"Xiao Qi was beaten away."

"Xiao Qi was beaten away again."

"Xiao Qi was beaten away again."


"I saw it!" Listening to the constant chanting in her ears, Bomb Girl shouted angrily at the chirping voices around her.

Seeing Xiao Qi, whose nose and face were bruised and swollen, being punched away again, Bomb Girl rushed up, held down Xiao Qi who got up and wanted to fight, and asked with concern, "Are you okay? If you can't beat me, just Stop fighting. After punching you so many times, it’s time for him to vent his anger.”

"It's okay." Xiao Qi wiped his nosebleed, his face was full of excitement, and the depths of his pupils were full of fanatical light, "He is teaching me! He is teaching me! I can feel that I have made great progress, I can't miss it. This opportunity!”

With that said, a carp stood up from Bomb Girl's arms and rushed towards Kuang Xin again.

"Papa papa!" The sound of physical contact could be heard endlessly.

The fight between the two dazzled onlookers, which was completely different from the direct attacks with fists and kicks at the beginning.

This obvious change couldn't be more obvious. The onlookers android recruits pinched their chins and curiously guessed: "Why do you feel that Xiao Qi has become more powerful?"

"Instead of saying that he is great, it is better to say that this refugee is great..."

"But during the fight with him, Xiao Qi was obviously different from before."

"Hey! Bomb girl, what did this kid just say to you? I don't think he was beaten so badly that he kept fighting with others?"

"..." Bomb Girl's eyes were slightly in a trance, staring at every move of the two warring parties, trying to get some clues from them, and slowly replied: "Xiao Qi said that the other party was teaching him."

"teach him?"

"This refugee is actually teaching him?"


The sound of Xiao Qi being punched away again alarmed the android recruits who fell into a daze for a moment.

Xiaoqi, who was lying on the ground in a "big" shape, raised his arms, but finally fell down weakly.

After being knocked away so many times, even though his spirit was still strong enough, his body could no longer support him in continuing to fight.

However, it was this performance that confirmed the fact that the other party was indeed not ruthless.

What he said was "beat him up to vent his anger", but in fact he was beaten so many times that there was no real damage.

If he really wanted to get angry, Xiaoqi wouldn't be able to get up after two blows at most, let alone hold on for so many times?

However, when Xiao Qi saw that his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, it was difficult to even move. Bomb girl lowered her head to roughly check the injuries on his body, and an unspeakable fire began to brew in her eyes.

She didn't know where this emotion came from or what it should be called. She just knew... she was a little angry.

Although she is mainly responsible for aiming various artillery strikes in the team and is learning how to make various improvised bombs, at this moment, she also wants to use her fists to "talk" with people.

"Aren't you angry enough?" Bomb Girl stood up, her face expressionless.

As he spoke, he wrapped a protective bandage on his hand, "I'm here to have a fight with you too."

Kuang Xin had a bright smile on his face, "I'm extremely happy!"




The sound of fists clashing spread far away, and several players squatting behind to watch the excitement laughed happily, "Axin is also quite clever, isn't he?"

"But I'm still a little too gentle with girls."

This female soldier's melee strength is obviously not as good as that of the male soldier just now, but she can last longer in Kuang Xin's hands.

Obviously Kuang Xin was merciful and didn't dare to beat the boy as fat as he was.

But even so, the training effect for the new recruits is visible to the naked eye.

Rumors were also flying around.

"I heard that there was a conflict between our second company and the displaced people, and the fight is in full swing now!"

"How come I heard that the people of the Second Company and the refugees have established a deep friendship. The soldiers and civilians are one family, and now they are having friendly discussions and exchanges?"

"No way... I heard that the Second Company and the other refugees started stealing guys and started fighting, and there was a big fight over there!"

"Second Company just waits to be punished!"

"But I heard that the people in the second company suffered a big loss. They were all pressed to the ground and rubbed by the refugees."

"Hey! What you said is wrong. What kind of friction? In fact, a master from that group of refugees gave us pointers on melee combat skills for the sake of our adults. Their second company was indeed pressed to the ground and rubbed, but at the same time they were also Benefited a lot.”

"But how come I heard that they have already touched the guy?"

"Because that master is actually an expert in heavy weapons. No matter how they attack, they won't actually hurt anyone. If you don't believe me, just go and have a look. If you are not convinced, you can also go up and compete with the master. I guarantee that no one will say anything. "

"Then why don't you go?"

"Me?" The tall, thin male soldier who spoke smiled disdainfully, "I play with guns."

Can you talk to those muscle guys like you who play with knives?

The few players who were eavesdropping on the side of these warriors were a little envious.

"Axin is done."

"I hope Axin won't be squeezed out so quickly..."

"His side has almost reached one-on-ten, so let's think about us."

"We...it's actually simple."

Thinking of the words of the warrior who spoke just now, Dai Lian had already thought of his own way to attract (zhuang) and attract (bi) in his mind.

"Look! What is that refugee doing?!"

"It's like cracking a coconut..."

"But that coconut never fell~"

"This marksmanship... is amazing."

"In general, I don't feel as good as..."

"Snap, snap, snap!"

The watched refugee held two guns and made a gorgeous spin in a coconut forest full of coconuts. Under the intensive gunfire, coconuts that almost drowned people fell from the sky, blocking the sight of all onlookers in a chaotic manner. It also made the male refugees among them looming in the eyes of the soldiers.

Dai Lian glanced at the soldiers who were watching from a distance, and smiled at the head of the logistics department who seemed to be responding not far away.


"so hot……"

"Can you still play with guns like this?"

"I've always heard that our Admiral Bai E knows this trick. I've seen him use it in the insect swarm before, but I didn't expect that this refugee can do it too!"

"Admiral Bai E is so busy, why not ask him how he did it?"

Although these android recruits had heard from other veterans before they went on missions, they had heard how bad and despicable the refugees in the wild were, so they should not be merciful when they encountered them.

But this concept is not very harmful to them. After getting over the initial prejudice, as long as they show something that can make them look at it with admiration, they can put aside all prejudices in an instant and humbly seek advice.

Gu Lan had a sweet smile on her face, but she ruthlessly used psychic energy to torture the hearts of those warriors over and over again.

Gong Yan led a group of refugees and said with a smile to the sergeant who accidentally hooked up with him, "Master Bing, we don't have luxury things like wine here. If you want to have a drink, you may have to wait until we finish today's mission." Only with the mission indicators can I have time to brew a few cups for you."

"You might as well tell me what mission targets you have today." The sergeant who was seduced by the charming and charming woman in front of him just patted his chest, "We don't have many others, but we also have a handful. Sublime strength."

He was still young, and he only wanted to get close to those he liked, and at the same time, he used the clumsy words those veterans taught him to clumsily please.

However, this also plays into Gong Yan's heart.

She turned to look at the cliff in the distance, "Our meat storage is about to be exhausted, and I heard that the rations you carry with you also need to be replenished. The mayor of our town said that for the sake of your parents, I want to I want to add something to you. So let us collect more wild animals in the past few days to replenish our inventory. There are large groups of wild goats living in the fragmented mountain area, and we can’t catch a few every time we go to catch them. If it were you, You must be able to catch a lot of them, right?”

The sergeant looked into the distance. At the end of his sight, those little things were like small black dots flashing everywhere against the background of the dim rock wall.

Although they can't see the specific appearance of the target, and they haven't participated in similar things, but since they can catch some of these refugees who are like a ragtag group of people, is it possible that they, the regular army, can't compare to these refugees?

Not to mention that the opponent's hunting animals actually wanted to help them supplement the food they needed for the next cleaning task for the sake of their own parents. How could they live up to their sincerity?

Especially the girl's adoring gaze made him feel like he was in the clouds, feeling like he was floating in the sky, so he took care of everything and patted his chest, "It's easy, let's help you catch it! I guarantee that all the people in the Broken Mountain area will be captured." I’ll catch everything that can move for you!”

"It's best to be alive~ We also want to raise them to stabilize the meat supply in the future." Gong Yan added with a smile, "These guys are very vigilant and run fast in the mountains. There is no need to click." A special strategy, it’s hard to catch a few alive~”

"If you all can catch it, then we can catch it even more!" The young android recruit looked arrogant as if he had never seen the world before. "Our company commander said that there is no one who can move in the whole mountain." I’ll be tied up in front of you!”

The soldier who was talking glanced at his company commander and gave him a proud look.

Brothers! In my heart!

The company commander patted the soldier on the shoulder, his face full of relief.

You still need others to brag about your awesomeness.

"We went!"

"Let's join you." Gong Yan trotted to catch up. "We have some experience. If you encounter any problems, you can ask me~ And if we catch them together, the efficiency will be higher~"

"Okay~Okay~" The company commander had a smile on his face, Gong Yan said everything was good.

As soon as he turned his head and moved a little away, another subordinate came close to the company commander. He glanced at the "bad woman" and said with some disdain: "Company commander, I think that woman just looks down on us! Is it possible for us to return the favor?" Can we ask for advice from them? How many mutated creatures and orcs have we killed during this trip? Is it possible that we still can’t get these little goats?!”

"That's right! Company Commander, we must let that woman know how powerful our regular army is!"

"I heard that these refugees escaped because they refused to obey the city's discipline. We have to show off in front of them and let them know the glory of the city. If we can persuade them to surrender, can we also convince Bai E who brought us out? Does the general have a bright face?"

There is no clear distinction between company commanders and ordinary soldiers in the ranks of these android recruits. Everyone talks to each other as if they are buddies of the same level.

A group of people gathered together and laughed and laughed. What they had in common was that they did not take the refugees seriously.

But it didn’t take long before I couldn’t laugh anymore...

Watching the group of refugees who looked so shabby in their clothing, under the command of the girl who spoke softly and smiled as softly as water, one of them was tied up and another was tied, and they were all jumping and full of energy; They chased it all over the mountains and fields, and even fell into the mess of dogs eating shit. In the end, the only result was an wild goat that a soldier got really anxious and shot and broke its leg.

Is it possible to use guns to shoot their legs?

The subsequent treatment will take a lot of effort. If you don't raise it well, how will you raise it and cultivate the next generation?

Not to mention that you are not lucky enough to hit the leg every time. If you hit somewhere else and die directly... Wouldn't that be an embarrassment? !

We agreed to capture all the people in the mountain and deliver them to others, but in the end we could only give them a bloody mess.

Their soldiers are used to seeing blood, but where have these little refugee girls seen such scenes?

Looking at the gentle girl who caught the goat and held him in her arms and gently stroked her to soothe her emotions, even the toughest man has a soft heart now.

"Don't shoot!" the company commander ordered through gritted teeth, and at the same time involuntarily moved towards the arresting team of refugees.

"Um...my brothers asked me to come over and ask you how you caught them?"

Gong Yan stroked the goat's hair in her arms with a smile and said warmly, "It's really hard to catch these little guys for the first time. We need a little cooperation..."

The girl's tone of voice was gentle, making people not feel inferior at all.

Instead, I just felt that my understanding was extremely high, and I could even draw inferences from one instance to make the girl surprised and impressed, "Huh? Why didn't I think about what you said... I'm so stupid! If I had thought of it earlier, I wouldn't have made the town deprived of meat for so long. Already..."

"It's okay, it's okay! Leave the rest to us! We are here to help you!" The company commander patted his chest and left with satisfaction.

[You have completed a perfect tactical guidance, management +2. 】

[Management +2: Now you can accept more commissions, and your qualifications for accepting commissions are +2; at the same time, you have unique advantages in power management and some scientific and technological research. 】


So that's it.

Gong Yan squinted her eyes and muttered to herself.

This was the second time she had received such a reward since she had received it last time.

Only by turning those "people" who were not under your own management into "people" who are subject to your own management can you obtain reward improvements. (End of chapter)

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