Wow! The explosion rate is really high

Chapter 583 Let’s go! Toward the stars!

[The main mission—Absolute Domination, has ended. 】

[Absolute Dominance (Postscript): As you grow up, you have seen many scenery that you have never experienced before, and made many friends that can last a lifetime. You have initially stood on a corner of the world stage, but the world is not yours. Still huge. After completing a long-prepared plan, new options appear in front of you. All the relationships you have known since your birth are gathered on this planet, but the pursuit curse from the Overlord when you destroy the insect nest also makes you worry about the fate of this planet.

Should we continue to stay on this planet and work hard to build defense measures and wait for the arrival of a new batch of Zerg? Or go to the unknown galaxy of the universe, explore a new world, and at the same time guide the pursuit trajectory from the Zerg to the larger universe? 】

Lines of light blue subtitles intertwined before my eyes, and two options that were either/or finally emerged before my eyes——

Explore the universe√×

Development Planet√×

Faced with the two choices before him, Bai E subconsciously clicked on the light blue subtitles with his mind, wanting to see their subsequent development requirements...

Develop the planet: Clear at least 90% of the threats on the planet, and at the same time build enough near-earth and space defenses to face the possible upcoming Zerg fleet.

Explore the universe: Leave the planet, fly into the universe, and explore the truth about the world...

I originally thought that I would have to go to the Star Sea next, but I didn’t expect that the main mission would give me a second option.

Among the two choices given, the development route of staying on the planet is clear at a glance. Bai E can even see himself leading troops to go out one by one to eradicate the insect nests that threaten human life. The future of orcs, omnics and other disaster creatures.

But this future is too boring and too rigid.

Cleaning up threats is something that must be done, but building a defense system... what does it have to do with yourself?

That is what talents in the field of science and technology have to do. Although he can master some technologies, he has no interest in it.

Instead, it is the choice to explore the universe... Although it is only a brief introduction with a few words, it is enough to arouse people's long-term vision.

A real man should venture into the universe!

Clicking on the selection request was just to satisfy curiosity, and the desire to explore the universe had never disappeared from Bai E's heart.

Bai E's consciousness clicked hard on the "√" after "Exploring the Universe", so the new choice once again guided a new future——

[You have a clear understanding of your future development pursuit, and the main mission - departure has been activated. 】

[Departure: You already have a certain amount of capital to open up the universe. From now on, build your own space starship and head towards the unknown starry sky! Mission requirement: Understand basic information about the entire universe. Mission reward: Psychic level +1. 】

Everything that happens in consciousness appears to the outside world to be just a breathing space.

The representatives of various forces in front of Bai E are still waiting for his next move.

Looking at the eager and expectant eyes in front of him, Bai E whispered to the temporary leader of the Storm Chapter in the communication: "Stone, that's enough. Order all soldiers to retreat. There have been enough actions tonight."

Regarding the current layout of the city, Bai E certainly has his own thoughts on reforming it.

But these changes will take time to be carried out in a subtle way, and it is impossible to make drastic reforms on this night when a lot of blood has been shed.

After a night passed, when they woke up from a sleepless nightmare, those residents in the middle and lower city areas who had not participated in the riot heard the alarm bell of the security team patrolling outside, and then carefully walked out of their homes.

The avenue of steel is full of potholes, and some of the structures that serve as load-bearing pillars have even undergone certain deformations.

Over time, these structures will develop problems, and maintenance and care is the next topic.

Countless soldiers in military uniforms appeared in every corner of the city, cleaning up the corpses destroyed in the war one after another...whether they were members of the security team or war gang members.

The convoy that collected the corpses had already carried away many corpses, but the obvious smell of gunpowder smoke and bloody rust still lingered in the air.

For some people, last night's turmoil was the last carnival in their lives.

But for the city, what is left is more than pain.

Of doesn't have to be all pain.

Leaving aside those members of the security team who sacrificed their lives heroically, the turbulent war gang members with chaotic blood flowing in their bones were almost all killed and injured last night, which is actually a good thing for the city.

Removing those chaotic elements will undoubtedly cut off the rotten flesh from the human body. Only in this way, the remaining people can move forward more easily and lightly.

The fact that the city's officials won the final victory was not surprising at all to these residents. As long as they could survive until dawn, the current outcome was inevitable.

For these residents, what is even more surprising is the news announced repeatedly on the city radio——

"The former city lord unfortunately died in the turmoil last night. The current city lord's position is taken by General Bai'e. I believe that under the leadership of City Lord Bai'e, our city will be even better!"

"General Baie?" Many residents are not familiar with this name.

But what does it matter?

There are so many unfamiliar names among the upper-class masters, and they don't care who is in charge.

Anyway, everyone is the same, their lives... just like that.

To say that the soldiers in the military region must be reliable.

The insect nests in the Black Rock area were eradicated for humans, so that the surrounding area of ​​Blackwater City was completely free of this deadly threat, allowing everyone to go to the ground again.

Wait... Could this General Bai E be the real hero in the military region who led this operation to exterminate the insect nest?

Otherwise, why would he be chosen to come on stage?

After all, after the previous city lord was unfortunately killed, rumors spread in the city that when the whole city celebrated that day, the so-called Marshal Weslin was actually just a clown who stole military exploits after the war.

If it were him...

"It still has nothing to do with us."

"When the explorers in front confirm that there are no threats outside the city, we will move out later."

Many people have this plan in mind.

Although it is possible to obtain huge profits without pioneers, it is still much better than huddled underground in this city and breathing the moldy air, and it is also safer.

However, no one realizes how much of a change this new city lord can bring to their lives... (End of Chapter)

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