Aglaia's words formally raised the core issue of the meeting - should the existence of the castle be completely abandoned?

When such a change occurs, it is not just a matter of ensuring that some key figures are rescued as some people think.

The small-scale impact of a space being poached from the real world can be far more troublesome than the larger, long-term impact.

Especially since the castle is built so deep into the city, once it falls, it will be in big trouble.

A spokesperson wearing the robe of the arbitration office stood up first and said loudly: "I propose that the castle be completely banned. The city can no longer allow this kind of filth and evil to exist!"

Immediately there was a chorus of agreement, "Reconsideration!"


Those who are truly concerned about safety are completely different from those who only care about profit.

This kind of place that will definitely attract the attention of demons can only be completely canceled without any compromise.

Faced with the sudden counterattack, the old man who spoke first had a dark face, "The castle cannot be banned! We must always give some space for reasonable venting of desires. If we don't build toilets, then everywhere will become toilets; if we don't establish order, the market will We will find our own order. It is much better to have the castle under our control than to allow this kind of transaction to develop freely!"

"Then go find it! Go find it! What are the city security teams used for? We cannot allow these desires to develop unchecked! In the face of the devil, we must be vigilant as a whole!"

"Desire is an inherent attribute of human beings. We cannot go against everyone's nature! You are shaking the foundation of the city!"

"Are the so-called desires the desires of the whole city or your private desires?" The speaker of the arbitration office sneered repeatedly and spoke fiercely.

Seeing that the topic was gradually getting out of control, another old man in luxurious clothes stood up and ended the dispute, "Okay! Since we have different opinions, let's vote!"

Ordinary members have one vote, and there are probably more than a hundred votes in the audience.

The rest are the main institutions such as arbitration institutes, military camps, and scientific research institutes. The opinions of these forces are more decisive, and one vote of the spokesperson counts as ten votes.

Bai E also has a voting machine in his hand. After passing the identity authentication of the military camp spokesman, his opinion represents ten votes.

There is no doubt that Bai E directly voted for the party that supported the abolition of the castle.

Not long after, the results of the vote came out, and the party supporting the ban won by a slim margin of 5 votes.

Ordinary members of Parliament had family missions, and most of them voted for the party that opposed the banning of the castle.

The Arbitration Office, the Psychic Management Center, the military camp, the Mechanical Court, and even the city security force, etc., all rarely reached a unified opinion on the same matter.

This incident has sounded the alarm for all agencies that are truly concerned about the safety of the city. No one can sit back and watch the same thing happen again.

"Okay, okay!" The old man who was the first to get angry saw the voting results, and his face was obviously angry. "Since everyone is so confident in the order of the city, let's wait and see the performance of your security team and arbitration office!"

After the dust of the decision was settled, Aglaia, who had not attracted too much firepower from just now, stood up neatly and spoke calmly.

"I have another proposal here."

"In view of General Baie's outstanding performance in the castle incident and his amazing psychic potential, I propose that all psychic secrets in the city be opened to General Baie. If Baie is involved in this incident, The general has been exposed to the exorcism array in advance, and he didn't even need to take the risk of Kirolan to demonstrate it."

In other words, there was no need to wait for Kilolan to enter the scene. General Bai E was the first to notice the change.

"General Bai'e? A general who was promoted from an android can also master many secrets of the city? I'm not sure."

"That's right! It's okay to teach him some combat skills, but if you open up all the secret psychic skills... then I can't agree to it!"

"Aglaia, have you forgotten the fact that General Bai E lost control some time ago! Do you know the weight of unlocking all the secret skills...?"

The foundation of a city is indispensable for various spiritual magic circles, and the node maintenance of these related magic circles, etc., are all recorded in the secret techniques.

If one day the master wants to do something, others will have no way of guarding against it.

Aglaia frowned slightly.

Even if he knew in advance that this counterattack was destined to come, he still had to feel a little troublesome.

If General Bai E cannot take advantage of this opportunity to obtain the privilege of unlocking all secret psychic skills when he performs so well this time, it will be difficult to find similar opportunities in the future.

How many fate-changing events can a person encounter in a normal life?

Some things, if you miss the opportunity, you may never see it again in your life.

After thinking about this, Aglaiya glanced towards certain corners.

Their psyker management center also has its own connections, and now is the time when they need the support of those connections.

If there are not enough people who clearly express their support, there will not even be a chance to vote.

I just don’t know if my network of connections is enough to promote...

However, the next moment, Aglaia saw a person with whom she had not been in close contact stood up, "I support Lord Aglaia's opinion. General Baie has made outstanding contributions and is loyal to the city. The strength of General Baie is the key to the city." of strength."

An unfamiliar spokesperson stood up suddenly, "I also agree with Lord Aglaiya! The existence of General Bai E can deter those Xiaoxiao in the darkness. The stronger he is, the safer the city will be."

"I agree……"

The Scientific Research Institute, the Security Team, the Arbitration Institute, and even the spokespersons of institutions such as the Mechanical Tribunal, which are at completely opposite ends of the spectrum from the Psychic Management Center, all stood up and made their stance clear at this moment.

After finishing speaking, they all even looked in the direction where they were, and nodded and smiled in good faith, which seemed to be a bit of a sign of flattery.

Although the existence of their psyker management center is vital to the city, when did these parallel institutions have such prestige?

No! Maybe it's not my own prestige.

But... Bai E.

Their vision shifted.

Bai E, who was sitting next to him, was the target of the good intentions of those forces.

When did this android warrior, who was born at the bottom of the military camp, have such a level of wings in the city?

Full of horror, this proposal, which Eglaia had originally proposed with the attitude of giving it a try, was passed with a huge advantage in a dreamlike manner.

But it was much simpler than the castle battle just now. (End of chapter)

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