"Humanity has won, prepare for the next round of competition." Feng Yun ordered his clansmen with hidden anger on his face.

He could accept that humans had luck in finding the group of orcs first and thus won the competition, but he could not accept that this failure was due to the lack of abilities of the tribesmen.

Although the members of the team responsible for going out this time all said in unison that the orc leader was extremely powerful, and even Xunying, who had always trusted him, said that the orc leader was definitely stronger than Zorro, the reinforcements they sent to support were always No head-on confrontation.

And the human general's only performance was three arrows in the air... It seemed powerful, but he couldn't even stop a fleeing orc, so what did it matter?

Being defeated and even ridiculed by humans because of his strength was a fact that he could not accept.

"In the next round of competition, I want you to do your best to make those humans lose completely! I will look for opportunities to test their limits of acceptance step by step."

"But...Storm." Xunying, who was still seriously injured, coughed lightly, "They humans may not be as weak as they showed before. I'm afraid that you will be misled by them in turn. The strength of that human general..."

As he spoke, Xunying glanced at Zorro carefully, deciding in his heart that he was no match, so he glanced at the back room with the door closed - Yueying was protecting the Prophet...

"Xunying, just rest in peace and recover." Feng Feng told her calmly, also signaling that she didn't need to say anything.

Of course he believed that his tribe would not deceive him, but tribesmen with limited strength might also make wrong judgments due to their limited vision.

Judging from the real "incompetent rage" shown by humans in the previous rounds of competition, he didn't think humans really had the ability to counterattack.

"Storm, I think we should seriously consider cooperation with humans this time."

Storm ignored the male elf who made a sound beside Xunying, and just stood up on his own, "Okay, vice-captain, don't disturb Master Seer's training, let's go out, those humans should be anxious."

In the closed door, Yueying sighed softly to her sister, "Sister, do you know that a clan member will die this time..."

This is what she heard during the discussion among the clan members just now.

To their elves, every clan member is extremely precious, and every death of a clan member is a heartbreaking blow to the remaining people.

"No, the prediction is in pieces. I can't see such detailed details. But..." Feng Ling had a soft smile on her lips, and Feng Qingyun shook her head calmly, "It's not important. The seal is about to be unlocked. , we will also return. All the tribesmen who sacrificed here will return to the ark. As long as we are not captured by 'that one', we are 'eternal life'."

Yueying looked obviously confused: "Seal?"

Feng Ling stared at Yueying with dark and mysterious eyes, "Is there any record within the clan of how we appeared in this world?"

"This..." No one has ever said anything about this. It was only now that her sister took the initiative to mention it that Yueying felt strange for the first time, "It seems...isn't it?"

Feng Ling smiled and touched Yue Ying's hair, and her fingers inadvertently touched the tips of Yue Ying's ears, causing the petite elf's body to tremble instantly, "Actually, I have asked you this question before~"

Yueying's eyes suddenly widened, "What do you mean..."

"you forgot."

"..." Yueying bit her lip, taking a moment to digest the shock that she might soon forget, "But sister, the 'seal' you mentioned was released..."

"Shh~" Feng Ling raised her index finger in front of her lips mysteriously, "This can't be said."

As he spoke, his eyes glanced outside, which was the direction in which the clansmen were leaving.

"Just watch..."

The variables are right in front of you.

The top leaders of the two clans met again.

Feng Feng said calmly with a straight face: "Congratulations, you have got another opportunity to challenge us. But in exchange for wasting our time, can we finalize some required details in advance... Just use, every The final decision is whether you win or lose the game. I wonder what you think?"

Ignoring the chatter from the think tank in his ears, the old man gritted his teeth and responded forcefully: "It just so happens that we think so too!"

"Then before this competition begins, let's talk about the first request? How about it?"

After seemingly reaching a unified opinion between the top leaders of humans and elves, Bai E received his absolute requirement to fight as a warrior - to win.

The city just needs to win! No other outcome will be accepted.

"The candidate they sent must still be the warrior named Zorro. You have also seen two of his competitions. Are you confident?" Aglaiya, who was in charge of the communication, looked at Bai E with worried eyes.

If this battle is lost, General Baie's reputation in the eyes of the big shots in the city may be extremely bad again.

This is how he was born as an android. Only by doing one thing well can he slowly climb up, but if he does anything wrong in the process, he will be instantly hit the bottom.

"Yes." Bai E responded succinctly, and strode towards the passage leading to the competition venue.

Now that we have reached the point where we are completely exposed to the sun, let’s make everything happen simply and neatly.

Regarding these maggots in the city, Bai E no longer has any patience left to deal with them.

Looking at the back that seemed to suddenly become domineering, Aglaiya was stunned.

Right before his eyes, this android general, who had always been calm and showed no emotions or tendencies, suddenly became profound, dark, and elusive.

‘Can he really do that? ’

The strength of the escaped orc leader is currently unknown, and they cannot accurately locate it.

General Bai E's spiritual cultivation is indeed powerful, but how much strength he can still display in a battle between warriors who have banned psychic abilities... it's hard to say.

And Zorro, the warrior of the Elf tribe, really killed the two top combatants in the city, and his strength was obvious to all.

It was still the stage that attracted everyone's attention. Bai E stepped onto the center with brisk and steady steps. As expected, opposite him was Zorro, who had represented the elves twice in battle.

It is true that every member of the elves adopts the strategy of elite development, but it is impossible to bring the entire wealth of their entire tribe with them on a single mission.

Each of the twenty or so tribesmen has specializations and can deal with almost all areas that humans are good at.

Seeing the face of Bai E walking in front of him, Zoro, who had seen him once on the battlefield to suppress the orcs, smiled and clenched his fists, "Xunying said you are very powerful, so let me be careful."

He could not forget the admiration for the strong in Xunying's eyes when he said these words. It was an emotion that he had never shown even to himself.

To put it simply, he was jealous.

So he decided to be more ruthless.

"..." Bai E smiled nonchalantly and spread his empty hands, "What do you want to compare?"

A fight with bare hands, a fight with deft weapons.

This elf on the path of a warrior doesn't seem to have any particular shortcomings.

"Just fight with bare hands, you can't do it, right?" Zorro smiled provocatively.

Only with bare hands can you inflict enough hidden damage. The trauma caused by the weapon is too conspicuous, and it is easier to determine the outcome, so it is difficult to deal with heavy attacks.

"Okay." Bai E waved his hand and agreed to the request.

Both sides do not exercise the right to ban or choose, and reach a unified opinion through consultation, which is also a habit continued from the previous two games.


When the think tank heard this decision, they immediately exploded. The one-ban and one-choice rights agreed in advance were to gain an advantage in fighting methods.

It can be said that there was little experience in the first two games, but the experience gained by the two seniors through failure is extremely valuable.

The elf named Zorro's skill in using dexterous weapons is obviously worse than when he was empty-handed. Their "Shadow King" just lacks a little bit of luck, otherwise there would be no need for General Bai E to appear.

Now if you want to warm your voice, you must choose an aspect that the opponent is not good at...or even avoid the "empty-handed fighting" that the opponent is best at?

"Why did he just agree!"

"That elf named Zorro is a master of fighting. Even our city lord's personal guard captain is no match for him. How can General Bai E be his match?"

"But who knows what General Bai E is best at?"

"It's a mecha!" someone answered immediately.


"Maybe it's a small weapon. He was very good at using a long sword in the castle exorcism battle."

"Hurry up and let them switch to light weapons!"

"The players have already decided on the way they fight... and they can't change it."


So another item was recorded in General Baie's personal information - "arrogant and arrogant".

As the "start" whistle sounded, a cold smile appeared on Zorro's face, "At this time, there is no room for you to regret."

"..." Bai E didn't respond. He just stood there and closed his eyes, his breath spreading around him.

Calm and composed.

"What does he mean?" The spectators on both sides of the stands scratched their heads in confusion.

Only Xunying, who came with an injury, sat with his team members, looking at his tribe member Zorro with worried eyes, and silently said to himself, "Be careful..."

Be careful not to get beaten to death... After all, elves are not as resistant to beatings as orcs.

"Pretend to be a ghost!" Zorro laughed ferociously, and his not particularly strong body shot out like an arrow, heading straight towards Huanglong.


He dodged and punched but failed to hit the target. It was not because his opponent dodged in time, but because he rushed within a certain range of the human body. Countless pulling forces seemed to be felt from the top, bottom, left, and back of his body in an instant.

Some pulled his feet upwards, while others pulled his fists downwards. The pulling force from all directions caused him to temporarily have trouble controlling his body.

As a master who is proficient in combat, he will not forcefully fight against his opponent despite such a huge abnormal state.

When he stopped moving, he was surprised to find that after he stopped moving, the abnormal strength disappeared instantly, as if it had never appeared before.

So his feet exploded, and his whole body planned to thrust forward again.

Unfortunately, the moment his body started to move, that strange force appeared from all directions again, trying to hinder his movements.

‘What a strange thing is this! ’

Zoro snorted in his heart, his strength surged up, and he forced himself to break free from the obstruction of those forces.

It's just some resistance with pulling force. It's not a decisive force that can greatly affect the situation. If this guy named Bai E is sent out just hoping to win by this strange method, then he will be ruthless. Disappointed.


Invisible air currents flowed and entangled as Bai E's palms waved. Zorro, who had been close to an extremely dangerous distance, found that the power wrapping around him seemed to have increased a lot between his opponent's palms.

At the same time, during the last backhand shock, when a certain impact hit his chest through the air, the opponent also flew back a certain distance lightly under some kind of "countershock" force, and once again broke away from that A dangerous distance.

‘Splitting Air Palm? ’ Zorro was secretly wondering.

In situations where the use of psychic energy is not allowed, it is not easy to achieve this with pure physical strength and skills.

Seeing that this human named Bai E does have two brushes, no wonder Yueying mentioned this human's name several times.

But simply running away is an absolute coward!


The figure flashed, and thunder suddenly broke out.

The instant burst exceeds the speed of sound, and the sonic boom is like thunder, which can also have a certain deterrent effect on opponents.


However, as he got closer, the strange force came from all directions again, and the force increased a lot again, making Zoro feel a little panicked for the first time.

Will the other party's strange methods become more and more powerful as time goes by?

But at such an inaccessible distance, his "path" of constantly discovering the opponent's weaknesses in battle and guiding them or attacking them secretly is of no use.

If the fight continues like this... I'm afraid I will really lose!

Zoro, who was alert in his heart, suddenly became more decisive. He exploded with strength, ignoring the pulling force around him.

But this time... Bai E didn't avoid it.

After several collisions, the power in his own domain has accumulated enough to overwhelm others.

When Zorro rushed towards him again, Bai E controlled his energy through his palms and struck several blows at the same time, defeating Zorro's center of gravity almost instantly. Of course, this was only an instant.

An outstanding warrior will maintain control of his body at all times.

However, the more forceful the control, the deeper the situation becomes.

Zorro, who was completely under the control of "Shen Yuan", was like a drunken man, his body swaying under Bai E's control, and finally completely lost control of himself.

While twisting with one hand, Zorro's entire body was rotated in front of him by Bai E, and then with a seemingly gentle push, the entire body was instantly smashed out, and all the accumulated energy in "Shen Yuan" The power exploded instantly, all concentrated in one palm.


The body like a rag bag hit the iron floor of the fighting arena far away, making two bouncing sounds... (End of this chapter)

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