Bai E didn't want to do anything. The current environment he was in had no room for him to choose.

Behind him is the void barrier that isolates everything, and in front of him are endless high-dimensional demons.

The environment you are in is not in real space, but it is not entirely in high-dimensional space.

His "eye of the sky" psychic energy can sense the attributes in space - this is a transitional "mezzanine" between the real world and high-dimensional space.

The demonic corruption only temporarily separated the castle from the real world. As long as all the demonic atmosphere in the castle can be calmed down, the castle can still be restored to the realm of the real world, and the one that gave birth to the war-type demon prince. "Blood Pool" is somewhat similar.

But now, in the castle that is more powerful than the "blood pool" at that time, a demon more terrifying than the war-type demon prince will probably be born.

Bai E didn't know where the other party was, or even whether the other party had already taken shape in the castle.

But already trapped in this place, the only way for him to escape from danger and return to the real world is to have only one choice left -

Clear out the devil!

He casually pulled out the ceremonial long sword worn by a short, fat man who was passing by, and wiped the sword with his left hand.

A layer of active spiritual energy immediately attached to the sword, and the restless spiritual energy had never been so active as this time.

[Strengthened* Magic Blade: Current hunting target: Demon. Record template: None. Basic bonus: attack power +10%. 】

He reached out and grabbed it, and another bottle of light yellow liquid in a transparent glass bottle was pulled out of the void in front of him.

Following the long sword, the drops of essential oil that felt the endless demonic aura began to burn blazingly!

"Storage space!" Eglaia, who saw this scene from outside the barrier, whispered softly, her eyes full of disbelief. "Doesn't it mean that he has not systematically learned any techniques for using psychic energy?"

More psykers who didn't know the details, including the executive officer, just sighed in admiration, "It seems that there are powerful psykers among the survivors..."

Arnold nodded slightly, "It looks like they won't be wiped out soon."


The red devil is tall and has slim and toned thighs, as plump as the thighs of the healthiest human beauties.

The waist is slender, the chest muscles are strong, and the corners of the forehead are curved upward.

On the four arms, the structure like a scorpion's pincers opened and closed with a creaking sound, and the ferocious spikes revealed a bloodthirsty desire.

However, these demons sway as they walk, as graceful as dancers on the stage, and can easily arouse the endless desires in human hearts.

The cold blade cut through the air, and the long sword passed across the demon's throat.

How could Bai E's level 9 light weapons proficiency be resisted by these ordinary demon soldiers?

The accompanying exorcism essential oil sizzled at the wound, and the strong smoke burned the demon's non-physical body.


With another lightning-fast sword, the two bodies were instantly thrown in half in front of Bai E.

[Your attack successfully hits the target, causing 200 points of fatal damage to the target! 】

[You have completely killed the target and gained 20 combat experience points. 】

[The soul-eating magic blade absorbs a small amount of the target's essence, and the special attack effect is being generated 5/1000. 】

Behind the sword, Bai E's resolute and handsome face was full of cold ruthlessness.

Now, not even the spiritual domain of the demon master can affect him at all, let alone the influence of the characteristics of these small demon soldiers?


These are the slaves of desire!

The spiritual energy of the "Eye of Heaven" that shrouded the whole body analyzed the origin of the demon at the moment of its death——

These devil soldiers transformed by the devil's aura are the "spectators" who are linked to the players in underground fighting matches!

At first, they just wanted to see a close fight.

Later, they wanted a little thrill of blood.

Later, what they wanted to see was flesh and blood flying everywhere.

Nowadays... they are no longer satisfied with watching others enjoy this excitement.

They want to experience it for themselves!

The threshold of desire is satisfied by constantly breaking through the lower limit, but it becomes increasingly difficult to be satisfied as it continues to be satisfied.

They crave.

They pursue.

Their increasingly exciting exploration finally touched the evil god in charge of "desire" in the high-dimensional space.

This instinctive desire to explore makes the high-dimensional authority called "desire" spontaneously focus on this land.

But now, no matter which side they supported between "red" and "blue", they have now become a little bastard among the demons of desire, raising their flags towards their compatriots who should have been human beings. Their mutated claw blades.

If you are not satisfied with just watching, then do it yourself!

Tearing the flesh and blood of others, or being torn apart by others.

That moment of tearing was also the moment when these demons felt extremely satisfied.

Bai E clearly saw a perverted smile of satisfaction on the face of the demon that he had torn into two pieces.

Even if you are rushing to death, you will be happy and satisfied.

The satisfaction before the death of the demon soldiers was felt by all the other demons at that moment, and the thrill and satisfaction of the glimpse instantly drove the remaining demons into complete madness.

Found the enemy!

To shred, or to be torn into pieces.

Use the absolute destruction of the physical body to temporarily satisfy this never-ending desire!

Bai E could clearly notice that the moment the first demon died, all the remaining demons seemed to have grown in size.

The overall demonic aura has never faded, but the energy in each demon is becoming more and more condensed.

[Based on your attack effect, you obtain the following information——]

[Slave of Desire (Demon): HP 0/200; Defense: 15; Attack Power (Type: Strike) 20~30; Trait: Deathrattle; Action: 50%...]

[Death Rattle: The moment each lust slave dies, it will spread its "pleasure" to other lust slaves within a certain range around it. Other lust slaves who feel this momentary pleasure will become even more frantic. The "deathrattle" effect can be stacked, and every time it exceeds a certain number of layers, it will bring about a huge improvement in abilities! Current "Deathrattle" effect (one level): attack power +1, defense power +0.5. 】


Bai E's eyes were sharp.

"But so what?"

Only by clearing out these demons can the castle be completely purified.

Every time one is killed, all the remaining demons will be strengthened by one point.

At the end of the battle, a terrifying monster that transcends all may appear.

But what kind of exclusive enchanted blade will I control at that time?

Improve your abilities in battle?

Then come and try it!

"Swish, swish, swish!"

The sword light was in chaos, Bai E held the sword and entered the battle alone.

Countless crimson demon figures follow one after another, even if they are shattered to pieces, they must pursue the ultimate excitement at that last moment, a transformation beyond all experience!

Many demons also targeted other survivors who were huddled and shivering in front of the void barrier.

It cannot be completely torn apart. It is also an extremely novel experience to tear apart other people's bones and flesh inch by inch in front of your eyes, pull out the intestines... and even draw out the blood vessels in them for painting.

The demon, which still retained many of the characteristics of a human, was suddenly so excited that it trembled with excitement at this sudden idea. It roared and rushed in the direction of the survivors.

Among these survivors, there are also masters who are proficient in psychic energy, but when facing these demons, they only feel that their hands and feet are weak, and they cannot use half of their 100% strength.


One knife cut through the flesh and blood.

The sharp spines growing on the claw blades like scorpion pincers easily opened a hideous wound, and the psyker who suffered severe pain instantly squeezed behind other people behind him.

"Why do I feel like my reactions are getting slower and slower?"

The sudden words resonated with everyone instantly.

"Me too! It feels like my hands and feet are getting heavier and heavier..."

"I can hardly lift the knife..."

The defense line formed by a group of psychics was crumbling under the constant attack of demons.

The spectators outside were frightened.

"This is a demon of desire! They are born with a 'slow aura' that paralyzes their opponents, and as their desire becomes stronger, this effect will become more powerful. Even if we are on the field, we cannot avoid being Affected by this effect." The teacher who taught Murphy and Kilolan said in a deep voice. Only a senior exorcist like him from the Arbitration Institute could know this precise knowledge about demons.

"It was his killings that gradually amplified the desire of those desire demons!" Arnold looked at the almost invisible being trapped in countless demons' desire slaves with complex eyes.

"We can't let him kill anymore!"

"By the time he finishes killing, the other survivors will have been wiped out long ago."

"He can definitely wait for Murphy and Killoran."

"But the people inside don't know that Murphy and Kilolan have already started rescue. If they don't kill the demon, they themselves will die!"

No matter what the opinions of people outside are, they can't convey any news. This is a deeper despair.

"But why is he okay?"

The sword light wrapped in countless demons is always sharp, but there is no trace of "slowness" in it?

No matter how many demons there are, they can all be killed with just one sword!

During the melee, Bai E's eyes were always cold. He noticed something was wrong early on——

[Your will is as strong as a rock. With the help of "self-restraint", you successfully passed a "mental check". 】

[You successfully passed an opposition check in the field of occultism, occult +0.1. 】

[You are aware of the special effect covering yourself: the aura of slowness. 】

[Aura of Slowness: In this field, your actions will gradually become sluggish, and as the layers of "Deathrattle" are stacked, the effect of this effect will gradually strengthen. Current "slowness" effect: Reflective attribute expressiveness -10%. 】

The "eye of the sky" spiritual energy can actually analyze it more thoroughly.

The so-called slowness aura is actually a distorted delay from thinking to action.

No one in this world can completely escape the influence of others.

Therefore, when doing anything, everyone needs to consider how doing such a thing will affect others.

How others who are affected will turn around and have an impact on themselves.

Thinking back and forth has become the biggest obstacle to action.

The so-called slowness refers to the consideration of self-interest.

The so-called benefit is the desire to "get".

But when it comes to these high-dimensional demons, the effects of the law are more direct and cannot be eliminated.

Even if he was aware of it, Bai E couldn't do anything about this effect at first.

None of his existing abilities could weaken the impact of this effect on him.

In the chaotic battle, the only solution Bai E could think of was to continue to strengthen his fighting ability.

As long as your martial arts skills always exceed the reactions of these demon soldiers, you will always have the upper hand in front of them.

Until the solidified "Magic Blade" is unlocked.


[Payment: 4 latent repair points, 20,000 combat experience points. 】

[Acquired skills - absolutely proficient. 】

[Absolute Mastery: From now on, you can choose any more specific weapon as the direction you will focus on in the future. When using this weapon to fight, you can gradually strengthen your use as your proficiency increases. The combat capabilities demonstrated by these weapons. Currently selected weapon: (to be selected). Basic bonus: (to be confirmed). 】

When his eyes fell on the aristocratic ceremonial sword in his hand, the target's affiliation - long sword - was clearly marked on the skill panel.

[Selected weapon: long sword. 】

[Basic bonus: attack speed +50%. 】

[The current long sword proficiency is 0/1000, and the "personal style" is being formed...]

The rapidly improving skill bonus temporarily offsets the "slowness halo" that continues to increase the intensity of the effect. Every complete death of a demon under the long sword will bring about Bai E's continuous growth.

[Your attack successfully hits the target, causing 1000 points of fatal damage to the target! 】

[You have completely killed the target and gained 10 combat experience points. 】

The target's health and defense are getting thicker and harder to kill, and the experience it can provide is getting less and less. Bai'e has gradually begun to use "instantly killing hundreds of heads" to make up for the lack of damage.

But it is obvious that the combat effectiveness of these demons continues to grow with the blessing of "Deathrattle".

[Based on your attack effect, you obtain the following information——]

[Slave of Desire (Demon): HP 0/1000; Defense: 25.5; Attack (Type: Strike) 41~51; Trait: Deathrattle; Action: 70%...]

[Deathrattle: ...The current "Deathrattle" effect (twenty-level): attack power +21, defense power +10.5, health +800/800, mobility +20%. 】

The only good news may be that his own abilities are also growing rapidly in battle.

[The soul-eating magic blade absorbs a small amount of the target's essence, and the special attack effect is being generated 325/1000. 】

[The current long sword proficiency is 370/1000, and the "personal style" is being formed...]

not enough!

not enough!

Killing them one by one like this is too slow!

You must completely improve your state to its peak before these miscellaneous soldiers grow to a point where they are a threat to you and before the real big demon who doesn't know where it is appears! (End of chapter)

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