Wow! The explosion rate is really high

Chapter 584: Three things to do when taking office

This was the morning after the bloody night.

In the city council hall, Bai E looked at all the summoned representatives of various forces and slowly announced several policies that he had already decided——

"First, provide a free basic physical examination for all Heishui City residents, and provide basic drugs on a large scale. Set up a public welfare medical location in each region to provide free medical treatment to Heishui City residents in need."

This point is undisputed. Although many representatives of the forces who heard the news had doubts, they considered that this was Bai E's first decision after becoming the city lord.

The new official took office to provide some benefits to the residents of Blackwater City, which can be regarded as a strategy to win people's hearts.

Although the price is a bit high, the Lord of Baie City has already said so. If his first decision is still questioned on the spot, it will be somewhat embarrassing in terms of face.

As a result, those representatives of the forces with doubtful faces were speechless and tacitly approved of the issuance of Bai E's decree.

Of course, Bai E didn't mean to wait for anyone's opinion, he just continued talking on his own.

"Second, from now on, a key physical test will be conducted for all residents under the age of 18 in the city. This test only needs to detect specific indicators, requires high investment in resources, and only needs to be done once for each individual. From now on, every time a newborn is born , they will also need to undergo a key physical fitness test. For each individual who meets the key physical fitness test, the city will provide them with certain growth resources to prepare for the city's talent reserve. The proportion of such special talents will not exceed one in a thousand, so the actual investment will not be too high to be accepted by the city. The specific details will be contacted by the doctor and the financial department after the meeting.”

This is a policy that the doctor has implemented in his own city. The indicators considered for some surgeries can be seen from the moment the baby is born. He will devote resources to cultivating such children, and will force them to undergo surgical modification when they are 12 years old.

Of course, Blackwater City will not force transformation, but investing in individuals with such potential in advance, even without surgical transformation, can allow them to undergo physical training in advance and transform themselves into other talents.

The doctor is very experienced in this kind of thing, so asking him to contact the financial department is undoubtedly the best choice.

Like the first decree, the second decree is obviously intended to win people's hearts.

The astute nobles could tell at a glance that these so-called special talents were all absolute private soldiers recruited by Bai E for himself.

Of course, Bai E, who was the instigator of what happened to the previous city lord, would not allow it to happen to him a second time.

Take control of the city's elite and consolidate your rule.

This is what every ruler will do, and there is nothing wrong with it.

The only thing that makes people curious is which doctor in the city is the "doctor" mentioned in Bai E's words.

It is not easy for this "doctor" to gain the trust of the Lord of Baie City so quickly...

Ignoring the changes in the minds of those representatives, Bai E continued to propose the third decree.

"Third, from now on, provide at least six years of compulsory education for all children in the city who reach the age of 6, and liberate some advanced knowledge blockades for all Blackwater City residents, including but not limited to the production and injection of genetically optimized fluids. Advanced physical training plans, computer information related technologies and human medicine and other related knowledge will be provided with more detailed information by Academician Helen of the Academy of Sciences after the meeting.”

"..." This moment touched the sensitive nerves of some people. Some people wanted to raise objections on the spot, but they were grabbed by their quick-eyed companions, who shook their heads wildly and told them to be silent.

If the first two decisions were made to win over the hearts and minds of the general public in Blackwater City and to establish their own individual prestige, then the third decision was undoubtedly made to weaken the monopoly of their aristocratic forces.

In the past, they relied on this advanced knowledge to gather a lot of wealth from ordinary people through war gangs, but the Lord of Baie City came to power and transferred the advantages that originally belonged to them to the entire city, which undoubtedly gave those ordinary people the possibility to become new nobles. .

This, of course, made many nobles find it difficult to accept.

Of course, the noble who stopped his companion from speaking was not because he supported the decision of Lord Baie, but because the blood of last night still seemed to be flashing before his eyes, and he did not dare to touch the real dragon's reverse scale at this time.

Isn't this a common method used by their nobles by not confronting them head-on and slowly changing the actual situation in the future?

The so-called politics means mutual compromise until a balanced situation is created that is acceptable to everyone.

The past city lord was like this, and the current city lord... no matter how powerful his personal power is, as long as he still needs them to do something, this kind of compromise is inevitable.

But not everyone is so cold-hearted. After all, some people can't help but stand up and question, "Lord City Lord, is this resolution a little too much?"

Bai E turned his head and looked in the direction of the speaker with an expressionless face, "What do you want to say?"

The man murmured for a moment, then mustered up the courage to argue, "The decentralization of those high-level knowledge will allow ordinary people to have the power to threaten stability. Once something goes wrong among them, the consequences...are unimaginable. For the sake of the stability of the city, Considering this, I suggest that this resolution needs careful discussion and review.”

"Then don't let them cause trouble." Bai E looked away indifferently, "Whether there are beggars in a city does not depend on the beggars themselves. If you don't have the confidence to govern the city, then let people with confidence come. I The order now is to announce, not discuss. From now on, I don’t want to hear any interruptions.”

"..." The man was so excited that he wanted to say something else.

But the companion sitting next to him was afraid of blood splattering on himself, so he frantically pulled him to sit down.

"Stop talking! Do you want to die?"

Hearing the whispered reminders from the people around him, the blood of the corpses last night made his heart feel cold.

Like a bucket of ice water being poured down on the head, reason returned to the high ground of the brain again.

‘What was I doing just now? ! ’

The man sat down and did not dare to say another word.

Bai E lowered his eyes and continued to issue his own decree.

"The last article... Gray Iron City will reach an offensive and defensive alliance agreement with our Blackwater City from today, and we will advance and retreat as one. If one side is attacked by foreign enemies, the other side will definitely launch an unconditional comprehensive counterattack. The two sides will carry out comprehensive cooperation from economics and trade to science and technology. Direction exchange, please be mentally prepared in advance.”

Although the doctor is talking about complete dependence, Bai E cannot treat him as a complete subordinate. Necessary equality and respect must be there.


"What the hell?!"

"Grey Iron City?"

"When did this happen?!"

Even though Bai E had said in advance that he didn't want to hear any more irrelevant interruptions, after the decree was issued, there was still an unstoppable buzz on the scene.

Reaching such a deep alliance with another city should be a major event for the whole city to participate in.

However, the Lord of Baie City has reached such a degree of alliance with other cities without making any noise, which shows that his status is actually equally impressive even in another city.

‘The Lord of Baie City is so awesome. ’

At this moment, there was only one thought echoing in the hearts of countless people.

["Lucky Blow" charge +50. 】

The parliament ended in a state of reluctance, shock and confusion.

The impact Bai'e brought to everyone was so severe that many people's brains could not even turn around.

It wasn't until Bai E left that the crowd of people gathered together in twos and threes in the venue that had not yet dispersed, discussing the one after another big news announced by Bai E today.

"The first two are fine, but the third one will cost us our lives?"

"But the first two are pretty cruel. I didn't expect that City Lord Bai, who was born as an android, could come up with such ideas?"

"Is there some expert guidance behind the scenes? I think Academician Helen from their scientific research institute is very close to City Master Bai. These academicians are all first-class smart people. Even if they are not engaged in technology, the city belongs to them. Location."

"More than that... I saw that Aglaia and City Master Bai from the Spiritual Tube Center were very close. I heard that City Master Bai had psychic potential at that time, but she concealed it and caught everyone off guard. ”

The speaker's eyes glanced at a figure standing alone in the corner, his eyes a little fearful.

Here they discuss how to fight against the new city lord rationally and gently, and how to be more careful about the "ghosts" who are friends with the new city lord.

However, an angry voice seemed particularly arrogant even in this group of muttering people, "What the hell! Which of these regulations is good? You really think that all the money in our Ministry of Finance comes from the strong wind, right?" ? Free physical examination, free treatment, free education... all free. Where does the money come from? If he wants money, I will give him money and empty out the entire city's inventory. I wonder what he will do with such a big hole. To solve it?”

In the city lord's mansion...

Helen and the doctor who worked together with Bai E also had doubts about this, "How can you fill such a big hole?"

"Yes, in terms of human resources, it's easy to say, but if you don't do anything tough, you have to do it. But the vacancy in resources is real. You want to have so many big actions at once, and we really want to fill this vacancy. It’s a bit troublesome.”

One has rich experience in ruling a city for a long time, and the other is familiar with his own city and probably knows some inside information.

The two of them stared at Bai E, waiting for him to give a reasonable solution.

Bai E rubbed his face, and a muffled voice came out, "I will take care of the resource issue."

Although he doesn't like to obtain resources in a certain way, for the current city, resources are the biggest constraint.

If you want a good future for your city, you need resources, and if you want to build a starship, you also need resources.

In the absence of external threats, although humans can make it safer to exploit wild resources, they are always limited by manpower and time.

Only his unique advantage is that he can ignore all problems and send resources from the sky unreasonably.

This kind of commitment is undoubtedly quite amazing, and both of them with extremely high IQs know how difficult it is.

But since Bai E said so, let’s believe it first.

"Okay, then I will hand over the list to them directly." Helen stood up.

"I will also go to negotiate with your Ministry of Finance. If you don't consider the resource hole, I think there won't be any big problems in the negotiations."

"Sorry to trouble you." Bai E thanked him softly.

After bidding farewell to the two of them, Bai E turned his head and looked at Kilolan, who had been waiting for him behind him.

"Have you done everything you said before?"

The "rumors" that revealed who was the real hero of the destruction of the insect nest in the Black Rock Area were the news sent by Kilolan's people.

Of course Bai E doesn't mind these false claims, but for the sake of resources, he must take this step.

When he was in the military camp, he had already felt the benefits of having a high reputation. He could get a lot of recharge points just by walking around and brushing his face.

What used to be just a military camp has now become an entire city.

If I don't use this opportunity to swipe some recharge points, I would be sorry for the golden finger I haven't used in a long time.

"It's all done." Kilolan stared at Bai E with a delighted smile on his lips, "Sir, we can set off at any time."

The Lord is finally willing to admit his unique excellence, which undoubtedly makes Kilolan couldn't be more excited.

The so-called rejuvenation of the country through science and technology is far inferior to a true belief in a specific goal.

People in this era do not lack technology, but lack a true faith that can lead them out of the abyss of confusion.

As the only true god walking in the world, you should have recognized and accepted this natural aura in yourself.

Even Murphy, who was following Kilolan, couldn't help but look at the true god he hated and loved with satisfaction.

No matter how pedantic his previous actions were, at least this time he finally got the idea.

Only a god who has the fanatical faith of its followers can fulfill its authority as a god.

"Let's go." Bai E sighed softly, unwilling to explain any more.

After all, this thing cannot be explained!


"The great hero is coming! The great hero is coming!"

"The great hero who destroyed the insect nest and quelled the turmoil is here!"

"He is our new city lord? He is so young and handsome..."

"Let me tell you! Can anyone take the position of city lord? Only a hero with both ability and political integrity can win everyone's support!"

"Have you heard about the decrees that the district management just announced? They were all promulgated just after our new city lord took office! Free physical examinations, medical care and education! If you are lucky enough to be selected, you can even become a key player in the city. Cultivated talents! This is something that our new city lord and those nobles decided after arguing for a long time!"

"Oh City Lord, I want to give you a monkey!"

Bai E waved and walked through the crowd with a smile on his face, his heart felt like stagnant water. (End of chapter)

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