Wow! The explosion rate is really high

Chapter 551 High-dimensional Storm

Soon there was noise coming from the direction of the expeditionary soldiers in the distance. It was obvious that Bai E and Franka were not the only ones affected by this sudden change. "Why can't I feel my body? "

"Me too!"

"Me too!"

The connection between their human will and their spiritual or physical bodies is equally close and precise.

It is precisely through this precise link that the self's will can freely pass between the spirit body and the physical body.

Under normal circumstances, all the scenery in the high-dimensional space seen from the perspective of a spirit body is ever-changing and unpredictable. Only the eternal light point "behind" is always real and true. It is the home of every spirit body. road.

The manifestation of the light point in the will is not bright, and it will not affect everything the spirit body sees and hears in the high-dimensional space, but it has never been extinguished.

None of the expeditionary soldiers present were unfamiliar with this kind of passage, and had never encountered any problems with it.

But now...this connection that has never had any problems has gone wrong!

Does this mean that it is difficult for them to return home?

No matter how powerful their expeditionary force is, they can destroy the entire Eternal Garden.

But as long as there is no way to return to the material world, their strength is limited after all, floating alone in the high-dimensional space. Facing the endless high-dimensional space of the devil, no matter how strong they are, they will be exhausted.

"Could it be that our bodies have been destroyed?!" Franka's eyes were filled with anger. It was hard to imagine that when they took such actions, people in the material world would actually attack their bodies?

"Could it be the minions of those demons lurking in the world?!" This is the most likely explanation.

The collective consciousness of the expeditionary force was out of body, and the body became a soft persimmon. The demons were all connected. It was reasonable for other demons to call on believers to destroy their bodies while they were attacking the eternal demon.

"It's not like..." Bai E glanced at the expeditionary soldiers who all looked a little flustered, and temporarily ruled out this possibility.

Everyone's physical bodies in the material world are not in the same place. No matter what powerful secret organization or so-called devil's minions want to kill off their physical bodies, they must first accurately find every soldier who participated in the operation. body.

The bodies of the soldiers of the expeditionary force came from all directions in Blackwater City, both in the upper and lower cities and outside the city. It would be extremely difficult to find them all accurately.

Of course, the most important thing is that Bai E has absolute confidence in the location where his body is stored.

My body is in a black street. Not to mention that Nova and those players are all protecting me. Just Yue Ying is enough to protect my absolute safety.

So it is definitely not something happening to the physical body.

And if there is no problem with the physical body, it can only be... something happened in the high-dimensional space that blocked the connection between their will and their own bodies.

Bai E concentrated on sensing the connection with his body. After a long period of change, he discovered that this disappearance was not an absolute dissipation.

The light spot that symbolizes the direction of the body is not completely extinguished, but is looming in the change.

Like a weak candle, it was swaying everywhere and blurred under the raging wind.

Sometimes it flashes here, sometimes it flashes there.

Positioning in high-dimensional space, even if it is missed by a tiny bit, will be a thousand miles away.

Not to mention that this kind of candlelight is intermittent and difficult to use as a way back.

Soldiers from the expeditionary force had already been waiting around Bai E, waiting for his next instructions.

All the soldiers of the expeditionary force are in the same situation. Perhaps only the legendary general Bai E, who can kill countless demons, has the ability to lead them out of the predicament.

However, facing the few soldiers of the expeditionary force who were selected as representatives, Bai E could not give them a definite answer directly. He just flew up alone and flew out of the garden.

"Let me go and take a look. You continue to act, don't panic."

"Yes! Sir!"

The panic in their hearts could not be calmed by Bai E's words, but Bai E's strength also gave them some peace of mind.

Even if the sky falls, there will be tall men to hold it up. As long as General Bai E is still there, they will always have hope.

Bai E flew out of the garden with his sword. The dark void was dark, and mysterious purple lines occasionally flashed. In the endless darkness, it seemed that there were eyes full of malice staring closely at Bai E's body. .

As quiet as when I came...

But there seems to be a little bit more strange changes.

It's like... the flow of air is like a breeze blowing across the face in the human world.

But there is no wind in high-dimensional space.

No anger either.

Yes, there are only changes.

It can cause changes in the spirit body.

Bai E did not dare to leave too far around the garden, otherwise if the beacons made by Franka's own soul would lose their effectiveness, even if he was not afraid, he would not be able to bring these expeditionary soldiers back to the material world.

So I could only use my spiritual energy and try my best to look far away.

As far as the eye can see, there is a dead darkness.

Entering the third level of spiritual energy cannot allow Bai E to see more. After all, even the third level of spiritual energy is definitely not enough for this mysterious and dark space.

But I still found a little clue.

Change occurs from a distance.

The changes that can disturb the spirit body are only the beginning when they reach our eyes.

Like a raging tornado, you can only feel a breeze blowing from a very far distance.


"Is the wind picking up..." Bai E looked into the darkness, feeling a little worried in his heart.

Having read all the psychic books in the city, he would naturally not be too unfamiliar with this natural phenomenon in high-dimensional space - the legendary high-dimensional storm.

Even demons must stay away from this kind of storm, otherwise there is a risk of being blown to pieces at any time.

Who knows how they could be so unlucky that just after the victory of this expedition, they happened to encounter such a natural disaster in the high-dimensional space?

Or maybe... is it really a natural disaster?

If it were a natural disaster, how could it be such a coincidence?

Just when they were about to return in triumph, this storm blew up that obscured everything?

Could it be another trick of those demons?

Thinking of the "generous sacrifice" of those eternal demons, it was difficult for Bai E not to associate this matter with them.

Those big demons died too lightly in his own hands, and they didn't even provide much benefit. Killing them was the same as not killing them, and the atmosphere of conspiracy was full.

But no matter what, this storm that has blown is the absolute crisis they must deal with at this moment.

Are you risking your life by chasing the turbulent and looming candlelight despite the disturbance of the storm? Or should we wait quietly here until the storm subsides naturally?

No matter which choice you choose, there are risks and crises. (End of chapter)

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