Wow! The explosion rate is really high

Chapter 504 Is he General Bai E?



The green flesh and blood fell in front of him, and Xunying, who was tightly bound, looked at the lump that fell on his feet, and blinked with a dull look.

What did she see just now?

The countless orcs who besieged the human general seemed to have entered some kind of vortex and were unable to extricate themselves.

The transparent spherical space seemed to be filled with countless invisible little hands, controlling every outsider who entered it.

And at the last moment, all the green figures in the whirlpool shattered!

Facing the giant orc again, the human general who rushed forward showed no signs of overexertion, and his energy showed no sign of weakness.

This human general is so strong that even if he breaks into the hinterland of the orc wave alone, all the orcs can't do anything to him.

And right before his eyes, the legend of this human general continues.

The giant orc who recalled all his subordinates who had sacrificed in vain and charged forward alone again was unable to even get close to the human general at this moment.

When the human general raised his hands and kicked his feet, it seemed as if invisible force hit the orc's body from a distance.

It was like there were several invisible copies of the general attacking the orc from all directions at the same time.

Facing this void attack, Xunying even felt that he saw obvious confusion in the eyes of the giant orc.

Xunying squinted his eyes, feeling that he was probably dazzled.

There is no concept of "qi" in this world. Some skills that can be used once in a while may be able to hit people from a distance, but it is absolutely impossible to do this with every punch and kick.

If you want to achieve something similar to expressing your energy, there is only one form - psychic energy.

Psychic energy can create some kind of barrier to block the invasion of foreign objects. This is the basic use of psionic energy by those with powerful psionic abilities.

But they are basically fixed at a certain fixed distance outside the body, and there is only one form of overall shaking...

But right now... the human general was striking with his hands and kicks at a mid-range distance. He clearly integrated the use of this psychic energy into his own fighting method, so his method seemed more flexible and changeable.

Otherwise, the barrier shock that ordinary psykers can only use at a fixed distance will not deter this giant orc in the slightest.

When the human general pinched his left palm in the air and lifted the body of the giant orc from a distance, the stunned orc just struggled and swung his limbs wildly.

Faced with things that are completely incomprehensible, the currently awakened cognition in genes is no longer enough...


With a fierce straight punch, the giant orc whose neck was pinched by the human general with his left hand was immediately punched away.

Before being smashed away, Xunying clearly saw an extremely terrifying dent in the orc's chest.

The entire green body was more like rubber, and was deformed by a punch and flew backwards.

Seeing the figure who landed heavily and plowed hundreds of meters of ground among the orcs, Bai E's eyes were full of cold killing intent.

This orc escaped from his hands several times, and this time he did not expect to pull out such a large wave of orcs.

If he is not there, no matter where this wave goes, it will be a huge threat to mankind.

Right here...let it end.

It seems that he also felt the bone-chilling killing intent. The sword-faced beast was smashed away by a punch, regardless of the mess of injuries in his body. Anyway, they orcs had no real vital points. Even if the fungus soup was smashed, it was only temporarily lost. It’s just that invincible self-healing ability.

As long as he can escape, he will be a good man in the sun.



But that human will definitely not let me run away!

"Waaaaagh!" The sword-faced beast got up and roared to the sky, and suddenly the green sea all over the mountains and plains surged in the same direction again.

The boss gave the order, charge, charge!


"Waaaaaagh!" The endless green sea responded to the call of the only king they recognized and went to die.

As for the sword-faced beast that called out, when all the tide around it surged forward, it was already slowly retreating with cunning eyes.

He couldn't let that human being find out, and he couldn't let his boys find out either.

If they knew they were going to run, they would run faster than themselves...

Faced with the endless orcs coming up again, Bai E couldn't completely ignore them.

Even if the fists and weapons of these orcs cannot cause any harm to him, he will be buried by them just by blocking them with his body.

And even if the sword-faced beast is killed, these basic orcs will still exist, and a new king will be born among them.

This is the case with orcs. There must be a leader among a group of orcs that everyone is convinced of, and this leader will gain infinite power.

Of course, not every leader is able to unite such a large group of orcs like the Sword-faced Wolf.

More often than not, the orc bosses leading the two clans are evenly matched opponents. No one can defeat the other, so no one can swallow up the opponent's clan and unite together.

Without the Saber-faced Beast, this wave of orcs will inevitably disband, but they finally gathered together. If we don't take this opportunity to kill them all, it will always be a trouble and a threat.

Stepping into that strange cycle of ignorance again, the bodies of these orc boys once again seemed to be trapped in an invisible whirlpool, floating and twisting in mid-air, swaying like a group of drunkards giggling "hehe".

The green figures flying in front of them blocked the line of sight between Bai E and the Sword-faced Tiger, and almost all the boys rushed forward.

The sword-faced beast rolled its eyes, turned around and ran away.

Only Xunying, who was alone and restrained on a hillside in the distance, immediately noticed the giant orc's move. Regardless of whether the human general could hear his voice, Xunying still exerted the last strength in his chest. Called from a distance: "He wants to run away!"


As the air wave exploded, a black figure rose into the sky amid the green rain of blood.

‘Feather falls. ’

Using psychic energy to slow down his fall, Bai E reached up high in the air and took out his new longbow from the storage space.

Three dark arrows were placed on the bowstring. Bai E, who was hanging upside down in the sky and slowly falling, aimed his cold eyes at the back of the sword-faced beast running away in the distance. The wind whistled in his ears, and the broken hair in front of him was fierce. Fierce and swaying.

The sword-faced beast running at full speed is even faster than a motorcycle, and it is like a fleeting shadow in the eyes of ordinary people.

Bai E aimed as far ahead of the target as possible and mobilized all his strength.

Bow to the full moon...


Amidst the vibration of the bow string, three dark arrows burst out instantly.

Like three giant dragons swept by a strong wind, they entangled each other and drew three unpredictable curves, quickly catching up with the shadow of the sword-faced beast from behind.


The astonishing impact coming from behind made the sword-faced beast's danger-sensing instinct go to extremes. The whole body tensed up, and the course of action began to change in zigzags, trying to avoid the three arrows and wind tornadoes shot from the curve.

However, the three arrows were entangled with each other and almost blocked all the dodge routes of the sword-faced beast.

Even if the sword-faced beast reacted immediately, it would inevitably be caught up by one of the arrows.


A large transparent hole was penetrated from the front to the back in the center of the sword-faced beast's strong body, and the position holding the fungus soup was also empty.

But the mere disembowelment injury is a piece of cake for a tenacious orc. The deadly breath of death stimulates the nerves of the sword-faced beast at this moment, ignoring the flesh and blood spilled from the hole in the chest, the blade-faced beast's Bigfoot ran away even more crazily.

In an instant, he was out of Bai E's range...

Bai E, who conveniently hung the long bow on his body, flipped his body in the air and dived towards the ground at an accelerated speed.

Some of the orc boys who knew that their boss had run away were already shouting "wow wah wah" and fled in all directions. Bai E couldn't just sit back and watch these orcs escape too much.

The killing power of the fist was too slow, and Bai E, who had shattered the orcs, took out another light long sword from the storage space.

"Swish, swish, swish!" Endless sword light shone among the orcs, killing from east to west, and their broken limbs were thrown all over the sky...

Xun Ying, who was staring blankly at the scenes before and after, had eyes full of the figure hanging upside down in the sky and drawing a bow. The three arrows he shot were probably no more than that even for senior Yueying in the clan...

Amidst the chaos of swords and sword shadows, Xunying suddenly felt that they humans were not as unbearable as the tribesmen said...

If they can go back this time, they must carefully consider their cooperation with humans.

The wild roars of the orcs could be heard clearly from a distance of several thousand meters. Upon hearing that wild and violent call, both the elves and the human leaders were anxious.

"General Bai E must have been discovered!"

"What's wrong! The vice-captain is in danger! It's all because of that human being who insists on dragging him along to seek death!"

"How do you do things? Since ancient times, has any general ever left the army behind to become a scout alone?"

Ling, who was given a heavy responsibility by Bai E, was also called to the command vehicle at this moment to accept the scolding of a group of senior leaders who came out of the city.

"Hurry up! Isn't the drone in place yet? Let's see how the situation is!"

"Where's the mecha team? Are they so slow even when they're simply rushing?"

"Not everyone is General Baie, my lord."

"It's connected. It's connected."

Amidst the chaotic sounds, the screen in the command car suddenly flashed like snowflakes, and a real scene of blue sky and white clouds appeared.

In the picture, a small black spot rose into the sky from a large green spot on the ground, pulling out some kind of bow-shaped thing in the void.

The entire humanoid body hung upside down in the sky, falling slowly at a speed that defied gravity. At the same time, he bent his bow and nocked an arrow, aiming into the distance.


The sound of the bow echoed throughout the command vehicle, and the arrows rolled up three dark tornadoes and swept out.

The moment he retracted the long bow, the humanoid body seemed to have discovered the drone shooting from a distance, and glanced over lightly.

The screen immediately zoomed in on the face captured in this scene...

"It's General Bai E!"

"It's the human leader general!"

There was a sudden exclamation in the command car.

Seeing the figure that fell into the wave of orcs like a cannonball with a snow-white sword light surrounding it, crossing the scene of wanton killing left and right in the green tide, there was only deathly silence in the command car.



‘Didn’t you say you need rescue? ’

‘What are we here for? ’

Deep suspicion arose in everyone's mind.

All the elves, including Storm, looked at the killing figure in the picture, with infinite fear in their eyes.

‘Is this the real power they humans have? ’

"Captain Xunying has been found!"

"And the vice-captain!"

The sharp-eyed elves found the two figures they cared about most in the drone footage, "Both are still alive!"

"Yeah." Feng Feng hummed softly, then turned around and heard the clear sarcasm in his ears, "I just said there is no need to come to support. If you are not strong enough, just practice more. What you elves can't do does not mean that we are Humans can't. But since you want to come and see General Bai E with your own eyes, let me accompany you. Zero, what are you waiting for? Your general is killing this group of 'roving orcs', what are you waiting for?"

Zero, who had been trained like a grandson, suddenly became excited, turned around and ran away, shouting at the group of soldiers he brought with him, "Brothers, come on! Don't let those orcs escape!"

More and more orcs knew that their boss had run away, and many orcs had already taken action. Seeing that the orcs who had finally gathered together were about to disperse like this, Bai E was not the only one who was anxious.

"Are we still going to compete?" The old man looked at Elf Storm beside him with a smile, "The number of wandering orcs may indeed be a bit too much for you, but in front of our General Bai E, it is nothing more than that."

The bad luck that he had been ridiculed by this hateful elf was revealed, and for the first time, the old man had a good impression of the artificial man in the drone picture.

"No need." Storm replied with a cold face, "You win this time."

The old man raised his eyes slightly and asked slowly, "What is calculation?"

"You won." Storm's eyelids twitched, and he turned around and ordered Zorro beside him: "Go and see how Xunying and Roger are doing."


The old man chuckled, turned around and waved lightly, "Clear the place, don't let any of these orcs escape!"

"At the same time..." The old man stepped towards the command vehicle with the door open, and walked towards the world outside, "Go and greet our General Bai E!"

‘Bai’e…general. ’ Storm on the side recited this name silently in his mind, looking far away at the light and shadow who was killing everyone among the orcs.

'Is this General Bai E whom Yueying has been mentioning...'

["Lucky Blow" charge +50. 】(End of this chapter)

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