Such as the unkillable demon, such as the immortal nature of high-dimensional space...

Listening to Bai E's words, Feng Ling nodded with understanding and guessed: "So in the future, we need to regularly clean up the demons in high-dimensional space?"

As long as high-dimensional demons are in a "quiet" state after being killed, their initiative to bewitch creatures in the material world will be greatly reduced.

During this period, humans will naturally be safer.

"It's not easy to just clean up those big demons." Bai E chanted softly.

This time, it was because of Fernandi's sacrifice that they could successfully reach the Eternal Garden.

Under normal circumstances, even just trying to find the existence of those big demons is extremely difficult.

Where can I get another chance to do it all in one go like this?

Not to mention that things like this will have to be done continuously for a long time in the future.

No one knows how long it takes for those high-dimensional demons to be "reborn" relative to the material world, let alone those high-level demons that still have memories of their deaths after they are resurrected.

It would be extremely difficult to use the same move against them a second time.

not to mention……

"In fact, I feel quite strange about this sudden storm."

How could there be such a coincidence in the world?

As soon as the big demon here dies, a high-dimensional storm will arise over there.

Combined with the fact that when he executed those big demons, they acted more like taking the initiative to die, Bai E felt that their voluntary death was not just for the purpose of passing all their power to the last big demon.

Fengling stared at Bai E peacefully with a pair of smiling eyes, "So you think this storm was born because of the silence of those great demons?"

"There are concerns about this."

After all, if the collective silence of the big demons will cause a high-dimensional storm, then when you want to clean up the big demons in the high-dimensional space again, you have to take this issue into consideration.

We cannot always rely on the active sacrifice of those few great ones.

Feng Ling listened quietly to Bai E's thoughts and feelings, and finally nodded softly and praised, "General Bai, you have thought very far."

"But no matter how profound it is, there is no way to completely solve this trouble for future generations."

"Yeah..." Feng Ling sighed softly, glanced blankly at the distance behind Bai E, and said softly, "What will happen in the future...who can say clearly."

The research on high-dimensional space has never been supported by detailed data records like technology in the physical world. It is almost all based on subjective cognition of personal senses with great contingency and bias.

The brief exchange only made Baie's understanding of his trip more profound to a certain extent.

Looking at Bai E's leaving figure, Fengling blinked his eyes after a long time, as if waking up from a long dream, "He really did it..."

The tone was slightly stern.

Although she had predicted this vague day, when it actually happened, she still felt like a dream——

"The really open."

The so-called high-dimensional storm that rippled up was certainly not caused by the so-called "big demons" when they were silent, but was just a gaping hole in the storm that sealed a larger circle of time and space.

The foundations of the four "false gods" are the pillars supporting this giant storm. When any one of the pillars is destroyed, the perfectly functioning super storm loses its perfection.

The collapsing storm overflowed with a chaotic atmosphere, so that the high-dimensional space belonging to this time-space mapping was all affected by the chaotic atmosphere.

The high-dimensional storm that Bai E and the others encountered came from this.

Of course, although the barrier is temporarily opened, this chaotic high-dimensional storm will still last for a long time.

Only when everything calms down will this independent space-time truly integrate with the main space-time at the level of high-dimensional space.

By then...the so-called great demons in current cognition and today's "false gods" will no longer exist!

Yueying was surprised by such a perfect structure, and exclaimed: "I don't know if the storm chose this time and space, or if this time and space chose the storm..."

Feng Ling shook his head slightly, "Use the foundations of the four 'false gods' as the core to support the storm, and protect this time and space from being affected by the main time and space. And only when the people 'inside' possess the power to destroy any of the 'false gods' "This perfect storm will be destroyed only when the strength of the pillars is strong. If this perfect design comes from the hand of nature, then we can only lament the power of nature."

Yueying opened her rosy mouth slightly, "Sister, what do you mean...everything here is man-made?!"

"I don't know..." Fengling looked into the distance, only to find that the future was blurry.

The original storm ravaged everything, and the magnificent battleship was shattered into pieces...

There is no useful information to be seen, only countless blurry moments that pass by in the blink of an eye.

After the barrier is broken, countless possibilities have emerged in the foreseeable future.

In the withered Eternal Garden, the yellow-green land in the past is now full of charred black.

The eternal authority relies on the connection between high-dimensional space and the creatures in the material world, and continues to draw the power that can resurrect them. Dots of yellow-green spots emerge from everywhere in this garden like mold.

The resurrection air masses of the great demons were scattered around, and the overturned black cauldron fell alone among the empty air masses.

A thick green foot with a swollen and rotten surface stepped on the ground beside the black cauldron, and he bent down to pick up the plain-looking cauldron.

Gently patting the bottom of the pot, the figure sighed pityingly: "It's so rough..."

Bai E, who left the two sisters Feng Ling Yueying, recalled that there seemed to be a group of souls that needed to be dealt with.

Last time when I faced the unclean Thorgroth who had gathered all his power, I relied on those free souls to break through to the third level of spiritual power on the spot. It was also the first time I learned that my skill, the soul black hole, actually collected so many energy. A bunch of homeless souls.

It's just that at that time, I still had a big enemy in front of me, so I didn't have time to communicate with them more.

Now that we have time, we can ask how these souls are doing in the space created by the soul black hole?

Bai E returned to his room and sat cross-legged, quietly concentrating.

In just an instant, the consciousness is transferred from the material world to the space of the black hole of the soul that belongs solely to oneself.

The initial perspective is like looking down at all living beings from high in the sky. The souls are like tiny ants running around in this pale space with no end in sight.

One of them is particularly unique. While the souls in other directions are running around, the souls heading in that direction are like a black mass of army ants, lined up neatly, not knowing what they want to do.

From this perspective, Bai E himself does not appear.

The souls below didn't seem to notice that Bai E had come to their world again.

As soon as a thought flashed through his mind, Bai E, who was closely related to this space, locked onto the target he wanted to contact——

Gladys and Phil Ed, they happened to be together.

All in that dense and dense line of action.

Bai E didn't want to attract the attention of all the souls every time he came, so he just quietly landed in an empty space without anyone, and at the same time relied on his spiritual energy to convey his voice to the two girls.

"Sir, are you here?!"

"grown ups……"

The two girls who received the news came to Bai E together. Phil Ed's face was full of surprise, and Gladys bowed and nodded softly.

"Well..." Bai E nodded and glanced around, "How are you doing here?"

"I'm doing okay." Phil Ed looked up at his little face like Nova, feeling a little proud, "I'm much more comfortable than before."

The days when I could search for demons and fight them every day were much more exciting than before.

Gladys pursed her lips and lowered her head in response, "We found a one-way road leading to high-dimensional space in that direction, and we will go out from time to time to try to clean up some demons."

"High-dimensional space?" Bai E was startled and looked up at the direction of the "Army Ants" movement, with some surprise in his eyes, "That side actually leads to high-dimensional space?"

However, Gladys' explanation was very comprehensive, and Bai E, who knew it was a one-way street, was not worried about the safety of these souls.

"It's just that if you guys went out, would anyone get hurt?"

Gladys nodded imperceptibly, "Since it's a battle, injuries are inevitable. But if the devil is the enemy of mankind, those of us who have no way to go back should always find something to do..."

‘Even if you die in the hands of the devil. ’

Bai E frowned slightly and looked at the girl in front of him who was a head shorter than him and refused to look up at him, "Your future may not be hopeless."

If this idea of ​​​​girls is the mainstream in this space, Bai E does not want them to fight against the devil with the idea of ​​​​breaking the jar and breaking it.

So the girl finally raised her head and looked seriously into Bai E's eyes, "Sir, even if we are still human beings, we still have to find ways to do something against humans. Demons are the enemy of humans. If we can kill one more demon, then There is one less possibility for a demon to corrode reality. Now, since we have a similar essence to those demons, we should use this special ability to fulfill our obligations as humans! This is not pessimism about the future. , you don’t need to feel sad about our current situation. Sir... you have too many things to bear. "

"..." Bai E pursed his lips.

Realizing that these souls are all living people with their own souls and thoughts, even if only pure souls are left, their pride as humans is still driving their actions.

In this case...

Bai E stretched out his hand and a familiar long sword suddenly appeared in the palm of his right hand.

In the past, the gorgeous aristocratic long sword was nourished and promoted by the devil's essence. Now the blade of the sword has condensed three points of evil energy.

Even though the long sword has not been unsheathed, there is still some kind of scream that shocks the soul.

The Blade of Rhythm.

"This sword will be handed over to you from now on."

[The authority of the Rhythmic Blade is delivered to: Gladys. 】

Unlike when he first gave authority to Yue Ying, Bai E's intention at that time was purely to get Yue Ying out of the situation of being corrupted by the demon of desire.

But now... Bai E has truly handed over the body of the Rhythmic Blade to this girl who has always been loyal to him.

The character shown by the other party from her lifetime to her death proved that she was a trustworthy leader.

Not to mention that only demons are left in the other person's life. Only by holding this sword can she better fight against those demons with various powers and powers.

Moreover, the consensus I had reached with Feng Ling before was that the demons in high-dimensional space must be cleaned up regularly in order to slightly reduce the threat of high-dimensional space to all living things.

I can't always take all the psychics in the city to stud. Maybe these souls who are in the black hole of their souls can do it all the time.

As for myself who lost the body of Rhythm Heart Blade...

What he handed over was just the main body, and he did not lose the ability to enchant an ordinary long sword into the "Blade of Rhythm".

Not to mention that compared to his own distraction and lack of skills, if the Rhythm Heart Blade is given to these souls who can only fight demons for a living, the Rhythm Heart Blade will probably upgrade faster.

At that time, the Rhythm Heart Blade that you can summon at will will be the "more enhanced version" of the Rhythm Heart Blade that has been on the road of upgrading.

After the attributes were leveled by players, Bai'e found another way for people to level up "upgraded weapons".

Of course, no matter what the thinking behind it is, the recognition of Gladys's nature is the most indispensable core.

Gladys was slightly startled when she saw the long sword that Bai E held out horizontally.

Having absorbed a trace of "eternal" divine power, she could feel the power of the long sword in front of her to a certain extent.

It was such a powerful artifact that had been nourished by killing countless demons.

And now... such an artifact has been placed in his own hands by the adults with trust?

Gladys bit her lip, took a respectful step forward, raised her hands high above her lowered head, and then cherished the long sword that would surpass her own life from now on.

"This sword can provide a lot of benefits in dealing with demons, and it can also prevent the warriors fighting under you from being corroded by demons. Currently, for the 'Desire Series' and 'Eternal Series' Demons are more effective, but you still need to be more careful when encountering demons from other authority systems." Bai E gently warned, as if explaining some ordinary usage details.

Gladys just hugged the sword tightly in her arms and quietly stared at all the instructions from the adults. Finally, she raised her eyes. For the first time, her eyes that had always been weak showed absolute determination, " You will definitely live up to your master’s instructions!”

When she saw Bai E's figure slowly disappearing in front of her, Gladys tightly held the sword in her hand and raised it to the sky.

The thoughts swept through all the soul bodies in the entire space, and Gladys's voice resounded in the hearts of every soul body.

"Today, we must make an oath under this sword!"

"If you don't defeat the devil, you will never return it!"

"We are called the 'Holy Oath Army'!" (End of this chapter)

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