Wow! The explosion rate is really high

Chapter 610 Disintegration!

As the starship kept moving forward, the sound of "clicking, clicking" came from every part of the ship's body, harassing every interstellar sailing member in the ship at all times.

Until he saw a visible crack on the metal workbench at hand, which was restored by the adaptive repair function of the alloy itself, Zhou Wenjie's eyes suddenly froze, and he thought of the first time he came to this world. It seems incredible, but the basic rules of the world that have been forgotten for a long time——

The sum of the squares of the two right-angled sides of a right triangle is equal to the hypotenuse raised to the power 2.023...

How come there are such strange numbers?

Not at all mathematically elegant.

He should be an integer!

He should be 2!

The universe should also be 2!

Zhou Wenjie went directly to the chief of the crew and asked for a piece of data that would not be displayed on the starship's monitoring system——

Curvature of space!

Yes, as the starship moves away from the original star, the curvature of space changes slightly.

The two people who realized this realized a fatal problem almost at the same time. They instantly looked back in the direction they came from. The starry sky there was dead and empty.

"Black hole!" Zhou Wenjie said this fact in a difficult tone.

Everyone agrees that the planet they are on is the most normal place in the universe.

However, I have never considered that my planet may be in a special star area.

There is a huge black hole in the direction of the original star. Its existence distorts the surrounding space-time, which causes the space close to the black hole to be greatly curved.

After gradually driving a certain distance away from the black hole, the curvature of the affected space gradually returns to the level of normal flat space-time.

However...the basic structure of their starship was built based on this wrong physical rule.

When the rules of physics gradually returned to normal, the starships they built using the wrong rules naturally began to disintegrate step by step from the most basic level.

When the curvature change is not that big, the starship can also rely on the self-healing properties of its own materials to resist this weak tear.

However, as the starship moves forward, the change in curvature gradually increases.

If they continue, before the starship reaches their destination, the self-repairing properties of the material will most likely be unable to withstand the increasing tearing, and will completely disintegrate in this boundless space in an instant!

"Quick!" The crew chief's eyes were scarlet and he immediately ordered on the internal voice channel, "Everyone, execute the return command immediately! Repeat it again! Everyone, execute the return command immediately!"

However... it's still a little late.

A long and narrow gap instantly appeared on the ship's hull.

The starship is really too big...

The cavity in the middle that accommodates the crew is the weakest part of the starship and uses the least materials. This is the first place that cannot withstand disintegration and tearing.

The unbalanced air pressure inside and outside instantly rolled out the unsuspecting crew members near the gap. The strengthened bodies would not be exposed to the explosion and hypothermia in the space environment immediately. The players who were rolled out even looked at them curiously and leisurely. changes around you.

Countless broken things were sucked out of the starship's cabin along with him, and other players along with him spewed out from the cracks like fountains.

This unprecedented magnificent landscape presents an astonishing sense of fragmented beauty. The lonely starship flying in the empty and vast space is the only place where everyone can enter.

But now, this ship, which carries so much life, is gradually falling apart in front of their eyes...

Players who felt this new experience even shouted "fuck" with some excitement. However, sound waves in a vacuum environment cannot propagate, and they can only be heard through bone conduction.

Just by mouthing, everyone can find other players who have been pulled out, and they are all very excited about it.

This plot is so exciting!

The next moment after the excitement, everyone realized whether the starship was attacked by some external force and damaged. However, looking around, they did not find any external existence except them.

What happened?

As the body floats in space with nowhere to rely on, the players' excited nerves gradually calm down.

They discovered a fatal problem——

How to go back?

Although their bodies have been strengthened through surgery and long-term self-improvement, they can withstand the damage caused by the space environment to the human body for a short period of time, but it does not mean that they can endure it forever!

If you lose a little blood every minute, that's just blood loss. Sooner or later, you'll lose all your blood.

And going seems to be useless, right?

Right in front of their eyes, the huge gap that threw them out of the starship cabin was visibly widening. The tearing trend was gradually increasing, and they were about to be completely split into two.

Can a starship that is split into two continue to run and protect everyone sailing in space? Probably not?

However, a scene that made people suddenly widen their eyes suddenly happened in front of everyone's eyes——

The trend of starships splitting has been stopped!

An invisible film was wrapped around the broken gap at some point. The air leaking out of the cabin, including any debris and players, was no longer brought out into the terrifying universe by the terrifying suction force from the air pressure difference. in a vacuum.

That's... a terrifying fluctuation from psychic energy!

Countless players who were lying on the fixed facilities in the cabin looked blankly at the transparent light curtain in front of them. It was this barrier that had no real existence that connected the two halves of the ship that were about to break, and sealed it. There is a leakage channel inside and outside the cabin.

And this incredibly powerful psychic master was standing in the main control room hall.

Seeing the scattered players floating outside, Bai E gently commanded: "Kuang Xin, take someone to rescue them."


As the voice responded, in an instant, more than a dozen Storm Armors with their own power systems were shot out from the launch bay of the starship. After rescuing the players scattered and floating freely in space one by one, the original ones had already cracked. Many ship hulls slowly began to close together under the influence of a huge force.


Under the heart-wrenching sound, the starship's cabin was tightly sealed again.

However, this is only an appearance. A ship hull that has been completely broken once can no longer achieve its original adaptive repair.

What's more, the curvature of space in the current area has not returned to the previous level. Adaptive repair can resist a certain degree of hull tearing, but now this degree of tearing has exceeded the adaptive range of the cabin material.

Bai E may not be able to take back this majestic spiritual energy for a long time.

"Send someone to repair the break, and at the same time continue to return as quickly as possible!"

Although he has reached the fourth level of spiritual energy during this long period of time, he can certainly do many things that are incredible to ordinary people, but as his spiritual energy level increases, the total amount of spiritual energy that the virtual world can make up for him , no longer always give yourself endless confidence like in the past.

Faced with the upper limit of more than 30,000 spiritual energy points that he has reached the fourth level, the supplement of the virtual world has shown its decline - for example, the speed of energy replenishment can no longer keep up with his maximum consumption rate; for example, he can no longer keep up with his maximum consumption rate. When you first obtain it at the second-level level, you can completely recharge your exhausted spiritual energy dozens or hundreds of times.

Of course, fortunately, the speed of self-recovery after the fourth-level psychic power is not bad. Coupled with the supplement of the virtual world, Bai E is confident that he can maintain the intensity of his current output and bring the entire starship safely back to the original star.

"Yes! Captain!" The leader of the entire crew team, who is an aboriginal, replied seriously.

The starship suddenly experienced such a huge change, which was completely unexpected by him.

If it weren't for the reminder from the "son of the devil" called Xu Ruoguang who was blocked by the crew due to an unknown relationship, I am afraid that mankind, the first starship to explore the universe, would have encountered even more terrifying encounters.

At that time, you will be the sinner of the entire human race!

When he thought of this, the person in charge broke into cold sweat and couldn't help but feel fear in his heart.

The return of the starship could not be hidden from those keenly observant players, and when they realized this, their discussion almost exploded.

"What happened? Why did you run back?"

"We're not far from the target point, right. How long will it take to run back?"

"I'm tired of playing with these things on the ship. If I couldn't go to high-dimensional space to play with demons, I don't know how I would live my life..."

"Farewell, boss?"

After initially stabilizing the situation, the head of the crew team also came forward to explain to these "sons of the devil": "Please be patient. Due to some technical errors, the starship must now return to the planet to rest for a while."

"Do you really want to go back? Why don't you try rushing forward? Anyway, I think it's not much different..."

"Why don't you give us some of those small escape cabins so we can explore and play by ourselves?"

Judging from the seriousness of the aborigines, there must be more exciting plot lines in the universe waiting for them to develop. Now that they have finally reached the depths of the universe, is there any reason to go back?

Upon hearing this request from the player, Bai E's eyes flashed and he felt a little moved.

Yes, players are not afraid of death. They want to use their lives to open up a new world for themselves. How can they be rejected?

What's more, after they mastered the technology of artificial human manufacturing cabins, their players have basically backed up new bodies for themselves. Even if they die, they will no longer have to wait for three days to "re-establish an account" like they once did. time, but can be resurrected instantly.

Although the strength will start from the point where their customized artificial man has just left the cabin, it is like saving a file in advance at a high cost, but compared to the original, it is still a huge improvement.

Some people put the spare body on the original star, and some people put the spare body on the starship.

Now that their bodies want to go out and wander, if they are lucky, they may not be able to bring back some exact information for themselves.

But these players must be made aware of the dangers involved.

So Bai E replaced the person in charge, and his voice appeared in the broadcast of the whole ship, "Human beings should explore the unknown. This is our instinct. But there are indeed fatal loopholes in the current design of the starship. If you continue to move forward, you will inevitably face the fate of disintegration. The same principle applies to those small escape cabins. Because of their small structure, they may be able to last longer, but this does not mean that they can last longer. It's safe. Moving forward, those small escape cabins are also at risk of disintegration. If you still want to drive those escape cabins out and have a look... then come."



Are these words a big threat to players?

Not to mention that many players have personally tested it with their own bodies just now. Except for a few unlucky guys who directly hit sharp objects and then entered the space environment before being killed, they were exposed to the space environment for a short time. With their current situation, His physical fitness can fully sustain him for a period of time.

As long as something happens that opens up a new plot line before the small escape capsule completely disintegrates, or before your body completely dies after disintegration, isn't it okay?

Although this idea is not very reliable and sounds relatively abstract.

In such a vast universe, trying to find new things that may exist in the universe using a small escape capsule or your own body is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack.

But what does this mean to players?

‘How about giving it a try? ’

‘What if it works? ’

‘Isn’t it just death? ’

Similar thoughts can't stop making tempting sounds in the minds of many players.

So half of the escape capsules carried on the starship were sent out, replacing the starship itself, and continued towards the starship's original planned destination.

In the small escape capsule that can accommodate at least dozens of people, each player put on their own jet-powered backpack with excitement. This is the only way they can gain initiative in the universe after the escape capsule disintegrates. Mobility is a last resort.

If they don't find any turning point before the power pack runs out of fuel, then it's time to stop.

There are many players who are willing to try this seemingly all-or-nothing gamble with extremely low probability. Through the transparent portholes, everyone watches each other go away in sight... go away...

Then, one after another, fireworks exploded...

The starships bid farewell to those adventurous players and are on their way home.

Some players who had just said goodbye to everyone and then woke up from the android production cabin were full of annoyance, "I wish I had known better than to go!"

"Fuck! It exploded as soon as I walked out!"

"Ahaha, it's so fun~"

"Did everyone explode?"

"That's not true..." A familiar player looked at the soulless body sleeping peacefully in the sleep cabin of his former companion's spare body, with visible envy in his eyes, "Someone is still flying forward!"

"I really envy them..."

"I don't know how far I can fly?" (End of Chapter)

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