Every mecha in the military needs to have detailed usage logs, including the exact time of entry and exit. They are not allowed to leave the warehouse for long periods of time during non-combat and training missions. These regulations even if Bai Egui is now a general or even a military officer today. The actual controller of the party cannot violate it.

Therefore, his mecha is not the official mecha recorded in the book at all.

It is only a matter of time for Bai E to use his power that is not a marshal but is better than a marshal to slowly covet some parts in the name of various daily losses, and gradually scrape together enough parts to put together an entire mecha.

The only thing he brought privately from the hangar was the epaulette with the mecha number engraved on it.

Right now, in front of everyone in the Pioneer convoy who arrived first, Bai E manually assembled the various large parts that were still in the state of parts into a whole new mecha bit by bit.

Helen, who watched all this silently, was no longer willing to delve deeper into Bai E's ability to move the large parts of the mecha with human power. She just felt angry and amused by Bai E's unabashed behavior, " Are you going to use these things you stole from the city in front of me?!"

Bai E, who was busy at work, didn't look back, "Aren't you one of our own now?"

"In fact, with your current status, it wouldn't be a problem to get a special one for you if you really want it."

"Specially prepared, after all, it's still on the surface..."

It would be too obvious to see such a big thing.

Everything about him is probably under strict surveillance by the city's top brass.

No matter how “it belongs to you”, it still belongs to the city after all.

What Bai E needs is absolute ownership that truly belongs to him.

"That's right..." Helen reluctantly pulled down the gold-rimmed glasses on her face.

The analysis of the body by these glasses has completely lost its meaning to Bai E who has used his psychic ability. Perhaps at this time, pure appreciation with the naked eye is more meaningful.

As the majestic mecha first appeared, there was also obvious movement in the distant intelligent machine base that seemed to be sleeping.

On the top of the highest mountain wall, a very long gap suddenly opened. The metal door slowly opened, and a pure white figure floated up from it.

After staying briefly in the air, he suddenly headed straight for Bai E's convoy.

Rose drove her own exoskeleton weapon and just stepped off the transport truck. With her excellent eyesight, she saw the object flying quickly, "The first-generation omnic!"

She is also quite knowledgeable as she has followed Bai E on his expeditions to the north and south. The pure white machine is light and agile, and can even fly and hover freely in the air. It is obviously not as cumbersome as ordinary omnics.

"They are attacking on their own initiative!" Rose tensed up, trying hard to control the exoskeleton weapon and stride forward, trying to stop in front of everyone and block the attack of the first-generation omnic.

"Don't be nervous." Bai E, who was still assembling the mecha, frowned slightly and stopped Rose's next move.

Although he didn't quite know what the other party was here for, at least it didn't look like he was here to attack.

The white first-generation omnic in front of me is the one that escaped from the omnic army that attacked Dawn Town last time.

Last time, when he led an entire army of omnics to besiege Bai'e, he could just turn around and flee. Now that the opponent was alone, how could he make a strong attack?

"Let's see what it wants to do."

"...Yes." Rose still stood uneasily in front of Bai E, staring cautiously at the opponent who was flying towards him at an unpleasant speed.

"Human, what are you preparing to do?"

A mechanical female voice with a strong electronic sound came from the opponent's body and reached the ears of everyone in the vanguard team.

The voices simulated by the first-generation omnics only contained simple sentences, without any tone indicating emotion, so no one knew what the other party's question meant.

However, the vanguard team, who felt that they came with the attitude of destroying the opponent, felt nervous. They felt that the opponent was probably here to accuse them, so they felt a little frightened.

But at the next moment, they had another thought -

'its not right! Aren’t we and omnics mortal enemies? So what if you just came to fight them? ’

So they held their heads high again, looking proudly at the silver-white machine suspended in mid-air.

"Try a new weapon, and take some things from you." Bai E pointed at the rose with one finger, looked at the other party sincerely, and told the truth.

"For your expansion, I have ordered the voluntary evacuation of all factories and outposts outside this base, and completely handed over this world to you humans. Doesn't even this satisfy you greedy humans?"

The silver first-generation omnic stared at Bai'e, and a hint of confusion seemed to be visible in its flashing electronic eyes.

"This is not dissatisfaction, but just something we need to do. This world belongs to humans, and we are just getting back what belongs to us step by step." Bai E looked at the other party and said seriously, "Of course , I don’t need the approval of a forbidden life like you. You can also try to stop what I want to do.”

"Or cooperate."



"???" Bai E looked at the other party, a little stunned for a moment.

To be honest, this was a change that even he didn't expect.

"You...what did you say?"

Not only him, but the entire Pioneer team, including Helen, were a little distracted looking at the silver-white first-generation omnic that came forward to negotiate.

"I said, we can cooperate." The silver-white first-generation omnic spoke every word, and the somewhat stiff electronic sound presented a stereotypical honest voice.

Bai E became interested, "How to cooperate?"

"It's very simple." The silver-white first-generation omnic turned to look at the fully armed Rose in front of Bai E's body. "If you want to test her new weapon system, I will send troops to practice and test with her to ensure that the intensity of the confrontation can be met. Test the true limits of your weapons without harming her own safety; as for what you want to move away from us... you can tell me, as long as it is within the acceptable range, I can directly satisfy you. "

Bai E narrowed his eyes, "I'll attack directly. If I can win, I deserve this, right?"

"First, if you start a head-on duel directly, it will not be of any benefit to your weapon testing. The high-intensity battle will directly exceed the theoretical threshold of your entire system and fail to achieve the ideal test effect; second, even if we finally They are all killed by you, but before we are killed by you, we can easily order the destruction of everything here! For us, this is something that can be done with just an order in an instant. You should understand." Electronics The voice sounds rigid, but the logic is online, and it is obviously the same level of intelligence as humans. "So I think cooperation is better than a decisive battle."



The perfect explanation left the entire Pioneer team speechless.

This script...isn't quite right?

When did the first-generation omnics become so easy to talk to?

It is not that humans have not tried to communicate with them in the past and tried to achieve harmonious coexistence with them. After all, they are all intelligent beings. Even if the reproductive isolation is indeed a bit far apart, as long as there is intelligence, there is room for cooperation.

But how superior were the first-generation omnics at that time?

One disagreement destroyed their entire army in Blackwater City, causing Blackwater City to be extremely weak during that period.

But now...

"It actually makes some sense." Helen nodded indifferently. The thinking mode of omnics is somewhat similar to that of pure scientific researchers like them. When encountering any problem, they only start from the perspective of solving the problem and look for the so-called "The optimal solution", "Of course, how you decide specifically depends on you. We can't guarantee whether it is a scam."

Bai E nodded, his eyes twinkling slightly.

In fact, he felt the same way. The other party was right. Once a large-scale war broke out, exoskeleton weapons without defensive functions could only allow Rose to clear out the soldiers on the edge of the battlefield.

If the other party is cruel, even if only one of the first-generation omnics is sent to attack her, Rose may not be able to take it down.

After all, the effectiveness of this new weapon has not yet been demonstrated, and it is really a flaw that it has no defensive function.

But he couldn't just let the other party say whatever he said. Bai E still asked cautiously, "Why? You should never regard us humans as masters?"

The electronic eyes on the silver-white body flashed twice, as if simulating blinking, "Because, based on calculations, the chance that we can defeat you is less than one percent."

Strength is everything in this era.

It is better to live an ignoble existence than to perish together.

As far as they are omnics, there is no concept of honor, disgrace and dignity. As long as they can survive, it is an acceptable outcome for them.

Helen seemed to know more about the inside story. At this time, she took the initiative to step forward and question, "We humans have destroyed several core bases of your omnics in the past, but we have never encountered similar requests."

The electronic demons fell asleep due to human planning. There was no unified master in the first generation of omnics. They also fell apart after the omnic rebellion. Each similar large base controlled all the omnics in a large area.

This omnic base around Blackwater City is just one of them, not all of them.

In addition, there are many cities struggling in this troubled world, but not every one.

With the existence of the "God of War" and the "City of Stars", the human imperial capital that retains the most legacy of the golden age, it actually has the ability to eliminate all threats around it.

Among the gift information they shared with various cities earlier, there are relevant battle reports for reference.

It's a pity that Blackwater City hasn't been able to gain much effective experience from it over the years. After all, they can't directly send troops to crush all the bugs, orcs, and omnics like ants.

Helen, who is currently facing a strange incident, needs an explanation to distinguish it from the case in her memory.

The silver-white body lowered its head slightly, "Because they don't need us."

The Imperial City does not need the omnic creations that have made changes in human technology in the golden age. The cost of cracking and recycling the omnic creations is not cost-effective for them. It is better to establish an omnic base early to expand their production capacity. More cost effective.

Even if the omnic wanted to compromise, there was no room for compromise.

"More importantly... the aura of our only master seems to have completely disappeared." This was the first time that the silver-white first-generation omnic showed an emotional tone in his words.

It feels like melancholy and loss.

The sleep of electronic demons in the mouth of humans is just a long wait in time for them. The everlasting fluctuations in electronic signals are the lifelong belief of every omnic.

But not long ago, the fluctuations belonging to the absolute master seemed to suddenly disappear?

For a moment, every omnic felt that the chain around their necks had been untied at some point, but they also felt hesitant because of this.

Without their only master, their watchfulness for thousands of years seems to have become an empty talk.

Without their master, they are free.

But without their master, they also lose their direction.

Anxiety is the dizziness caused by freedom.

Today, they are in this abnormal state.

No one knows where omnics will go with this "freedom."

But in the face of external stimulation, they should first take various actions to ensure their own individual existence before they can consider the "future".

Faced with the explanation of the first-generation omnic lord, Bai E and Helen looked at each other, their eyes a little loose.

Obviously, the other party's reasonable logic convinced their will.

As the other party said, perhaps "cooperation" is a better thing for both parties.

Both parties have needs for each other, and if they cooperate with each other, it will be a win-win situation.

"Then let's see your sincerity first." Faced with an absolutely alien race that was completely different from mind to body, Bai'e's attitude was harsh to the point of being cold, "First send out your soldiers and let us test the new weapon system. As for what is needed, we will talk about it later.”

"No problem." The silver-white mecha was so easy to negotiate that it was unbelievable.

Perhaps this is the characteristic of omnics -


As the silver-white first-generation omnic waved the sharp spikes at both ends toward the mountains behind him, the mountain wall with a frosted gray iron-like texture suddenly broke open, and the silky metal gate was divided into two sides facing both sides. Unfolded, a neat and uniform mechanical army was quietly waiting inside.

Waving their long thorns, the first row of humanoid mechanical infantry marched forward in neat steps.

Accompanied by the sound, there was also the mechanical electronic female voice from the first generation of Omnic Lord, "I will gradually increase the intensity of the attack. Of course, your testers can put forward emphasis requirements at any time if they prefer offense or defense. I They will all be satisfied in time. Now...start the first wave of attack!"

Bai E glanced at the cold mechanical infantry.

The same combat model has been in contact with omnics before.

But it was the first time for Rose to face it alone.

I wonder how far the new weapon system can increase her ability? (End of chapter)

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