The corpses on the ground were broken into pieces of flesh, and the smell of blood filled the air and was about to condense into blood mist.

This is especially true in a closed and airtight environment. Even these battle-hardened warriors can't help but feel nauseous when they smell the strong smell in the air.

I don't know if it was blood or dew. The ground looked a little slippery when I stepped on it. Following the mark left by Bai E, I followed the mark left by Bai E all the way down to the deepest part of the ground. All the members of the special team, including Youzu, couldn't help but widen their eyes when they looked at the mountains of flesh and blood in front of them. Eye.

Countless pieces of meat that have been divided are like a real mountain made of meat, filling this huge underground cavity.

The fresh meat that seemed to have just been cut gave off the smell of fresh blood. Under the impact of smell and vision, all the members of the special team felt dizzy.

"So... so much meat."

"Where did these wild warlords get so many wild beasts?"

The members of the special team stopped in front of the mountain of meat and looked up at the pieces of meat piled up on the underground hollow dome. In the dim environment, they could barely see the end of the top. "How could there be so many beasts to fight for them?"

One of the soldiers reached out and touched the flesh, then licked it in his mouth, "And it looks like it's still fresh, so it was only taken in the past few days."

You came to Bai E's side and asked for instructions in a voice that everyone could hear: "Just now we encountered a fleeing brigade and went northwest. Do we want to catch up?"

"No need." Bai E waved his hand coldly and replied: "I asked you to come here just to keep an eye on these things. This is the real purpose of our trip. It would be fine if they gave up here. These things will be regarded as their attacks." Our price. If they dare to come back..."

The murderous intent in Sen Leng's tone made all the members of the other three special teams tremble subconsciously.

Is the price only the trophies of these beasts in front of me... Then what are the broken limbs and meat that I saw along the way?

Doesn’t it mean that General Bai, who was born as an artificial human, is full of love and mercy towards his fellow human beings?'s not the same as the rumors, right?

Bai E waved his hand and continued to order, "This underground cave is very large, with passages extending in all directions. Three teams are left to explore all the secret passages to prevent the group of wild warlords from coming back again. Another team returned to the city to inform the army - order The entire army is on the move, come and move supplies!”

Everyone responded in unison, "Yes! Sir!"

Watching everyone scatter, Bai E, who was in the darkness, stared at the mountain of meat in front of him expressionlessly.

Let everyone in Dawn Town find an underground cave terrain that is wide enough to store the biomass resources they exploded from the Kenado beast.

At the same time, in order to give this process a little room for explanation, Bai E also asked them to create the atmosphere of life and traces of resistance of enough people here in advance.

As for whether the emergence of so many biomass resources is reasonable... Do you have the ability to go to that group of "warlords" to ask?

All it takes is a brief explanation. The real supplies are in front of you. Who cares where these things come from?

The officer who received the news slammed the table, looked at the soldier who came back to deliver the order and asked angrily: "What did you say?"

"I said..." The soldier swallowed, as if he was still immersed in the impact of the facts on him, "General Baie led us to kill through a warlord's station, and from that warlord's station, we found Countless amounts of flesh and blood biomass! Now... now let us notify the entire battalion to set off and be responsible for escorting those biomass resources back to the city! This is the order given to me by the commander."

"..." The officers who were urgently summoned looked at each other in silence and exchanged opinions. "This morning, the Information Department indeed said that it had received a simple message from General Bai E... but... but..."

But no one thought that what they really brought back was such exciting news!

"What should I do?" The general, who had always disliked Bai E's status as general, was a little panicked. "Why is this guy so lucky!"

"What kind of warlord can save so much biomass?! Even if he saves it, he can still be killed by him alone?!"


The officer next to him looked at the officer who spoke in surprise.

Such a powerful Zerg race has been penetrated back and forth by the God of War countless times. What does a small wild warlord mean in the eyes of the God of War?

It's strange that it wasn't penetrated...or that it wasn't completely wiped out, right?

Hamilton, who was sitting at the other corner of the long table, looked at these officers and just crossed his arms and sneered, "How about it? Can you now admit who the leader of the military region is?"

There were still some opposition officers who refused to admit defeat and said, "The resources have not been shipped back yet, and it is not yet known whether there will be enough to produce 10,000 people. Why are you anxious?"

"That's right! And there's no guarantee that he, an artificial human, has any character flaws. It's only been so long. Have you forgotten that General Bai E once 'defected'?"

Carlos expressionlessly smashed the notebook containing the soldier's transcript on the smooth long table and slid it over, "Repeat yourself what Admiral Baie did this time."

"Kill a large number of wild warlord members!"

The broken corpses all over the ground were a fact that all the soldiers of the special team witnessed with their own eyes.

"Academician Helen's brainwashing is very successful. General Baie is now our perfect general. I don't know what your purpose is in continuing to oppose him?!"

The offended officer subconsciously moved his lips to refute, but looking at the soldier who was responsible for returning the order, he knew that this was the spy who was placed next to Bai E and it would be difficult for him to find any excuse to criticize.

That's right... Admiral Bai E has already raised his knife to kill the humans outside the city. What reason do they have to pick a thorn in this invincible android god of war with almost no personal weaknesses?

As truckloads of biomass resources were brought back to the city, amidst the bloody sky, the production staff of the scientific research institute also roughly estimated how many artificial humans these resources could supply——

About eleven thousand people!

After a simple safety test, the biomass brought back directly enters the process of crushing and utilization.

As long as it is certain that these biomass are components that humans can use and are not aliens that are completely derived from alien genes like the Zerg, no one will be very interested in the origin of these flesh and blood.

The few voices who were interested and wanted to break the casserole and get to the bottom of the problem were drowned in the mainstream argument for quickly restoring the military camp's combat organization.

At the district-wide officer meeting convened once again, Bai E finally and legitimately became the first person to lead the military district under Weslin.

"While our Marshal Weislin is in a coma, we have decided that General Baie will take charge of all matters in the military region!"

"Congratulations..." Helen looked at the returning Bai E with a smile, her charming eyes blinked curiously, and asked in a low voice that only the two of them could hear, "I'm just curious, what are you doing?" Where did you get so much beast meat?"

It was her order to have the people below conduct simple safety inspections on the flesh and blood biomass, but she herself was not within the scope of the order.

Her curiosity about Bai E made her want to know where Bai E found so much flesh and blood.

When the results came out, she was in disbelief.

Except for a few flesh and blood tissues that really come from human corpses, the main components of the flesh and blood biomass transported back are all from the king of beasts walking on the earth-the giant beast Kenado!

And even though the Kenado behemoth is already the largest land beast recorded in Blackwater City, it is definitely not large enough to provide as much biomass resources as Baie brought.

According to the scale of the Kenado behemoth closest to the city, it would take at least fifty or sixty behemoths of the same level to be killed to provide so much flesh and blood.

Only a few days have passed since I made this request to him, and he has already killed so many giant beasts?

There must be more than fifty or sixty Kanado beasts in the world, but there are only three recorded in Blackwater City.

Bai E wants to do all this. What level of action and information channels does this have?

"..." Bai E smiled mysteriously without any explanation.

Just mentioning something else, "How's the research going?"

Speaking of her own business, Helen looked serious, "Now I have mastered the core of what you call power weapons. The power of these weapons does not lie in their materials or craftsmanship, but in the additional things... …It’s a membrane. It’s a strange force field.”

It doesn't actually matter what the carrier is that carries this "membrane". The material of the carrier is stronger and has more technological content. It actually has no direct impact on this "membrane". The essence of the "membrane" is the gold cutting of power weapons. The core of broken iron.

"I can now simply simulate the 'membrane' in a short period of time, but I still can't form a special shape like on your weapon." Helen frowned lightly, "If the required shape cannot be formed, we You can’t use this power as you wish.”

"Does that mean we need some kind of restraint?"

"Yes!" Helen's eyes lit up and she stared at Bai E closely, "What do you think?"

"My thinking is this..."

Bai E doesn't know if he has the ability to impart knowledge and technology to NPCs. He can give players this kind of authority similar to legal abilities in the form of tasks, but he doesn't know if it will work.

He would only use many of the things he learned instinctively like eating, breathing and drinking without knowing why.

At this time, Helen was given enlightenment, and she could only create the first cracking force field generator built by humans in an almost arrogant way, like a demonstration sample.

Helen's eyes almost popped out of her head as she watched the force field being steadily formed on an ordinary alloy sword.


"you you you……"

"How did you do it?!" There were many other researchers from the scientific research institute in the studio. Seeing the light blue force field attached to the blade, their eyes were filled with surprise and disbelief.

["Lucky Blow" charge +12. 】

Bai E had no expression on his face, "It's like this and then that... I feel like this shouldn't be done like this?"

He admitted that his teaching level was slightly different from Yueying's, which was the core reason why he had to wait until Helen and other scientific researchers had a certain understanding before he could demonstrate.

Otherwise, they would not understand anything at the beginning, and even if they made the finished product in person, they would still be blind. should be able to understand a little bit, right?

Looking at Helen's beautiful, thoughtful eyes, Bai E looked forward to it.

However, the next moment, the lighting in the entire research room suddenly flickered. After a flash of light and dark, the cracking force field that had finally been formed dissipated again.

Bai E was startled and looked at the attributes of the items in his hand, but he didn't find the word "damaged"...

"The battery is out." Helen looked at the small force field generator device in Bai E's hand with complicated eyes, "This thing consumes more energy than a single soldier can withstand."


In other words, it is necessary to connect an external small power source that can be assembled by a single soldier?

No wonder the technology introduction of the Disintegration Force Field Generator states that "miniature power theory" is its core prerequisite knowledge. The Star-Eating Blade I use has psychic energy to act as its power bank. Of course, it does not require external power. In reality, Technology products are indispensable for this limitation.

I can only use technology simply and crudely, but knowledge can always be imparted, right?

"Ahem~" Bai E coughed lightly and said with a calm expression: "If it's motivation, I also felt some insights from the omnic."

Helen's eyes sparkled, "Speak quickly!"

"The so-called miniature power, based on our current level, is actually the most suitable miniature nuclear reactor..."

[You are participating in the creation of the blueprint - Storm War Armor. The current creation progress is 0.001%. After the full participation is completed, you will obtain: the blueprint - Storm War Armor, and all the technological levels required for the war armor; scientific research experience +50,000 points; technology points *3. 】

Of course, it is impossible for a miniature power source to be directly bound to a weapon, and the most suitable person to use force field weapons is only the dexterous human beings themselves. With two-phase limitations, this simple and direct guidance has almost become the inevitable direction of this development. destination.

Seeing the sudden incident, Bai E's eyes flashed.

In the link text of the mission event, you can see the general application direction of this so-called battle armor after it is formed, such as the extreme increase in the quality of individual soldiers like existing mechas!

It is equivalent to condensing the mecha countless times and reducing it to the size of the human body. If this kind of armor can really be built, in many places where large units like mecha are not needed, small armors will have more room to play. ! (End of chapter)

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