Wow! The explosion rate is really high

Chapter 564 Unification of the Empire?

[The "teaching" is over. Through the feedback of the "teaching", you have gained a total of 2000 combat experience points. 】

The so-called master leads the door, and cultivation depends on the individual.

More advanced specializations are more like certain skills for players, and the main thing to learn is a cultivation qualification.

[Through the demonstration and observation of masters in this way, you have successfully mastered the training tips of more advanced specialization abilities. Light Firearms Specialization experience +1000. From now on, you can continue to upgrade the Light Firearms Specialization level through normal "practice" methods until level 10. 】

The moment he received the prompt, Dai Lian finally breathed a sigh of relief.

If you don't stop, your experience won't be enough.

Who knew this thing would have a card level when it reaches a high level?

"Work hard." Bai E looked at him with a smile in his eyes, "Improve your strength as much as possible in the near future. Next, there will be more important tasks that may be assigned to you."

If his plan to seize power in the city is really successful, he will have to replace people he can trust in many key positions.

Although the players are not very reliable, these few players who have been following him can be regarded as knowing everything.

The planned special legion may also be put on the agenda.

When Dai Lian heard that there was a more important task, his face turned red, and he subconsciously saluted on the spot, "Understood! Sir!"

"If you have nothing to do, just go and get busy." Bai E waved his hand and watched Dai Lian go away.

Not long after leaving, Bai E received a request from the head of the town's security team: "Sir, there is a man who claims to be a doctor from Gray Iron City who wants to see you, but we stopped him outside the town. He brought There are at least two hundred strange guys in black, would you like to see them?"

'PhD? ’

Why did he come to me?

Come for Nova?

With a thought in his mind, Bai E agreed to ask for instructions: "I'll go there right away."

Outside the town's roadblock, a tall old man waited patiently with the sun above his head.

Just looking at the completely metal-mechanized town in front of me, I couldn't help but be a little amazed.

The changes here...are too great.

Ever since he knew that Nova was related to Baie, and Baie was related to this town, his people had been secretly observing the town from a distance.

He had also seen the photos taken when the town was first desolate.

And has turned into such a completely industrialized mechanical city!

Of course he knew that the residents of this town were basically rebels who had escaped from his gray iron city, but did those rebels have this ability?


With such ability, can they still be suppressed to the bottom in Gray Iron City? Will he even get expelled from the city?

It was the kid who kidnapped Nova who completed the construction from scratch!

This level of transformation would be difficult to achieve in a short period of time even if he gathered the power of the entire Gray Iron City.

Based on this comparison, could that boy's ability alone be comparable to their entire Gray Iron City?


"If I had known that omnics were so easy to bully, would I have been able to wait for him?" A team leader wearing a black raincoat not far from the doctor said with some jealousy.

"..." The doctor glanced at him, "Did the transformation also damage your brain?"

If omnics were really so easy to bully, the world would have been wiped clean of them long ago.

"He's here." Another modified person wearing a black raincoat discovered the target walking out of the town earlier.

Most of them already knew Bai E's appearance and information by heart.

"Yes." The doctor responded softly, quietly waiting for the other party's arrival.

Seeing the gray-haired old man from a distance, Bai E quickened his pace again and quickly came to the other person. He asked with confusion, "Come here, what's the matter?"

For Nova? That wouldn't be such a big battle.

As for the rest? There seems to be no overlap between the two parties.

Even if I couldn't bear to see the other party's inner-city style, I was still too far away to have the qualifications and ability to intervene.

"Let's find a quiet place and let's talk alone." The doctor looked around and suggested to Bai E.


After the doctor ordered the cybernetic warriors in black raincoats to stay put, he followed Bai E to a secluded room in the town.

This is a house built specifically for Bai E by the residents of the town, just to prevent him from having a place to stay when Bai E arrives. Although it is usually idle, it is always kept clean and fully furnished.

"Can we talk?" After sitting down, Bai E asked calmly.

"Has the messenger from the imperial capital come to your Blackwater City?" The doctor got straight to the point and stated his purpose.

Although I had the intention of supporting Bai E when I came out this time, I also had the intention of temporarily avoiding the questioning of the messengers from the imperial capital, and first inquire about the meaning of Blackwater City from Bai E before making a decision.

In his opinion, no matter what Bai E's background and status were before, his strength has been exposed many times now. As long as the people in Blackwater City are not stupid, he will definitely be in a high position now.

It makes sense that people in high positions would be able to hear more confidential information.

I am looking for Bai E because I want to know what is Blackwater City's response to the letter from the Imperial Capital?

The two cities are relatively close to each other, so they may be able to advance and retreat together on certain matters, thereby increasing their right to speak and not being overwhelmed by the general trend.

Especially when Bai E's voice in Blackwater City becomes stronger, the bond between the two cities becomes deeper.

However, Bai E was stunned when he heard the doctor's question. He did not expect to hear this unfamiliar word, "Messenger of the Imperial Capital?"

There was no need for Bai E to hide anything like this. Seeing Bai E's expression, the doctor was immediately disappointed, "It seems you don't know...or maybe the messenger just happened to set off at a different time than you did?"

After all, comparing the time when Bai E took people to the omnic base and the time when the Imperial Capital's messenger arrived at his Gray Iron City, they seemed to be just the same time apart.

Bai E frowned slightly and asked proactively: "What news did the messenger from the Imperial Capital bring?"

The doctor didn't show off, he just stared and sighed softly: "Unification."

Although all the cities today still claim to be "empires" on the surface, the empire as a whole has long existed in name only. Each city is divided and autonomous, and each sweeps away the snow in front of its own house.

Urban life in cities where there are natural disasters such as insect nests, orc plantations, or large omnic bases near the city is naturally difficult. They must either be exterminated and relocated, or, like the early Blackwater City, support themselves with painstaking efforts in order to fight back.

A city with no natural disasters nearby is naturally peaceful, but in this world, it is not that peaceful.

When there is not enough pressure from the outside, it is difficult to be monolithic inside.

Not to mention that the distance from the three major natural disasters is only relative.

The wild is never safe, and cities far away may not be safe.

The development of each city is different. Among them... the "Imperial Capital", which has inherited the most gifts from the golden age, is naturally the strongest among these cities struggling in this troubled world.

But now... this most powerful city actually intends to unify mankind again and create another super empire.

"Is the condition allowed?" Bai E frowned.

Empires were broken up due to internal and external troubles, not natural divisions.

It is because the wilderness is too dangerous that airplane flights and wilderness railways are gradually abandoned due to high loss rates.

Coupled with the seal of network technology, cities cannot exchange information in a timely manner and gradually fall into isolation.

Due to various reasons, the empire that is now in name only was finally formed.

No one mentioned the word "schism."

But it is true that there is not deep communication between each city, and each city plays its own role.

At present, if the imperial capital wants to restore the prosperous age of great unity, the first thing it must face is the inherent difficult factors that caused the past empires to split and die invisibly.

"No one knows, but they want to try." The doctor said in a deep voice: "Most cities now know about your killing of the electronic demon. The restart of network technology is under construction. I believe it will be done soon. Once we can see the results, communication won't be a big problem. The only things we have to face are the disasters in the wild."

"As for those disasters... what the Imperial Capital means is to call on neighboring cities to cooperate sincerely in the name of the Empire, integrate all available forces, and remove all troublesome factors that hinder our development! Especially those cities that are far away from the source of natural disasters, there is no External enemies, the power of these cities is also exhausted in the constant internal fighting. Rather than doing this, it is better to vent their energy on external enemies.

As for the cities that have been supporting the source of the natural disaster until now, they are actually not much weaker than the source of the natural disaster. If there is the help of friendly forces of equal power, even if it costs a heavy price, it should be possible to remove those sources of danger.

When necessary, the Imperial City will even send strong men and even the army to help, striving to clear out a vast world where humans can survive safely.

The most important thing is that the social form of autonomous cities has been explored to its limit. The greatness of one or two cities cannot, after all, change the destiny of mankind as a whole. The imperial capital has reached the end of its urban form. If you don't advance at this juncture, you will retreat! If human beings are not unified, they will only slowly die out in time. "

This was the message given to him by the messenger, and it is said that it was also the meaning of the gentleman in the imperial capital.

The time has come to reverse the destiny of mankind!

"Then what are you worried about?" Bai E looked at the doctor.

It sounds like a good intention. In addition to allowing those cities that have peace of mind to send troops to help sister cities, it should be good for most other cities.

But since the doctor has difficulty deciding, he must have his concerns.

The doctor sighed softly, his eyes misty, "I have lived since the empire was not completely destroyed until now, and I know very well the behavior of those people. Since there are those who are helpful, there will naturally be those who are abandoned. With the current situation of human beings, With power, it is difficult to clean up all the sources of natural disasters on the map. At most, we can only establish large so-called 'safe zones' in the area with the imperial capital as the core or in some important mining areas. In that case, we can barely return to the empire. glory, and can also gather the power of all cities in the 'safe zone' to achieve another take-off in development power.

But... that is only for cities within the 'safe zone'. If it is those cities outside the 'safe zone', will they have to give up their original cities because they are under the jurisdiction of the 'new empire'? , either be sucked by blood, or migrate.

Whether it was being sucked blood or being relocated, it was definitely not a good end for so many people in a city. No matter how bad the cities that still exist now are, most people can still live a life of tinkering with them. But once this plan is implemented, countless people will die on the road to unification!

And our Gray Iron City, including your Blackwater City, is not close to the imperial capital, and the surrounding minerals...are definitely not considered rich for the empire. If you join this plan, you will most likely be the one who gets the blood sucked. There are variables, but... I'm not sure. "

"What are the variables you are talking about?"

"You." The doctor stared at Bai E, "The core ruins of the root server are currently in your hands, and the electronic demon will also die in your hands. If there is really any reason why we should not despise the empire, then It can only be the root server. But the root server is different from things like mineral veins. It only requires regular maintenance by internal personnel and the ability to self-protect that small area, and does not require frequent material exchange with the outside world. So the new life It is also unknown whether the empire will encircle a large 'safe zone' around this server base, which actually does not require much safe space."

Bai E groaned after hearing the words.

The doctor's considerations naturally have their own reasons.

But the imperial capital's plan also considers the future of mankind.

Each city is independent, which is definitely not good for the future of mankind.

The size of cities limits human production capabilities.

Since ancient times, everything has been more efficient through division of labor and cooperation.

If there is no communication between cities, each city must first meet the survival needs of so many people in the city, and then use the remaining resources to produce materials for external development.

But if cities can cooperate with each other and communicate with each other, then the people who produce the means of survival will produce the means of survival, the people who produce the war materials will produce the war materials, the mining will produce the mining, and the precision work will be the precision work.

Only in this way can the overall productivity level be improved and the great renaissance of human civilization be completed.

If Bai E were placed in the imperial capital, he might also want to implement this plan.

But for many cities far away from the core, such as the current Blackwater City and Gray Iron City, the impact of this plan on the city may be difficult to accept. (End of chapter)

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