Wow! The explosion rate is really high

Chapter 532 The Lord of Conspiracy and Wisdom

The mechanical remains that were scattered all over the ground gathered towards the center under some strange force, and those fragmented bodies once again formed a new whole under the central control system of the biological mastermind.

Seeing the existence that was about to become that terrifying giant again, Caesar picked up the collar of the doctor and gang leader beside him, "Is this what you call harmless!?"

"We...we..." The old man's eyes were full of confusion at this moment, "We really didn't set up any active attack program for it..."

"Then tell me what's going on now!" Caesar pointed to the huge figure in the distance that was about to tower over the city again. "He killed the only artificial human who climbed up to a high position!"

General Bai E is dead! They don't have the next General Bai E.

Even if they don't mention the future, what should they do with this giant now?

Without General Bai E, how could they compete with the giant?

"Captain! The Mechanical Tribunal has learned that their mecha has been destroyed, and follow-up support is on the way! Let us delay the progress of this giant as much as possible!"

"Delay? Why are we delaying?!" Caesar's brows were filled with veins.

Even General Bai E was instantly killed by this giant with concentrated fire, so what could they do?

"Wait! Look over there!" One of Caesar's men suddenly pointed into the distance.

At some point, a naked figure appeared in the direction he was pointing.

"There shouldn't be anyone there..."

In my impression, there was no one in that direction. When did this naked guy come here?

"It's General Baie!" Caesar's eyes were attached to his spiritual energy, making his vision clearer.

The moment he saw the target clearly, Caesar subconsciously rejoiced, "General Baie is not dead yet!"

Then I thought of the "fragments" that had just disintegrated, and asked, "What was that thing flying around just now?" ’

General Baie, who was torn apart by countless bullets, instantly exploded into pieces. The shadows of the fragments streaking across the dark night sky were subconsciously thought to be General Baie's blown-up body and flesh.

His whole body was torn apart, how could he still survive?

But right now...

General Bai E was still standing there intact. Does that mean... those they saw just now were actually just General Bai E's clothes?

Or maybe some of the flesh and blood was repaired in the blink of an eye thanks to General Bai E's powerful physical regeneration ability?

This is the only explanation. Otherwise, how can we explain General Bai E's resurrection from the dead?

There is only one answer - he is not dead at all!

The cheers of the team members rang in Caesar's ears, "Great, General Baie is not dead yet!"

Bai E, who had regrouped his body, looked solemnly at the giant body that was also being reorganized. The battle information on the panel appeared in his eyes in hindsight——

[Your "absolute defense" received an "overclocking extreme blow" and the defense collapsed. 】

[You have received 279 points of penetration damage, and "Resist Death" has been activated! You will retain a minimum of 1 health point. 】

["Quick Recovery" is quickly repairing your body and you have regained your ability to move. 】

[Health value +1...]

[Health value +1...]

Looking at the giant that was being reorganized, Bai E knew that he couldn't wait for it to complete the reorganization of its body.

The giant in its complete form has the ability to instantly kill itself with a single bullet, and its second life is no match for its terrifying blow.

The only good news is... the other party is a glass cannon.

While possessing terrifying lethality, the opponent's own defense capabilities are also weak.

The body that was smashed by his own stick was obviously not being reassembled as quickly as before, indicating that the opponent's core system had also suffered significant damage.

And the time for the opponent to reorganize is the best time for him to turn defeat into victory!

At the moment of the fight, Bai E had already confirmed it.

The reason why this giant went "crazy" was not because of the control of that warband.

After having dealt with those high-dimensional demons for a long time, Bai E couldn't be more certain that the giant's abnormal behavior at this moment actually came from the erosion of high-dimensional demons!

From the classics in the city library, Bai E has already learned that any technology developed by humans may be affected by the master of "conspiracy".

The god who controls conspiracy is also a supernatural being who controls curiosity, wisdom, knowledge and other powers.

Any technology developed by humans needs to undergo rigorous review over and over again over a long period of time to ensure that the technology finally developed will not be used by the master of conspiracy.

It is precisely because of this that since the Golden Age, the speed of human research and development of technology has slowed down significantly, so that after so many years, the technology at hand is far from returning to the peak of the Golden Age.

Every procedure in the research and development process of the City Research Institute is subject to heavy scrutiny. How can the technologies developed privately by these war gangs have such conditions?

Forget about ordinary mature technology, it doesn't count as "research and development", and it is difficult to attract the attention of the Lord of Wisdom.

But the new and cutting-edge technology of the "Biological Master Brain System" has undoubtedly been targeted and exploited by the Lord of Wisdom.

Now, the will to control this giant body does not come from the backstage control of the war gang, but from... the supreme demon in the high-dimensional space!

Wanting to expel Him... is actually very simple.

Bai E stretched out his hand, and the space at his hand rippled.

The sword of rhythm that killed the demon appeared in the palm, and the whole body flew out instantly.

"Swish, swish, swish!"

The sword light flashed in the air, and under the infusion of psychic energy, the sword still left shining psychic characters in the air.

Exorcism circle!

This is Bai'e's only means to break the situation at this moment.

Expelling the demonic power that affects the "biological master brain system" back to the high-dimensional space, the uncontrolled giant will naturally stop its attack, and the crisis will be over.

The spiritual energy surged like a tide, and the characters surrounding the green iron ring soon shone with dazzling light inspired by the spiritual energy.

As the exorcism array began to operate, the power from the high-dimensional space driven by the supreme law was once again squeezed and expelled by the rules of the material world.

The deep purple aura was forced back from the spherical tanks where the human heads were stored in the spiritual senses, and the entire process of the robot's reassembly of the giant's body finally came to a standstill.


Just like a metal ring embedded with green beads, it fell to the ground weakly. Without the background commands and the influence of demonic power, the "biological master brain system" finally became harmless to humans and animals.


Bai E, who had consumed a lot of spiritual energy, grabbed a set of clothes from the storage space and put them on himself, and he was on the spot.

In order to quickly condense the physical body, the consumption of spiritual energy can be said to be quite terrifying.

Although this battle was short, it was the most dangerous one he had ever encountered!

The security team and war gang members, who were watching the giant finally fall silent, cautiously approached.

"General Baie..." Caesar walked at the front and called in a respectful tone.

Gazing across the devastation on the ground, Caesar asked in a cautious tone: "This monster..."

"It's okay..." Bai E leaned on a mechanical body and waved his hand casually, "It's not their problem, this thing was corroded by the devil."

"Is it because of the devil?" Caesar was startled, then his eyes flashed, "Is the fighting power it shows also because of the devil?"

"Not sure." Bai E shook his head with the same uncertainty, "I can't say, it will require follow-up research by the Research Institute to determine the capability limit of this thing itself."

The main value of the biological master brain system is its computing power, but does the combat ability it exhibits come entirely from its computing power and a small amount of its own psychic abilities, or does it entirely come from the ultimate master of wisdom and cunning? The devil is still between two opinions.

"I'll notify the Research Institute right away!" Caesar said excitedly.

Although the behavior of this war gang caused the city to suffer an undue false alarm, if the thing they provided can really have the ability it is showing now, it will be an undoubted help to the development of Blackwater City!

"I have already informed Academician Helen..." Bai E waved his hand.

Since the showdown with Helen, Bai E also learned that there was competition within the scientific research institute.

Of course, this kind of cutting-edge technology must be studied in the hands of "our own people" in order to make people feel at ease.

Notify the scientific research institute directly. I don’t know who will come.

But if Helen is notified directly, this technology will most likely fall into Helen's hands.

Caesar took a deep look at Bai E and nodded in agreement, "Okay."

‘It seems that General Bai has a good relationship with Academician Helen. ’

With this thought in his mind, several streams of light came from the distance.

"Where is the target?" A buzzing voice came from the communicator in Deputy Caesar's hand.

That was the question asked by the pilot who came with the support of the Mechanical Court.

"It has been subdued by General Baie, the scene is under control, and we are dealing with the follow-up." Caesar took the communicator and replied calmly.


Zhongcheng, which had been noisy all night, finally fell into silence.

The turmoil that made many people nervous was finally calmed down by the cooperation of the city's security forces, including those "unsung heroes."

But the turmoil on another level has only just begun.

Within an hour after the turmoil ended, the city's House of Representatives had urgently summoned all the senators.

Large-scale unrest often means that there is a huge contradiction between the city's political orders and people's lives.

If the situation is serious, it may even threaten the very foundation of the city and must be taken seriously.

"At 10 o'clock in the evening on this past day, a total of 34 war gangs from Xiacheng District simultaneously launched unrest in Zhongcheng District. Thanks to the fastest response of our security team, fortunately, this unrest did not bring harm to the city. It brings too much trouble, but we must pay attention to the motives behind this unrest and the incentives that led to it! Only in this way will we not repeat the same mistake next time..."

"I heard that these war gangs don't have any hatred, they just go to the central city to vent their desires that have nowhere to vent. In the final analysis, there is no channel in the city for them to reasonably vent."

"The city does not provide toilets, so everywhere has become a toilet. If you ask me, we still need to build a 'toilet' under our control for these guys."

The nobles who initiated this unrest began to exert their strength.

No one cares about the real losses caused by this turmoil and the real victims. Likewise, no one is paying attention to the special war gang that hit the upper city for the time being.

Their purpose in launching this turmoil was to restore the parliament after the turmoil.

Any armed action is an extension of political means. This turmoil was deliberately launched by them for some political demands.

"Fart! That's not the way to vent. They are looking for death! There is obviously a unified plan behind the actions of these war gangs. They are the dirty means used by some people to achieve their goals!"

Listening to the forces in the city arguing again at the meeting, Bai E's thoughts were wandering.

He's not interested in wrangling.

In fact, he is currently only interested in the "biological master brain system" that Helen has already started researching.

I don't know whether the fighting ability displayed by the giant comes from the "biological master brain system" itself or from the devil...

The quarrel in the ears continued for a long time, until it was interrupted by an impatient voice——

"Okay, okay! I think everyone knows the reasons behind this turmoil. Rather than arguing pointlessly here, it would be more practical to hold another vote after everyone calms down. Everyone, let's hold a vote in this situation without any results. The above thing is too much to talk about, so why not focus on the most special part of this incident——"

"The warband named 'Doctors' and the future policy on artificial humans..."

After the incident, all those involved in the parliament had information about the development, causes, and background of the incident.

The role played by General Baie is of course crucial, but for everyone in the city, General Baie's performance is already a routine operation.

If General Bai E is defeated one day, it will probably surprise them even more.

What they were even more curious about... was the will shown by this group of veterans from the androids, and their creations.

"As artificial humans assume an increasingly important role in our cities, we must pay attention to the policies for this special group. Do you think...should we give artificial humans the same rights as us natural humans?"

The Titan's record of instantly killing the Mechanical Tribunal Mecha undoubtedly shocked many people, but many people felt that it was still unclear about the role of the artificial humans.

"It's just a technology that was created accidentally by a war gang. I think it has yet to be verified."

"Even if this technology is mainly composed of artificial humans, I don't think these groups with birth defects are entitled to more rights."

"What their artificial humans can do, we natural humans will definitely do better!"

"I think it is too early to discuss this matter at the moment. Perhaps we have to wait until the scientific research institute completes basic research on this technology before we can decide the role that artificial humans can play in it."

The next moment, someone shouted, "Academician Helen is here." (End of Chapter)

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