Wow! The explosion rate is really high

Chapter 531: Burn together?

The mechanics of the Mechanical Court are here!

Seeing that stream of light, everyone in the security team who got into the gate and looked up at the giant was excited.

This is the most powerful combat organization in the city. If they arrive in time, the situation will not continue to deteriorate, right?

Although General Baie had also arrived before, and General Baie was indeed very powerful, he didn't bring his own exclusive car after all, right?

General Bai E, who does not have a mecha, is always not as reliable as a truly top mecha.


The stream of light approached quickly, and several streamlines trailing the tail flames shot away at a speed faster than the mecha's flying speed, and shot towards the giant's face.

However, no matter how fast it was, it could not exceed the reaction speed of the giant. When those small missiles approached a certain distance, the giant controlled the countless individual weapons all over his body and opened fire instantly.

Even though those small missiles came with a non-linear trajectory, they could not escape the interception of the sky-wide firepower.

Not even the interception firepower was in vain.

The firepower of countless individual soldiers' thermal weapons intercepted stray bullets in advance, and pieces of fire instantly exploded at a certain distance from the giant.

The flames lit up half the sky.

The locking capabilities of these countless firearms controlled by the calculations of the biological master brain center are no worse than the military's current anti-missile system, and even exceed it.

If it weren't for the limited output levels of those individual thermal weapons, this giant might not have needed to bring those missiles so close, let alone control many firearms to fire at the same time.

Seeing that all the missiles were intercepted, the mechas of the Mechanical Tribunal were not obsessed with continuing to bombard with long-range firepower.

The amount of ammunition carried by the mecha type that can fly is limited, including the yield, and long-range fire bombing is not its advantage.

Smart fighting and changeable tactics are its real advantages.

A purple-black war blade loomed in the dark night, and the mecha quickly approached the giant with the war blade in hand.

However, the giant, who was not slow in his movements, easily dodged the mecha's attack, and one of his arms even flew past the edge of the mecha's fuselage with a backhand.

Predicting the action route of a mecha is much simpler than predicting the trajectories of stray bullets and accurately intercepting them.

If the pilot controlling the mecha hadn't reacted in time, he might have been hit by the giant's palm.

But even if he dodged the slap, the threat to the mecha was not eliminated.

"Da da da da da!"

The giant arm can be said to be a weird complex assembled from countless individual hot weapons. A missed hit does not affect their collective fire at the next moment.

It can accurately intercept missiles fired at irregular high speeds. Facing larger and slower mechas, this giant's locking is even easier.


The sound of bullets colliding with alloys became one continuous sound, and every bullet fired by the individual-level thermal weapon crashed on the surface of the mecha.

The pilot controlling the mecha had a cold look in his eyes.

No problem.

The weapons used by this seemingly big thing turned out to be only individual-level guns and cannons. On the surface, the offensive looked dense and fierce, but in fact, the thunder was loud and the rain was light.

The energy level of the attack is not enough, any more will just tickle the mecha.

Even the hardest eight-element alloy has metal fatigue, but no matter how many individual-level weapons there are, it can't reach that standard in a short time.

Even if a drop of water breaks through a stone, there must be enough time.

‘It just looks bluffing. ’

The pilot's eyes were cold, but his mentality calmed down after he truly withstood the attack.

After all, seeing such a huge thing suddenly, it was impossible not to have any doubts in my heart at first.

Now I feel relieved.

Just the next moment...

There was a muffled "pop" sound, which seemed to come directly from the machine body, making the pilot slightly stunned.

However, the system inside the mecha did not immediately alarm. The pilot who fully trusted the self-checking system of the mecha did not take the abnormal noise too seriously.

The inside of any mechanical structure must have some abnormal noises caused by movement and aging, which may not necessarily be the sound of a mecha being attacked and breaking through its defenses.

There is no need to scare yourself.

But the next moment, the individual-level gun fired on the giant's arm once again burst out with powerful gun flames, and countless bullets struck like ants shaking a tree.


Different from the movement just now, it constantly shook the body that was in continuous motion.

Just for a moment, a scarlet alarm sounded in the cockpit.

Ye Ying's pilot's face was filled with an unknown red color.

"Suffer it!"

"How did its bullet penetrate the eight-element alloy's defense?!"

However, this thought was swallowed up by the rising flames in the next moment.

Hot flames instantly exploded at the injured location, and a violent explosion exploded from the middle of the mecha.

The emergency escape device ejects the entire cockpit. The life of a well-trained elite pilot is more valuable than a mecha.

Watching helplessly as the middle section of the mecha caught fire and was split in two by the explosion, the mecha's remains plummeted from the sky. Falling with it, the hearts of all the security team members were devastated.

"how come……"

Caesar's deputy watched the flames sweep through the machine, like a fireball falling in front of his eyes, his eyes were full of dullness.

How could the Mechanical Court pilot, who had high hopes, be so vulnerable?

"What kind of monster have you created?!" Caesar turned his head and glared at the old man from the war gang beside him with sullen eyes.

"I don't know..." The old man also looked confused. He turned around and wanted to ask Wenjie beside him: "Does the 'ultimate weapon' we designed have this ability?"

Zhou Wenjie shook his head, his eyes serious, "I don't know either..."

The main body of the final weapon is actually the biological master brain system composed of fifty-seven human brains. The design does not add any extraordinary factors to them, and they do not have that ability.

As for the structures that make up the entire "giant" body, they are all made of things that their war gang can get their hands on.

But no matter how good the things their war gang can get are, they are just sparse and ordinary things in this city. What their war gang can get, other war gangs can also get.

Those individual-level weapons were just individual-level weapons. They were fine against people, but Wenjie didn't have much confidence in dealing with heavy armored vehicles or tanks in his own world.

Although Wenjie has never been exposed to the technological creations at the true core of this world, he also knows that the humanoid body flying from the sky is extraordinary and must be the most powerful combat force in this city.

Whether it is technology or materials, this "ultimate weapon" actually has nothing outstanding.

The only thing that can be used is the level of computing power provided by the "biological master brain system".

But the role it can play in battle is only to give it powerful prediction and locking abilities, but in terms of attack strength... it can never exceed the limits of the individual-level weapons that make up it.

But right now...

"Psionic aura."

Bai E stood at the feet of the giant.

The giant's body structure is not strong. The two feet that stepped on him seemed to have trampled him into the ground. However, in fact, the mechanical foot that stepped on him was also distorted due to its own resistance, but in the blink of an eye, the giant was Complete reorganization under control.

He was like a nail, squeezing out a vertical space between the ground and the giant's feet.

As for himself, of course he was not harmed at all.

He had already escaped and watched with his own eyes the whole process of the battle between the pilots of the Mechanical Court and the giant.

He also did not expect that the mechas of the Mechanical Court would be defeated so quickly.

Even if he wanted to break through the top-level mecha defense so quickly, it would be a bit difficult.

But I didn't expect that this giant could complete it with only those individual-level guns.

Is it because of... psychic powers?

He just sensed some spiritual fluctuations, but not much.

After all, the biological master brain system is composed of many human brains. It is possible for humans to possess psychic powers. The human brain system that is combined using special means has the ability to manipulate psychic powers, just like the insect hive master. The same terrifying psychic powers are actually reasonable.

But what's more...the bullets from those guns all hit the same place on the mechanical court mecha.

This was the core discovery he observed from the sidelines——

Even if the mecha of the Mechanical Tribunal is in extremely fast and irregular motion with changing speeds and directions, the giant can still control many guns and cannons to accurately hit all the bullets at the same place in a short period of time.

Standing too far away, Bai E even suspected that the accuracy of this "same place" was on the scale of centimeters.

Such a huge structure can accurately target the attack in such a precise area. The ability of this biological master brain system may exceed everyone's imagination.

As for that flash of psychic energy, is it probably just playing a "auxiliary role"?

With this thought flashing through his mind, Bai E had no time to delay any longer.

It didn't take long for the giant to defeat the mecha sent by the Mechanical Tribunal and continued to move towards the core of the upper city without looking back.

Fortunately, there is a large area at the connection between the two urban areas that is completely empty. The giant's steps have not yet affected the lives of any residents in the upper city.

But if it continues to move forward, once it encounters any resident, the unrest value on the mission may exceed 10,000 in an instant.

Can't let it go any further!

Bai E's figure was like electricity, climbing all the way along the giant's body.

He noticed that the trampled ant had not died, and even the giant who continued to cause trouble on his body did not react in any particular way.

The steps continued, but the structure of his whole body began to change, trying to directly throw Bai E away through these changes.

As for firing...

Humans are not mechas.

No matter how precise the landing point is, it will definitely hit itself.

The strength of the body structure is actually not high, so it will not do this kind of operation of destroying itself.

But simply changing the body structure can't get rid of Bai'e's trouble.

But Baie can't just sit back and watch the goal move forward.

Bai E, who climbed around the giant's body like lightning, reached the height of the opponent's chest in a blink of an eye. With one step, he leaped deep.

Bai E flew backwards from the giant's chest, and at the same time, a silver iron rod in his hand continued to grow longer and thicker...

Bai E waved the iron rod with both hands, and the huge iron rod grew stronger as it hit the giant's head.




The iron rod grew long in the wind, and in the blink of an eye it was already a pillar standing tall against the sky and the earth.

With infinite power, a solid stick hit the giant's head.


The Qingtian strike with the "instant kill of a hundred heads" brought down dozens of stick shadows, and the giant's body was almost split into countless pieces from top to bottom by this stick.

But the moment before he was hit hard by Bai E, Bai E, who finally broke away from the giant's body, was also locked at the same time by the countless individual-level firearms on the giant's body.

"Da da da da!"

Flames flashed on the calibers of countless firearms one after another. Firearms with different firing speeds and exit speeds shot fatal bullets into Bai E's chest... and heart almost at the same time.

"Puff puff puff puff!"

Almost instantly, Bai E felt a tearing pain in his chest after being hit by the stick.

The endless bullets shot through Bai E's golden body from "Absolute Defense" almost in the blink of an eye. Even when facing a high-dimensional demon, his psychic defense skills were difficult to break through in a short time. The giant's firearms fired volleys. But it collapsed instantly.

Without the protection of absolute defense, Bai E's body was even more vulnerable to the same attack.

The bullet pierced the skin, and the soft internal organs were even more vulnerable.

The explosion from gunpowder exploded instantly in the body, but some strange substance rippled out a strange light wave.

The authority of cheating death locked the broken flesh that Bai E exploded.

While the broken corpses were being thrown into the air, they were also condensing towards the same place almost at the same time...



Everyone watching looked blank.

All dead.

Whether it's General Bai E or the giant.

This battle happened very quickly.

Whether it was the instant defeat of the mechanical court mecha, or the death of General Bai E and the giant...

They all witnessed the whole process.

In particular, the torn pieces of General Bai E's flesh and the mechanical fragments scattered in the sky after the giant was smashed by a stick are still falling in front of their eyes.

"Is this... is this true?"

Things happened too fast and too shockingly.

For a while, it was difficult for almost everyone to accept this fact.

No one thought that a mere war gang could develop such a powerful weapon that could instantly destroy the mechanical court mecha.

No one thought that General Bai E could smash this extremely powerful weapon with one stick... and at the same time, he himself died here.

Caesar's face was dull, unable to accept this fact for a moment.

He prefers to believe that this is a ridiculous dream...

But no one thought that the giant was not completely destroyed, and General Bai E... wasn't dead either. (End of chapter)

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