Wow! The explosion rate is really high

Chapter 483 Asking for help

When the meeting ended, Bai E saw a familiar figure walking towards his direction.


The handsome, melancholy and decadent man who originally planned to compete with Weslin for the position of marshal of the military region.

"Congratulations." There was a sincere smile on the other person's face, "General Baie, the city's safety will depend on you a lot in the future."

"?" Bai E narrowed his eyes and said nothing.

The other party has a proactive attitude and will take the initiative to explain any questions he has.

As long as you don't express your opinion, the decision-making power and leadership will always be in your hands.

Aglaia on the side looked at Caesar with a somewhat clear smile, "It turns out that you and General Bai know each other. No wonder your people suddenly stood up and spoke."

Caesar, is the boss of the city's security team?

Then why did he say that he came from the Psyker Management Center before?

As soon as this question flashed through his mind, Caesar explained with a smile: "Before I went to serve in the security force, I was also a psyker registered in the management center. And to be honest, when I met General Bai, I I still can’t show off my status as a member of the security team.”

His tone was self-deprecating, and his way of dealing with others was far more endearing than that of Weslin... If he hadn't had the initial impression, Bai E felt that he would have had a good impression of him.

"So now you are promoted?"

Caesar shrugged, "Just yesterday..."

Aglaia looked at him with admiration, "Caesar works very hard and has been fighting on the front line of the intrigues with those war gangs."

Unlike Weslin's airborne marshal-style helicopter landing, Caesar purely relied on his own hands to hit him with punches and kicks.

Or... is it somewhat possible that it is compensation for not supporting Caesar in stealing the position of military marshal?

Caesar stared at Bai E with a pair of fiery eyes, "General Bai, I am not a person who likes to be polite. Please be considerate of what I say to you."

Aglaia frowned and asked in confusion: "What? The security team has encountered a lot of troublesome things recently?"

Caesar smiled bitterly and shook his head, "Not now... but immediately."


"The meaning of those old men just now is very clear. They are waiting for us to make mistakes." Caesar put away the teasing expression on his face and turned serious. "After the castle is banned, if the city's crime rate remains high , various vicious incidents occur frequently, so that everyone is in danger, how will public opinion be guided then?"

Aglaia squinted her eyes, a cold light flashing in her eyes, "They won't, right?"

"No?" Caesar sneered, "What can't they do? 'Applying certain human desires while ensuring the overall interests is political wisdom.' They can say such nonsense, what else? Is it something they can’t do?”

"..." Aglaia pursed her lips, her expression cold and cold, "What are you going to do?"

"In the next period of time, the opponent's counterattack will definitely be the most violent. The war gangs they support will definitely implement their will. Other independent war gangs may also fish in troubled waters. By then, there will be fires everywhere in the city. We will only rely on us for public security. The usual size of the team will definitely not be able to respond in time and dispatch everywhere. Now that Weslin is in coma, General Bai is the highest spokesperson of the military region. I hope that when the security team is short of manpower, General Bai can provide timely assistance. As long as it can withstand the opponent's temporary counterattack , they don’t dare to really break up their faces completely.”

The city is too big, the level of fighting weapons is low, and the opponents are all humans themselves.

What is needed is not an institution that targets demons like the Heretic Arbitration Institute, nor is it an elite high-level combat force like the Mechanical Tribunal, but a vast number of ordinary weapons.

In the entire city, apart from the security forces, only military camps can provide large-scale ordinary armed forces.

Baier stared into Caesar's eyes, and only sincerity and magnanimity could be seen in them.

"I'm not familiar with this kind of thing, and I don't dare to make a decision arbitrarily. I have to go back and discuss it with other generals before I can give you an answer."

"Then I look forward to your good news." Caesar smiled slightly, "I believe that anyone who cares about the safety of the city will not sit back and watch this kind of chaos happen. The generals in the military region should also understand the hidden story behind it."


"Your military region suffered heavy losses during the last expedition, and I don't know how the troops have been replenished recently. In fact, using some criminals who committed crimes in the city to serve as troops was something they often did in the past."

No matter how much human beings fight among themselves, they are just fighting among themselves.

Put it in the military camp, and the only enemies are alien races such as bugs and orcs.

No human being can rebel against such a foreign race. If criminals want to make up for their mistakes, they have to be more fierce than anyone else on the battlefield.

"Thank you for the reminder, but as I said just now, I don't know much about these matters. Marshal Veslin is not here. I need to discuss with other generals before I can make a decision."

"Okay, then don't disturb General Bai."

Caesar smiled and backed away without any delay.

Watching Caesar leave, Aglaia put away the smile on her face and warned Baie with a serious face: "I can't understand Caesar. You should consider what he said. Those generals in the military region may not be anything. They are far-sighted and wise men, but they are probably quite familiar with the ghosts here. You can listen to their opinions. If you still dare not make a decision easily, you can ask my opinion after collecting all the information. Now, let’s go Well. Didn’t you say you wanted to see what happened to the survivors? I’ll take you there.”

The identity of an artificial human seems to have this inherent advantage. All people who come into contact with themselves will initially default to being a "blank slate" with clean thinking.

Even a high-ranking psyker like Aglaia instinctively felt comfortable getting close to her.

"How long will we be detained for?"

"Didn't you say that the inspection has been done? Why don't you let us go?"

"I'm so anxious! I'm so anxious!"

A group of players who were imprisoned in a specially made cage were wailing.

The wolf and scorpion who were locked up with them raised their eyebrows, wondering how these guys could be so big-hearted.

Witnessing that level of high-dimensional demon invasion with her own eyes, she would have wished for the City Arbitration Office to do dozens more checks on her to make sure there was nothing wrong with her.

But what about these people?

Trying to run away?

The demonic invasion that just happened before your eyes didn't shock you at all, right?

"It's them. If there's no problem, let them out." A voice sounded in the distance.

The first time he heard that familiar voice, Kuang Xin jumped up excitedly, "It's an adult!" (End of Chapter)

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