Wow! The explosion rate is really high

Chapter 611 The Cage of Curvature

Under circumstances that no one expected, the scarred starship returned to the planet headquarters again.

The sound of the huge starship landing instantly attracted the attention of almost everyone in the world.

After hearing the news, everyone on the planet was extremely surprised, "Why did you come back so soon?"

According to the plan, even if nothing is found at the destination, the return trip may take two years.

However, now, it seems that only a year has passed, and this familiar starship has returned again, and it even looks like this scarred one.

I don't know what kind of encounters they encountered during this trip.

After being away for more than a year, not much has changed on the planet.

For this starship, the entire planet can be said to have tightened its belt.

After the starship left, there was no obvious crisis visible on the planet. What they needed most was to recuperate.

Helen and others, who learned about the return of the starship through global monitoring methods, immediately felt the vast plain where the starship landed.

Seeing the miserable appearance of the ship, which was hot on the surface due to crossing the atmosphere, and even many damaged areas were covered in white gas, Helen looked at Bai E who calmly walked out of the opened starship door and asked curiously, "What happened on the way?" "

Bai E pointed behind him with a tired look, "They will tell you."

After that, he continued to walk forward, then his vision went dark, and he fell to the ground with a "pop".

Only a dark shadow instantly caught his body, preventing him from actually falling to the ground.

"What happened to him?" Helen looked worried.

In her memory, she had never seen Bai E showing such a level of exhaustion.

Could it be that they encountered some terrible enemy on their way?

Although he won with difficulty under the leadership of Bai E, he had to turn back?

Helen's mind instantly made up the complete "what happened".

However, Yueying, who caught Bai E's body, just shook his head, "It's okay."

She could feel the exhaustion of Bai E's will now. This kind of sign after excessive use of spiritual energy was not uncommon in her life.

"He just consumed too much spiritual energy and was temporarily exhausted. He will be fine after a period of training."

"Yes." Helen nodded, and then looked at the group of people disembarking from the boat behind Bai E. Her narrow and charming eyes were easily locked on the crew chief among the group, "What happened? ?”

The person in charge had a bitter look on his face, "We ignored one of the most important things...the curvature of space! After leaving the planet for a certain distance, the starship...disintegrated. It was only thanks to Mr. Bai E that he wrapped the starship with psychic energy all the way that we were safe. return."

"Curvature of space?" Helen frowned, her mind spinning rapidly.

Zhou Wenjie, who was following behind the person in charge, explained with excitement, "Our planet is likely to be within the influence of a massive black hole, so the curvature of our space here is very different from the curvature of normal flat space-time. Use our The starship built according to the rules here cannot travel normally throughout the universe. If we want to fly out again, we must redesign the starship!"

I don’t know why, but in Wenjie’s opinion, the scientific level in the game world may even be higher than that in the real world.

And now that they have encountered this problem, how should they solve this fatal problem?

Now that their spacecraft is destined to only operate within a certain area affected by the black hole, then this world... is really dark and boring.

Wenjie's simple explanation instantly made Helen realize the core problem.

Black holes distort space.

Within a large area of ​​cosmic space with the black hole to the own planet as a ring, the curvature of space remains almost the same. The starship they designed can freely travel within this ring space without worrying about the starship disintegrating from the inside.

But if you get closer to the black hole, the distortion of space will become more serious.

The further away from the black hole, the space will become closer to normal.

The mass of ordinary planets is not enough to cause such a large distortion in space.

Therefore, the world within the influence of a black hole...will never be able to explore the outside world?

Is this why their planet has never encountered other intelligent life since the Golden Age or even earlier?

The universe within the influence of black holes and the universe not affected by black holes have always been two distinct worlds.

Like the shore and the ocean...

Only alien monsters like Zerg and Orcs with ridiculously strong vitality can cross the barriers in the universe and come to the planet.

Helen squinted her eyes, her brain spinning rapidly.

The newly encountered topics instantly aroused all her passion. Facing challenges is always the lifelong destiny of scientific researchers like them.

"Is he okay?"

Looking at the face of the man lying on the bed who had been unconscious for several days, Yueying asked worriedly.

In her long life, she has indeed encountered many psychics who have experienced psychic exhaustion, and the time it takes for these people to return to normal does vary. It can take as little as half a day to wake up in one day, and as long as they can be comatose for ten days. There have been times like half a month or even a year and a half.

However...this is Bai E!

From beginning to end, he was like an unbeatable superman.

He has been in coma for two days now. Has he not woken up yet?

It is precisely because of this concern that everyone in Blackwater City, whose relationship with the elves has become increasingly sweet in the past two years, is willing to put Bai E here with the Elf Prophet.

After all, on this planet, apart from the unreasonable being Bai E, there are only the prophets of the elves who are known to have the highest level of spiritual cultivation.

If Bai E needs any spiritual help, she may be the only one who has this ability.

Feng Ling, who was painting quietly on the side, smiled and shook his head, "With a whole starship across a distance of hundreds of light years, if this level of consumption can't put him in this situation, I really I have to doubt the authenticity of this world..."

It’s not that there are no fourth-level psykers among humans and elves, but how can their fourth-level psykers compare to a terrifying monster like Bai E?

Now that I am in such a deep coma, it actually makes people feel a little more at ease.

At least... this guy is not the true form of the evil god that he has been pretending to be.

It’s just that Yueying is still uneasy. Will a being of Bai E’s level be more troublesome than ordinary people after suffering from spiritual energy exhaustion?

In the past cases, there are very few examples of psykers who have been depleted of spiritual energy and can recover their spiritual energy. Even if they do, it is difficult to return to the peak level in a short period of time.

If this kind of thing happened to Bai E...

"Don't worry..." Feeling Bai E's calm breath, Fengling shook his head and smiled, "This little blow is nothing to him."

It's like this guy's spiritual growth rate exceeds any historical records. It's probably not difficult to recover...

The only thing that needs to be considered at the that they can find a way out of this "cage"?

His eyelids flickered slightly and his breathing was slightly heavy.

Yueying and Feng Ling, who were also among the most powerful people on the planet, looked at the sleeping figure on the bed at the same time.

Soft light comes into view through the open gap.

The faint fragrance lingers on the bridge of the nose.

Bai E opened his eyes and saw two picturesque faces.

"Are you awake?" Feng Ling smiled softly.

"Yeah." Bai E slowly sat up and his thoughts returned to before he fell into coma.

Realizing that he had successfully brought the starship back to the planet and completed the handover in front of Helen, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"I've heard everything. Your action this time doesn't seem to be going well..." Feng Ling smiled softly, as if she had never been troubled by these obvious problems.

"Yeah." Bai E smiled bitterly and lowered his head, "I don't have enough technology... I don't know if Helen can solve it."

If we have to wait for the technological development on the planet to slowly overcome this problem, who knows how long it will take?

Or simply drive a mecha by yourself and go out into the universe... But at the speed of a single soldier, how many years will it take to fly across the distance traveled by the curvature spacecraft?

"It's okay~" Fengling smiled generously and gently at Bai E, "With your current accumulation, there is a way to solve this problem."

‘So sure? ’

Bai E's eyes lit up.

The words of the elven prophet would not be without purpose, and she would not need to say such words to comfort herself.

His face immediately lit up and he asked happily: "Is there really a way?"

"I don't know~" Fengling smiled mysteriously, "I can only see a vague 'answer', but I can't see the detailed process. You need to find the specific method on your own."

"..." Bai E was stunned, jumped up and ran straight outside.

Yueying hurriedly followed, "You just woke up, don't you want to take a rest?"

"Not interested."

The first step he took out of the universe was met with setbacks, and he couldn't find a solution. Bai E couldn't even sleep peacefully.

After hurriedly finding Helen, Bai E opened his mouth and asked, "Is there any way?"

Helen, who had been awake for two days and two nights, also looked a little pale and haggard on her delicate face. Facing Bai E's inquiry, Helen smiled wryly and shook her head, "Can't find it."

Couldn't find it at all.

"Based on your experience this time, adaptive repair metal can indeed resist to a certain extent the tearing of starships caused by rule changes. But the thirty-two-dollar alloy used on starships is already our top alloy. The material is gone, and even it can’t help you completely get out of the black hole’s influence. At our current level... we can’t see the possibility of getting out of this prison in the short term.”

"Isn't there any compromise solution? For example, our starship can be designed based on a median between the normal curvature environment and the curvature here? That might allow our starship to be at a limit. State to sail in flat space and time?”

"It's too idealistic..." Helen shook her head, "A slight difference is a thousand miles. In the field of astronomy, even if the accuracy is only 1% at the beginning, it will create a huge gap that cannot be bridged in the end. In our position , there is no way to produce a starship with a so-called median curvature, let alone even if it is successfully built, who knows if there will be any more different space distortions in the place you are about to go? If it disintegrates again, how will you come back?"

Distance is the coldest judgment on intelligent life in this universe.

They finally solved the problems of lifespan and speed, but the different curvatures between regions of the universe locked them in cages.

"Isn't there any feasible way?" Bai E asked reluctantly.

The prophets of the elves have said that with their current technology, there must be a solution. Isn't it just a lie?

"There is no way, but it is definitely not the way you want." Helen lowered her head, also a little frustrated, "I call it the 'Springboard Plan'. We can use the current limit of sailing distance, and within the range Search for habitable planets, and then use local materials on the planet to continue to build second-generation starships with local curvature. However, continue to search for habitable planets within the extreme sailing distance of the second-generation starships, and then build third-generation stars. Ship. By analogy, the entire universe is divided into 'star areas' divided by the curvature of space. At that time, our human footsteps can be spread to any corner of the universe..."

It can only be said to be a great expedition of mankind, rather than a short-term plan that can see results in their generation.

"..." Bai E pursed his lips, somewhat doubting whether the vague "result" the elf prophet saw was this kind of plan that sounded like it would take a long time.

Given the vague nature of their elven prophecies, this possibility is not impossible.

If this is the case, what does it have to do with myself?

The universe is not really so dark and cold that they can only be trapped in a "ring" of the universe, right?

"No! I don't believe it. There must be another way!"

Bai E's eyes narrowed, unwilling to admit defeat.

"Crossing space shouldn't be so difficult."

After all, based on the game promotional articles or pictures that you have seen and heard, the moment you step out of the universe is the moment when the player officially starts the game.

The name of "Galaxy OL" should at least not be just a big pie.



Space should not be such a sacred and insurmountable thing.

At a certain moment when lightning flashed by, a bright picture suddenly popped up in Bai'e's dark mind——

It radiates a twisted purple dark space, exuding a mysterious and dangerous deadly aura.

High dimensional space!

"High-dimensional space!" Bai E suddenly said.

"What?" Helen was stunned, obviously unaware of Bai E's plan.

"High-dimensional space!" Bai E's eyes were blazing, "Do you still remember how their elven envoys came to our Blackwater City?" (End of this chapter)

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