"I don't know what's going on over there, sir."

"With adults leading the team, they should be invincible, right?"

The players who had already cleaned up the plague rats and treated the injuries of all related personnel who were contaminated by the plague were chatting quietly.

The players are also quite enthusiastic about this battle of revenge launched by humans against demons.

Don't worry about your strength or not, just want to join in the fun.

It's a pity that the adults didn't let them go together this time. I don't know what the situation of the devil in the high-dimensional space is like.

What do those demons look like?

What does it look like deep in high-dimensional space?

And...how much experience can those demons provide?

"But that is the devil's hometown after all! Going to fight on someone's home field is difficult no matter what, right?"

"My lord didn't take us with you this time, probably because he was afraid that he wouldn't be able to protect us."

"But I also want to do my part to save that girl!" Kuang Xin squeezed the ax in his hand, somewhat unwillingly.

It was too late for the adult to save the situation, and his companions were also trapped by the strengthened cult believers. At that time, he was the only one who had the chance to save the human girl named Saint.

A saint who is willing to bear the pain of all living creatures on herself is the real saint in his heart.

Even if she was bullied by evil people and did things to help others.

On the contrary, it is precisely because of this that he should save the other party from that situation.

Isn't the purpose of their players entering the game to save those tragedies that should not have happened?

Listening to the whispers of his companions, Gong Yan carefully approached the white-haired girl who had been using her spiritual power to observe high-dimensional space.

Apart from the aloof elf lady, the one with the strongest psychic abilities here is the young-looking white-haired lady, "Lord Nova..."

Gong Yan called softly.

"Huh?" Nova converged her consciousness, and her pair of luminous eyes that retained the charm of spiritual energy turned from staring at the void in front of her to looking at Gong Yan beside her, "What's wrong?"

"I wonder if you can tell, sir, whether their trip went well?"

Having been with Dabai's people for a long time, Nova knew that they were all good people, so she had no intention of isolating them. She just shook her head and said bluntly: "I can't see it either... They went too deep into the high-dimensional space. What happened Everything has not reached my eyes yet.”

Nova, who was speaking, was suddenly startled. In fact, Yueying, who was standing alone in the distance, trembled first, and discovered that there was a sudden change in that mysterious space that they could not accept.

Nova stopped answering Gong Yan and turned to look into the void again.

When your consciousness shifts, you have to run towards your own spirit body.

However, in this process that is usually so simple or even ignored, an extremely violent wind struck, like a kite flying into the sky. The fragile kite string was almost blown away by the strong wind. .

So much so that Nova's consciousness suddenly retreated subconsciously, and her entire body in the material world also suddenly took a step back.

"Master Nova?" Gong Yan gently supported Nova's body, but Nova threw her away.

Nova, whose consciousness was blown away, immediately realized what might be happening in the high-dimensional space, but she still wanted to try again because she did not believe in evil.

Sure enough, the moment her consciousness soared into the high-dimensional space, Nova felt an unspeakable violent force sweeping in, vowing to sweep her in completely and merge into the essence of the high-dimensional space.

Not to mention locking one's own spiritual body and completing the transfer of consciousness from the physical body to the spiritual body.

"High-dimensional storm!" Nova, whose eyes were blown open again, was stunned, feeling sincerely in disbelief at this sudden change, "How could a high-dimensional storm suddenly blow up!"

We are all psykers, and we are all too familiar with the consequences of such natural disasters in high-dimensional space.

If one person is not handled well, the entire expeditionary force will be destroyed in the current high-dimensional space!

"No! I want to save him! I want to save Baymax!" Nova's eyes were stunned, and she used her psychic energy to ascend to consciousness again.

However, a powerful spiritual energy came, and a slender figure appeared beside Nova out of nowhere, stopping her from doing this, "It's useless!"

Yueying also felt the high-dimensional storm that swept everything. She was more rational in her thinking and was not immediately confused by this sudden change. Her calm eyes stared at Nova's eyes quietly, "You are so impulsive. If you don’t do anything to save him, it will harm you.”

The technique of psychic impact transferred Yueying's rationality to Nova, slowly calming the girl's emotions.

Nova blinked and held Yueying's arm, "Sister, do you have any idea? You must have something, right?"

Yueying is one of the few masters among the elves, and she also has a sister who has extraordinary psychic abilities and has become a saint. These are all things Bai E told her.

"So you must have something to do!"

Yueying stared intently, a little cautiously, "It's not like there's nothing..."

In fact, there have been similar solutions in the past history of mankind.

When humans were still able to control the world, fishing boats that went to sea to fish occasionally lost their way home due to sudden storms at sea.

Therefore, there is always a towering tower on the shore out to sea, guiding the fishing boats home.

Lighthouse... This is what the expeditionary force needs most today.

Perhaps the dimensions and extent of the situation are completely different, but the solution is roughly the same.

The only question now is...who will be that beacon? !

Just like a prerequisite for their expedition, the boy named Fernandi burned everything he had in the Eternal Garden and became the "lighthouse" leading the expedition to the Eternal Garden.

Now, who will be the beacon that leads the expeditionary force back?


For Bai E, she certainly didn't mind burning her spiritual energy to the limit.

Just like the basis for those demons capturing psykers, the crazier the burning psionic energy, the more dazzling the brightness of the spirit body in the high-dimensional space.

As long as she removes her disguise, she believes that with her level of burning spiritual energy, she will be able to temporarily become the brightest light in the entire high-dimensional space.

But the question is... what if before Bai E comes back after pursuing her light, her light is discovered by the demons of the "Desire" system?

Although during the high-dimensional storm, even demons had to stay out of the way, but if there were really crazy desire demons, she wouldn't be able to withstand the erosion of desire demons without Bai E by her side.

The situation here will only get worse!

She wanted to help, but she couldn't cause trouble first. (End of chapter)

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