According to the clues provided by their players, the action of Wenjie's "Doctor" war gang will be tonight.

Night is the most natural protective color to protect all actions in the dark. Even if there is no daylight in the city, cities that have always retained this human habit will always dim the brightness of light sources everywhere in the city at a fixed time.

This habit brought about by the instinct engraved in the human biological clock is undoubtedly the most suitable time for these underground forces who like to operate in secret to launch actions.

At the same time, judging from the feedback and experience, Wenjie has also mastered at least level 3 knowledge - the biological master brain theory.

I don’t know what kind of surprise this war gang has carefully prepared for the city, so that even the technology that has not been implemented by the scientific research institute will be used by them first.

Putting on an inconspicuous outfit, Bai E left the camp.

After gaining the status of a serious elder council, it is no longer a problem for Bai E to enter and exit the city gate at any time.

He wanted to take a closer look to see how much noise this first war gang assigned by the nobles could cause and what kind of feedback it would cause from the city.

It’s hard to say, but this is all experience that I will be able to use in the near future.

The underground of the city is often filled with light mist, and huge mechanical structures maintain the operation of the main body of this huge city.

The city was a little restless at night. Bai E, wrapped in a windbreaker, walked on the steel avenue full of the smell of engine oil. The only sound that echoed in his ears seemed to be the sound of his own heels hitting the ground.

Occasionally, some scattered figures can be seen on the road, but in the bleak atmosphere, the footsteps of these travelers are particularly hasty.

The place Bai E came to was located in the lower city area, which was the only way to enter the middle and upper-class urban areas.

Of course, the city is very big and there are many necessary routes, but in the intelligence, they are talking about launching the attack from the C13 entrance.

After arriving nearby, Bai'e's now sharper senses allowed him to easily notice several characters with unusual behavior.

No...or maybe it's not a simple sense, but some kind of intuition that comes from spiritual connection.

Because of this intuition, Bai E easily located these few people who were different from others among the travelers...that is, the players.

After hanging out in this game world for so long, they have already learned the ability to perfectly integrate themselves into the environment.

If it were just a routine inspection, it would probably not be possible to discover these players who disguised themselves and sneaked in.

Bai E, who noticed this, nodded with satisfaction.

As expected, they have arrived first, and the players can do things reliably.

Seeing the time approaching, he spotted a figure huddled in the corner, and Bai E quietly came to his side.

"When did you arrive?"

The sudden voice in his ear startled Dai Lian, but fortunately his excellent quality prevented him from showing any abnormality.

But my heart trembled, and after I realized that it was an adult's voice, I respectfully replied: "We have just arrived not long ago. If you keep wandering around, it will easily attract the attention of interested people. We have already tried it once before."

"Yes." Bai E nodded, "It is good to be cautious. You are approaching in advance. Do you have any more relevant clues?"

"We...our insiders have been unable to contact us recently, so we only have some peripheral intelligence information on hand at the moment." Dai Lian considered his words, and he was somewhat glad that he was the first one the adults found.

There must be quite a lot of variables in the preliminary tasks of this large-scale camp battle. Depending on the information you provide, it may lead to different development routes.

Of course, the general trend may not change, but the plots that individual players can participate in and the benefits they obtain vary greatly.

If possible, he would of course want to watch the whole show and get the rewards.

Sure enough, the adult showed a slightly interested tone, "What information?"

"We have investigated and found that these entrances and exits in the city's isolated lower city and middle and upper city areas will be closed at 10 o'clock every night. Once closed, there is no way to open it with simple violence or external force, except to wait for it to open at 8 o'clock the next morning. There is no way to open it except the opening command issued by the central control center, and once it is interfered by external forces, it will instantly cut off the circuit including the links to the mechanical equipment and fall directly. This is an insurmountable barrier, if that war gang really wants to take action , the time will definitely be chosen before 10 o'clock. And the closer it is to 10 o'clock, the less vigilant the guards will be."

I thought that when I get off work, although I am still at my post, my soul has already flown away.

"Yes." Bai E and Dai Lian hid in the corner together, waiting quietly.



The patrolling guards had wandered past the corner where they were several times, but with Bai E's now increasingly proficient psychic skills, it was impossible for ordinary patrolling guards to spot the two hiding figures.

"Time's up, time's up!"

"Call it done, call it a day!"

"Finally, we've called it a day... I've been dealing with the patrols of the security teams for a whole day today, but I'm exhausted!"

As the guard in the control room unlocked a red switch gear handle under complicated procedures, he put his palm on the gear handle and was about to pull it down...

A sudden change!

Several rockets with orange tail flames suddenly hit the guard booth on the roadside from the direction of the Lower City.

The construction level of the city's facilities used to ensure public safety and order is certainly worthy of trust. However, although the main body of the building was not damaged, doors and windows could not withstand such a level of attack.

At the same time, several electromagnetic pulse grenades were thrown in through the broken windows from outside.

"Boom boom boom!"

Grenades, which have basically no effect on the human body, are purely for various technological equipment.

The equipment used to issue orders was instantly paralyzed. Whether it was to call for help or to continue to close the gate, it was an unimaginable thing.

Come prepared!

This is a long-planned sneak attack!

The guard booth chief, who was stunned for a while before waking up from the series of explosions, shouted at the top of his lungs, "Attack! Attack!"

Along with his voice, there was a sudden alarm bell.

The incident happened suddenly and there was no way to contact the security team. They could only make as much noise as possible.

The guards, who were staggering around under the noise of the explosion and even looking for cover, also put on the equipment that they had taken off a few minutes in advance under the command of the deputy chief.

Even if it was a half-body bulletproof breastplate, an explosion-proof shield, and a gas mask, which were considered simple equipment, it was a technical task to prepare them in a panic.

Obviously, the guards who had not experienced actual combat for a long time were too unfamiliar with this kind of attack.

Another dozen tear gas shells with white smoke were thrown in, and the small guard booth was suddenly filled with white.

While the guards were still trying to help each other put on their equipment with tears and snot in their faces, the tall and charming Wolf Scorpion had already stepped into the threshold of the guard booth with a group of tall and sturdy men.

These strong men from war gangs showed no mercy to these urban lackeys. Everyone received a heavy blow on the back of the neck and was then tied up.

Even if they caused some trouble, they never thought of killing people.

After occupying the only checkpoint near the entrance and exit, Wolf Scorpion waved to his companions in the light and shadow behind, indicating that they could come over.

So one after another heavy trucks carrying unknown goods drove through the pass.

Looking at the heavy machine guns and artillery modified on those trucks, Dai Lian's eyes were filled with wonder, "Oh, a war gang in the city is so rich..."

Bai E's eyes only looked past the obstacle, as if he saw the guards who were knocked unconscious and tied up. He sighed softly, "This reaction... is a little too lazy."

The city is not without some threats. Today, the "unrest" was initiated for a certain purpose after receiving a tip-off in advance.

But what if there is a real rebellion the day after tomorrow?

Or are those demons corrupting more warbands invisibly, and they are launching a war of destruction?

These people who are supposed to be responsible as guards are so slack. How can the safety of the city be ensured?

"Maybe it's been a long time since we encountered an attack." Dai Lian explained softly, "From the news we heard, there are very few war gangs that dare to directly attack the grassroots of this city."

"..." Bai E pursed his lips and said nothing.

Even if the reaction is a little slow, the process should at least be in order.

Everything was changing before the gate was completely lowered, and these guards took off their equipment in advance a few minutes before the gate closed, so that they had no ability to resist at all after being attacked, or they had no ability to resist at all. The role of procrastination.

It can be seen from this that this city is rotten to the core from top to bottom!

"Let's go, follow up and take a look."

Look at the so-called chaos they started. How chaotic is it?

In the quiet night, the headquarters of the city security team was noisy.

"Report to captain, contact at level C11 is lost."

"Loss of contact at level C10."

"Loss of contact at level C07."

"C-level level... completely lost contact."

Cities generally do not refer to lower-level urban areas directly as lower-level urban areas, but only use the code name C-level urban areas.

The various passes used to separate C-level urban areas from middle- and upper-level urban areas are also called C-level checkpoints.

Normally, after the gates of the levels are lowered, each level will manually send a "command completed" message to the general control center.

But now the message has not been received, and the inquiry message sent has not been responded to, which means that these levels have been compromised...or that they have temporarily lost the ability to communicate electronically.

"Move out everyone and prepare to intercept!" Caesar ordered through gritted teeth.

Matters in Xiacheng District should be settled in Xiacheng District. This is actually an unwritten rule in the city.

No matter how unscrupulous those war gangs were, their fights could only take place in the barbaric area of ​​Lower City.

Of course, if the civilians in Zhongcheng are accidentally affected sometimes, as long as the solution is solved quickly without leaving any serious consequences, and at the same time, the emotions of the affected civilians are appeased, other than a few scoldings when they come back, the problem will not be too big. .

But if the trouble goes uptown...

A true heir of a noble family cannot take any risks.

If a bullet hits any corner of the uptown area, their security team will be slapped from top to bottom.

I just don’t know if the current chaos is an appetizer, or if those crazy guys just overturned the table.

Now that they are ready to face the counterattack of those nobles who are only interested in profit, their security team will not be completely without their own eyes and ears.

They also received certain information in advance. It is said that unrest will occur in the next few days. They have even recently arranged for people to go to those levels to quickly swim, just to let them strengthen their vigilance.

But I didn't expect that... everyone still lost contact immediately.

Caesar rubbed his fingers on the communicator in his pocket, and finally settled down for the time being.

The current situation is unclear and this last resort cannot be used for the time being.

Mobilizing the troops stationed outside the city to enter the city is a big move and cannot be used easily until the last moment.

With this thought in his mind, Caesar turned around, put on his hat, and strode out the door.

Lost contact, I just hope that the guards at those checkpoints can delay the steps of those unrest war gangs a little, so that I can have enough time to deploy manpower to intercept...

The civilians in the middle city woke up from their sleep in confusion. The sound of engines and the roar of guns in their ears made them think they were living in that ghost place in the lower city.

There are many conflicts within the city, and those war gangs are accustomed to speaking with their fists in private.

Therefore, they would not be surprised to hear these noises in Xiacheng District. If they occasionally go to Xiacheng District for a stroll, they may encounter some stray bullets flying past their scalps while walking on the roadside.

But when?

It's night!

The gate is closed, and the conflicts in Xiacheng District are resolved in Xiacheng District. No matter how loud the noise is, it won't spread here, right?

The civilians who were half asleep for a while opened the curtains and looked out through the small windows in confusion.


The rocket dragging its tail flame flew past the glass surface and directly hit the wall of a house at the end of the street.


The ground shook and gravel shot out.


‘What do those security teams do all day long? ? ’

Cursing in his heart, the woke up resident immediately turned around to find the emergency evacuation facility in the room - a large iron box that was strong, insulated and stocked with some resources.

In troubled times, whose family can’t be prepared?

"It's so lively..."

Dai Lian's companions came back from all directions to join him.

But he didn't expect that there was a familiar figure beside Dai Lian, "Sir."

"grown ups!"

"Yes." Bai E nodded calmly, "If you have any information, just tell me."

"Yes! Sir!" Gu Lan replied in a sonorous tone, "We found out that it was not just the 'Doctor' organization that initiated the unrest, but there were at least dozens of others who started the unrest with them..." (End of Chapter)

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