The shining light became the only light in the dark and turbulent high-dimensional space at this moment.

After Kuang Xin, Gong Yan also became another victim who led the way for the soldiers of the expeditionary force.

Dai Lian clenched his fists. He wanted to restrain himself because of his rationality, but there was an impulse in his body that made him and Kuang Xin complete this great moment together.

But before he could take any action, Gu Lan had already held down his arm.

The tall sister Yu looked at Gong Yan, who was getting more and more depressed, and smiled helplessly, "There's really nothing I can do against you..."

Turning to look at Dai Lian, his eyes were calm and wise, "Just don't go. After all, we have to have someone to take us back."

Although they played a big role this time, they were not unable to survive.

They were resurrected three days later and were still good men. As long as one person remained in the organization, they could still fall back into the arms of adults.

Only after comparing with other players did they realize the rapid growth they achieved under the leadership of adults.

Although a reborn identity may not necessarily gain the trust of adults quickly, retaining someone in the organization is somewhat of a backdoor convenience.

Fortunately, Gong Yan persisted long enough, and the expeditionary force that rushed back had already returned to the anchor point where Gong Yan's spirit body was before Gu Lan came on stage.

For such individuals who have no consciousness to ascend, the connection between the spirit body and the physical body is very close. As long as the "boundary" between the two worlds is torn apart, they can return to the material world in an instant.

"Buzz buzz~"

With the vibration of crossing between the two worlds, one consciousness after another crossed back, and within a certain distance, they could instantly return to their own bodies.

"Huh~" Bai E looked at Franka immediately after he woke up, "Bring their bodies over here quickly!"

Not all the bodies of the soldiers who entered the high-dimensional space on the expedition are here. Their consciousness can only be locked to their own bodies within a certain range, and the remaining ownerless consciousness is still hovering around this place.

But this hovering time is limited, and the bodies of those soldiers must be transported here in time.

Franka, who also woke up immediately, nodded, "I know."

In fact, they had already considered this when they came back. Everyone clearly told Franka the location of their physical bodies before their consciousness ascended, to ensure that these bodies could be found as soon as possible.

This kind of trivial matter uses the power of the entire city, so Bai E no longer needs to worry about it.

Bai E turned to look behind him, where there were two figures nestling together.

They sat quietly on the grass and looked into the distance.

Changes in high-dimensional space are not the same as real time. At this moment, the sun is already setting in the outside world.

The pink glow draped over the two of them, like a fiery red wedding dress.

The bodies of Gong Yan and Kuang Xin have all lost the breath of life.

"They... are dead." Yueying came from a distance and whispered in Bai'e's ear.


Do player lives matter?

Important and unimportant.

Because it is not a real death, they may die in all kinds of strange places.

But because every identity has put real effort into it, they are occasionally extremely stingy with their lives in the game.

Now... they are actually willing to choose self-sacrifice in order to save themselves and other soldiers.

Bai E glanced at Gu Lan and Dai Lian aside.

These players hang out together all day, and they should have a good friendship with each other.

If these players still have a chance to be reborn, they should be able to join the organization again through them.

Bai E's footsteps walked across the grass and came to Gu Lan and Dai Lian who had no expressions on their faces. "I will remember them. In order to express the memory of the two warriors, the organization will not recruit people within a month." New core staff!”

Players may not attach much importance to life and death, and communicating with them some practical promises and benefits is far more substantial than those empty pie.

As the bodies of executioners were brought here one after another, more and more people gathered behind Franka.

No one spoke, everyone seemed to be waiting for the moment that would eventually come.

Finally... when Franka was sure that every surviving soldier had returned to consciousness, Bai E slowly stood up.

Standing on a high place, he raised his arms and shouted, "Our first revenge against those demons! It was successful!"



"We won! We won!"

No matter how many sacrifices have been made in the process, a genuine victory is always worth celebrating.

This is the first truly large-scale exploration of high-dimensional space by humans. This exploration is of unimaginable significance for the completion of high-dimensional space data and information.

Humanity will comprehensively revolutionize its understanding of high-dimensional space, which will truly benefit future generations.

The arrows all point to the large-scale dispatch operation in the underworld. Naturally, it cannot be hidden from any high-level officials in the city who have some ears.

Looking secretly at the cheering crowd, a voice sighed softly, "They really won..."

"I'm really curious about what they encountered in high-dimensional space..."

"I heard that General Bai E almost killed the entire Eternal Garden by himself..."

"This general's strength is incredible!"

"The information they brought back this time may completely overturn all previous perceptions."

"Is this a good thing?"

"Of course this is a good thing! But for the city..."

The angle is completely different.

The general of the military region secretly contacted the psyker management center and arbitration office. The psykers gathered illegally and acted privately, resulting in a large-scale loss of manpower...

One after another, each one is provoking the bottom line of those high-level officials who only regard the city as their own wealth.

Does this behavior have any specific benefits for the city?

A surprise attack on high-dimensional space will benefit future generations and even the world?

What does it have to do with their Blackwater City?

With the ability to attack high-dimensional space by surprise, it is not as impregnable to stick to Blackwater City. Instead, there is no need to go deep into high-dimensional space to fight in remote places, so that so many front-line elite executives were killed and injured in vain.

On the contrary, due to the loss of many executive officers and even psychic reserve talents, the city will fall into a passive situation in defending against demons.

The demons killed weakened the entire world, but the dead executive actually consumed Blackwater City's own strength.

A really heated argument broke out in the city's Houses late at night.

There is no peace, no room for compromise in this debate.

It’s either/or!

The party with the Psyker Management Center and the Arbiter of Heretics as the core insists that this action is necessary and has great merit.

It is of extremely important significance to the future of all mankind.

There are also many knowledgeable people who have the righteousness of mankind in mind and join this camp regardless of their own forces.

But in the end, procedural errors still caused the core personnel involved in this incident to be severely punished.

Franca was deprived of all rights of movement, ordered to go home and face the wall, and was not allowed to leave the house for three years.

Bai Efei was not allowed to enter the city due to transfer orders, and from now on he would only be responsible for internal affairs of the military region.

Murphy and Killoran went into solitary confinement and cut off all contact with the outside world.

Except for the main leaders, all relevant personnel involved in the operation were punished to a certain extent.

Even several high-level officials of the Psyker Management Center, such as Eglaia and others, as well as Grand Inquisitor Nolenitz and Chief Mentor of the Heretic Arbitration Institute, all lost their jobs due to "inadequate supervision" and "lax discipline". And received a certain degree of warning.

When everything settled and everyone was escorted back, Franka, who was sitting in her seat, turned to look at Bai E, who was not far away from her, and whispered with her spiritual power, "Do you regret it?"

Bai E glanced at the dispersing parliament with expressionless eyes, and replied calmly: "What do you regret?"

"Do you regret this action?"

She could tell that Bai E had certain ambitions.

But because of this reckless action, he lost all the privileges he had fought for before, and even attracted a lot of special attention.

The many "prior records" he carries will certainly be extremely inconvenient for his future actions.

"Not at all." Bai E shook his head with a smile on his lips, "It can't even be better..."

If it weren't for such a big event, how could I see the true face of everyone in this city?

Some people usually have both sides, always wearing a smiling mask on their faces, but in their hearts they are selfish villains who only live for themselves.

Some people are always wary of their origins as artificial humans, but in their hearts they yearn for a real human future.

If it hadn't happened this time, how would I have seen clearly the true nature of each person under these masks?

It can be said that behind every seemingly illegal thing Bai E did before, there was no way to cause such an absolute conceptual dispute.

He secretly memorized the names and corresponding figures of every person who firmly rejected the entire meaning of this action in this incident.

When everything is settled, we will start with them!

And the people's hearts in the city... began to understand from this moment on!

Bai E, who was escorted all the way back to the military camp, saw the generals of the military region who had been waiting for him.

Their eyes faced each other, and there was silence for a moment.

As the leaders Hamilton and Carlos shouted "General, you're awesome", everyone happily embraced Bai E and returned to the military area.

"The general is so awesome! He can lead such a small number of people to attack the hometown of those demons!"

"Yes, yes! General, when can you take us to the home of the bugs!"

The biggest threat in this world besides demons is bugs.

Bai E showed extremely terrifying strength on both sides, especially in this expedition to high-dimensional space.

Among the so-called expeditionary force soldiers speaking in unison, it was General Bai who carried his sword and fought his way through the entire Eternal Garden!

The killing was so high that the color of the high dimension changed, and the big demon was slaughtered.

It is said that the entire high-dimensional space is afraid of this god of death, so much so that it blows an eternal storm to cut off their return.

But he didn't expect that the general had already arranged it. The son of the devil who had been influenced by him had now become a hero who led the army back.

Fighting demons is a waste, but fighting bugs can't be a waste, right?

If General Bai can lead their military region to overthrow the entire insect nest, why should everyone in the military region go sideways after sharing the credit?

"Then we must train our troops well!" Bai E smiled and dismissed these enthusiastic generals, "Our soldiers can no longer be consumables. Next time I conquer the insect nest, what I want is absolute crushing. !”

"Under the leadership of the general, we will definitely be crushed!"

"Listen to the general's words in everything, and we will follow the general's lead!"

Bai E sat among the crowd, knowing that this was the first time that these generals, who had their own pride in the past, fully showed their loyalty.

As he expected, this incident revealed many hidden thoughts.

"By the way, General, those elves came before you came back and said that their prophet wanted to talk to you. It seems that they also heard about your expedition to high dimension, and wanted to ask you for some advice about it. Matters in high-dimensional space. I wonder if you are free?"

'prophet? ’

Bai E was slightly startled, "Are they still there?"

After confirming the establishment of diplomatic relations, the elf envoy did not leave the city, but it was obviously impossible to live in the military zone.

Although he was issued a grounding order, aliens like elves were not subject to the city's laws.

Not to mention that the other party’s excuses are fair and just, and they come as they please.

"Waiting for you."

Bai E stood up immediately, "Take me there."

In the reception room, two pretty figures were waiting quietly.

The voice of the guard at the door made the two of them instantly know who was coming.

In fact, when the target was closer and farther away, they had already sensed the familiar aura.

"General Bai."

"Master Prophet, Miss Yueying."

After a brief greeting, the guard outside the door took the initiative to close the door.

"I wonder what General Bai gained from this trip?" Fengling, who took off his white hood, got straight to the point and asked softly.

This is the first time that Bai E has seen the true appearance of the prophet of the Elf tribe.

Just like when he saw Yueying for the first time, Bai E was suddenly distracted by the prophet's delicate and charming face that was unlike any other in the world. A circle of soft white light seemed to ripple on his crystal skin, and his whole person exuded a holy and plain aura. Aura.

Just based on appearance, how come he looks similar to Yueying?

Especially when Yueying, who was wearing a black robe, took off his black hood and took off his disguise, two very similar faces appeared in front of Bai E's eyes.

The only difference is that Fengling's appearance is a little more mature and a little more wise.

Seemingly seeing the confusion on Bai E's face, Fengling took the initiative to explain with a smile, "As you can see, we are sisters."


Bai E nodded understandingly, glanced at Yueying who was silent on the side, and started talking about the business without any nonsense, "In terms of gains, it undoubtedly clarified some speculations that were not confirmed in the past..." (End of Chapter)

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