Wow! The explosion rate is really high

Chapter 561 Agreement One: Contact

Rose has reached its limit.

After carrying out continuous fierce battles with such heavy mechanical weapons entirely on her own strength, Rose was no longer able to fight anymore.

But in this relatively long test, the stability of the entire weapon system performed quite well, and it can be regarded as fulfilling everyone's most basic test requirements.

And the effect of increasing the individual strength of the warrior is indeed quite powerful.

Among the omnic soldiers sent out later, there are many existences similar to the mini-boss among the omnics that Bai E and others first encountered with Team Nova. However, in the hands of Rose, in addition to being able to withstand two more swords, It didn't cause any splash.

You know, that thing relied on Nova to use psychic energy to drain the opponent's energy reserves at that time, so that Bai E found the opportunity to kill it.

But now, this kind of small BOSS was mixed in with its team to besiege Rose, but it was easily beheaded by Rose, who had been fighting for a long time.

Although there is Rose's own rapid progress in this, the gap between an omnibus BOSS that can cause a devastating blow to ordinary small human armies and normal humans is as big as clouds and mud. Rose can do this with her flesh and blood. To this extent, the increase in the entire set of weapons is the top priority.

Helen and others are quite satisfied with the test results of this set of test products.

In the end, the silver-white first-generation omnic lord failed to find any exclusive technology that could give him an active advantage.

Humanity has blazed its own path in the development of its own technology. It either has a common foundation with the technology possessed by their omnics, or it has gone in two completely different directions.

But fortunately, I still have an exclusive technology of my own. I think I should be able to gain some initiative in the hands of that terrifying human being...


"You said you want us to move all the ore smelting plants into your territory!?"

Bai E nodded in approval, "And all low-intelligent machines except omnics and warriors."

For example, those security turrets, armored transport vehicles, etc.

Although some units have high combat effectiveness, they are just piles of materials.

From the perspective of the omnics, a life group, those beings are not considered members of their "omnics", but are just tools.

On the contrary, those ordinary omnic warriors who do not seem to have very high intelligence or combat power are, to the omnic tribe, their "people" in a broad sense.

The biggest difference is whether or not a "logic chip" made from mined "computing resources" is implanted.

This is an absolute watershed in the eyes of omnics.

As for the more extreme "people" in the eyes of omnics, only the first-generation omnics with complete self-will can be considered.

But now, what Bai E wants is one-size-fits-all under the "logic chip".

The lack of logic chips means that the level of "smart technology" used in these omnics is not very high, and transformation is relatively simple; at the same time, the acceptance of the omnics will be higher, at least it will not cause them to produce " The feeling that the tribe is being massacred.”

The basic production factory, plus all the finished products under the "logic chips", are all Bai E's requirements.

"It's too much." The silver-white first-generation omnic lord's tone was trembling, and Bai E's request made her feel furious.

"So what's your decision?" Bai E looked at the other party quietly.

It's not that he can't accept the other party's bargaining. After all, the omnics today are different from what he expected. How to get along with them in the future... He doesn't have a definite plan now.

If it is true that according to what this omnic said, after the death of the electronic demon as the master of the omnic, these omnics become free, then it is not impossible to re-incorporate them into the human social system.

The benefits of omnics to the development of human society are conveniences that any ordinary person who has experienced the era of intelligence cannot resist. Of course, the premise is that those omnics that have integrated into human society have the same autonomy as this first-generation omnic lord. Knowledge and understanding.

And even so, this level of integration requires strict monitoring.

The crisis of omnic rebellion in the past will never be allowed to happen again in human society.

Of course, these are just vague plans in Bai E's mind for the time being.

Whether it can go in this direction smoothly depends on the observation and understanding of the first-generation Omnic Lord, who has a relatively gentle attitude, and then he can slowly make a decision while trying it.

Right now, it is actually a trial in a sense.

If it was all about integrating into human society in the end, Bai E would not care about temporary gains and losses and exploit the other party too much.

If you are going to be completely destroyed in the end, then it doesn't really make much difference if you take what belongs to you sooner or later.

Therefore, Baie's bottom line is quite flexible.

It's robbery after all... whatever you get is good.

"At least one factory must be left for us!" The silver-white first-generation omnic lord raised his slender white index finger and stared at Bai E's face with a "serious" look on his face, "If all the smelting factories are given to us, You guys, it’s too slow and difficult for us to start over!”

"Deal." Bai E stretched out his right hand, subconsciously wanting to complete the human etiquette with the other party.

However, the Omnic Lord, who had not completely landed but was just floating in mid-air in front of Bai E, was like a frightened bird. The moment Bai E stretched out his hand, he started the engine and suddenly flew out.

Floating in the sky "out of reach" of Bai E, she stared at Bai E who stretched out his hand with a "vigilant" face, and asked rigidly every word: "What are you going to do?!"

She had no choice but to keep her distance in front of this terrifying human being. She believed that the only way to save her life was to keep her distance.

Humans can't fly, which is the only advantage I can find in them.

"..." Bai E looked at his outstretched hand, then looked up at the other person, somewhat silently.

"It's...a habit belonging to us humans. It doesn't matter if you don't like it. That's it. I'd also like to trouble you to ask your transport fleet to help move the factory there."

"I will make arrangements." The omnic lord stared at Bai E, "So, can you leave?"

"...You also need to teach our people the technology of the 'Power Source Shield' without reservation."

"Just find someone to learn from you."

"I have to make sure this happens."

"You can send someone to supervise, but you are not welcome here."


walk slowly.

Bai E nodded, turned around and left. At the same time, he whispered to Helen beside him: "Find someone to keep an eye on him. should be more careful yourself."

"I know." Helen's heart was filled with joy.

A better development than originally planned.

The original plan was to clear out the omnics here and have to rely on Liming Town's not-so-advanced transportation methods to slowly move them bit by bit. I didn't expect these omnics to be so cooperative, and now they have to pack and send them there themselves. degree.

That's an omnic!

It was originally regarded by humans as the third greatest disaster after demons and insects. Unexpectedly, it has now reached the point where it can be won through negotiation.

Regardless of whether the omnic is ultimately trustworthy or not, there is no problem in getting the benefits in hand.

After removing the little bit of intelligent core from low-level omnics, they have nothing to do with omnics at all.

"Do you think there's anything wrong with it?" Bai E, who turned around, used his spiritual power to send a message to Helen and asked.

When observing omnics, Helen's opinions also dominated.

"At present, there are not many doubts about its performance, but the possibility of omnic conspiracy cannot be ruled out. After all, it was just after it was about to fully take over human society that these omnics started the rebellion. Let's observe again, I will When learning the 'Power Source Shield' technology, try to get in touch with these first-generation omnics to see what their ideas are."

"Okay, you have to be careful when dealing with them." It was an idea he and Helen made together to possibly incorporate omnics into the human social system again.

"I'll go back and wait for you."

No matter how powerful Bai E is, he cannot fight against the world by himself.

Many things have to be done by someone. No matter how strong a person is, he cannot appear in every place and assume every position at the same time.

Just like if the current black street suffered a sudden and devastating attack, Bai E, who was currently in the omnic base, would not be able to rescue him in time.

No matter how fast you rush back, you will only get a ruined ruin.

But if an entire force becomes stronger, the results will be completely different.

Now, this entire opportunity to become powerful lies in Helen's hands.

Only by mass-producing the new armed system as much as possible and equipping it with as many trustworthy subordinates as possible can we complete the key step of seizing power with arms at the upcoming opportunity.

This is the step in the entire plan that can increase your confidence the most!

Seeing that terrifying human being's back gradually disappearing, the first-generation omnic lord who had always been suspended in mid-air seemed to finally relax his vigilance.

However, the next moment, she saw another scene that made her furious——

Right in front of her, the human flew out of thin air, without using any tools or running. He just took off on the spot in a light and graceful manner, and soared into the air gracefully.

And after determining the direction, he shuttled away like an arrow...

He can fly!

My only advantage is gone!


'Fortunately, I surrendered quickly! ’

"Humans, how terrible!"

‘Fortunately, I still saved the last bit of my foundation. ’

The great leader of will is gone, and we can only rely on ourselves in the future.

Feeling that she has a heavy burden on her to bear, she has to be cautious every step she takes to ensure that her tribe cannot be exterminated by her own hands.

Woohoo! Why are life so difficult?

I obviously just want to dig some mines here, build some clansmen, and see if one or two awakened omnics that can rise to the level of "first-generation omnics" can emerge from the quantitative selection, and add them to my first-generation omnics. In the family.

‘I just want to live my life! ’


The silver-white Omnic Eye suddenly flickered slightly, and under the faint sound of electricity, a line of writing flashed across the surface of the electronic eye of the first-generation Omnic Lord -

[Protocol One: Contact (Completed)]

Bai E flew an extremely long distance in one breath.

In order to give the first-generation omnic lord enough deterrence and let her know that it is useless to fly, Bai E specially showed off the new abilities he had gained after being promoted to the third level of psychic power——


The third stage of psychic energy requires breaking the world's blockade on the human body.

Being able to ‘lift yourself up’ is the biggest sign of this stage.

This was the information Bai E got from the psyker Pan Sen, but now, it has become his real ability.

From the moment he was promoted to the third level of psychic power, Bai E's world was no longer a simple two-dimensional plane.

You can go to heaven and earth.

This completely adds another dimension of choice, giving Bai E an entire order of magnitude more extra choices in his future actions.

In fact, the ability to skyrocket is more than that.

[Feedback from the commission, your physical energy +2.9, reflection +2.7, and insight +1.8. 】

Several days have passed since Bai E met the reborn Kuang Xin.

Dai Lian has completed the injection of genetic optimization fluid and has become the first pioneer among players to undergo genetic optimization; after rebirth, Kuang Xin and Gong Yan are also rapidly leveling up under the leadership of Gu Lan; Xu Ruoguang is also in order to complete The injection requires absolute hard work to increase the attributes, especially Kuang Xin and Gong Yan after rebirth. The attribute increase feedback they can bring to Bai E is terrifying beyond measure.

Thanks to the players' power training, Bai'e's attributes have rapidly increased to the level of physical stamina 22.3/24, insight 18.6/24, and reflex 20.7/24.

As long as the player can work harder, Bai E will be qualified for the second injection of genetic optimization fluid.

At his current status, the only limitation that can restrict him from genetic optimization is the improvement of his own strength, and there is no longer the limitation of resources in the past.

The surge in attributes has also greatly improved Bai E's actual combat effectiveness. Perhaps each point of improvement in these basic attributes is only 10% stronger than the previous point.

But no matter how weak the enhancement is, it is still the foundation of the foundation. With the increase of Bai E's skills, the slightest enhancement of the basic attributes will make a world of difference in the strength he can finally display.

Now, the only thing he needs to do is to train and arm his own soldiers to the teeth as much as possible before that "opportunity" arrives.

If possible, completing the second genetic optimization before then would give him a little more certainty.

In the not-so-distant Gray Iron City, a transformation warrior returned from a long journey.

"Doctor, we detected that people from that town moved out in large numbers in the direction of the omnic base!"

After all, it is a large-scale operation. As long as you are careful, it is difficult not to notice the strange behavior of the residents of the town.

"Omnic base?" The tall old man narrowed his eyes and flashed a sharp light.

The omnic base is not a place that ordinary people dare to go.

It wasn't that kid's order. The rebels in that town alone wouldn't dare to provoke those powerful omnics. you already have enough confidence to fight against the Omnic Lord? (End of chapter)

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