As if he felt Bai E's thoughts, the fierce fighting spirit stirred up his spiritual energy.

In this place that is infinitely close to the true high-dimensional space, the performance of spiritual energy is unprecedentedly active.

The first stage is the soul crossing, and the second stage is the heavenly heart connection.

The basic functional bonus on Bai E also showed far greater effectiveness than usual.

Even the special expertise from the Blood God that is usually difficult to trigger is also playing its role at this time——

[Infinite anger ignites your soul, and the angry flames dominate your actions. With the blessing of "Rage", your "reflection" expression is +3. Due to the special factors of the site, the actual expression bonus is : Reflection +1.5. 】

The light of the sword is like mine, cutting away all the filth!

"Swish, swish, swish!"

Pieces of demon corpses were thrown away in front of Bai E, and as he suddenly slashed away another lust slave with a sword, the "eye of the sky" that was always decoding everything around him instantly analyzed the opponent's origin!

Endless carnal desires and laughter flooded into Bai E's mind in an instant, trying to drown Bai E's original consciousness.

While analyzing the other party, you will also be contaminated by the other party.

Extreme carnal desire is also an extreme desire of human beings, and those unspeakable things washed over Bai E's mind overwhelmingly.

However, a sharp sword light easily tore through the curtain.

Bai E looked past the endless influx of lust slaves and looked behind them. From the entrance of the stairwell, countless demon soldiers were rushing towards them, waving their arms like scorpion pincers and roaring.

Before the demons transformed from the underground arena were killed, the carnal demons in the separate rooms on the second floor rushed down to join them.

Bai E stood alone in front of all the survivors, but one person's strength was limited after all, and he could not completely block the gap in the huge arch.

" us." The crowd behind them sent out a weak cry for help.

"The master you are protecting is about to lose his ability..."

The only hope lies in Bai E. The survivors, who feel increasingly powerless, can only hope that the figure fighting alone can resolve the battle quickly.

Or when you have extra energy, you can take care of the situation behind you.

This is their last and only hope.

But the demons that joined later almost completely drowned the figure fighting alone, so that the originally sharp sword light was gradually submerged. Only endless demons were seen swarming towards the same point, and the snow-white sword was no longer visible. The light confuses people's sight.

"Is he going to die..."

"Surrounded by so many demons, it's impossible not to die..."

Outside the barrier, a group of executives who specialized in dealing with demons looked at the figure that was gradually being submerged and lost their voice by the demons, and they all sighed with regret.

They understand the difficulties of these demons better than anyone.

Of course, the strength of a single sex slave is not strong, but groups of sex slaves come together, and every time one of them dies, all the remaining sex slaves are strengthened and have characteristics that also affect humans, making this kind of demon Become the most difficult presence in large-scale battles.

Without the means of mass destruction to kill them all at the same time, the lust slaves who fight to the end will only grow into a super being that even their executive officer cannot match alone.

To be fair, if they were put in the same situation, they wouldn't know what to do.

There are demons all around, and I am fighting alone.

It would be nice if he was really alone, but it was clear that this warrior's intention was to protect the special person he carried out, not to mention there were a bunch of lagging survivors to consider.

"Where are Murphy and Killoran?"

"This warrior has been holding on for so long, why haven't they arrived yet?"

"If there is no one left, you will die!"

Listening to those noisy sounds, Aglaia, who seemed to be standing calmly, gently squeezed her palms.


It's a pity that Bai E has awakened his spiritual power and is unable to realize it. The city knows it too late!

If it had been known earlier that he also had psychic abilities, and some of the explosive techniques developed in the city that were unique to psychic powers were taught to him, as long as he could learn one or two of them, there might be a chance to turn around in the face of this predicament.

But right now...

The attributes of the desire slave have probably reached their peak.

With the fighting prowess he showed at the beginning... he had no chance.


Aglaia could clearly see that the bodies of the demons chopped into pieces by Bai E were gathering together under a strange force.

This kind of convergence is no accident. Even if she can't see it, Aglaiya can easily guess the reason behind this change.

Under Bai E's massacre, the body of a low-level demon like Yunu could no longer withstand the enhancement brought by higher levels of "deathrattle".

However, the demonic aura in the entire castle is unprecedentedly strong, and the power of those "deathrattles" has nowhere to vent. Only demons with a higher upper limit can withstand the infusion of such power!

Even those lust slaves can't be taken down easily. Facing the higher-level demons that are about to appear, what will Bai E use to defeat them?

Deep regret and regret appeared in her sea-blue pupils, but in the spherical space wrapped by the crimson monster, a ray of white light suddenly appeared from the weak gaps!

Aglaia, who noticed this subtle change for the first time, suddenly widened her eyes.

The barrier of void blocked out all sounds and perceptions, and they knew nothing except the pictures.

However, even if it is just a picture, the conspicuous white light is definitely not trivial.

What is it!

what happened!

The sword finally had enough of the demon's blood.

[The current long sword proficiency is 1005/1000, and the "personal school" is being formed...]

It has been a while since Bai E felt the power of these lust slaves continue to increase.

The power that low-level demon bodies can withstand is limited, and they cannot endlessly obtain endless power from the increasing layers of "deathrattles."

They have reached their end!

Moreover, with his newly acquired absolute proficiency, he finally collected enough proficiency to unlock the most basic so-called "combat style".

The process of forming a personal school seems to be a moment, but in Bai E's consciousness, it seems that a long time has passed.

Some kind of invisible tentacle of detection is searching for Bai E's soul at this time.

The moment the genre was formed, it was constructed based on all Bai E's current mood, abilities, and even his own understanding of the current situation and the rough ideas in his mind to break the situation.

This kind of self-exploration makes people feel very wonderful. Baie can clearly perceive this process, but he cannot accurately control the direction of its development.

[The current formation of "personal genre" needs to rely on some existing ability, currently it relies on: Raging Waves of Anger. 】

[Current "Personal Style" keywords: outbreak, group attack. 】

All the information flashed through his mind. When Bai E understood the information, his ability had already taken shape.

["Personal school" has been formed. 】

[Absolute Mastery (Long Sword) * Flow (Level 1): When you are completely immersed in the battle using a "long sword" type weapon, you will enter the "flow" state. In this state, you can perfectly display your knowledge of the battle. You will understand everything, and at the same time, you will completely ignore the impact of any external factors on you. The world will listen to your voice! Any opponent who dares to face your inner world will suffer a furious counterattack from you! In the "flow" state, your reflex expression is +3 (first level). The current second-level progress is: 5/3000

Explosion: Whenever your anger accumulates to a certain level, any target that faces your heart will be violently counterattacked by your inner anger. The endless anger is like a huge wave sweeping everything, and the long sword will become the only carrier to carry it! Within a certain range, you can instantly deliver a fatal blow to every target that peeks into your heart! Cost: Up to 50 psionic points. 】

Snow-white sword light erupted instantly with Bai E as the center.

The endless anger turned into a huge wave sweeping through the world, and the surging sword intent instantly swept through the entire hall space on the first floor.

The blow with the added "instant kill of a hundred heads" is applied equally to every demon body of the lust slave under the influence of heart flow counterattack.

Even without the additional transformation of the exorcism essential oil, this blow directly to the essence of the soul still caused a devastating blow to these demons.

The blazing flames almost instantly burned out the bodies of every sex slave present. The burning of the body at the moment of death made these sex slaves feel the heat rising like never before.

The twisted longing made them feel endless pleasure from this strange impact, and the layers of "deathrattle" almost exploded in an instant!

The endless dark wind hovered over the entire sky-high hall, and the rich black aura emitted an almost substantial scream.

People outside the barrier cannot see the endless black energy that can only be seen in the spiritual senses, let alone the endless wind that only acts on the soul.

They could only see another bright sword light flash across their eyes, and the next moment all the lust slaves in the room were burned up in the rising flames.

[The soul-eating magic blade absorbs a small amount of the target's essence, and the special attack effect is being generated 920/1000. 】

The sword beats the devil!

So scary!

"This, this, this..."

"What kind of move is this!"

"I knew the instructor must have hidden a secret when he taught us!"

The instructor who taught Murphy and Killolan opened his eyes in confusion, and the white eyeballs were particularly conspicuous on the black face, "I can't do this damn thing either!"

The information they had just exchanged briefly was obviously not accurate enough. Arnold suddenly looked at the tall woman with dark blue hair not far away, "Didn't you say that he has not received any psychic training?"

Aglaiya also opened a pair of beautiful eyes, and her majestic eyebrows in the past were now full of confusion, "I have never seen this move before..."

In the entire psychic books of Blackwater City, there has never been any record of similar moves.

It is impossible for Bai E to have received spiritual guidance from their Blackwater City!

Have you come into contact with spiritual guides from other forces outside the city?

Or, create your own?

The former is unlikely. With Bai E's strength, if he is really contacted by other forces outside the city, I am afraid that the other party will not be willing to let such a powerful talent return to Blackwater City to serve.

Especially after being taught such powerful psychic skills, he would not tolerate such losses.

So, it can only be... self-created?


If he had this ability a long time ago, why did he wait until the last moment to release it?

The only explanation is that under the endless onslaught of the desire slave, Bai E deeply analyzed his own heart and used spiritual energy to successfully create this terrifying move to kill evil spirits.

The few embers that fell after being burned by the demon body were the best medals for the human hero in front of the arch.

"Isn't this too fierce?"

"It seems we still have a chance to take back the space where this castle is located from the hands of the devil!"

Bai E's astonishing performance gave some hope to the already frustrated executives.

But after only a short attempt, the efforts were defeated by reality again.

"It can't be broken, it can't be broken at all!"

"The strength of the barrier is the same as before, and there is no sign of it being weakened at all."

Aglaia, who was standing not far from Arnold and also heard the reports from the executives, squinted her eyes slightly, "Of course there is no change."

Only some basic miscellaneous soldiers died, and the foundation was not harmed at all.

After all, the real corruption is not the individual human beings who step into it. In the final analysis, they are both facilitators and victims.

The real target of corruption... is the castle itself, which is immersed in countless desires!

As long as the high-dimensional ripples echoing in this castle are still not smoothed out, the void barrier maintained by the high-dimensional power will never be weakened by half.

Even if Bai E uses his newly awakened abilities to eliminate the evil spirits, the next wave of evil spirits will soon attack again.

Moreover, if so many lust slaves died at one time, how terrifying would the "deathrattle" layers provided by them be?

The next enemy that appears... may be the death of everyone!

"We can't win." Aglaia bit her lip gently, her eyes worried.

The originally dispensable mentality has now undergone some subtle changes.

Bai E's strength is of course extremely powerful. When driving a mecha, he can be called the God of War in the military region. He is an important strategic-level force guarantee for the city's outward expansion.

But before fighting against the outside world, we must first make peace with the inside.

Compared with foreign enemies, demons that covet humans all the time and are all-pervasive are a serious danger to humans. They cannot be cured and can only be guarded against day and night.

In this case, Bai E, who has simply awakened his spiritual energy but does not know how to use it, cannot provide much help to the city in the field of spiritual energy.

If Kiloland and Murphy could bring out one person, they would naturally bring out Weslin, the son of the city lord.

Just bringing out one person is extremely difficult.

It is even more difficult to bring out two people.

Now, Eglaia suddenly wavered about the only place that could possibly be taken out.

She never thought that Bai E could make achievements in both mecha driving and psychic fields at the same time.

Bai E, who possesses such strength, has surpassed the status of Weslin, the son of the city lord, in her heart.

It's a pity that Killoran and Murphy have already entered and are now unable to contact them.

The final decision depends on the two little birds' own choices.

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