Wow! The explosion rate is really high

Chapter 563 Agreement 2: Trust

The black exoskeleton weapon equipped with an exaggerated sword and hand cannon was of extraordinary weight at first glance, and the doctor did not find any power system to assist operations on this simple weapon system at a glance.

And how strong is the female warrior of Blackwater City who can control weapons of such weight?

There should be no transformation surgery like this in Blackwater City, and doctors who are proficient in human body transformation could not find any trace of transformation on the other party's body.

But the strong breath of life makes the other party exude strong attraction.

If a warrior like this undergoes her own surgical transformation, how powerful will her final achievement be?

In fact, the human body modification technology he studied has entered a stage of bottleneck.

The ten surgeries that I have developed so far are each more difficult than the last. Only a few can sustain the eighth surgeries, and none of the nine surgeries. Those who try to attack are either dead or disabled. As for the ten surgeries... let alone .

Only those who are uniquely gifted can accept all of their surgical transformations?

But technology shouldn’t be like this.

There should be no threshold for technology.

Maybe... there is something that needs to be improved in my own technical theory.

But purely from the perspective of surgery, the doctor has reached his limit.

Now, seeing a rose that could reach this level of strength without any surgery, he saw hope again.

Not everyone is a pervert like Bai E, and the doctor never expects people like Bai E to be able to mass produce.

But what about the female warrior in front of me? Is she rare enough in Blackwater City?

"How many such warriors are there in your area?"

The doctor leaned closer to Helen and asked softly.

"How much?" Helen knew Rose's extraordinary physique.

But right now, this doctor can't see at a glance the physique related to higher dimensions, that is... he is interested in the physical condition of the rose itself?

if it is like this……

"Maybe there are hundreds." Helen was not familiar with the specific situation of soldiers in the military region, and could only see first-hand data during occasional centralized censuses.

There were even more military camps in the past, but the last expedition to the insect nest resulted in heavy casualties. Being able to survive had little to do with being an elite. Elite warriors like Rose naturally suffered a lot.

They were all warriors who had used genetic optimization fluid, and Rose's previously tested attributes were not much higher than those of other warriors.

Under Bai E's fault-like crushing, Rose was at most the second person in the military camp, but she was not on the same level as the people below.

Strong, but only strong.

If the discussion was about the entire level, Helen felt that her number of hundreds was fairly reliable.

"Hundreds of them..." The doctor's eyes flashed with anticipation.

But there was no sound for a moment.

Bai E seems to be biased against the technology of human body modification. If you want to take someone from him, you may have to have a reason that the other party can accept.

Then you have to keep in touch and observe more...

Helen answered the doctor's words, turned to Rose and said, "Please cover it up again, we need more data."

"Okay." Rose was not dissatisfied at all.

On the contrary, she quite enjoyed this extreme challenge to her abilities, as long as she was given enough time to rest and recover.

Group after group of opponents with enough pressure are the steps for her to constantly break through her limits.

Group after group of omnic warriors besieged the single figure one after another. After a short time, all the roses were drained and they returned to the side panting again.

Looking at the newly released data, Helen nodded secretly, "The performance is a little better than before."

But this is not the fault of weapons, but of people.

Rose's own attributes grew rapidly in this extreme battle, and her adaptability to the entire weapon system also improved rapidly.

But for all those who study technology, technology has never been exclusive to some talented people.

Her research and design must be done to allow ordinary warriors who are far less powerful than Rose to be able to exert the power of this weapon system.

"Is there any trouble now?" the doctor asked proactively.

They all study technology, so they naturally share a common language.

"Yes." Helen nodded, "Actually, adding an auxiliary action system to this armed system is not completely without ideas."

Whether it is a mechanical court or a mecha used in a military camp, it essentially relies on mechanical power to move.

Helen also has this kind of design experience. Although it is difficult to shrink it to a size slightly larger than the human body, it is not that difficult.

Through constant attempts, she also gained a little confidence.

Now, what is more troublesome is actually people.

Since we want to build a truly powerful set of weapons, all designs must of course go to the extreme.

The mechas in the Mechanical Court and the Military Camp are bulky because of their large size.

But fortunately, the problem of defensive performance can be solved to a certain extent by stacking materials.

As for small humanoid mechas, how can they solve the defense problem by stacking materials.

Although there is a "power source shield" technology provided by omnics, this shield that is difficult to break must be controlled by humans, right?

Therefore, the new armed system cannot be bulky.

The speed must be fast, whether it is linear speed or action speed.

Speed ​​is actually not difficult. When the road conditions are good, the motorcycles, mechas, and off-road vehicles made by humans can drive at speeds of two to three hundred kilometers per hour.

So the question becomes, at such a high speed, what kind of human body can withstand such frequent movements at such a high speed?

People in mechas and off-road vehicles can withstand such speeds because there is no absolutely hard connection between the driver and the entire mechanical body.

Even if the mecha's legs are broken or its head is lost, it will not affect the life status of the pilot inside.

Even if the off-road vehicle is hit, the airbag and seat belt will protect it from death.

But the warriors in this new type of humanoid weapon...cannot accurately control every part of this new type of weapon and exert its full capabilities without having a comprehensive hard connection with the entire body.

The delay in command transmission on a large mecha is absolutely not allowed on this kind of individual weapon.

But hard connections are maintained in all directions, and all injuries suffered by the new weapons, including the pressure on the body during high-speed disguised transitions, will be truly fed back to the warriors inside.

Theoretically, except for Bai E, Helen has not found anyone who can have such a body.

But again, technology cannot just become one person’s technology.

If you want to popularize this armed system to all soldiers...or most elite soldiers, this is a problem that has to be solved.

"Currently, even roses cannot pass our limit test." Helen bit her lip as she spoke, "Or we can lower the design limit, but once that happens, the upper limit of this weapon system will be greatly reduced. The predicted actual combat capabilities will directly drop by several levels.”

"Is this so?" The doctor knew Helen's concerns and had a bold idea in his mind, "Maybe we can let our people try it?"

Facing Helen's slightly puzzled eyes, the doctor smiled and explained: "The surgery I performed on them has already optimized many shortcomings of the body."

For example, the transformation of neural nodes not only allows them to maintain energy without sleeping, but also allows them to rotate at high speed without losing their balance due to dizziness.

The transformation of the heart, lungs, muscles, and blood also makes their warriors extremely capable of resisting external shocks, and even without fear of pain.

The most important thing is... his warriors can be mass-produced!

Humanity’s biggest requirement for technology is mass production!

No matter how strong a person is, he cannot take care of the whole world.

Bai E can lead everyone to conquer the world, but he must have basic technology to defend the world for him.

As long as your transformation technology can adapt to the other party's new needs, then your requirements may not be so difficult for him to accept.

Kill two birds with one stone!

The doctor's eyes were shining with excitement, and he stared at Helen eagerly, "I can send people to cooperate with your research, no matter how hard it is, they are not afraid of death!"

After seven or eight surgeries, it may be difficult for a transformed human being to even want to die.

In a head-on fight, they may not all be Rose's opponents.

But when it comes to adaptability and resistance to the environment, Rose Patting, which is still suffering from the flaws of the human body, cannot catch up with them in transforming people.

"..." Helen looked at the doctor who also looked enthusiastic, and she understood and recognized the other person's enthusiasm for technology itself.

Then he looked at the taciturn black raincoats who were always following the doctor, and finally nodded sharply and said: "Okay! You might as well give it a try!"

With that said, he and the doctor strode towards the interior of the omnic base.

Although the things produced by the various production lines of omnics are very different from those used by humans, when these omnics are willing to take the initiative to modify them, under the command of Helen, a workshop trying to create a new concept of weapons takes less than an hour It is already ready for use.

Helen, who has been here for two days, has completely fallen in love with the convenience of omni-technical technology.

Perhaps her roots are still in Liming Town, but if she wants to conduct a new experiment, the omnic base may be more convenient than the research institute headquarters in the city.

The silver-white first-generation Omnic Lord, who was quietly watching the two human scientists working together to create a new item, nodded slightly, feeling that these humans seemed to have really let go of their wariness about their omnics.

Finally, I no longer have to worry about being chopped off by that terrifying human with a knife...


The first-generation omnic lord breathed a deep sigh of relief.

The electronic eye of white light flashed again, and under the faint sound of electricity, a line of writing flashed again on the surface of the electronic eye of the first-generation omnic lord -

[Protocol 2: Trust (Completed)]

But creating a brand new concept weapon is not as easy as kneading dough, nor can the production process be completed in a day or two.

Mechanical armament in terms of weapon systems is not the doctor's strong point, so there is little point in staying here.

Helen asked thoughtfully, "If you want to find Bai E, you can go to the small town to find him. If he is not there, then go back to Blackwater City. Now the city has strict control over him, and he is actually not good at growing up. Time disappears in the military camp.”

"Yes." The doctor nodded. He indeed had something to discuss with Bai E. "Then I will leave you with a hundred people. After your new armed system is built, you can always ask them to conduct experiments. I will work with them. I've said it before. They will all obey your orders completely until I come back."

"Thank you." Helen was also polite.

They are all scientific researchers, and their respect for technology is their recognition of each other.

Bai E is teaching Dai Lian, who has completed a breakthrough, more advanced specialization abilities.

The new students Kuang Xin and Gong Yan are leveling up like crazy, and Dai Lian, the first and only player among the players to break through the genetic limit, has also opened up a subsequent growth path for everyone.

If any specialization wants to break through to level 7 after being promoted to level 6, it must increase the two basic attributes required by this specialization to more than 15 points.

Before obtaining the genetic optimization fluid, the main specialization abilities used by everyone in their small group of players had all reached level 6.

But when the attributes exceeded 15 points, Dai Liancai sadly discovered that it was difficult to continue to make breakthroughs in subsequent specialization abilities based on his own growth.

If you want to make a breakthrough, you must learn more advanced specialized knowledge.

No wonder adults have already added level 7 to 8 specialized teaching on the fourth floor of the power store.

"Sir, I want to learn level 7 light firearms specialization!"

After learning the extraordinary archery skills from the adults, archery became Dai Lian's explosive method.

But except for the burst of arrows, in daily use, archery is actually not as convenient as firearms.

Therefore, after Dai Lian decided to enter a new stage, he still stayed true to his original intention and saw if the new stage of light firearms specialization could bring him more comprehensive abilities.

Bai E will not disappoint the players who have been following him.

My own light firearm has been rarely used since it was upgraded to level 5 (409/3500) after a long period of feedback.

Now that players need to learn, Bai'er simply adds points.

[Payment: 8591 combat experience points. 】

[Have learned "Level 7 Light Firearms Specialization" and simultaneously obtained 2 latent repair points. 】(superimposed)

[Light Firearms Specialization (Level 7): Shooting accuracy +35%, critical hit +7%, arc strike (special) +20%, quick reload (special) +4, overload mode (special) +4. 】

[It is detected that the character currently has light firearms specialization (level 7). According to the character's current mastery of all tactical characteristics, the second-level advanced skill tree (random pool) is unlocked: absolute mastery (can be unlocked repeatedly), time barrage. 】

[Current unlocking requirements: general/combat experience*10,000 (the cost is doubled for each additional skill of the same level unlocked), latent repair points*4 (fixed). 】(End of this chapter)

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