Wow! The explosion rate is really high

Chapter 503 The Way of Wuji

"What! You said Captain Xunying was caught!" Facing a group of members of the elf team who came back to report, Storm, who was sitting with the senior human seniors, stood up and shouted suddenly.

The power that the storm instantly exuded was frightening. The elf who spoke on behalf of the entire team swallowed hard and nodded in response: "Yes..."

The high-level human beings who heard the news on one side had their mouths pressed harder than a machine gun, but at this time they all tightened their expressions and pretended to be regretful, "Sorry, please forgive me, sorry, please forgive me."

"There's nothing you can do when you encounter a powerful opponent, right?"

Storm glared coldly at the old man who spoke, and then stared at his own clansmen, "What on earth is going on? It's just a small group of wandering orcs. Even if they are defeated, Xunying will not be defeated and captured. Was she too arrogant and rushed into the enemy camp alone?"

"No..." There was a trace of fear in the pupils of the elf who reported the news, "It's the leader of the orcs... He, he is so scary! He used Roger, who we sent out to find traces of the orcs, as a bait, and we even used gravity in advance The gun helped Captain Swift Shadow clear her letter arrows, but Captain Swift Shadow, who rushed up after the gravity gun was deactivated, was no match for the orc leader. That orc was definitely not something that could appear among the small-scale roaming orcs! Deputy The captain asked us to come back and report, and we must remind you that this group of orcs is by no means as simple as mentioned in the intelligence."

‘Gravity gun? ’ When the old human being, who was watching the excitement happily, heard this unfamiliar word, a cunning light suddenly flashed in his eyes.

It sounds like a very high-end thing. If I can defeat the elves later, I might be able to ask for this.

The elves have a lot of basic understanding of their human technology, but they humans don't have much knowledge of the elves' technology. Even if they win and make demands, they won't have much to ask for.

But it’s not important, win first and then talk!

A cold look made the old man shudder slightly.

When he met his gaze, he realized that it was Feng Feng's eyes that contained endless anger and coldness. "Can you explain why the small-scale wandering orcs in your intelligence have such strength?"

The old man's heart trembled slightly, and he realized that the development of things might be beyond everyone's expectations.

After all, in everyone's original plan, the group of orcs was just a medium for competition between the two sides. Whether it was an elf or a human team, they should be able to defeat them easily. The only difference was the speed of victory and annihilation.

But judging from what the elves said now, the size of this group of wandering orcs is likely to be far from the intelligence they had obtained before.

Of course he knew that based on previous performance, elves could not be weaker than humans.

The leading elves who could be selected by this elf mission to participate in the competition would not be bad, but at this moment, of course, it was impossible to admit that their intelligence was wrong, so they looked stern and sneered.

"If you are not strong enough, what is there to complain about? If you are not strong enough, just practice more. Before was before, and now is now."

"Okay, okay!" Elf Storm laughed angrily a few times, then turned to look at his clansmen again, "You just said that the vice-captain asked you to come back to report the news? Where are the vice-captain's own people?"

"Vice-captain..." The tribesman who reported the news glanced at the human elder next to him, "We met their human general on the way. The general was alone. He heard that we encountered a strange orc leader, so he took the initiative to talk about it. If he wants to go investigate, our vice-captain... will lead him the way."

"Nonsense!" Storm's face was covered with clouds, and his handsome face looked a little evil for a moment.

"The human general also said that it depends on the opinions of the adults. If the adults are determined to attack the group of orcs, please send reinforcements immediately. They will follow the orc group to provide guidance for the army; if the adults decide to give up... then Just notify us as soon as possible, and he and our deputy captain will evacuate as soon as possible."

"Attack!" Feng Feng's face was ashen as he gritted his teeth and made a decision, "Any opponent who harms our people must be thoroughly punished!"

"Yes! Attack! We must attack!" The elder's face almost turned into a ball.

Humanity’s leading general?

Still alone?

What does General Baie want to do?

Without a mecha, you dare to chase behind a large group of orcs alone, just in case you are discovered by orc spies...

Those orcs were a little stupid, but their physical quality was terrifying. If they were discovered by the other party, how could he and the deputy captain of the elf team escape?

An android is an android!

You don’t know how to adapt at the critical moment!

Why don't you, a general leading a team, act like a member of a special team if you don't sit in charge of the central army?

"Send a letter to General Bai E quickly. The army will be here soon. Tell him not to take any more risks! Those orcs can't run very far in such a short period of time!"

The technician responded instantly, "Yes!"

The elf next to Storm carefully leaned into Storm's ear and asked softly, "Would you like to ask Master Prophet? Or bring Miss Yueying with you. With her here, we will be more sure."

Regardless of whether other elves admit it or not, Yueying is the ceiling of combat power in most elves' perceptions. As for Yueying's sister Fengling... who is also the prophet of the entire elves, she is the ceiling of IQ and decision-making.

Whoever is in charge can greatly increase the confidence of other elves.

After all, after hearing the report from the messenger elf, even Xunying was easily knocked down. The strength of the orc opponent encountered this time was definitely extraordinary.

As for humans... it's even less likely to count.

Feng Feng's eyes flashed, but he nodded and said, "I'll go ask for instructions."

Two mermaid-like spirits are traveling in the spiritual world. As the cultivation of spiritual energy becomes more and more powerful, only by traveling in high-dimensional space can more mysteries about spiritual energy be obtained.

However, it seemed that he had noticed something. The more calm and beautiful spirit among them paused slightly, shook his head slightly and smiled, "They are here..."


"It's okay." Fengling woke up with a playful smile on her lips. She looked at her sister who was sitting cross-legged opposite her and opened her eyes from her closed eyes and said with a smile, "I'll just go and send them away."

As soon as the voice fell, Yueying heard a gentle knock on the door, "Master Prophet... Master Prophet, are you there?"

"Cough cough cough cough!" After a while of violent coughing, Fengling responded "weakly" in a perfect voice, "What's wrong?"

"..." Feng Feng, who was knocking on the door, stopped his hand and pursed his thin lips.

After hesitating for a moment, he withdrew his right hand from knocking on the door and said, "It's okay."

Lord Prophet consumed too much spiritual energy due to multiple group teleportations. Although Lord Prophet himself did not go to each of his previous visits to human cities, in order to establish an image in the eyes of humans as soon as possible, he did not dare to make mistakes. Has been using the ability of group teleportation.


Don't bother the Prophet with such a trivial matter.

"By the way..." Storm, who had just turned around to leave, turned around again and asked softly, "We had an accident during the legion competition this time. We want Yueying to go with us. I didn't know she..."

"She wants to protect me and cannot leave."


No matter how unruly he may be to outsiders, in front of his own prophet, Feng Feng is just a well-behaved and obedient child.

At this moment, he nodded respectfully, turned around and strode away.

Listening to the sound of footsteps disappearing, Feng Ling turned her eyes and faced her somewhat confused sister. She smiled and raised her green-white index finger in front of her lips, "Breaking the fog of prejudice starts here, how can we destroy it?" ?”

The urgently assembled army set off, and even Rose, who was helping Helen research the power source sword, was urgently called out and ordered to drive Bai E's exclusive mecha to ensure that the battle was safe.

At the same time, it can be regarded as showing off their human muscles in front of these elves.

Otherwise, all the previous battles will be lost. The elves on the other side really think that humans are easy to bully.

The military general who took the order to set off was filled with anxiety and asked the technicians at hand: "Has General Bai E been notified?"

General Bai E is the largest platoon in their military region now, so he cannot be compromised on such a small mission!

The technician was sweating profusely, "The message can be sent, but... but General Bai E didn't respond!"

"This Bai E!"

"Didi dididi~"

The red indicator light on the communicator stuffed in front of his chest flashed rapidly, but at this moment Bai E obviously had no time to pay attention to the call from the direction of the city.

Ever since he seemed to have inadvertently rejected some kind of wild call from high-dimensional space or even from the depths of his body, endless waves of orcs were pouring towards him.

But under some kind of sticky rotating force field, it was difficult for the endless orcs to get even half a step closer to him.

The physique of orcs is destined to be extremely resistant to beatings, unless they happen to be penetrated where the fungal soup is in the body, but that will only take out an orc after continuing to cause horrific damage.

Under this premise, when facing the orcs, a sufficiently durable combat capability is needed to counteract the waves of violent attacks by these mindless orcs.

Even if Bai E's psychic energy can be exhausted and recharged twenty or thirty times with the replenishment of the virtual world, he may still be unable to face this wave of invasion from the orcs.

On the battlefield, when there is no means of large-scale killing, it is difficult for one person to match the strength of thousands of troops.

Even if they use their lives to pile up, even the most heroic warrior will eventually be exhausted.

But at the moment, Bai E's spiritual aura has almost no fluctuations, and his power to resist all orcs has always remained at a stable level.

[The current fighting proficiency is 1002/1000, and the "personal school" is being formed...]

[The current formation of "personal genre" needs to rely on certain existing abilities, currently it relies on: over-limit drive. 】

[Current "personal school" keywords: mutual aid, persistence. 】

The needs gradually realized in the endless battle became the only direction at this moment.

["Personal school" has been formed. 】

[Absolute Mastery (Fighting)*The Way of Wuju (First Level): When fighting with bare hands, you will enter the "Wuji" way. In this state, you can perfectly exert your understanding of the body, and at the same time, you will greatly improve your own strength. recycling capabilities! Any opponent who enters your "Wuji" path will face the "Shen Yuan" field constructed by your power cycle! In the "Wuji" state, your "power" recovery +100% (first level). The current second-level progress is: 2/3000

Shen Yuan: The field constructed by your power cycle is like a swamp. Any opponent who enters it will lose the ability to control itself in this difficult-to-control field, and every move will be controlled by you. Take control! After the field gradually expands to the maximum, you can instantly detonate this field to cause a devastating blow to all targets located in this field! Consumption: None. 】

There is no “Tao” that consumes anything.

This is the ability and realm that a person who embarks on the "Tao" should have.

Yueying, Zorro and even Xunying are all beings walking on this kind of path, but the differences in the path itself, as well as the differences in personal understanding and realm, make the difference between characters who are also walking on the "path" , there is also a huge difference.

And when this personal style based on fighting took shape, Bai E finally had a complete understanding of the seemingly chaotic air currents flowing around him.

These external forces that seemed a little difficult to control just now are actually the energy that I exerted during the battle with the waves of orcs. These energies did not dissipate out of thin air, but were "hooked" by my side subconsciously. .

It was only now that his personal sect was taking shape that he finally completely controlled this other form of use of power.

The invisible air currents that were originally obscure when controlled subconsciously began to form an invisible messy vortex around the body under Bai E's conscious control.

Any orc who enters this vortex will instantly lose their center of gravity under the pull of this invisible air current. They stagger around in the field like drunken drunkards, gradually losing control of their own bodies and becoming trapped. A puppet controlled by Bai E.

Under the influence of the invisible air current, the orc who had just approached was instantly pulled closer to Bai E. With a punch and a palm, he was quickly carried away by the air current, spinning around in the spherical field.

The orcs, who had never had such an experience, even let out silly giggles of "hehehehe".

The energy exerted by Bai E slowed down in the endless collision with those orcs. As more and more orcs attacked Bai E, the "sinking abyss" field composed of power circulation became more and more intense. Expansion, expanding scope.

As long as there is a constant influx of opponents, this eye of circulation formed by the escaping power will never reach an end.

As the central core, Bai E only needs to exert a little control, and the more he fights, the easier it becomes.

It seemed that he had sensed this change, because he had also received the invisible "will" and did not step forward for a moment, and roared, "waaaaaagh!"

The orcs who were rushing towards Baie shook their fat heads and big ears and woke up as if they were awakening from a dream.

Without the influx of new forces, the field has finally reached its limit.


Bai E stretched out his hands, and all the charged orcs in the "Shen Yuan" area were instantly exploded. Green limbs were flying all over the sky, and a green rain started... (End of this chapter)

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