recklessly.

The four "slaves" with excellent appearance also caused a sensation.

As long as they are well cultivated, these personal bodyguards who can have strong combat power and even serve as companions in bed are the best companions for many core personnel of the forces.

Not to mention that Kuang Xin, as the temporary "appearance-bearing" among the four "slaves", immediately attracted countless strange eyes and fanatical gazes.

The effect of Charm +10 is indispensable. Most people don't have such natural beauty that can have special bonuses.

No matter how you look at it, it will be pleasing to the eye, no matter how you look at it, you will be attractive.

Some rich aunts can't stop watering just by looking at Kuang Xin's face and figure.

"I'll pay fifty thousand!"

"I'll pay 60,000!"

"I'll pay 80,000!"

The scene was once crazy.

The players who were scattered in the audience immediately gathered together. Looking at the heated scene on the stage, their brains collectively came to a standstill for a while.

"Damn it, Kuang Xin is so valuable?"

"Maybe he made up the numbers?"

"Suddenly I no longer want to save him..."

"Why don't you kidnap him and sell him after you rescue him?"

Then rob and sell again! Robbing again and selling again! A broad road to wealth is right in front of you!

As long as you have money, one of those genetic optimization fluids that first appeared in the auction will be available to each person! One for everyone!

Injection is a must! If one is not enough, give me another!

To be rich is to be arrogant.

After confirming Kuang Xin's location, several people suddenly stopped panicking.

In full view of the public, of course they couldn't just go on stage and steal people.

Or find a way to get to the backstage... It's a pity that they still haven't figured out the access to this auction house.

Or just track behind the buyer, and a mantis stalks the cicada and the oriole follows behind.

After a brief discussion, everyone agreed that the latter method has a higher success rate.

So we happily became audience members of the performance "How much can Kuang Xin sell for?"

The final transaction price was locked at a sky-high price of 210,000!

"Okay, okay!"

Dai Lian's eyes were full of evil, "I will definitely sell him again when I turn around. It would be such a loss if we didn't get the money!"

Emotions are boiling, and the mind is feverish.

The boiling emotions in the audience almost converged at one point.

Bai E, who had been standing next to Weislin and watching the excitement, suddenly felt a chill in his vest at this moment.

The perception of time and space in the senses froze almost instantly, as if all the changes in front of him became extremely slow.

From the screen in the private room, the players in the private seats turned and waved while talking, almost as if they were played frame by frame. The auctioneer's passionate shouting mouth opened to the maximum, and the small hammer that set the auction price stayed on In the endless process of smashing it down.

Several heavily armed guards in the corner were targeting the players gathered together under the instructions of the supervisor.

Everything seems to be happening in an inherent logical order.

Bai E suddenly closed his eyes, trying to find the source of this strange feeling.

The next moment, Bai E opened his eyes instantly and looked sharply towards the stage.

At the same time, two women and one man, whose hands and feet were bound in a "big" shape, suddenly opened their eyes at the same moment...

The time and space that returned to normal carried all the sounds and continued to pour into Bai E's mind. However, there was a loud buzzing in Bai E's mind like a bell!



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