Helen stood in the center console room of a separate hangar, almost her eyes popping out when she saw the output level of the mecha's sword.

The maximum output power of the mecha is specified, and the material of the sword is not that special. However, the target made of one-yuan alloy is instantly shattered with one blow, and only in the milliseconds before it is shattered, the data of the hit is transmitted to the central control computer.

But judging from the data, it far exceeds the output energy level of weapons produced by high-frequency cutting technology in the previous laboratory!

Bai E, who stepped off the cockpit, smiled and pushed Rose in front of Helen, "If you use insects as targets, you will make new discoveries. Of course... that has nothing to do with technology. In addition, if necessary later, You can ask Rose to help you test it. If nothing else, I will be leading a team out in the next two days, so I don’t have time to help you with research."

Helen's research progress is not that fast. First, she has to wait for her to deduce something really clueful from the weapons, and then she can use the excuse of the machine soul to point out, until she can teach both the techniques she has mastered. give her.

Before that, you can do your own thing first.

"Okay." Helen nodded, "Then you go and do your work first. I will contact you if necessary."

Anyway, she and Bai E have a separate and private connection and can be contacted at any time.

"If there's nothing else, I'll go first."

There are other things to be busy with in the military camp. While Weislin is sleeping, Bai E must complete everything he wants to accomplish as quickly as possible!

"Okay, you go first, Rose stays to help me."

After patting Rose on the shoulder, Bai E turned and left.

Bai E, who left the separate hangar, summoned all the officers in the military camp who could count.

In the private small room, the projector light shone on Bai E's face. Bai E stood under the light and looked at all the people sitting in the dark seats.

It's so dark that you can't see his expression clearly.

This is where Weslin once stood, but now it belongs to Bai E.

If you can't see other people's expressions clearly, it will naturally be difficult to understand what others mean.

Bai E knew that the position he was currently standing in was controversial enough.

There are always only a few officers like Carlos who stand firmly behind him. Even if he can usually be a leader in his own faction, when it comes to his right to speak, even if he is also a supporter of others. Other officers of the human faction did not express their support like Carlos.

Nowadays, in the military camp, in addition to the factions with different attitudes towards artificial humans in the past, there are two new factions with different attitudes towards the general - either supporting or opposing. There is no neutrality at all this time.

In order to embarrass themselves, those opponents also gave themselves enough problems.

Bai E put his hands on the table and glanced at every summoned officer in front of him expressionlessly, "I just discussed it with Academician Helen from the Scientific Research Department, and she agreed to increase the production rate for our military region's production line. , we just need to provide the supplies for the newly produced soldiers by ourselves. So what have you considered about what you said last time?"

As soon as Baie returned to the military camp, he discussed the request that Caesar and Baie had made with the senior officers in the military region.

But I didn't say it in detail. I just said that according to predictions, there may be a certain degree of unrest in the city, and the city security team wants to request the support of their army at a critical moment.

"I'm still saying the same thing, what does the turmoil in the city have to do with us? Our mission is to fight against foreign enemies. Unless the city lord gives an order, who is he, the captain of the security team?" It's not right to have a bad temper. The officer who had a problem with Caesar or Baie stood up and cursed angrily.

"Don't be excited, don't be excited. Didn't we agree that as long as General Bai E can solve our soldier problem, I will support all his decisions!"

The army was depleted after the expedition to the Insect Nest. The remaining troops had difficulty even forming a basic combat organization. The daily training scene was desolate.

Generals are called generals because they have power.

They are nothing if they don't have soldiers in their hands.

But without the marshal Weslin, their military headquarters couldn't even turn over the application letters submitted for recruitment.

Some people speculate that this may be because the city lord has no structure, and he did it deliberately to let the military region know the importance of Marshal Weslin.

But don’t you believe that Weslin is in a coma, so they don’t have to live their lives?

"Whoever can solve our soldier problem, I will recognize who can lead our military region!"

"You can't say that. Even if we have soldiers, we don't have to guard against bugs, orcs and other alien races? Do we still need to do daily patrols? Do we still need to implement the strategic policy of three days of small cleaning and seven days of general cleaning? Isn't this right? Do we need people? We can’t finish our own work, so how can we have time to take care of the city’s affairs? Don’t let others take advantage of the situation if you don’t do your own work well, and there are no people on both sides. Someone wants to sell If you can do favors from others, you can do it yourself, why do you have to involve everyone?"

Bai E looked at the other party deeply and did not express his position.

The influence of those nobles is not limited to the city.

Not all of these so-called senior officers in the military camp were made from scratch on the battlefield. Many of them... were also from the so-called "nobles" themselves.

Knowing a little bit of inside information, of course they would not sit back and watch the security team find foreign aid so smoothly.

Hamilton couldn't stand hearing these weird things. He was completely impressed by Bai E. At this time, he sincerely mentioned Bai E and shouted, "Didn't we already agree last time? Who can solve the problem of soldiers in the military region? We all support all the decisions he makes, so why is he going back on his word now?"

"Has it been solved?" the sinister officer asked rhetorically, "What did General Bai E say just now? We need to solve the supplies for the newly produced soldiers by ourselves! Where are the supplies? Where are the supplies? How much have we prepared? Supplies, how many soldiers can be produced quickly?”

Bai E's face was calm, "The temporary target is 10,000, and I will prepare the other supplies right now."

"Okay! If you can solve the material issue, I will obey you no matter what you say! Damn it!" The sinister officer slapped the table, turned around and left, "If it doesn't work, I'll just be your pilot." Don’t interfere! Don’t interfere in the important matters of the military camp!”

Looking at the other person's back slowly leaving, Bai E's voice was low and clear, "Okay."

What he wants is to once again strengthen everyone's agreement.

Last time, it was only under the unanimous shouts of Carlos, Hamilton and others that some officers had to hold their noses and admit that they could become the boss by solving the soldiers. But now, they only use supplies to make the remaining half of the officers do it. Shutting his mouth completely was the purpose of his meeting.

The goal was achieved and Bai E ended the meeting and left the city.

If he wanted to complete his previous plan, he would need to send someone from the Black Street to communicate with the people in Dawn Town and ask them to perform a play.

And before that, you first have to find a way to get more biomass yourself.

There is indeed a lot of meat in my explosive backpack, but it is only enough to be used as bait to start the plan in advance. If you want to truly solve the biomass resources needed by tens of thousands of artificial humans, you have to do it yourself!

Baie, who found Kilde on the black street, expressed his purpose of coming directly, "Find some absolutely trustworthy people to transport some things to Dawn Town, and we need all the people in the town to come out to help with something. The matter is urgent, so maybe It will be more troublesome, you can ask Nova to help you."

As soon as the voice fell, a petite figure jumped out of nowhere, "Dabai, are you looking for me? I'll do it!"

Looking at Nova hanging on his body like a koala, Baie just touched her head lovingly, then continued to say to Gilder: "This needs to be done as soon as possible, I'm waiting for your letter. "

"That's no problem." Gilder's face was serious. Everything the Lord ordered has always been a top priority for him. "I'll make arrangements right away. I just don't know what the Lord wants to transport and how much it is." ?I’ll prepare enough manpower.”

"Some... pieces of meat, the quantity may require more than a dozen trucks to pull."

Bai E directly took out a piece from the explosion rate space.

There seems to be no concept of time in space. What it looks like when a piece of meat explodes is what it looks like when it is taken out now.

It was like fresh pieces of meat that had just been cut from a living creature. It was bloody and the fishy smell spread out.

Looking at the piece of meat held in Bai E's hand, Kilde said seriously, "That still needs to be sealed."

Otherwise, if such a strong spirit enters the wilderness, he will undoubtedly become the most handsome boy in the wild.

"...But it doesn't matter, I'll take care of it!"

"Yes." Bai E also believed in Gilder's ability. The old man did everything flawlessly and never had any problems if anything was entrusted to him. "That's it for now. Where are my subordinates? Are they here now?"

"Yes! They seem to be waiting for you too."

"Okay, help me call them over."

Seeing Bai E wearing the clothes of a high-ranking general, the players' eyes were a little wet.

In their eyes, it was the choices they and others made time and time again that contributed to the growth of Bai E, the NPC in the game, to what he is today.

Every time they see Bai E's status improve in the world of the game, they feel a sense of relief like an old father finally seeing his son grow up.

Of course, it's more about creating a real sense of awe for this kind of game.

"Sir, is it finally time for us to play?" Dai Lian took the initiative and asked.

After Bai E taught them the skills last time, he asked them to stay on standby around the city for the time being.

Considering that the most convenient place for adults to contact is the dark street, I just endured the boredom of not being able to find many challenging tasks around and stayed in the dark street for the past two days.

"Well. You can probably prepare for what I told you last time. After my next arrangements are completed, it won't take long for you to see the first batch of new recruits who need to be trained. Remember, those are our future. The cornerstone, you must teach it seriously.”

"Promise to complete the task!" Dai Lian stood at attention, his eyes as firm as if he had joined the party.

"So this mission will definitely be successful. You also need to follow the team to ensure the absolute success of this operation!"

Bai E casually wrote a task and sent it out. If he decided to train them, he would train them well and find various ways to strengthen these players. This would undoubtedly bring him more positive feedback.

When they once again received a mission from an adult with a richer reward than anyone else, several players looked excited and agreed, "Yes! Sir!"

"If it's okay, you can go to Gilder to discuss operational cooperation. I have other things to do."

"Sir! Your Majesty!" Kuang Xin suddenly emerged from the group of players, came to Bai E and whispered, "Sir, I have information that I want to report privately..."

A tall, handsome man muttered in a low voice like a girl, which made people laugh. Bai E set up a psychic curtain with his hands, and the barrier that affected all senses such as vision and hearing instantly trapped him and Kuang Xin. He was separated from others' perception, and then he smiled and asked Kuang Xin: "What's the matter?"

"Such an adult." Kuang Xin showed a rare shrewd look on his face, "After my observations over the past few days, I feel that the organization Wenjie joined in the city... is not simple!"

"Oh?" Bai E asked curiously, "What's not a simple method?"

Kuang Xin insisted, "I think they have the intention of treason! Wenjie invited us to be guests in their organization that day, and I saw something secretive about them. According to Wenjie, it seemed to be some kind of biological robot for cleaning... But According to my observation, it’s more like some kind of biological weapon!”

[Obtained force information (unidentified): the turbulent "doctor". 】

"Oh?" Bai E frowned slightly, nodded and said, "Okay, I understand."

It seems that Wenjie's organization is also one of the war gangs secretly raised and supported by the so-called nobles?

The information provided by Kuang Xin is consistent with the information he has. It must be either groundless, or he doesn't know how much benefit this "insider" information that he knows in advance can bring to his next actions?

Bai E waved his hand and casually picked out a psychic seed, "This is the psychic seed that carries my full blow. When you encounter any trouble that cannot be solved, you can use your own psychic power to activate it." This psychic seed should be able to help you repel a strong enemy."

[You have obtained the character card——Bai E. 】

[Character Card——Bai E: Activate this card, and you can launch a full blow from the game character——Bai E! 】

Kuang Xin was filled with ecstasy after receiving the reward, "Thank you, Sir!"

"I won't treat you badly." Bai E smiled and patted Kuang Xin on the shoulder, "Do it well."

Looking at the direction where the adults were leaving at night, Gilder withdrew his gaze and looked at the men he had found in front of him.

"Cardi, this is the last mission."

The other party never mentioned what he promised to the other party last time after he came back, and Kilde never took the initiative to speak.

After all, there are really very few of his subordinates who are completely trustworthy and capable of doing things.

The young man smiled brightly, "What do you say, sir? I am the most loyal servant of our sir!"

The last time he witnessed his master punching through an omnic field factory alone, he has been the true god in his mind since then!

As for some bullshit psyker management center in the city? Nothing compared to an adult!

Looking at the young man in front of him, Gilder was a little puzzled, "Huh?"

"It's okay. If anything happens, just give me your orders! As long as it's an adult's business, I'll go through fire and water without hesitation!"

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