Wow! The explosion rate is really high

Chapter 523 Military Exercise

[Feedback from the commission, your technology - management +1. 】

[Management +1: Now you can manage more people, and your qualifications for commissioned publishing +1. 】

The special scientific and technological information mixed in many feedback messages caught Bai E's attention immediately.

This is the second time I've encountered this since I got this promotion last time.

Exactly how it was obtained is irrelevant.

The important thing is that with this improvement, he can have an additional permanent qualification to release tasks, which means that he can cultivate one more capable player.

The target has actually been determined for a long time: Xu Ruoguang.

In addition to this most special feedback, there are actually countless other feedbacks——

[Feedback from the commission, your insight +0.5, physical strength +0.2, reflex +0.4, mystery +0.1, light weapon proficiency experience +750, light firearm proficiency experience +1005, heavy weapon proficiency experience +995, combat proficiency experience + 850. Knowledge - Biological Master Brain Theory Experience +400. 】

The improvement in basic attributes does not seem to be much, but considering this short period of time, the improvement is particularly obvious.

The second is various proficient abilities...the growth from feedback is far better than before.

It can be seen that in this form of allowing players to teach local residents, it is the players themselves who have grown the most.

And the player's improvement will be fed back to him... It's a win-win situation!

As I thought this in my mind, several familiar faces came to me.

"grown ups!"

"grown ups!"

The eyes of Kuang Xin, Dai Lian and others were filled with excitement.

Even if not everyone in the 2,000-man android corps came to find them, they could still handle it to the limit with the abilities of just a few of them.

Even if their spirits are not tired, their bodies in the "game" will be subject to various physical limitations.

When all physical and mobility reserves are drained, it will take time for the body's replenishment from food to take effect.

Simply put, they need a little time to rest and recover after the strenuous exercise of teaching various skills to the new recruits.

And during this rest, we cannot wait in vain.

In the process of teaching the new recruits, Dai Lian and others found that they still had some shortcomings.

For example, Dai Lian himself only knows the gun fighting skill in the skill tree of light firearms. The other fire suppression and precision shooting correspond to the responsibilities of the fireman and sniper respectively.

Warriors who were inclined to this aspect had difficulty learning relevant techniques from him, and naturally they were too lazy to come to them to learn techniques.

But several of their players have already tasted the benefits.

When teaching those soldier NPCs, they found that the experience of corresponding proficiency abilities they had mastered increased rapidly, which was much more efficient than practicing by themselves or directly adding points with experience.

After all, for them, the improvement rate of each level of these proficiency abilities is the same, and the experience required for each level of high-level proficiency is a huge cost that cannot be ignored for them.

They don't have the luxury of experience to try and make mistakes at will. At this time, their main mastery is often only at level 4 or 5, so having a task to quickly improve their mastery is a rare opportunity for them.

Then they spent a relatively small amount of experience to learn more versatile abilities from adults, and then taught those soldiers to gain more proficiency experience in return. This was the way they came up with.

As for power contribution...

"Dawn!" This mission doesn't offer much else, it just gives you a lot of power contribution points, and it's settled in stages.

Every time an android warrior is taught a certain amount of growth, they will receive a certain amount of force contribution rewards, and they can then use the newly obtained contribution points to learn skills from adults.

The loop is closed!

[The "teaching" is over. Through the feedback of the "teaching", you have gained a total of 16,000 combat experience points and 5,000 general experience points. 】

Seeing the players leaving happily, Bai E nodded secretly...

Three wins.

It's a pity that the days when soldiers and civilians are close to each other are always short-lived. Without the "Doctor" war gang, a time bomb that would definitely cause trouble in the city, Bai E doesn't mind giving these soldiers more time to study.

But now they have to consider the second half of the cleaning operation, so there is not much time left for them to train.

Fortunately, Bai E didn't really expect to be able to train them all in one go.

Training is something that requires perseverance. When there is nothing later, let these new recruits run here by themselves, and they will naturally train.

Now let's make an initial contact to leave a good first impression, which can be regarded as fulfilling his original intention of personally leading the troops this time.

"time to go."

Bai E looked at the bright sky and ordered to the sergeants he summoned: "After four days of rest, everyone should have recovered. Then we will continue to carry out the cleaning mission according to the original plan!"


Time passed by, and a group of soldiers who had been in the wild for more than ten days without basic conditions looked as if they were dug out of a mud pit, and they were in a miserable state.

At the same time, the extreme training had drained almost every ounce of strength from their bodies. Once they returned to the military camp, the last breath that supported their rapid march finally disappeared.

However, under Bai E's "stand at attention", these soldiers still mustered up their last strength to maintain their formation and stand still.

The dual fatigue from body and mind made it difficult for these soldiers to maintain the most upright posture.

The veteran officers of the military camp who heard the commotion and came to watch stood in groups in the distance, smiling and pointing at the newly returned recruits.

"Look at how cowardly they all are... I wonder what use this kind of training can do? General Bai, you are still too young."

"I personally led the team. I don't know how many people died on the road this time, so these people escaped miserably."

Bai E glanced around indifferently. The rumors were clearly audible in his ears, but they seemed to be far away in the horizon like mosquitoes. The difference was only in his thoughts.

On the surface it looks a little miserable.

But these ten days have played an extraordinary role in polishing these warriors.

The real transformation is hidden deep in their bright eyes...






The results were quickly synthesized. A noncommissioned officer who looked shrewd and capable came to Bai E, saluted suddenly and reported loudly: "Sir, the number should be 2,000, but the actual number is 1,982! Please give instructions!"

Bai E nodded and whispered, "Disband where you are!"

Eighteen people were lost, and there was nothing we could do about it.

This era is full of uncertainty, not to mention the wilderness that is not human territory.

The team was too large, and no matter how careful Bai E was, he still couldn't take care of everyone.

After that, he turned and left.

Looking at the new regiment, which instantly looked like a pile of mud, the officers in the military camp who were watching the excitement murmured in confusion, "What? Only 18 people died?"

"They are not making false reports, are they?"

To them, who often calculated the damage reported by the android warriors in the hundreds, this small number was a bit magical.

These android recruits were all stupid. After only three days of basic training, they were pulled out for more than ten days of training without any logistical supplies.

You must know that the wilderness is not an easy place to get along with. There is not enough clean water, not enough caloric food, and there is no perfect medical condition.

A minor illness or infection may cost a life.

Not to mention the establishment of 2,000 people. If there is not enough execution ability, anything will happen and it will become a mess.

And now...this General Bai actually brought out a group of artificial human recruits that were only three days old from the factory, and then brought them back completely?

"There is no false report." The more senior officer shook his head. The array in the army was easy to count. The recruits who were taken out for training and brought back basically managed to form a regular array even though they were extremely tired.

How many people there are? You can get a rough idea of ​​the number at a glance.


"That is to say...he really brought these people back intact?"

An officer's eyes started to look a little weak, "Then what we mentioned before..."

Do you want to mention it again?

It seems that our General Bai also has some opinions of his own in terms of military formation management and strategy?

In view of General Bai's talent for showing absolute dominance as soon as he rose to prominence in many fields, the officer who spoke had already begun to imagine a future in which he would be slapped in the face after putting forward opinions.

"Just mention it! Just mention it!"

As the first officer to put forward that opinion, he insisted, but there was a solemn look in his eyes, "But we can change the details a little bit...for example, not allowing the commander to perform micro-management?"

In sand table attack and defense, except for specifying a general strategic policy at the beginning so that the soldiers under his command can have an idea of ​​​​execution, the commander is not allowed to give any more guidance on any changes that occur during the specific process.

He's awesome...well, let's just admit that he's awesome! So what?

How can you make a group of newly born android recruits as awesome as you if you are awesome alone?

No matter how smart you are, no matter how detailed your arrangements are, as long as something unexpected happens on the spot, these android recruits who can only follow the script will definitely be confused on the spot.

When the results of this confrontational military exercise come out, General Bai will not be able to pay attention to the system and role model that those of us who can really do practical things can establish in the military?

"Let's go! Let's propose it now!"

Facing the several officers in front of him who proposed a "military exercise confrontation", Bai E pressed his palms on top of the paper files they presented, and asked with probing eyes, "Two thousand versus one thousand? Isn't it a bit unfair to have the strength of both sides?" ?”

"You still think it's unfair?" An officer bowed his waist slightly and replied respectfully in a tone that sounded neither humble nor arrogant: "That's right...after all, their time in the factory is too short, even if they have experienced one time under your leadership, sir." Training, they still have too little experience. Let’s do it like this, 800 people. Two thousand versus eight hundred. Only an evenly matched competition with veterans can help them grow faster~"

"Indeed... I also think that training is effective only when we are evenly matched." Bai E nodded and threw the plan in his hand casually on the desk in front of him, "Then two thousand versus two thousand, look at this How can the new recruits force the veterans to do this?"




Looking at the incredulous faces, Bai Eming looked at them with a hint of curiosity, "What's wrong? Is there any problem?"

An officer swallowed and then explained with difficulty: "With the same number of people, veterans can win, right?"

Their purpose was not for the military exercise itself, but for General Bai E to see the absolute role that middle and high-level officers like them could play in the entire system.

Now two thousand against two thousand, veterans against new recruits.

There is no doubt about the result, and they deserved to win. How can this highlight their ability?

"Isn't it just to urge these new recruits to make rapid progress?" Bai E smiled slightly and concluded, "A little pressure can have the motivation to improve. I think they will contribute a wonderful performance. If there are no other problems, this matter Ok, deal."

Until they walked out of General Bai E's office, the officers who proposed the proposal still seemed to be in a fog, "He...he agreed?"

"Did he read the detailed terms we wrote carefully?"

"Two thousand versus two thousand? I think he's really crazy."

"No! It's confidence!" An officer's eyes gradually brightened, "Our General Bai is really confident."

"But we all agreed not to allow micro-management?"

"So this confidence is not limited to himself, even if it is the soldiers he brings out, he also believes that these soldiers can do what he wants them to do."

Are you confident?

have no idea.

Bai E didn't even care much about this matter.

Any challenge is an opportunity for progress. These officers who have been nesting in the military camp do not seem to be eating and waiting to die all day long.

The idea of ​​this counter-military exercise is good, but what to do about it has little to do with him.

He could clearly read every word of the proposal jointly submitted by several officers. His name was clearly written in the column for the commander of the red side, but Bai'er was too lazy to even be the commander.

It is better to suffer a little loss and learn some skills at the hands of your own people than to suffer a loss, bleed, or even lose your life at the hands of outsiders.

As a commander, he had no command. He relied entirely on the grassroots non-commissioned officers elected by the android warriors themselves to discuss actions. Whether it was capturing the flag, occupying the formation, or whatever, he performed along with them.

During the three days he stayed in the town, Bai E saw Gong Yan teaching these artificial warriors certain tactics and strategies.

As for how good she is and whether these fighters can perform as well as they should, that's a matter of opinion.

Bai E is more concerned about another thing right now——

The ten-day period has arrived. (End of chapter)

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