It is not easy to build such a steel town, even if the town of Liming now has a complete steel production plant, and even has the ability to freely mine the mineral vein in the north.

The limitations of productivity also prevented them from quickly building the entire steel town, but the facts have emerged, and the ones who have contributed the most are undoubtedly the omnics.

That's right, if you lack something, you can borrow it from the omnic master.

After you have mastered the creation of omnics in your hands, you can just move the omnics back and make them your own.

Behind the rise of a dawn town, three omnic factories were razed to the ground.

Rose, who had not been to Dawn Town for a long time, couldn't help but widen her eyes when she saw such a magnificent steel city standing in the wilderness.

"Change... what a big change!"

“There’s more change inside.”

Bai E smiled and said hello to the secret sentry outside the town. The secret sentry who had recognized Bai E informed the real guards who controlled the many security turrets in the town to relax.

If a stranger approaches the city, he will definitely be locked up and questioned by the fort.

The motorcycle traveled all the way through the town's avenue, and the afterimages of the past had regained some of their glory before they were shattered.

Inside the steel barrier, there is still its soft internal structure.

The town's R\u0026D department is located underground where it once fought against those giant spiders. The vast underground space gave Helen a solid basis for experimentation, and its location far away from the main residential area also prevented any of their experiments from having too great an impact on the residents of the town.

When Bai E arrived with Rose, Helen was waiting quietly with several participants from the town.

Beside them, a humanoid mechanical creation with only four limbs, skeletons, branches and a heavy backpack inside was hollowed out and stood quietly on the ground.

Bai E got out of the car and walked towards the conspicuous mechanical creation, "Is this it?"

"Well." Helen gently stroked the mechanical creation beside her, "This is just a preliminary experimental model. There is still a lot of room for optimization in structure and details, but in the core part, I have achieved what can be seen in a short time. limit."

The core part is two blueprint creations: shaped energy gun and power source sword.

In the left and right mechanical hands of the humanoid mechanical creation, each held a kind of weapon, a gun, and a sword. They were all exaggeratedly large and did not look like models that ordinary humans could use.

It can only be used normally with the help of a mechanical palm.

It is precisely because of this that the proportion of the two weapons in the entire mechanical structure is so unbalanced that it seems that the entire machine exists just for these two weapons.

In fact, that's exactly what it is...

"I have tried my best to reduce the size of these two weapons, but the core components can only be reduced to this extent at this stage, so they will look... a bit large. In order to balance the weight of the two weapons To prevent the body from being unbalanced, I also installed an additional injection system in addition to the miniature power furnace on the back. While balancing the weight, it also allows the body to achieve some instant floating and steering. This is the case for the basic model, you You can give it a try first.”

Speaking of these two core weapons, Helen looked tired.

Only when you actually get started will you know that these two things are very difficult. After all, it is quite difficult to adjust a force field generator that stabilizes such a large range, and even if it is built in front of you, it is quite unstable.

It is more difficult to make it smaller, and there is no way to compress it to the extent that it can fully fit the human body and be used.

The weapon that is currently about twice the size of an ordinary person is her final product... rather than being used by humans, it looks more like it is prepared for the orcs.

With their size, it's almost just right...

After speaking, Helen looked at Bai E with expectant eyes.

The separate shaped energy gun and the power source sword have been tested without any problems, but this is the first time that the two weapons are separated from the laboratory scene and tested as a separate combat unit integrated with the miniature power furnace. once.

The cooperation between the three systems and the stability of the entire structure have yet to be tested, and Helen is not completely sure.

Seeing Helen's look, Bai E asked curiously: "What? You haven't tried it?"

A strange look immediately appeared on Helen's face, "We can't try."

"Can't you try?"

"too heavy……"

Without the auxiliary drive module, even if the mechanical structure has transferred the weight of the body itself through the skeleton to the ground beneath its feet, few people who simply want to use the two weapons freely can do so without innate supernatural power.

Among the original group of refugees from Gray Iron City in Liming Town, there was obviously no such talent.

If you want to add an auxiliary drive module, you will inevitably need to increase the size of the entire body, and more aspects will be involved.

The Mechanical Court of Blackwater City currently has similar experience with small individual mechas that can be used for reference. However, due to previous limitations of energy technology, the smallest mechas in the city are several meters high.

Not to mention that there are now two new weapon systems and a new power source, which require more changes. Even Helen cannot provide a perfect solution for a while.

Therefore, the simple machine body in front of us is the initial experimental model.


Bai E hesitated for a moment, looked at the rose beside him, and said with a smile: "It's your turn to perform."

Bringing roses is the intention.

His own strength is relatively exaggerated, and the strength of this weapon module's blessing to him may be overshadowed by his own abilities. Only technological creations that allow ordinary people to exert powerful power are meaningful technological creations.

Although the current initial experimental model has a threshold for use by real ordinary people, Rose's individual strength is not that incredible, right?

It is most appropriate for her to test this newly released experimental model.

"Okay." Rose looked at this simple machine with eyes full of interest, and she readily agreed.

She had long wanted to try the new weapon system that Bai E had been mentioning.

"I'll help you put it on." Helen personally helped Rose put on this weapon exoskeleton.

Rose cooperated and entered the inside of the body, her limbs fit into the frame, and with Helen's help, she completed the binding of the entire system while asking, "What is the goal?"

The so-called experiment naturally has to have a purpose.

"Just choose this one." Bai E pointed to a corner of the map in his hand. The four words "Omnic Base" marked on it were extremely bright.

For the development of Liming Town, the surrounding omnic factories have basically been emptied out. Many of the remaining small omnic bases seem to have received orders from superior omnics and have all shrunk.

During the patrol and cleaning missions of the android recruits in the military area, there was almost no trace of omnics on the map.

Only the last piece of the omnic base camp around Blackwater City was left, and it was still stubbornly stuck in place.

Taking this opportunity, Bai E also wanted to eradicate it completely.

The rise of a city must clear away all obstacles around it.

Omnics, orcs, bugs...

Bai E cannot currently take into account the situation around other cities, but around Blackwater City, Bai E will not allow any sources that can threaten the city to appear!

"Such a big deal?" Helen was shocked and stared at Bai E in disbelief.

"It takes a strong opponent to demonstrate the true power of this combat equipment." Bai E smiled, "Besides, isn't it me?"

Experimentation is a purpose, and completing one's own strategic goals is also a purpose.

Otherwise, my time is so precious, why would I waste so long on a single test?

Rose was not afraid at all, her eyes just glowed with a strong belligerent look and she said, "Okay!"

Rose, who finally put on the entire exoskeleton combat body, tentatively moved her shoulders a few times, and the outer exoskeleton, together with her arms and the power source sword held in the mechanical palm, also made exaggerated movements.

Helen looked at the unobstructed rose body stuck in the front of the machine body, her eyes full of worry, "We have weapons, but I haven't had time to assemble the defense module... I thought you were just here to test the performance... …”

For example, military camp mechas simply use Yuan series alloys to stack materials, or some mechas in the Mechanical Court use electromagnetic field shields to strengthen their defense functions... But right now, there are none!

Are you going to use your body to resist those omnic guns?

It's hard to imagine something human beings can do.

Even Bai E's own record is that he was able to enter and leave seven times in the army of omnics while driving a mecha.

"What's this?" Rose raised the power source sword she held in her right hand. She was quickly familiarizing herself with the overall performance of this exoskeleton combat body.

"Isn't this thing indestructible?"

Since its force field can be indestructible, it doesn't think it is a big problem to be indestructible.

The power source sword is like a perfect door panel for her "petite" body. In addition to being used to cut people, it is probably also a good choice to use as a shield.

"..." As a pure scientific researcher, Helen never thought that users would have developed special tips for using this machine before her product was actually used.

"walk slowly."

The matter has come to this, and there is nothing more to say.

Maybe it's like what Bai E said... He still knows the truth, right?

Seeing Rose controlling the machine towards the transport truck specially prepared for her, Bai E gave the order, "Let's go!"

It was not just Helen's observation team that set out, but also all the transportation members of Dawn Town.

The adults said that they should go to the omnics to purchase goods, so they should go to the omnics to purchase goods!

Recently, they have become accustomed to this kind of purchasing rhythm and have gradually become familiar with this new side of the world——

It turns out that this world is actually not that hopeless and bad?

"Report to the captain! A large-scale convoy was detected passing five kilometers ahead. Are you close to investigate?"

"Large scale? Are they from Blackwater City?"

"I don't know... at least they're not from the Blackwater City military. Although their equipment looks sophisticated, it doesn't have a unified standard. It's more like a private armed force."

"Private armed forces?" The man with some stubble on his chin muttered to himself, "The large-scale private armed forces cannot be hidden from the top management of Blackwater City. They may be the private soldiers of some of them."

In this era, it is very common for some high-level officials in the city to cultivate private unofficial forces in order to accomplish things that are obviously difficult to accomplish. This is especially common in cities where there are no obvious major threats around the city. .

Blackwater City should not have such generous conditions, but its existence is reasonable. Don't worry about the reasons for the current situation that has emerged.

The captain thought of this and waved his hands to ignore them. "Avoid them, continue moving forward, and implement the original goal. We are messengers, there is no need to create extraneous matters."

No matter how much mess there is in Blackwater City, it is still a part of the empire.

Internal matters are resolved internally.

The unification of the empire is imminent, and this is the mission carried by these messengers.

The omnic's base is located in a mountain range.

The gray-black steel and the mountains almost blend into one, and it is difficult to distinguish each other from a distance. It only seems that the mountain walls here are shining with a thick luster.

This was a research and development base established in the golden age of mankind at that time, with a high degree of internal intelligence.

It fell as soon as the omnics rebelled, and it continues to this day. Of course, it is logical that it has become the omnic base in this area.

Time has changed, and even though many of the original creations in this base have aged, the omnics that have perfectly inherited the original human technology and developed their own unique technology have already completed large-scale replacement and optimization of its entire structure.

Now it is easier to defend and harder to attack. It is a tough nut to crack.

This is the reason why humans have always maintained a conservative attitude towards omnics. The omnic outposts and omnic factories outside are actually not that difficult to deal with as long as they are willing to pay the price.

But the problem is that the spoils obtained from attacking omnics are difficult to digest and the cost is high. They are also vulnerable to retaliation from these omnics at the main base.

The key person retaliated and retaliated. He turned around and retracted into the big turtle shell and became a turtle with its head reduced.

Just like those high-dimensional demons, they only have trouble with humans, and humans have no chance to counterattack them.

Over time, humans have become selectively blind when facing omnics. As long as their mining trucks have not already dug to their doorsteps, they will not care about them at all.

Fortunately, the wisdom of these omnics also allowed them to rationally maintain this tacit understanding with humans, and everyone has been able to live together peacefully as "neighbors" for so many years.

But today, Bai E is not willing to continue to deal with this "neighbor".

For this, he was even fully prepared!

"Don't worry." Bai E, who looked at the towering gray iron-colored mountains in the distance and knew that the entire area was an omnic base, stopped the transport convoy behind him.

As he spoke, he began to pour some metal parts out of his storage space, "I'll make a mecha and come out later!" (End of Chapter)

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