The artificial man who came out of the previous Line 95 B-type production cabin has now become the leading figure in this military region. When Marshal Weslin was in a coma, he could be said to be the absolute leader of the entire military region.

And this android warrior who has now become a general of the military region still vividly remembers how he was trained by his place. After all, Miss Yueying from the Elf tribe also explained aloud at the time, which made him have no idea about this. The android warrior left a certain impression.

If you can remember him, he will definitely remember you.

The opponent has not caused trouble for itself since its rise, but we cannot relax because of this.

If you meet the soldiers who came out of the same production cabin again, you can't show off any face.

The android warrior 95B28, who encountered this kind of special treatment, was completely confused. He had a certain knowledge but not much, and his understanding of the world was still being formed. This kind of treatment that was completely different from other companions made him instantly Don't know what to do.

However, the direction in which he is good at is extremely clear in his mind, "I feel that my body is very... hot."

"It's hot?"

That is the innate expertise of the physical body.

Powerful? Quick recovery? Strong cell activity?

It’s nothing more than these aspects.

But this is the production cabin that created the myth of artificial humans, and nothing should be underestimated.

At this moment, a young man in a white coat quickly came to the preliminary interrogation office where the androids were distributed. He glanced at the interrogating officer and said, "You are in charge here, right?"

"Ah... yes." The officer who asked the question replied hesitantly.

He could probably guess the identity of the visitor - only people from scientific research institutes would wear such white coats that could appear in the military area.

I don’t know what purpose they came here for.

"I am from the Research Institute, a student of Academician Helen." The visitor took out an ID card, flashed it in front of the officer, and glanced at the long queue in front of him, "Line 95 Type B production Have the soldiers in the cabin been assigned?"

"Not yet." The chief shook his head and pointed to the artificial man in front of him with one hand, "That's him...Yes, does the academician have any orders?"

Even though the status of the scientific research institute is high, this student of Helen still asked warmly with a peaceful smile on his face.

"The academician said he wants to do a detailed physical examination for him. Is it convenient?"

"Convenient! Of course it's convenient!" the officer replied.

"Then I can't thank you enough." The student also breathed a sigh of relief.

This was a task that Academician Helen told him must be completed. His attitude was quite strict, and he was afraid of screwing it up.

In the cluttered corner in the distance, a joking look looked at the scene taking place with a smile, then turned around and ran straight out of the military camp.

The flow of people on the black streets has become increasingly intensive. An orderly gathering place outside the city is actually a public place that many people need.

Many people are unwilling to follow the rules, but everyone wants others to follow the rules.

Living in this kind of place will undoubtedly make those guys with savage nature feel uncomfortable, but when needed, this kind of place is the best intermediary place.

Transactions, negotiations, information exchange... The Black Street, which has the ability to ensure absolute order in the territory, has become a middleman for communication with many other nearby forces.

As a gangster, as long as you charge a small fee, you can ensure the long-term stable operation of this order, and at the same time, it can also drive other industries such as drinks and accommodation, killing multiple birds with one stone.

As a result, there are one or two more unfamiliar faces in the gradually developing area, making it difficult to fully control them.

Xu Ruoguang received a message from his veterans - the former top line in the military camp came to them again.

It is a normal fact that veterans who have retired from the military camp have always maintained contact with the military camp.

It's just that this former upline was Ge Lan who last disclosed information to veteran Song Laosi.

Due to the leakage of his information, veteran Song Laosi even communicated with outsiders and made some threatening behaviors that were harmful to the underworld.

Now that this matter has passed, the veterans have completely surrendered to the rule of the underworld leaders.

But the leaker didn't get any punishment.

After all, the other party was just leaking secrets, not the mastermind; and he was also a member of the military region. It was not their turn to decide what would happen.

But now, this guy who once brought trouble to the underworld is here again, and for what reason?

Moreover, doesn’t he know that these veterans are now completely controlled by the underworld?

Xu Ruoguang narrowed his eyes, waved his hand and said: "You go to see him, and I will keep an eye on him secretly. No matter what request he makes, you said you would come back to discuss it. Do you understand?"

The veteran who reported the news nodded and said: "Understood!"

The most lively black street tavern opened again after a period of silence, and almost all the people coming and going were unfamiliar new faces.

The veteran and Grant, who did not hide anything at all, sat down at a small square table in the corner of the tavern. Grant's face was as fair and fair as ever, and a little old.

Under the dim light of the tavern, he looked like a dead person, which was a bit scary.

"Last time, it was because of your temptation that Mr. Song did such a stupid thing. What do you want to do now?" The veteran's face didn't look good.

Since they don't need to smuggle materials from the military camp to sell them and get a small fee from them, they don't have much interest in the launch of the military contact, so their attitude can naturally be tougher.

Of course, the more important reason is that now they have embraced another thick leg and no longer need to please everyone.

It's just that the military camp commander's face was now solemn. He looked at the veteran in front of him and said softly, "I'm sorry about Song Laosi, but please believe that I have no intention of harming you. The news is indeed what I said. But how to do it has nothing to do with me. And now I come to you because I know that you people have always wanted to have a fair position. And now...the opportunity has come."

The other party's words made the veteran's heart skip a beat. His eyes subconsciously glanced in a certain direction, and then he asked softly: "Opportunity?"

Serving in the underworld is life, and the pursuit that has never been forgotten in the dream is the ideal.

Seeing the subtle expression on the veteran's face, Grant glanced at the direction the veteran had just glanced at with a slight smile, and continued, "Let me tell you first, this is just because of the friendship in the past that I revealed to you. It’s your inside information, not what I ordered you to do. Don’t end up blaming me for whatever trouble you got into like last time.”

"That's for sure!" The veteran stared at the other party, anxiously waiting for the other party's next "news".

What kind of news can be related to their true dreams deep in their hearts?

"The boss of your underworld is a soldier in the military region. You all know this, right?"


The trouble that Song Laosi caused at that time was because he felt that the boss of the underworld was just a top soldier in the military camp, so he couldn't suppress his anger.

"But in fact, not long ago, your boss became the most important person in the military region besides the marshal. During the time when the marshal of the military region was in a coma due to an accident, he was the highest officer of the military region. And today, with the latest batch of With the android soldiers leaving the cabin, this commander has an additional two thousand actual troops. The most important thing is... he himself is an android!"

"What?!" The veteran's eyes widened instantly.

I already knew last time that the adults are artificial humans.

It is precisely for this reason that it is reasonable for an adult to be just a soldier in the military camp even if he possesses great strength.

The last incident was suppressed by force, but in the final analysis, it was still crushing by strength.

The strength of the adult may be top-notch for their underworld, but it may be too much for the entire city. The status of the artificial human means that he will never be able to bring any substantial rights to other artificial human beings.

But now, as an artificial human, your Excellency has become the leader of the entire military region, one person below ten thousand people. This kind of achievement...

Can they really do something for their status as artificial humans?

Looking at the adults' behavior in the underworld, it is obvious that they are also people with some pure ideals and ambitions.

At the thought of this, the veteran's heart skipped a beat.

"For the sake of the information I provided you, you invited me to have this drink." Grant chuckled, raised the cup in his hand and raised it to the veteran, "I said it, although we don't have it now. It’s ‘business’, but for the sake of past friendship, I will still provide you with some of the things that happened in the military camp for free.”

"Then thank you Lord Grant." The veteran's eyes were full of thoughts, but on the surface he still responded with a sincere smile, "Sir, I will pay for all your purchases here today, and I will say hello to the store. If you have nothing to do for the time being, I still have some miscellaneous things to deal with, so I’ll get to work first.”

"Then you go ahead..." Glenn slowly picked up a few peanuts from the plate in front of him and threw them into his mouth. He said with a smile: "I just came out for a walk and told you something new. That’s all. If you’re busy, just go and don’t worry about me.”

"Okay, I'll go first." The veteran restrained his emotions, but still got up with his heart pounding.

Backstage in the tavern, the veteran saw Xu Ruoguang, who had been watching nearby.

"What did he say to you?" Xu Ruoguang asked calmly.

There were many people in the tavern, and he couldn't hear what the two people said from a distance.

Moreover, the two people hiding in the corner could not see the mouth movements, and even the newly learned "lip reading" had no use.

"There is no useful news. It just says that a new batch of 2,000 android recruits came out of the military camp today, just like us. It seems that the last attack launched by the military camp against the Zerg killed a lot of people. But recently, they have all I haven’t heard any news about recruitment in the military camp. It seems that the newly recruited soldiers will be mainly artificial warriors."

The military camp... or rather, the operations of many institutions in the city were kept secret at the time, but as time passed, clues in the wild were gradually discovered, and the results and details of the attack on the insect nest were gradually analyzed and restored. come out.

Knowing this kind of news is not a big deal.

Xu Ruoguang frowned in confusion, "That's it?"

The veteran said seriously: "That's it."

"But I think he's hiding something." Faced with the adults who came to inspect the black street, Xu Ruoguang took the initiative to tell him about this new incident, "But since the last incident, these veterans logically no longer dare to do it again. Do you have any hidden thoughts?"

"What is the identity of Officer Gulen?" Bai E asked gently.

"It is said that he is the quartermaster in the military camp. Because he has some armaments that can be disposed of at the last moment, he has a cooperative relationship with these veterans in the underworld in the past."

"Well..." Bai E nodded to show that he knew, "No matter what plan they have, just keep an eye on those veterans. As long as they want to do something, there are always traces to follow. I will explain this matter to Gilder For a moment, let those wanderers do it."

The name of the Devil's Son is too ominous, and sometimes the behavior of the players is indeed completely different from that of the natives.

So in the long-term relationship, although the natives still don't know what a "player" is, the title of "wanderer" has already spread like wildfire.

As they become more involved in the game, the players are sometimes much more reliable than the natives when it comes to actually performing tasks.

"Besides, I'm going out tomorrow. I'm here just to see if there's anything that needs attention here. During the few days I'm out, I'll ask someone to keep an eye on this place. If there's any major trouble, she'll take action."

Xu Ruoguang's eyes lit up, "Is it the adult from last time?"


Bai E's eyes flashed slightly, thinking of tonight's "promise".

After returning from that high-dimensional space, Yueying said that he would look for him in private.

In the past few days, there was no contact for the time being because they had to deal with the loss of their clan members.

After today's military parade, Yueying secretly found herself... and her face, which was always white and tender, had a rare shy pink color. She didn't know what she wanted to do at night?

As the sun gradually set, Bai E, who was sitting cross-legged and meditating in his own room to practice his psychic powers, suddenly opened his eyes at a certain moment.

The aura of an outsider clearly appeared before his eyes.

The other party had no intention of hiding anything.

When he opened his eyes, he saw that slender figure wearing a cloak but with the hood off.

"Moon Shadow..."

"Shh~" The slender elf raised an index finger to his lips.

As her arms stretched slightly, the cloak she was wearing slid smoothly and quietly from her body to the ground, stacked on top of each other.

"Gudong~" Bai E's Adam's apple surged subconsciously.

Without the cover of the cloak, the graceful body of the elf was perfectly displayed in front of the eyes under the outline of the tights.

Yueying stepped on the ground with bare feet and came slowly.

The face that has always been cold now has an aura of purity and desire... (End of this chapter)

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