A row of eight junior omnic soldiers, four with long-range guns and four charging with knives.

Before the melee troops arrived, long-range bullets were already whizzing towards Rose.

In Rose's sight, those bullets seemed to have slowed down many times, streaking through the air with hot air currents.

The high-speed rotating warhead has amazing stability, and the computer's precise calculations firmly locked most of Rose's dodge space.

Until more personal information about Rose is obtained for calculation, the targeting of these soldiers only has the basic blockade for ordinary humans.

Of course, the speed of the bullet was difficult for Rose to dodge with her current physical abilities, but she didn't need to compete with the bullet's speed.

The comparison is with the gunman who makes the decision.

Rose always pays attention to the opponent's every move. Bai E's discussion with the opponent's commander is based on the strategic level, but the battle he needs to face is inevitable.

Even the combat power he showed in this battle has important reference significance for Bai E and Academician Helen on the combat power that human warriors can exert after they are equipped with this set of weapons. They must use their full strength!

When four of the row of omnic soldiers stopped and raised their guns, Rose had already begun to dodge in advance.

At the same time as the bullet came out of the chamber, Rose had already moved several meters horizontally with all the exoskeleton weapons in her body.

Holding a spear and sword, she even advanced without retreating, and took the initiative to rush towards the four approaching melee-type omnic soldiers.

A single soldier in an open battlefield is absolutely unable to dodge perfectly when faced with the blockade of multiple gun lines. Only by relying on the body of his opponent's companions as a cover can he rush to their surroundings and behead them.

The roses that were tens of meters away suddenly erupted, and the tyrannical force drove the heavy steel weapons to rush forward. The moment they intertwined with a melee-type intelligent weapon soldier, their right hand touched the start switch, and the power source held in the mechanical palm The sword sliced ​​across the opponent's body as lightly as it sliced ​​through tofu.


Sparks flickered, and the oblique section was as smooth as a mirror. The upper half of the soldier's body slowly slid to the ground in front of Rose, extremely smooth.


Rose, who had exerted a little too much force, struck the ground with her sword in time, stabilizing her almost toppling body.

She immediately turned her face to pay attention to her opponent's situation, and saw the half of the mechanical body slowly sliding down in front of her with sparks...

So she turned her head and looked at the giant sword that she was holding tightly with her mechanical right hand.

It wasn't until this moment that she truly realized the value behind this new weapon that was valued so highly by both Academicians Bai E and Helen.

Really, cutting iron is like clay!

You don't need to use much extra force, you don't need to use your own strength to apply a slashing effect on it, but you only need to "swing the knife", you only need to swing your weapon to sweep wherever you go, and everything you encounter on the way will naturally be split into two!


Another sword strike, and another omnic warrior was quietly broken into two pieces.

The other personnel accompanying him were monitoring the system data returned by various sensors installed in the weapon system worn by Rose in real time. Helen stood next to Bai E and pushed up the gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of her nose, nodding secretly with satisfaction, " The basic performance is as expected, I just don’t know how stable it will be over long periods of time.”

After a pause, Helen asked curiously: "But why doesn't she use a shaped energy gun?"

This battle is not an actual battle, the meaning of the battle is to test new weapons.

If you don't use it, how do you know how it performs, whether it's good or bad?

"Her shooting skills are not that good..." Bai E said softly to the side, with a smile in his eyes.

Rose's ability is indeed considered all-round, and her marksmanship is not bad in the entire military camp.

But when using this new type of firearm held by an external mechanical hand, and at the same time in a combat state of high-speed movement, it was difficult for her to ensure her accuracy in this situation.

Not to mention... the bullets for shaped energy guns are very expensive.

The manufacturing process of shaped energy gun is actually more complicated. The gun body and bullets are two different technologies.

If you don't have enough confidence, with Rose's temperament, you probably won't shoot at will.

Looking at the powerful figure on the field, Bai E muttered softly, "However, the distance of more than ten meters should be safe for her."

Sure enough, after becoming slightly familiar with the performance of the broadsword-shaped power source sword in her right hand, Rose turned her attention to the shaped energy gun held in her left hand.

After cutting off the upper body of another melee-type omnic soldier with one sword, Rose directly used the sword to pick up the remaining lower half of the opponent's body to resist the surging gun lines of the other four long-range omnic soldiers, and threw it with her left hand. A shaped energy gun like an oversized hand cannon appeared, followed by a connecting rod that pulled the trigger hard from the gloves he was wearing.


The huge repulsive force was transmitted to Rose's body along the rigid mechanical connection, so that she was caught off guard and her entire left arm suddenly lifted upwards.

But before that, the specially processed shaped explosive bomb had been blasted out of the barrel.


The bomb instantly passed through a space of more than ten meters and hit the shoulder of a long-range omnic soldier with great precision.


A huge explosion exploded from the shoulder of the omnic soldier, sweeping through the whole body in an instant.

Like a small missile, the body of the omnic exploded instantly, returning to the original state of the countless materials that made up its body.



Rose, who was shot through the side of her face, suddenly woke up, looking at the shaped energy gun in her hand with surprise in her eyes.

This thing is much easier to use than a sword!

So he turned around and fired another shot, and another long-range omnic soldier shattered into pieces after being shot in the knee.

The first batch of eight soldiers failed to pose any threat to Rose.

The silver-white first-generation Omnic Lord, who was floating in mid-air and just watching the battle silently, watched helplessly as all eight Omnic Soldiers were completely shattered. Then he hit the spikes with a gentle wave of his hand, and then two more rows of Omnic Soldiers walked neatly. Step out of the array.

Then he launched a second charge towards Rose at a different speed.


The dense gun line that doubled directly locked almost all of Rose's dodge space.

When Rose was fighting the first batch of omnic soldiers, information about Rose was continuously captured through sensors by the intelligent systems of the soldiers fighting with her.

The training and analysis of existing data is the most basic ability of their omnics, and this ability can even be transmitted wirelessly through the mechanical force field where this large group of omnics are located.

Therefore, even other omnics that have not personally fought can obtain combat data about Rose.

The real-time combat data obtained by an omnic without Internet technology connection may not be transmitted to another omnic thousands of miles apart, but for all omnics in the same mechanical force field, The enemy any one omnic faces is the same enemy each of them faces.

Even on the most chaotic battlefield, omnics that may switch targets at any time during the melee can instantly switch to the best combat strategy when facing different enemies.

At this moment, Rose's power, fastest burst speed and other key combat data are all under the opponent's control.

Multiple gun lines crossed each other, completely sealing off all her room for dodge.

Rose, who was still subconsciously dodging, faced the oncoming hot bullets. Her reaction was faster than her thinking. She had already raised the power source sword in her right hand, which was like a door panel, as she had expected. At the same time, her right hand opened in the glove. Learn the activation switch of the disintegration force field.


Sure enough, the combat wisdom of the warriors on the front line was always amazingly reliable, and the all-powerful sword force field easily blocked the incoming warheads.

More than a dozen deformed warheads landed on the ground in front of the door panel in vain.

After blocking the bullet with her sword, Rose didn't stop at all, and leaped forward again with the gun and sword in hand.

Just fighting can activate the warlike genes in her body.

"You humans, are you going to use this method to defend yourself?"

The mechanical electronic female voice suddenly sounded in Bai E's ears.

The silver-white first-generation omnic floating in the mid-air was looking at the battle on the field with puzzled questions.

"Do you have any good ideas?" Helen looked at the other party immediately, with a somewhat fanatical look in her eyes.

No matter what kind of countermeasures are needed strategically, Helen never substitutes these positions in academic terms.

What's more, the technology used by omnics comes from the same source as humans, so it has considerable reference value.

Even if the test of this set of weapons is successful, it will only be fully offensive, but the defensive side... still needs a long period of research and training.

If there are any ready-made solutions that you can refer to, that would be great!

The silver-white first-generation omnic did not answer her question directly. Instead, he looked at Bai E who was beside Helen, "You have fought with Jarvis and the two brothers. These technologies should be what you learned from their brothers... But why didn't you learn the 'Power Source Shield' technology?"

"..." Bai E was silent.

You can't say that you didn't expose it, right?

Helen on the side was secretly satisfied.

The words of this first-generation omnic lord confirmed something——

‘It seems that Bai E didn’t lie to me before. He really learned these technologies from omnics. As for why a skill is missing...maybe it's because the machine soul has limited capabilities? ’

Shaped energy gun and power source sword are all offensive technologies.

Power source shield is obviously a defensive technology.

It is said that machine spirits generally have similar personalities to their masters. Perhaps Baie is more inclined to attack than to defend in his nature?

As an excellent scientific researcher, Helen's divergent thinking made Helen think of many things in an instant.

And Bai E's silence did not surprise the silver-white first-generation omnic lord.

If you haven’t learned anything, you haven’t learned anything. What’s there to say?

She was even a little happy because she discovered another detail that was beneficial to her side.

"The cleavage force field of the power source sword is generally only used for offense. If you try to use it for defense like your warriors, there are actually many disadvantages. Its defensive ability is an entire order of magnitude worse than its attack ability, even if it is technically Attacks with far less content than it can actually break the defense of the disintegration force field. At that time, the entire power source sword will be destroyed. If there is no matching defense module, your armed system..."

The omnic that inherited human thinking did not learn human euphemism. Although he realized that his next words might make the human in front of him unhappy, after hesitating for a moment, the omnic lord still struggled to speak out, "...It's not of much use. .”

What determines the upper limit of a system is not the longest "plank" in the system, but the shortest one.

Poor defensive performance will turn the entire armed system into a glass cannon.

It just so happens that this cannon is of the melee type, which means it is a complete waste.

As he spoke, the omnic lord slightly raised "her" graceful silver-white chin, acting as proudly as a human being.

The other party’s meaning is very clear——

‘I have such technology. ’

'But if you want to destroy us, you are gone. ’

Bai E raised his head, looked at the other party's proud appearance, and nodded lightly, "I will consider the scale of the request in the next communication."

"Gu~" The omnic lord made an unknown vibration and said nothing.

This is what she wants to achieve.

The effect is remarkable.

So he concentrated on trying to find out the armed flaws displayed by Rose.

Perhaps the doubling of long-range omnic soldiers makes Rose feel a little troublesome, but the doubling of melee omnic soldiers is still just a little more time for Rose.

"If Rose's marksmanship was better, she could actually fight easier." As the last long-range omnic soldier in the second batch of omnic weapons fell, Helen nodded her chin and said her View.

This is not a problem with this armed system, but purely a problem of personal aptitude.

"In that case, let's keep it within this order of magnitude for long-range attacks." Bai E made a decision and said to the Omnic Lord floating in mid-air.

"Understood." The other party replied calmly, and then waved the spike-like scepter in his hand again.

Another batch of twenty omnic warriors stepped out of the omnic phalanx and pounced on the rose.

Tossing and turning.

One after another, the mechanical soldiers fell to Rose's spear and sword.

Dragging the heavy metal armor on her body, Rose's breathing was obviously panting.

"It's still too heavy..." Helen sighed softly after observing this.

From her glasses, she could see that every muscle in Helen's body was burning hard. However, carrying such a heavy burden and fighting fiercely for a long time, she was almost reaching her limit.

"Do you have any suitable built-in driver modules?" Helen raised her head and looked at the omnic lord above her head.

"It's OK if you don't let people go."

"..." Helen was speechless.

If you don’t let people go, what nonsense are you talking about?

By hollowing out a large space in the human body, she could make this weapon move on its own.

It seems that between adding modules and controlling body size, she still needs a lot of attempts to make a perfect compromise... (End of this chapter)

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