I can’t help but continue watching the show!

Bai E, who also received the prompt from the panel, was shocked.

I didn't expect that this thing created by this war gang would be so powerful. It could actually drive straight into the upper city.

The opponents that the city security team can deal with are basically at the level of ordinary people, and at most they only possess some individual firearms.

At the level of this mechanical giant, it is no longer accessible to the security forces, but to urban organizations like the Mechanical Court that specifically target high-end enemies.

And if the people from the Mechanical Court were to go out and start a fight with this mechanical giant in the upper city after a disagreement, then the unrest would be out of control.

If the mission fails, all players who choose the side of order will be expelled from the city due to failure.

And even if you don't think about the mission, you still have to think about so many residents in the city.

Mechas and giants started fighting in the city, and it was unknown how many areas were affected.

With this thought in his mind, Bai E flew forward.

Bai E dodged and rushed directly to the small battlefield where the war gang was entangled with the security team. Bai E punched the steel avenue at his feet.

Under Qingtian's blow, the steel was dented and vibrations rippled.


The cold voice was transmitted to the ears of everyone present under the influence of psychic energy. The elite security team who had already gained the upper hand and were about to close the deal also looked at this strange figure in confusion and temporarily stopped their actions.

Caesar recognized the person immediately, his eyes jumped, and he shouted in surprise: "General Bai!"

"Hmm~" Bai E nodded to him and turned to look at the old man in the direction of the war gang, "Are you the leader of this war gang?"

The old man couldn't figure out the identity and purpose of the newcomer, so he just asked with confusion on his face, "Are you..."

"He is General Baie, the general of the military region. He is now in charge of the military region, and he also has the qualifications of the city elders." Caesar immediately explained from the side, "This general can be used in both the insect nest and high-dimensional space. You can come and go freely. Now that he has arrived, I advise you to arrest him as soon as possible. Maybe I can apply for a slight reduction of your guilt."

Those who can persuade people with words do not need to take action. The longer the chaos lasts, the more harmful it will be to the city. Ending it as soon as possible is the top priority right now.

"General of the military region?" the old man muttered softly, staring at Bai E with doubts in his eyes.

Even still in charge of the current military region?

Shouldn't these generals be the most senior and capable old generals in the army?

This kind of person...shouldn't have just appeared recently, right?

Although it has been many years since I left the military camp, I still remember the faces from back then. Even if I have never seen them, I have at least heard their names.

Bai E...why do I have no memory of this name?

But after all, he came from the military camp. If he was related to the old marshal, he really wouldn't dare to neglect him.

In the final analysis, everything they have planned so far is, firstly, to clear the name of their artificial beings, and secondly... it is to avenge the injustice of old Marshal Lawrence.

Both are equally important, regardless of priority.

"I wonder what your relationship is with old Marshal Lawrence?"

"..." Bai E's eyes flashed slightly.

These people did not cause any destruction along the way. He came out just to see if there was any solution that could lead to a peaceful solution.

If there is a topic that can open up the other party's conversation, I will naturally not let it go.

"He was the one who presided over the shooting ability test of our batch of recruits, and he was also the one who selected me into the special team to start my service career. So, what is your relationship with him?"

A batch of new recruits?

Shooting ability test?

Such familiar words?

There seems to be no such regulation among natural persons, right?

Only their artificial talents need to undergo an ability test. Almost all natural recruits choose their own volunteers, except for those criminals who were sent to the army because they committed crimes.

But those criminals were all good at their abilities before they were sent to the army. Of course, the military camp will not suppress their original strengths, and there is no need to test them.

The old man's eyes flashed, and he asked in surprise, "Are you an artificial human too?!"

"Yes." Bai E nodded.

Even if everyone regards artificial humans as inferior, even if everyone who promotes him feels that giving him the identity of a natural person is the greatest cover-up, he himself has never shied away from mentioning the fact that he is an artificial human in front of others.

"Are you an android too?!" The same sentence came out with mixed surprises just now, but now it was pure shock.

If the captain of the security team had not lied just now, then an android has become the highest commander of the military region and has also obtained the qualification to join the City Elders Association. What kind of achievement is this?

I have been away from the military camp for so long. Didn't I expect that the military camp has become so enlightened now?

Now that androids can become supreme commanders, then the status of ordinary androids should be at least like human beings, right?

For a while, the old man burst into tears.

Unexpectedly, after so many years, the old marshal's will was still fully implemented.

But in this case... what do their efforts over the years mean?

The world has reconciled with them.

"..." The old man's eyes flashed and he stared at Bai E, as if he wanted to carve this figure into his soul, "Is what he just said true?"

"Of course it's true." Bai E nodded calmly and pointed sideways at the giant figure on the other side of the gate in the distance, "But I don't have time to tell you this right now. Maintaining the stability of the city is also the responsibility of our soldiers. I just want to ask you , can you ask that big guy to stop?"

"The duties of a soldier..." The old man was stunned, with a smile of recognition on his face.

yes! Military Duties.

It is also the responsibility of their artificial humans.

Maintaining the stability of the city was once the deep-seated insistence of each of their androids.

But...he never thought of affecting the stability of the city.

"We just want to show this city..."

Look at our determination.

Look at our faith.

Let’s see if our artificial humans are trustworthy.

The old man stared at Bai E. The indifference on the other person's face made him feel comfortable and familiar, and he felt complete trust.

Homunculus has no relatives, but every homunculus is a brother!

"We have no intention of destroying the stability of the city, and 'he' will not do anything harmful, so you can rest assured. We just want to offer this thing, and have no other intentions."

"..." Bai E narrowed his eyes, "But your behavior is too radical."

The old man smiled bitterly, "I'm sorry, but... we have no other way."

It's not that they haven't thought about expressing their current thoughts more peacefully.

They have proposed countless times to research institutions in the city that they want to donate their artificial human brains for research, but they have been directly rejected by those research institutions, saying that artificial humans are fatal risks and are completely unsuitable for this core technology. base unit.

No one is willing to even offer to sacrifice themselves. What ability do these people who have been expelled from the military camp have to change everyone's stereotyped perception of their artificial humans? How can we avenge the old marshal who was implicated because of the artificial man?

Only by establishing certain facts yourself can everyone's prejudices be changed.

Tonight's "ultimate weapon" is their final answer to vindicate the androids with all their strength.

"We... just wanted everyone to see it."

"But you can choose a more gentle way to actively apply and submit new technologies to the city. I think the scientific research institute will definitely not refuse to directly obtain a brand-new technology..."

"We tried...but we couldn't even get through their gate."

The old man's reasons are a little helpless.

Even Caesar, who was watching, gritted his teeth and cursed those institutions as "idiots."

Just because this kind of grievance pushed these veterans from the military camp to this level, it triggered tonight's "own incident" that is regarded as the biggest crisis. It is really a bit dumbfounding.

So he quickly reminded, "Then quickly control it and come back. We have seen your work, and the city has also seen it. As long as you report it, it will definitely attract attention, and academicians from the Academy of Sciences will come in person soon. As long as your work There is really no problem with the technology, and this is a great contribution to the city!”

With the "brothers" from artificial humans and even the powerful people in the city present, the old man seemed to finally feel relieved, "Okay, I'll tell those old brothers right now."

But after picking up the communicator prepared by Zhou Wenjie in advance and saying a few words into it, the old man's expression gradually became confused.

"What's wrong?" Seeing this situation, Caesar's heart skipped a beat and he asked proactively.

The old man said nothing, but turned to look into the darkness behind him, "Wolf Scorpion, bring Wenjie over here."

In the battle with the security team, Langxia did not directly participate in the battle in order to protect Wenjie.

Now that the old man called them out, the two of them emerged from the darkness not far away.

The old man directly handed the communicator specially used to communicate with the "giant" to Wenjie, "Is this thing broken? Why is there no response at all to the communication instructions I sent?"

Although the wills of the old brothers have been transformed into more mechanized minds, the basic response function was built in when Wenjie designed the system. Shouldn't there be a problem?

Wenjie took the communicator and fiddled with it casually, then handed it back to the old man and said firmly: "The communicator is fine."

"Then why is there no response to my call?"

"There is no problem with the signal being sent and received, but it was not executed accurately." Wenjie looked into the distance. In the light and shadow from the gate, only the giant seemed to be planning to lift his foot. " It can only be...there's something wrong over there!"

The world of technology is either/or.

Wenjie is quite sure of this answer.

"But I didn't let them take the next step?" The old man looked slightly stunned.

His purpose from beginning to end was just to let the city "see" it, without intending to cause any damage to the city.

Entering the upper city was their last step, and he did not give any further instructions to the old brothers.

"Wenjie, do those artificial human brains that are made into biological masterminds still have free will of their own?" Bai E, who smelled an ominous aura, turned to look at Zhou Wenjie and asked directly.

"Sir...theoretically, there shouldn't be. Apart from having a glimmer of the ability to 'know people' and grant control authority, they no longer have the subjective initiative to act autonomously." Zhou Wenjie replied respectfully.

Bai E did not hide himself at all. The first time Bai E appeared, he recognized the adult who initially accepted him into the organization and assigned him tasks.

Zhou Wenjie is not familiar with "loyalty", but he is also not familiar with "betrayal".

He only knows that he must do what he promises. He is not stupid or stupid.

It's about being more practical and doing whatever you say, which is more worry-free...

If you are an adult yourself, you will naturally tell the whole story when the adults ask you.

"Then there's something wrong with 'it'." Bai E turned his head and looked at the raised mechanical foot in the doorway in the distance, and with a flash of his body, lightning shot out.

Conspiracies and intrigues are surging, and evil auras are surging.

【warn! warn! Current unrest value: 9999! Please stop things from getting worse as soon as possible! 】

The warning on the panel glowed scarlet, and the siren became shriller.


The big mechanical foot that crashed down was suddenly held up by a small "steel needle". The "giant" who raised his foot to move forward looked down in confusion.

But bowing his head is just his "human" habit. The countless sensors all over his body have already displayed everything that happens under his feet in his processing center.

An ant-like creature raised its hands to the sky, pressing against His feet as he was about to move forward.

Among the fluorescent green human brains, the empty eye sockets emitted an evil purple light, which looked particularly strange in the flickering mist.

The giant raised his foot high again as if refusing to admit defeat, and stepped down again.

Being several times larger than the standard mechas in the military camp, this giant was like an Optimus Pillar. With one powerful kick, it crushed the stubborn "steel needle" into the ground beneath its feet.

After feeling that the ground under his feet was finally flat, the giant lifted his back foot again with satisfaction and planned to step forward.

The brightly lit human city was in the distance, and he wanted to see it...

Seeing that General Baie, who was regarded as the "savior", was easily crushed by the giant, Caesar, who didn't know the specific limit of the giant's ability, was a little angry for a moment. He turned to look at his subordinates, "Mechanical Are the people from the court here?"

The first time he saw the giant, Caesar knew that this matter could be solved not only by relying on their security team, so he immediately asked his subordinates to contact the city's most high-end institution, the Mechanical Court.

Although it wasn't long before the incident happened, with the mechanical court's well-equipped equipment, it should have been almost time to arrive...

"Coming, coming!" The subordinates also received a response from the Mechanical Court at the same time——

"Our pilots have arrived and are assisting you in subduing the target."

A stream of light approached rapidly from the distance of Shangcheng District, and passed over the city in the blink of an eye... (End of this chapter)

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