Wow! The explosion rate is really high

Chapter 488 Deep Cooperation

"I have to be with you." Helen said bluntly: "Even if there is my order for things like background programming operations, you can't go in alone. I don't have the final say in the Research Institute now, so you can only pretend to be me Only if you have a lot of followers can you get in."

"That's no problem."

As long as he does it himself, Bai E has nothing to worry about.

"Shall we go now?" Helen also has a resolute and resolute temper. She does whatever she wants to do and never drags her feet.

"Yes." Bai E nodded, although he also had other things to discuss with Helen.

But things have to be done one by one.

The human heart is a black box. Helen seems to be quite cooperative with her, but only she knows what her intentions are.

Before the facts were verified, Bai E was not going to throw out the matter that he planned to work with her.

The main control backend of the programming android production line is also underground in the military area. The computer room is tightly guarded. Various precautionary measures against violence and psychic powers have been used to guard this place. If you want to get in without passing through Helen, you may be really stupid. I have a headache.

There were people inside the computer room. Helen came with Bai E and waved them away.

"You guys go do other things first. I need to check here."

If anything runs for a long time, various faults and deviations will occur, and the same goes for the artificial human production master console that monitors various technical indicators in the background.

Helen always comes for maintenance regularly on weekdays. Although the interval is a bit shorter this time, it is not a big problem.

"You can start now." Helen stood aside and stared at Bai E with interest.

'add a bit! ’ Bai E thought lightly in his heart and gave his experience.

[Payment: 400 scientific research experience points. 】

[Have learned "Level 2 Gene Modification" and obtained 2 technology points simultaneously. 】

[The current genetic modification experience is 0/500. When you reach 500 points, you can master "Level 3 Gene Modification". Note: The acquired knowledge only allows mastering up to level 2 genetic modification. 】

[Gene modification (Level 2/?): You have mastered the secrets about certain aspects of genes. From now on, you have the ability to make "simple" modifications to the original gene sequence. You can also try to make more complex genes. Programming work to gain more experience and proficiency, but changes are highly likely, so please proceed with caution. 】

The upper limit of the knowledge gained from the production cabin is only the level of the original owner, but the original owner's level is enough to support Bai E in doing what he wants to do.

Densely packed data and information flashed across the display screen in front of Bai E. Bai E followed the subconscious guidance of the knowledge in his mind and entered instructions like muscle memory to change the genetic prohibition settings for artificial humans.

To master is to master, and to not master is to not master.

Seeing the smoothness of Bai E's operation, Helen on the side was filled with amazement.

Not just knowing, but even familiar.

The proficiency of the operation is no less than that of myself who set the ban.

Is this his talent?

Looking at Bai E's side face, the thought that had been suppressed for a long time suddenly emerged again.

It is true that genetically optimized gene fragments are easily "distorted" when passed on to future generations. The more powerful the gene fragment, the more difficult it is to pass it on. It is difficult for children to survive during normal fertility, and artificially cultivated embryos for unconventional fertility are prone to various births. kind of mutation.

This is the harm of genetic optimization to human beings as a whole. If this problem is not completely solved, even if genetic optimization fluid can be supplied on a large scale one day, those in power will not spread it to everyone.

The strength of one generation will lead to the demise of the entire population. Unless it is a last resort, no one will do this.

But with such a powerful talent, even if it is difficult to give birth and the chance of producing normal offspring is small, it is still an extremely tempting choice.

As soon as she thought of this, some kind of strange desire instantly made Helen feel a commotion in her body, making it difficult to control herself.

In a state of confusion, Bai E seemed to have completed his operation.


The plain voice sounded as if from outside the sky, causing Helen's body to tremble as she fell into a brief reverie, and she instantly reacted, "What?"

"It's done, you can go."

Bai E's voice was like a cold radiance, brushing away the last strand of messy thoughts in his heart.

Helen touched her face slightly with the back of her hand and felt a burning sensation.

'how so? ’

With this in mind, Helen nodded to Bai E and replied seriously: "Then let's go first, this is not a place to talk."

After leaving the core computer room, Bai E continued to say to Helen: "This template will be used for subsequent production. I need to speed up the production of at least 10,000 artificial human warriors."

"You want so much?" Helen squinted her eyes with some confusion.

"Well..." Bai E hesitated for a moment, and then explained the reason to Helen, "Caesar, the captain of the city security team, came to me privately and said that the decision to close the underground castle that day would harm the interests of the 'nobles' Crazy, they may instigate some unrest in the city by the war gangs they can control. It is difficult for their security team to recruit manpower, and it will be difficult to expand the establishment in a short period of time. He predicts that their manpower alone will not be able to suppress those unrest. We need the help of the troops in our barracks when necessary. At the same time, we cannot ignore the threat of foreign enemies, so I want to detonate troops as soon as possible to ensure that everything is stable."

"Those fools." Helen frowned, feeling equally angry. However, there was an existing restriction in front of her.

"The existing biomass storage is not enough to produce the artificial humans you need. This is also difficult for me to solve."

The technological component of the production line allows for rapid detonation of troops on a large scale, but has some other limitations.

Rapid production requires a large amount of biomass to provide nutrients, and the artificial humans produced are also living lives that are no different from natural humans. They need all the materials needed to survive.

Cities are of course very large and can easily support countless "ten thousand people".

But the city is supporting countless "10,000 people", and the sudden increase of "10,000 people" may be the straw that breaks the camel's back.

In order to feed the suddenly extra "10,000 people", Bai E must come up with a solution on his own.

"Lack of biomass?"

Bai E was stunned for a moment, "looking" at the mountains of meat piled up in his warehouse, and suddenly a bold idea came to his mind.

This idea was quickly sketched out, and it could even kill two birds with one stone and make everyone in the city believe in Helen's previous brainwashing effect on them, so that they truly began to believe in themselves.

"I'll figure this out." Bai E said thoughtfully, "In addition, there is another thing that you must have discovered a long time ago."

Helen had long said that the mecha sword she used in the battle against the insect nest in the Black Rock District fell into her hands.

Of course other people wouldn't know the secret on the sword, but she wouldn't know it.

He remained silent, perhaps waiting for himself to take the initiative to express his position.

Anyway, it is already a known secret, so why not take the initiative to say it, "The mecha sword I used has a technical system that the city does not have now."

Powered weapons.

Or force field weapons.

The power swords and power shields from omnics are very effective. Bai E, who uses them personally, is quite greedy for this technology, not to mention Helen, who regards various new cutting-edge technologies as her life.

"You are finally willing to tell me." Helen looked at Bai E with an obvious smile in her eyes, "The armor of the Mechanical Tribunal is also produced in cooperation with our scientific research institute, and I have also used the high-frequency cutting weapons they use. Participate in it, but their weapons are shattered by the touch of the master's bone blade. I guess the blade you use must have other special bonuses."

Helen is also a psychic, and she still knows a thing or two about some commonly accepted common sense in the field of psychic energy.

Psionics can indeed transform into all possible special bonuses, but first the user needs to have a certain understanding of the technology being used.

In other words, this technology must really exist in the world and be touched and known by users.

Using psionic energy to impose the concept of "invincibility" is indeed another way to accomplish this enhancement, but that is pure psionic confrontation.

If you want your sword to be as good as the master's bone blade, you must first have Bai'e's spiritual energy level to be no less than the master's spiritual energy level.

What kind of existence is the master?

The ultimate battlefield BOSS that combines the spiritual energy generated by all the insects in the insect nest into one. If Bai E had the level of spiritual energy that could suppress the entire field, its true performance on the battlefield would probably be far more exaggerated than that of the Overlord. Much more.

So Bai E's war blade can fight against the master's bone blade, it must be that he masters or knows some form of weapon enhancement that is different from high frequency cutting!

In order to win Bai E's trust, Helen never pressed him.

She believed that as long as she showed enough sincerity, sooner or later this android warrior, who had completely sealed himself off, would reveal his completely soft inner self in front of her.

Now is the time to finally pay off.

"Yes." Bai E nodded, agreeing with Helen's guess, "I have fought several times with those intelligent machines that inherited the golden age. During the fights, the mecha I drove seemed to sense the technology used by the other party. , was vaguely passed on to me through the link between psychic powers in a 'babble'-like form. Although I don't know much about the details of those technologies, I can directly transfer those technologies with the help of mechas. Use it."

Bai E has indeed upgraded the core technology of the power weapon - the cracking force field generator to level 3.

However, there are many other detailed technologies and knowledge on the Power Source Sword drawings. It is a bit difficult to quickly reproduce the finished Power Source Sword relying only on your own knowledge reserves.

It is better to find someone to cooperate, provide the key technology yourself, and leave the remaining details to Helen.

"Perhaps we can try to push it out?" Helen's eyes lit up.

He can infer the essence based on performance, and Bai E has vague cognition, which allows him to determine whether the direction of his research is generally wrong.

As long as they cooperate with each other, they can recover the technologies lost by mankind in the golden age one by one.

Some of the technologies used by omnics are a bit coveted even by today's humans.

"That's what I mean. If those weapons can be popularized on a large scale, or even only to some elite soldiers, it will greatly improve our combat effectiveness."

"But we can't drive that weapon..." Helen stared at Bai E helplessly.

Privately, they had done countless research on the war blade. If Helen hadn't stopped it, some frantic researchers would have even planned to dismantle the war blade and study it.

The synthesis and shaping of sixteen-yuan alloys can already be carried out in the laboratory. Don’t you believe that you still can’t study an ordinary alloy sword?

Even an enchanted war knife.

"Only me...and Rose can drive."

Bai E took the opportunity and added another spot.

He might have a lot of chores to do later. If Helen wants to do research, she can ask Rose to assist.

Anyway, as long as it is a target that you have granted permission to, you can activate the true power of the Star-Eating Blade.

"Okay!" Helen's face was full of excitement.

High-frequency cutting has been proven to be a way, and has been used on a small scale in high-end combat units similar to the Mechanical Court. However, how can humans dislike not having enough technology tree points?

If new power weapons show new features such as being cheaper to build, more powerful, or able to function simultaneously with high-frequency cutting, etc., it will undoubtedly provide more room for choice in terms of cost, selectivity, or upper limit of combat power. .

"Where are the weapons? I'm going to ask Rose to come with us now."

"Okay! I'll have it delivered right now."

The sword was transported to the scientific research center early in the morning, where there were more sophisticated equipment and instruments. Unfortunately, it turned into a mediocre weapon when no one used it. Even Helen had no way to do anything about it.

In a separate hangar belonging to the Research Institute, Bai E and Rose looked at each other and joined hands together again after a long absence to activate the mecha.

"I knew you would come back."

Bai E solemnly handed over the power of the Star-Eating Blade to Rose, and warned with a smile, "Feel this power, this will be the greatest weapon against the Zerg."

The moment the authority was given, Rose's eyes suddenly widened.

The endowment from the law made her feel an instant familiarity with the blade she held in her hand. Even through the mecha, she felt as smooth as using her fingers.

"Try it." Bai E sat in the driving seat aside and handed over most of the driving authority in the mecha to Rose.

With simple control commands, Rose can still play by herself.

Facing the target made of one-yuan alloy rising in front of him, the blue-white mecha raised its sword high...

Then it slashed down suddenly!

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