Wow! The explosion rate is really high

Chapter 515 Military Parade

Returning to the temporary residence of the elves in the human city with Yue Ying, Wind Spirit took Yue Ying's little hand and sat together.

A pair of plain but wise eyes stared at the sister in front of him quietly, and asked in a calm tone: "What did you encounter in the high-dimensional space?"

General Baie did fight fiercely, that much is obvious.

But my sister Yueying's aura was calm throughout, with a hint of expected confusion.

Feng Ling was a little curious as to whether Yueying could withstand the erosion of the desire demon... or for how long.

After all, even she herself didn't dare to face the demon of desire in person. Only from her sister, she might be able to get some first-line confrontation information for future reference.

Even a prophet is not omniscient.

Yueying bit her lower lip slightly, hesitating for a moment.

The long sword called the Blade of Rhythm was given to him by Bai E, but it did not mean that it was given to his own tribe.

You can use it yourself, and when necessary, you can use the power of this sword to protect your clan members to a certain extent, but you cannot treat it completely as your own property and dispose of it at will...including the right to know.

As for his unbearable posture in front of the demon of desire, it was just ordinary.

Looking at Yueying's hesitant look, Feng Ling smiled empathetically and said, "It's okay. If there is anything that is inconvenient to say, you don't have to say it. If there are any secrets about General Bai E, You can keep it all.”

"Actually... I actually didn't see anything." Yueying said softly, "While tracing the process of Garuda's spirit body to the high-dimensional space, I have lost my subjective consciousness. I only simulated it. I vaguely saw General Bai E leading me to kill an entire army of desire-based demons, and other things... I'm not too sure about."

"Is that so..." Fengling's eyes were slightly lost in thought, and after thinking for a moment, he stopped asking.

There are still many details to ask about.

But as she said to Yueying, if it involves secrets related to General Bai E, she doesn't want to delve into it further.

Many things will fall into place by letting nature take its course.

"Then have a good rest." Fengling smiled and patted Yueying's little hand, "Encountering those desire-based demons must be a great drain on your will."

Will is also a resource that can be consumed, which is why the corruption of demons is a fatal factor for all living things.

It took less than two days for the elves to bury their own people. Just burying them didn't take much time.

After this competition, they also truly realized the potential possessed by human beings.

Regardless of whether the appearance of General Baie is an exception, as long as Baie is here, this city called Blackwater City has shown its value enough to be an alliance.

The cooperation between the two tribes does not require Bai E to come forward to discuss anything. The exchange of interests between the upper-class figures is only known to a small number of people.

What Bai E could see was...the attitude of the envoys sent by the upper-level senators to contact him became extremely respectful.

And he sent the seal with great humility, stating that this was the identity certificate of the Council of Elders.

From this moment on, Bai E also has a place in the Council of Elders, the city's top decision-making body!

This is far from the qualification seat that a normal military region general can obtain. It was not until this moment that Bai E truly reached the most central position in the city.

After bidding farewell to the envoy, Bai E casually threw the seal on the table of his now private residence, turned around and strode out the door.

Whether it was the competition with the elves or the upper-level discussions on specific cooperation matters between the two races, the manufacturing of the android production line never stopped.

In the past half a month, the production line with the highest efficiency has produced the first batch of artificial human warriors who have released the restriction of "passivation of thoughts".

And today... is the time for all soldiers to "go out of the cabin" for acceptance.

Where Weslin once stood, Bai E now stands on it.

Before he arrived, the scene was already filled with onlookers.

The various officers in the military region, the curious envoys from the elves, and even some members of various forces in the city who wanted to make good friends with Bai E, all gave a sincere smile to Bai E who finally arrived.

For this riser who has shown endless potential and is extremely strong at this stage, no one does not want to make a certain investment in him to obtain tickets for the future.

Bai E glanced at those figures indifferently, without even an expression on his face.

The only advantage of being an artificial human is that he doesn't have to act like he knows the world at all. Everyone even thinks that this is what he should do. What's even better is that everyone believes that they can teach themselves the so-called "human world" and try their best to do it. win over.

Standing where Weslin was, Bai E looked at the silent and waiting square array in front of him.

2,000 recruits, this is the number of the first batch of android warriors.

These two thousand production cabins for producing artificial humans are commonly used machines and are running all the time.

It is possible to increase production in the future, but the debugging of those machines will take time. The next batch of artificial human warriors will be more than 2,000.

Bai E's eyes swept across those faces that were as silent and blank as a blank sheet of paper, and he was among them, and he still had a vivid feeling of being confused about this new world.

He looked fixedly at a certain place in it, which was where he once was.

At this moment, the warrior in that position was as confused as he was before.

After the ban on "oblivious thoughts" was lifted, these artificial human recruits had a clearer and deeper understanding of "self", and they became more and more confused by the scene in front of them.

And at this moment, the first figure who comes to speak in front of them will undoubtedly leave the deepest impression on them... just like a little duck that has just hatched will think that anyone it sees is its mother.

This is why Weslin came forward to speak in the first place.

Bai E blinked, and his thoughts returned to himself. With his last glance, the number on the nameplate on the chest of the soldier standing in the same position came into his eyes - 95B28.

Line 95, Type B production cabin, the 28th batch of artificial humans.

I don't know what his future will be like.

Bai E put his hands behind his back, and his voice resounded equally throughout the entire military parade square under the influence of spiritual energy, "Welcome to this new era, recruits!"

"You have come for this new era, with the mission of carrying it forward to future generations."

"Our era is full of endless threats, and sacrifice will be the first word you must learn!"

"The foundation of an empire is based on sacrifice. This is a true motto. The blood of martyrs is the fire of the empire. When the loyal slave learns to love the whip, only death is the end of duty."

The words I made up casually for the player in the past have finally turned into a bullet and hit me now.

I don’t know if the words I casually made up that day became an oath to bind me, or if these words I blurted out subconsciously were what I was thinking in my heart.

Only at this moment, with the improvement of its status, it finally issued a declaration to the world for the first time——

“For thousands of years we have endured in silence, sometimes briefly sprouting in the sun, more often lingering in the shadow of death, for countless centuries we have fought and died, spilling countless numbers of the blood of our enemies and our own. battlefield.

Human beings continue to sacrifice themselves, and sacrifice allows the continuation of human blood, generation after generation, generation after generation, no matter what the great ideal is, because the sacrifice itself is greater than any ideal.

But perhaps, there is a hope buried deep in everyone’s heart: maybe one day, maybe ten thousand years from now, there will be a generation that no longer needs to sacrifice, and there will be a generation where mankind will live in peace forever..."


The purer words triggered the deepest thinking, and the ability of the psychic motto also turned these words into pure emotions and engraved them into the hearts of every observer.

The soldier who had not been "blunted by longing" looked at the tall and tall officer in front of him, as if he realized more deeply from the depths of his soul the heavy meaning behind the inherent images in his mind.


"Our sacrifice is so that future generations will no longer need to sacrifice!"

"The world will be reborn in our hands, and we are here to meet such a great responsibility!"

In the end, all thoughts turned into the most determined response, "Yes! Sir!"

The unanimous shouts of 2,000 people were earth-shattering, and the firmness emanating from them even stunned the senior military officers who were accustomed to such scenes.

"Why do the recruits look different this time?"

The city power personnel and the elf envoys who rarely come here may not know it clearly, but they are all old men from the military region who have conducted more than one military parade.

When will these newly born artificial beings with mixed consciousness become so conscious?

Not to mention recognizing his current situation, being able to respond to the order seriously is already an unimaginable achievement, let alone this kind of response in unison?

"But it does make people's blood boil..." Some generals looked at the speaking figure with admiration.

This warrior who climbed up from an android may be born to be a leader. Even a few casual remarks can make everyone convinced. This is not what that boy Weslin can do.

Perhaps... Weislin would just fall asleep completely, and it would be a good choice to let General Bai E be the acting marshal of their military region forever.

"..." The general who was good at psychic power stood in the crowd without saying a word. The fluctuations in the psychic maxims were quite obvious. Perhaps it was because of the psychic maxims that reached the depths of the soul that the new recruits behaved so clearly.

However, it is normal for powerful psykers to have psychic mottos attached to their casual words. It can only be said that General Baie is the destined leader of their military region.

"The pattern of this human general is indeed extraordinary. It would be great if he was born in our elves!"

"With a presence like General Baie, this city is indeed about to embark on a new journey."

"It may be the right choice for us to fully cooperate with them."

The elves have also gone through thousands of selections for human cities.

But the cities they like don’t like them, let alone the cities they don’t like.

"But everyone, we need to be clear..." Feng Feng's mind is always clear. Lord Prophet usually does not express opinions very much. There must be an actual controller of matters within the clan. "The person we are cooperating with is 'Blackwater City' after all." , or is there 'Blackwater City' where 'General Bai'e' is located?"

In the calm psychic network, the elves were silent, their eyes flickering slightly.

Yes...human beings are never monolithic.

["Lucky Blow" charge +50. 】

After seeing that he had left a sufficient first impression on these new recruits, Bai E nodded slightly with satisfaction.

Having already achieved his goal, there is no need for him to continue to gain a sense of presence.

Go too far, otherwise it will be easy for those who are watching the urban forces to feel that they are suspected of supporting the army and respecting themselves.

After all, on the surface, these soldiers always belong to the "city", not to the "military region" or an "individual".

Of course, if this "individual" is the city lord or the city lord's son, there is no problem.

"Now, under the leadership of the squad leader, your talents and expertise will be registered to determine the specific responsibilities you will need to assume in future battles!"

Following Weislin's previous actions step by step, Bai E turned around and left after completing the military parade ceremony.

The recruits, who had some goals and directions for their future in their minds, took the initiative to leave in formation. Under the leadership of their commanders, they went to various places to test their aptitudes.

People from various forces in the city who just made a brief speech and then left neatly were quite satisfied with Bai E's performance this time——

His speech in front of foreigners did not lose the prestige of human beings, and at the same time, he did not show the slightest ambition to win over.

The only strange thing is... who taught him what he said?

The speech prepared for him in advance was completely useless, right?

The crowd waited in silence, and then stepped forward one by one.

After a simple question and answer, they were distributed in two different directions and queued up at another place.

The newly born android warrior looked "curiously" at the companions in front of him being taken to unfamiliar directions one by one, until he also came to the front.

"What expertise?" The officer sitting behind the shiny alloy desk asked in a cold voice.

"What...specialty?" the new android warrior subconsciously repeated.

The officer who asked the question was a little impatient. Does every recruit android need to spend more time explaining to them?

Turning his eyes, he saw the badge on the chest of this new soldier - 95B28.


With an exclamation, the officer who asked the question jumped up from his seat, showed his eight yellow teeth and smiled the kindest smile in his life, and his eyes became a little flattering and asked, "Excuse me, what direction does your expertise tend to be?" "(End of chapter)

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