"I come."

A soft voice sounded firmly.

If Baymax could be saved by just burning her psychic energy crazily, Nova felt that she could do it too.

"But... it's very dangerous." Yueying stared at Nova with worried eyes.

Although human psykers do not have an absolute nemesis like the "desire-based" demons, completely letting go of the suppression of their own aura and letting their light penetrate the entire high-dimensional space is an extremely risky behavior.

All demons in high-dimensional space will flock to the light of human psykers, and psykers who dare to expose themselves will definitely be coveted by demons.

Even in this turbulent period of high-dimensional storms, stubborn demons will inevitably come to invade regardless of such risks.

"Bai E told me that I would protect you and not let you do anything dangerous."

Just to prevent Nova's childlike temper from breaking out, Bai E specially told Yueying in private before leaving, asking her to keep an eye on Nova to prevent Nova from doing anything irrational after he left.

"If he doesn't come back, I won't be able to live anymore!" Nova stared at Yueying stubbornly, with a look of dissatisfaction on her pretty face.

"..." Yueying sighed secretly. She was not good at words and had nothing to say.

This girl has a deep affection for Bai E, but by letting her go to danger, isn't she violating Bai E's instructions?

Biting her silver teeth slightly, Yueying decided to try her luck.

What if... I can't meet the desire demon?

Anyway, even if Nova goes up, she has to gamble on not meeting other demons. With her strength, it is difficult to completely burn the psychic energy while dealing with the invading demons.

She was just praying that she wouldn't run into the demons of desire. As for other demons... as long as they weren't those at the level of big demons, she wasn't too afraid.

With this thought in my mind, I wanted to carry out the action with my hands.

If he didn't knock this little girl unconscious, he might not be able to save Bai E.

However, before taking action, a somewhat honest-sounding voice from far away asked for instructions, "How about you let me try?"

Kuang Xin was holding an axe, looking like he wanted to get closer but didn't dare.

After listening to the conversation between the two "great masters", Kuang Xin felt that he could also join.

Isn't it just burning spiritual energy? Who wouldn't?

Seeing Bai E's men suddenly come forward at this moment, Yueying frowned slightly, warning with a little respect in his eyes, "Do you know the danger? This is an adventure that will lead to catastrophe if you are not careful, and you will die. It’s not your turn.”

She will respect the courage of Bai E's men, but she cannot ignore his strength.

With this level of psychic strength, I'm afraid that any little devil could tear him apart at that place.

"But I'm not afraid of death!" Kuang Xin stared with a pair of clear and stupid eyes, "If you die, you will die, and I'm not afraid of death."

He is a player! Is he afraid of a ball?

This is just a game!

"Xiao Xinxin, you are crazy!" Gu Lan, who was beside him, pulled him hard.

Isn't this obviously the plot of these game NPCs? Why are you, a player, joining in the fun?

This game is different from traditional games. What players say about the characters in the game will cause various genuine reactions.

Both of these two powerful NPCs feel that this behavior is extremely risky and may be life-threatening. Why would you, a little player, risk your life?

Their players are indeed not afraid of death, but all the achievements they have made so far in the game will be wiped out!

Kuang Xin has developed so far, and his overall strength is actually the number one person in their small group. What if he dies?

Kuang Xin, who was pulled back, stared at the familiar teammates in front of him, but his eyes were filled with a kind of enthusiasm that Gu Lan had never seen before, "Do you want to save them?"

Gu Lan was stunned for a moment, then nodded and replied: "...Of course I did."

"If you think about it, you can take action!" Kuang Xin's thinking was so simple that it seemed like there was only a straight line left. "I wanted to save Gladys, but at that time I was not able to save Gladys from the unclean people. Si. Now I want to save you, sir, and all the soldiers of the expeditionary force, and this thing is simple enough that I can do it, so why can't it be me?"

"But..." Gu Lan glanced at the two women who were looking at Kuang Xin, took Kuang Xin's hand, turned to his ear, and whispered in a low voice: "But they are just NPCs! Their lives..."

After all, it’s just a bunch of data, right? How can it be as valuable as the time and energy we actually spend?

Is it worth exchanging the lives of our players for the lives of their NPCs?

"I can't bear to see it!" Kuang Xin shook his head and put away Gu Lan's hand, "I can't stand to see good people being harmed, I can't stand to see these people who truly serve the righteousness of mankind go to death, I can't stand to see everything that happens in this world. Tragedy! I didn’t have that ability before, but now...this matter is obviously very simple!"

Who doesn't know how to burn psychic energy?

"As for the game..." Kuang Xin smiled indifferently, "Even if the game is fake, all the touches we saw in the game, all the friendship we gained... those moments of fighting side by side, those moments of punishing evil and promoting good The satisfaction I felt after that is all true! I don’t want the good people around you to die again! If possible, I hope Fernandi is the last one! I don’t want to see anyone follow in the footsteps of Gladys. , that girl is really suffering!"

Kuang Xin turned to look at his companions, his eyes sparkling, "The world is already so miserable, aren't we here just to save them?"

"I want to save them, that's all!"

"You are not strong enough." Yueying looked at Kuang Xin with more respect in her eyes, but she also became more blunt, "If the devil attacks, you have no way to save your life."

"Then do you have it?" Kuang Xin asked: "If there is, then you will do it without hesitation, right? This matter is the same danger for you, right? Anyway, it is If you place your hope on luck, then who is not the same?"

Yueying was slightly silent.


If the demon is not too strong, Nova can resist a little; as long as the "desire-based" demon is not coming in person, she is not afraid of the erosion of any demon below the big demon.

But in the end...it all depends on luck.

Kuang Xin smiled and strode away from his companion, "My luck has always been very good, so good that I can meet adults and meet so many friends I can play with. So, your luck... must not be as good as mine!" "

In order to prevent being robbed, Kuang Xin struck first.

The luster of psychic energy began to shine from his body.

The aura shone brighter and brighter, gradually radiating radiance.

That shining soul made even Yueying feel dazzling subconsciously.

The psychic energy had begun to burn, and Yueying suddenly discovered a problem, "Your psychic energy is not enough to sustain the entire burning time."

When the spiritual energy is not released, even Yueying cannot see the true spiritual energy reserves in the target's body.

"How long will it take to burn at least?" Gong Yan asked urgently.

"At least...300 seconds."

"Ah haha!" Kuang Xin laughed, completely ignoring what was going on behind him, "Then let me burn it for a while first, and if there is not enough left, you can make up for it!"

The body stood on the same spot, but the spirit body in the high-dimensional space was still shining brightly.

Accompanied by a loud sound, it spread throughout the high-dimensional space——

"I am Kuang Xin! I will burn completely for 300 seconds and turn into a lighthouse in the high-dimensional sea, continuing the shining star of mankind!"

"I am Kuang Xin! I will burn completely for 300 seconds and turn into a lighthouse in the high-dimensional sea, continuing the shining star of mankind!"

The sound echoed, and the will spread far and wide in the high-dimensional space accompanied by the illumination of the aura.

Bai E, who was staring in the direction of his looming candlelight and thinking about countermeasures, suddenly saw a brighter fire in front of his eyes.

Even though the dazzling firelight passed through the obstruction of the high-dimensional storm, it still shined unyieldingly like an incandescent light bulb.

"I am Kuang Xin! I will burn completely for 300 seconds and turn into a lighthouse in the high-dimensional sea, continuing the shining star of mankind!"

Through that light, Bai E also vaguely heard the voice of his heart transmitted by spiritual energy.

Kuang Xin!

Kuang Xin!

Unexpectedly, this player boy who was accepted at the beginning would become the only hope to break the situation at this moment.

Bai E loudly ordered, "Rescue has arrived, the whole army is setting off!"

Spiritual energy shines and is unbridled.

Except for those self-awakening geniuses who briefly shine in high-dimensional space without guidance, this is the first time that human psychics have no scruples and let go of any cover to expose their luminous spiritual bodies. In the dark high-dimensional space.

No one knows what the consequences will be.

This man named Kuang Xin is using his life to demonstrate.

The deep voice not only resounded in the high-dimensional space, but even their ears seemed to be echoing with Kuang Xin's righteous voice.

However, no amount of pure will can arouse the mercy of those demons.



The brighter the light of the spirit body shines, the darker the darkness around it becomes.

Suddenly, a tentacle came out of the darkness with countless barbs on it, and whipped the shining spirit body hard.

Then another scorpion tail with spikes pierced hard from the back of the spirit body, and then pulled out suddenly, taking away only a fragment of the spirit body.

The demon who was the first to arrive around this spirit body started a delicious feast.

Every whipping from the minions will take away a fragment of the spirit body.

This luminous soul is undoubtedly the favorite delicacy of every high-dimensional demon.

Their strength is low, and they act more according to the instinct of birth.

While other slightly stronger demons did not dare to run around at will due to the storm, the souls that fell around them were undoubtedly a rare gift to them.

No demon can swallow it alone, no demon can swallow it in one bite. The fragments brought down by each blow are already the largest food they can grab.

However, from beginning to end, this luminous soul never wavered in his thoughts.

The spirit body becomes more broken and shines brighter.

Looking at the life limit that kept falling on the panel, Kuang Xin's eyes became fierce, and he burned his own life source with a smile.

Anyway, it will be dropped if the upper limit is dropped, and it will be dropped if the blood is dropped directly.

Why don't I burn it first, so as not to disappear directly due to the drop of the upper limit? How wasteful is that?

Feeling this determined will and the body's increasingly weak aura, Yueying squeezed her palms tightly.

Bai E, Bai E, what kind of person are you that you can have such a hero among your subordinates?

"He..." Gu Lan stared at Kuang Xin's body. Even though their players were not able to understand the mysterious words of life breath, from the trembling body, she also knew that A Xin's condition was now obvious. Not good.

"Is there a demon attacking him?!" Anxiously, Gu Lan looked at Yueying and Nova. They were the only experts in the field of psychic energy.

"Yes..." Yueying focused her eyes and nodded solemnly.

A series of evil shadows shuttled around his spirit body. Under normal circumstances, she could of course use "high-dimensional walking" to easily get around Kuang Xin's spirit body and protect him.

However, during the raging high-dimensional storm, even the simple step of transferring consciousness to the spiritual body is difficult to reach the sky.

However, only the absolute connection that "spiritual bodies belong to the mapping of living beings' consciousness in high-dimensional space" is still not disturbed by such storms.

In fact, Kuang Xin did not ascend to consciousness. What was burning was spiritual energy, and what was shining was the spiritual body.

His consciousness is always within his body.

"It fucking hurts!" Kuang Xin gasped with a grin.

This kind of pain emerging from the depths of the soul far exceeds all the pain I have felt in the game in the past.

Even this painful torture is continuous and trivial.

The evil shadows that passed over his spiritual body were like eagles pecking at his flesh one after another, tearing off a little bit of flesh and blood from his body with every bite.

Even with the game system's distortion of pain perception, the burning-like touch still challenged Kuang Xin's nerves from time to time.

But the more this happened, the more comfortable Kuang Xin felt.

"Hahahaha! Come on! Come on! Let's see who bites me to death first, or my psychic energy burns out first!"

After burning, continue burning life!

Anyway, we’ve reached this point, let’s burn it! Burn it!

Burned everything I had this time! Then, start from scratch!

The completely drained body was like an ageless stone sculpture, and it took a long time before it collapsed.

But he was held in a soft embrace in time.

Gong Yan looked at the face sleeping peacefully in her arms, her eyes as tender as water, extremely gentle, "Idiot."

She had to admit that this idiot-like guy completely touched her heartstrings for the first time.

She chanted softly.

But the spiritual energy started burning earlier.

It was up to her to pick up what Kuang Xin had not finished.

"I am Kuang Xin! I will burn completely for 300 seconds and turn into a lighthouse in the high-dimensional sea, continuing the shining star of mankind!"

The gentler and softer voice conveyed the same will, rippling out of this dark high-dimensional sea.

There is almost no gap between the two different lights shining at the front and back. (End of chapter)

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