Four off-road vehicles were aimlessly intertwining in the wilderness. Bai E was sitting in the original special team vehicle. You, who was driving, asked with some confusion: "Captain, where are we going?"

Bai E was checking the electronic map in his hand and casually replied: "Let's run with them first."

If you mess around a bit, maybe you can rely on them to find the bait you throw out?

That would be more convincing.

In the No. 1 car that was in charge of piloting, the driver-soldier glanced at the car hanging at the rear in the rearview mirror, with a hint of disdain in his eyes, "It seems like you are headless when you are just leading people out like this when you are looking for supplies. Search like a fly and you’ll find nothing!”

"That's right! I guess I was forced to do something under pressure to show that I was really busy." The soldier in the co-pilot agreed actively.

Although the last war destroyed most of the combat establishment of the entire military region, there are still some complete establishments that can be used among the remaining personnel.

As a warrior born from an artificial human, Bai E defeated the bugs, but he was not able to defeat some mouths born from natural humans.

The team that had received the care of their parents came with orders to monitor Bai E.

"He doesn't want to find some random wild beasts and beat them back for business, does he?"

"I want to see how much useful biomass I can find in this wilderness."

The four cars kept a certain distance and spread all the way north like an intertwined carpet.

As the sun slowly moves across the sky, from early morning to dusk, it is difficult to see much useful information in the field of vision.

When they were lighting a fire to heat up food in the field, the captains of the other three special teams gathered around Bai E beside the fire.

After gaining the strength to be fearless, lighting a fire in the wilderness at night was no longer a taboo in Bai E's heart.

When facing Bai E in person, the captains of the three teams showed full respect on their faces, "Sir, which direction are we going next?"

The other captain showed a more professional quality. He spread out a map of the landforms around the city and drew slightly undulating earth-yellow areas with his fingers in a circle. "The places closer to the city are in our daily life." There should be nothing missing during the sweep. Only the Sunset Mountains connected to the northwest continent may contain a large amount of the biomass we need."

The distance from every human city is not close, and its unique geographical structure makes it difficult for the human army to take advantage of the wild beasts in the mountains.

Even when Blackwater City was developing at its best, no one had any interest in them because the gains outweighed the losses.

But now...if Bai E really wants to give the city a reliable explanation, it can only be here.

"Then go here." Bai E nodded, looking like he had seriously considered the other party's opinion, "I was thinking in this direction before coming out."

From a normal point of view, in this era, if you want to find a lot of biomass in the wild, besides the mountains, there is the sea.

It's just that under normal circumstances, with the current human strength, distance limitations and complex geographical conditions, it would be troublesome to even enter the mountains, let alone go to the sea.

But Bai'e is Bai'e after all. Regardless of whether he recognizes his general status and responsibilities or not, he will not deny the gold content of the combat power of this artificial human god of war.

If it were him, he might be able to plow the mountains directly with his mecha, and then hand over the captured beasts directly to the troops that followed to transport them back.

With his presence and escort, whether it's hunting or returning with endless flesh and blood, it's pretty safe to think about.

And now Bai E is bringing people out to investigate, probably to determine the feasibility of this idea first, and then when he feels confident, he will come with mechas and summon a large army to transport the beast corpses.

This is the only possible solution for meeting the biomass needs that many people who know about the android explosion plan have thought of for this plan. Naturally, Bai E himself has also considered this solution.

But it's too slow...

Moreover, there are many variables with such a big fanfare, not to mention that the frightened beasts can run all the way to the northwest. Even if they are driving a mecha, it will be difficult for them to hunt down enough biomass in the endless mountains.

If it weren't for the lack of supplies in the end, Bai E wouldn't really be willing to get to this point.

"It's too dangerous to go into the mountains at night. We'll go into the mountains early tomorrow morning." Bai E said, "Everyone should have a good rest and take turns to keep watch."

"Yes, sir!"

Looking at the back of Bai E who got into his car, one of the captains put down his disguise and curled his lips with some disdain, "He said 'I was also thinking in this direction'...he can't think of anything!"

"..." The other two captains glanced at him and did not dare to answer the question.

They are just soldiers, they follow orders and that's it.

Other things, they don’t want to participate in.

Above the boundless wilderness, four off-road vehicles parked quietly on the ground, with an extinguished bonfire in the middle.

Suddenly there was a rustling sound on the gravel ground, and Bai E suddenly opened his eyes from the darkness.

But there was no sound.

After a while, Yuzu, Zero and others who were sleeping in the car also opened their eyes alertly. They subconsciously looked around for the first time. When they realized that the danger had not yet reached them, they turned to look in the direction of Bai E. .

Bai E calmly gave them a gentle "shush".

He arranged the people, so he couldn't just kill them all directly.

Four well-equipped urban off-road vehicles alone in the wild. If he doesn't even have this ambition, then this wild warlord is too timid...

The wild warlord who stored a large amount of meat was exactly the identity Bai E created for the people of Dawn Town.

I originally planned to see if I could wander over and meet the "tentacles" sent by Liming Town to wander in the wilderness. Unfortunately, I don't know who it was because of bad luck, and the two sides never met.

Bai E suddenly thought of it and called the players over, intending to let them take the initiative to expose them, and then he would follow the clues naturally.

The eyes of Kuang Xin, Dai Lian and others were surprisingly bright in the dark night.

"The boss's order is for us to attack the team he leads, right?"

"He's going to take action and why are we attacking him?"

"Pah!" Kuang Xin was slapped on the head by Gu Lan just as he raised the question, "If the boss really wants to take action, can he still let us touch this place? It's obvious that the boss won't take action, so let's just create some trouble for those soldiers. ”

"Remember not to kill anyone. These soldiers are all under the boss's command. They are also members of our Dawn. Be careful when acting."

"I know."

Kuang Xin, who was carrying a giant axe, approached a quiet car with a grim smile. Before he could get completely close, the car door suddenly opened.

When the car door smashed open and hit Kuang Xin, a sword was already slashed out right after him.

There is no weak soldier in the special team of the military region. Maybe they were beaten by Bai E and Rose, but there are many veterans whose strength is no worse than the previous Blood God.

Players have been working hard in the game so far, and they have probably only reached the level of the Blood God.

Facing the special team soldiers brought out by Bai E, being too careless will only lead to big losses.

Fortunately, in his heart, he regarded his own master as an imaginary enemy. Kuang Xin, who was the first to approach, did not mean to look down upon him at all. He was always prepared for stress. Faced with a counterattack from the waiting warriors, he could directly block it with a backhand axe. He slashed at the opponent with a knife.

As the party taking the initiative to attack, the cooperation between Dai Lian and others and Kuang Xin was also flawless after countless actual battles.

While Kuang Xin charged forward, support from the rear arrived almost at the same time.

The soldier who only had time to make a slash was shot through the shoulder by Dai Lian's arrow in the blink of an eye. He grunted and retreated towards the car door, using the cover of the car door to protect himself. At the same time, a shrill sound rang through the night sky.

"Enemy attack!"

"Bang bang bang!" The sound of the car door opening was heard instantly.

The soldiers in the field only maintained the lightest sleep. If there was any disturbance, they would wake up instantly.

People like You and Ling, who were more responsive, sensed the approach of outsiders long before Kuang Xin and others took action.

"Captain?" You and others in the car looked at Bai E, waiting for his prompt.

"Go ahead and put some water on it. It's best if no one is killed on both sides. We can get some injuries."

"I know!" Shitou nodded fiercely, opened the car door and rushed directly to the battlefield where the melee was already happening.

Kuang Xin's team is not limited to the four of them. Players who defected from Gray Iron City and were equipped with prosthetic limbs also stayed in the black street to develop. This time they heard that there was a large-scale mission and went out en masse.

Although this night attack did not involve all of them, they still selected the most elite players.

Special warriors with better equipment and weapons were caught off guard when faced with a group of extremely fierce players.

"Bang bang bang!"

Gunshots only sounded occasionally. The dark night and the entangled enemy and ourselves made the sophisticated firearms of the military soldiers useless. The soldiers in the battle gritted their teeth and cursed, "Where did these savages dare to come from?" Take the initiative to attack us!"

"It must be those wandering warlords in the wilderness! The lone team that usually attacks us doesn't just steal things once or twice. I didn't expect that this time they actually grabbed us!"

"Where's that God of War! We've all fought like this, and he still doesn't take action?" The captain who had the most objection to Bai E suddenly looked at the silent car, "Didn't you see that the third child has already broken an arm?"

That general, the God of War, can't be sleeping like this, right?

"Obviously you have a high status and you don't dare to take risks casually!" The vice-captain groaned, and his whole body was suddenly lifted several meters away by a huge force.

After rolling a few times, he stabilized his body and stood up quickly. His eyes were filled with fighting intent as he looked at his opponent holding an ax in the darkness, "Damn, this guy with an ax is so fierce!"

Bai E also felt a little surprised when he looked at the special warrior team that was almost defeated by the players' offensive.

He thought that the player's fighting power would be very fierce, but he didn't expect it to be so fierce.

Yuzu, Zero and others seemed to be holding back less, but they could only ensure that they would not be harmed.

This style of play of always creating an advantage in a small area with more hits and fewer players can be said to have been taken to the extreme by these players, and there was a lot of excitement.

Acting more like reality...

The most important thing is that since they can see the health bar, they can even control the damage accurately and never kill any seriously injured warrior.

'about there. ’

Seeing that the players didn't know how to continue the scene if they didn't take action, Bai E sighed softly and slashed down with his sword. The sword shadow of ten meters was instantly slashed out with the blessing of spiritual energy.

"Boom boom boom!"

The earth trembled.

The ax that Kuang Xin just swung was cut off from the handle in front of his eyes.


Marvel sincerely.

Many Gray Iron City players who had seen real high-end combat power for the first time collectively let out an angry curse.

Kuang Xin took the lead and shouted, "Retreat!"

The adults have all taken action, which means that this drama is over.

Just like a truly unorganized and undisciplined warlord in the wild, a group of players turned around and ran away.

Looking at the scattered special team soldiers in the darkness, with almost all of them injured, Bai E's tone was as cold as frost, "I originally wanted to see how capable you are, but I didn't expect that you are only at this level. Even a group of wild warlords People can sneak up on you, so what are you going to do with those brutal bugs?"

None of the soldiers who were already in pain said a word. Faced with Bai E's accusation, they had no room for protest when the facts were in front of them.

Even the charge value is greatly increased.

["Lucky Blow" charge +1. 】

["Lucky Blow" charge +1. 】

In a short while, it has already added more than ten points.

They had always heard about Bai E's strength, but they didn't have much concrete ideas about it. Bai E's previous attacks were almost always far away from them.

Those who can really see Bai E's performance up close will generally not live until this time.

Therefore, the fierceness of Bai E only lies in the paper data and empty descriptions.

Only when I see it with my own eyes can the admiration for the strong from the bottom of my heart truly come true.

Bai E took one last glance, and when he saw that no one was really dead, he snorted and ordered, "You, help the seriously injured ones take care of their wounds, and then follow up later! I want to see those who dare to attack the city's army." Where do people come from!?"

Although they have invincible strength, they chose to let go of these people who actively attacked the army in order to follow the clues to their lair and completely wipe them out. This explanation is also reasonable.

Then when an unimaginable amount of "biomass resources" were discovered in the lair of this so-called group of wild warlords, it was a matter of course!

After simple processing, the soldiers of the special team who followed the marks left by Bai E smelled the strong fishy smell in the air.

"Do you smell anything?"

They are all veterans who have experienced hundreds of battles, and they are most sensitive to the smell of war. "Blood! So much smell of blood!"

Several soldiers sitting in their own cars who were originally dissatisfied with Bai E looked at each other, a hint of horror flashed in their eyes, "How many people did that God of Death kill?"

["Lucky Blow" charge +5. 】

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