Wow! The explosion rate is really high

Chapter 533 The Spirituality of Intelligent Creatures

Helen acted vigorously and resolutely. Standing on the central podium, she casually turned on the projection screen facing everyone, "This is the result of our research on the creature we just obtained named the 'Biological Master Brain System'..."

"The research results show that the performance of the system that the security team saw at the scene is most likely not all from the system itself."

Her eyes briefly glanced at Bai E, who was sitting in the center circle. "The information provided by General Bai E... we are conducting a step-by-step investigation to determine how much of it comes from the gifts of those beings."

"In addition, regarding the value judgment of this system... it has computing and collaboration capabilities that are comparable to our current top computer technology. This system can be a perfect replacement in situations where Internet computer technology is not suitable for use. But after our temporary simple simulation, it is currently very difficult to replicate this system. The success of this war gang has a certain degree of chance, and even if they are given another chance, they may not be able to succeed."

"The above is the technical appraisal report on the seized items."

Parliament is a place where interests are most important.

If a new technology has sufficiently exciting benefits, then its developers will naturally receive certain rewards.

But if the benefits that this new technology can provide are not enough, then the "crimes" committed by its developers will have to be liquidated one by one.

The summary of Helen's words is actually very simple——

The capabilities of this system cannot exceed the existing Internet computer technology, and the technological route is not interoperable with the existing technology on hand. It is very difficult to mass-produce and popularize the technology.

In other words...for cities, this system is of insufficient value.

This is also the only aspect where the city needs the scientific research institute to participate in this matter.

As a researcher, Helen did not know the cause and effect of the incident. All she had in hand was the finished technology.

After finishing his speech for everyone, he turned around and left.

Although new technology may be useless to the current Blackwater City, it also has its highlights, which is quite interesting to Helen.

After Helen left, the council continued.

Those war gangs that simply cause rebellion are of course directly punished with serious crimes. Only the doctor war gang has certain disputes.

However, at present, this controversy has been completely abandoned due to lack of value.

"No matter what this war gang said, the actual situation is that their people invaded the upper city area, and even in the face of dissuasion from the security team and the mechanical court, they still broke through and caused huge losses. According to city laws, Li They should be punished! I propose that, like other troublemakers, they throw themselves into the soul furnace and give their last remaining heat."

For ordinary crimes, criminals can be allowed to serve in military camps for reform, but crimes such as turmoil are the most unacceptable to the city, and those who touch them will be killed.

This is also the reason why the leader of the Doctors' war gang had the intention to die in the first place.



A war gang with no backer, naturally no one cares about their life or death.

Bai E frowned slightly and wanted to speak.

Now that his status is different, he also has the right to speak.

However, before him, another old voice said first: "I don't agree!"

The old former marshal stood up from his seat in the corner. After receiving the news, he hurried to the center of the city and no longer wanted to see the stubborn group of android veterans hurt again because of what had happened in the past.

"They acted like they did today just because they couldn't be seen. With a sincere heart, they could only get this result in the end. These soldiers who left our barracks, even if they left the barracks, were still our They are part of the military camp. They did nothing wrong and should not be punished in any way..."

As soon as he finished speaking, a voice interrupted impatiently, "Lawrence, have you forgotten one thing... you are no longer the marshal of the military region a long time ago. We all know that you want to rely on these artificial people to make a comeback, but you are getting old. You’re old, it’s time for you to take a rest.”

"Truth does not age with time..."

However, an old man's stern voice sounded, "Sorry, Lawrence, what I want to say is that in fact, you should not have the right to be here."

"I also agree with what the old marshal said." Bai E, who was sitting in the center of the conference hall, suddenly said.

He stood up and looked around, "These people are soldiers in our military camp. They made mistakes and it is our military camp's responsibility. But if they did not make mistakes, there should not be any form of punishment. To say that they are guilty is tantamount to saying Our entire camp is guilty."

Hearing Bai E's voice, the whole place was silent.

Facing this rising star who is now so popular in the city, no one from any party or force in the city dares to go against his opinions easily.

Those real achievements still weigh heavily on everyone's heart, even in this incident that just passed...

A creature that could easily destroy a mechanical court mecha was no match for General Bai E.

General Bai E even only participated in the battle physically and did not drive his mecha.

Not to mention that in the oral statements of the security team who were involved, they all felt that they had probably seen something extraordinary - General Bai E, who had been beaten to pieces, came back from the dead...

Of course, it could also be that everyone is dazzled together.

But no matter what, every unexpected incident can only prove that General Baie's gold content is still increasing.

In this case, General Baie's opinion has become a will that cannot be ignored.

In the dead silence, someone clapped their hands and said, "I think General Baie is right. Even if these veterans leave the military camp, they still have their hearts in the city. It is just to show their own value that they made such a bold move." This move. Without personal demonstration, how could we realize the true power of the technology they provide? I support what General Bai E said!"

"I support!"

"I support it too!"

Following Bai E's speech, the direction of the field changed instantly.

The same words coming out of Bai E's mouth have completely different effects than those coming out of other people's mouths.

Only one voice protested unwillingly, "General Baie, I know that you are also an artificial person, but you should also be aware of the many disadvantages of artificial people. Marshal Lawrence was implicated because of the artificial people. . You have a bright future. In fact, we hope that you will not be too deeply involved in this kind of thing."

"I know." Bai E responded expressionlessly, "But I believe that every android will not betray... the city. They have done nothing wrong and should be released directly."

So the final decision was made, "Okay! Then just follow General Bai'e's words and release them directly!"

With the conclusion of this unexpected incident, Bai E went straight to Helen's research institute after the meeting.

There are figures in white coats coming and going everywhere in the institute, and the overall white and green tone is spotless.

When Bai E saw Helen, she was standing next to a circle of transparent glass containers.

What is contained in the container is the "biological master brain system" composed of human heads.

Perhaps in the eyes of Helen, including all researchers in the city, the value of this new system is equal to the replacement of Internet computer technology.

However, in Bai E's eyes, this system still has its unique value.

The drawings of the Mecha Transformation Plan 2.0 require this system.

Although the existing mechas can display good combat effectiveness in Bai E's hands, they are still far from the original intention of designing mechas.

Only by completely innovating and upgrading the current mechas may we be able to show the strength that the mecha designers originally envisioned.

As for all the technical aspects involved in the mecha transformation plan 2.0, Baie currently does not have the ability to fully design and manufacture an entire mecha.

If there is no way, then of course you have to find a way one by one, but now it seems that since Helen is trustworthy, it will certainly be easier to achieve the goal through cooperation.

That's why he came to Helen.

After being notified by Bai E, Helen was busy operating something on the console and asked casually: "Is the meeting over?"

"Hmm." Bai E responded and approached, "Is this new system really of no practical value?"

"At present... the value is not high." Helen frowned. "The technical barriers to this technology are too high. Under the premise that we already have Internet computer technology, the cost of switching to the basics is too high. But if this system is the only one that has If it may exceed the aspect of Internet computer technology, it may be in the field of psychic energy..."

The human brain is a quantum system that is far more complex than an electronic computer system, and the "spirituality" of an intelligent creature adds infinite variables to this quantum system, as well as spiritual energy that transcends reality. In theory, the human brain The potential is endless.

And when individual human brains are combined from individuals into interconnected networks, this effect will be multiplied.

The more individual human brains that are combined into a complete system, the higher the capability of the system.

But correspondingly, if you want to combine it into a complete system, there are strict requirements for each individual that makes up the whole.

"In fact, during the period of electronic silence, we did not study similar technologies, but they all ended in failure. Individuals who can become part of the system must have enough cognition and insight to cultivate their spirituality and wisdom. But at the same time, it also requires a calm and indifferent character, without too much fighting and utilitarianism, and finally, complete mutual trust between each other as a system."

Wherever there are people, there is always chaos and unpredictability, making it difficult to fully control.

In addition, while studying technology, we must also be careful of the devil's erosion at every step.

So that the already slow research process will always fall short due to various problems in the process.

Even in two processes where all the indicators are exactly the same, a sudden idea among the participating individuals may cause the entire experiment to collapse.

Over time, this technology was abandoned by Blackwater City and regarded as a theoretically feasible but too difficult direction.

Nowadays, there is almost no funding, and only scientific research groups with nothing to do and sufficient funds on hand can occasionally explore it.

Therefore, the self-recommendation of that group of veterans will naturally not be well received.

"But no matter what, the R\u0026D team that was able to complete this finished product is really amazing."

After returning, Helen briefly understood the cause and effect of the incident. Knowing that the group of veterans and Bai E were from the same source, she expressed relief, "They are really powerful."

When her eyes fell on the green cans in front of her, Helen's eyes were full of piety, "The will of these veterans... is also strong enough. They are actually still alive."

Living like this mechanically seems like eternal torture.

But willingly.

After waiting for two or three seconds and seeing Helen pause her words, Bai E said softly: "You just said... that they also have spiritual possibilities?"

Bai E also wanted to know where the lethality of this system that could instantly kill the Mechanical Court Mecha and himself came from.

Is it a devil? Or spirituality? Or... simply computing power itself?

If pure computing power can achieve this level, then can firearms controlled by the Internet computer system that the city gradually improves also be able to achieve the same results?

This set of "weapons" composed by Xiaozhan Gang with the limited materials on hand can kill one of his own lives. In a city that can fully control this power... will he gradually lose his right to speak?

There is another question - if computing power can do all this, what about firearms that inherit the unified fire control of the omnics of the Golden Age?

When he single-handedly attacked the Omnic Factory, how come he wasn't easily torn apart by them?

Helen sighed softly and shook her head, "This is exactly what I want to figure out now."

She was actually sure that the line of fire composed of the existing computer fire control network in human hands could not instantly tear apart the top mechas of the Mechanical Tribunal. If the computing power of this biological master brain system was even greater than that of the existing Internet computer system... She actually didn't quite believe it and couldn't accept it.

In fact, in the experiments they conducted after obtaining this biological master brain system, this system was no longer able to complete the same operation.

Then there are only two other possibilities——

The devil gives or his own spirituality...

But there are variables in both. The manifestation of spirituality requires incentives, not to mention demons.

To determine which possibility it is, you need a certain opportunity.

"If it comes from spirituality, is there any possibility of it being used?"

"Oh?" Helen glanced over with her beautiful eyes, "Do you have any ideas?"

Bai E's words are not without purpose. As someone who has personally fought with him, his words are extremely useful for reference.

"I wonder... can this ability to directly communicate with machines be used to drive mechas?" Bai E and Helen looked at each other quietly, "The current form of mecha control is too backward..."

Helen's eyes lit up, "This is a good idea!"

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