Wow! The explosion rate is really high

Chapter 612 The possibility of high-dimensional navigation

High-dimensional space can transcend space limitations in a short time, allowing travelers to go to any corner of the world.

This is exactly the psychic ability used by those elves when they first came to Blackwater City.

It is also an ability that can be achieved in the spiritual field. If the elves can do it, why can't humans do it?

Helen looked confused at first, but as her mind opened up, her eyes became brighter and brighter, "What you said is indeed possible!"

The limitations of space are actually not absolute in high-dimensional space.

Theoretically speaking, if you want to go somewhere in real space, it is like going from one point to another on a piece of white paper. The distance between the two planes on the paper is a huge gap that cannot be ignored.

However, for high-dimensional space, this unfolded white paper can actually be bent at will.

Fold the white paper in half, and the two points that were originally far apart on the plane will become points adjacent to each other.

By crossing the "gap" in high-dimensional space, you can easily go from one point in real space to another.

This is the conclusion of human beings' long-standing research on high-dimensional space, including those elves who have actually done similar things.

If it could be reproduced on a huge starship, perhaps they would truly have a way to cross distant spaces by relying on high-dimensional space.

"But even if this idea can be successful, we have only solved the problem of time, and the impact of space curvature... is still fatal. If our starship cannot adapt to any curvature, then the moment the starship returns to the real world, we will still be It will disintegrate directly.”

"It's a short tear, maybe I can persevere." Bai E frowned and put forward his own idea.

He brought the entire starship back from a distance of light years away. The long period of time in between left his spiritual energy in a state of being squeezed and exhausted for a long time.

But if you are only briefly entering and exiting high-dimensional space and the real world, you should be able to preserve the structure of the starship with your own level of psychic energy.

"This... is a way." Helen pinched her chin, "But the premise is that we have a stable method of traveling through high-dimensional space. Our current research in this area is not enough for us to carry out this level of exploration. "

"Someone has it!"

With this thought in mind, Bai E turned back again and returned to the Elf camp. He found the wind spirit who didn't seem to be surprised at all and said, "Maybe we can change the way of sailing!"

"For example?" Fengling asked calmly with a slight smile in his eyes.

"High-dimensional space!"

"You want to use our high-dimensional space travel method?"

"Yes." Bai E said bluntly, "This is the only short-term solution we can think of at the moment."

Feng Ling pondered slightly, "I don't know if this is the answer for you to finally leave the planet. If you really want to learn, I won't hide anything. There's just one thing I need to explain to you in advance."

"You say."

"You also know what kind of place high-dimensional space is. It is extremely dangerous to travel through it. And based on our current knowledge, if you want to enter high-dimensional space, you must first ensure that the subjects of the things you enter have Spiritual…”

Spirituality means wisdom.

When a person holds a knife, he is the subject, possesses psychic powers, and can enter high-dimensional space.

When a spaceship carries people, the spacecraft is the main body. Without spirituality, the spacecraft cannot enter high-dimensional space.

Either the entire manned starship was directly denied entry, or people got in...and the starship was still outside.

No matter what the outcome is, it is a development that humans cannot accept.

"If it is a small team of personnel traveling through time, I can do it with my own abilities; but if you want to explore the universe with the specifications of this past star exploration, it will be difficult to complete this process with human power. "No one can give a spiritual definition to a huge starship."

Bai E can use psychic energy to wrap the torn parts of the starship to protect the starship from returning, but that doesn't mean he can use his psychic energy to disguise the "true face" of the starship in front of high-dimensional space.

Therefore, if you want to carry out large-scale navigation and exploration, you must first solve the problem of the "spirituality" of the starship.

"..." Bai E frowned slightly, "Spirituality."

Spirituality is a very metaphysical term.

But in this fucking world, it's not really an abstract word.

For example, let a starship give birth to a ship-girl machine soul?

Maybe it would satisfy the definition of “spirituality.”

But this kind of thing is hard to come by, and the mecha he controls has always been just a "pseudo machine soul".

He could indeed feel the mecha's enthusiastic response to his control, but it was still far from the definition of "machine soul" in their mouths.

Even a mecha that I have been with for the longest time cannot give birth to a machine soul. How can I quickly make a starship give birth to such a metaphysical thing as a machine soul?

"Perhaps..." Helen, who had followed Bai E but remained silent, suddenly said with eyes straight to the side: "We really do."

Bai E raised his eyebrows slightly, "What's there?"

"Spirituality!" Helen stared at Bai E with scorching eyes, "Don't you still remember what those android veterans worked out before?"

"Those android veterans?" Bai E was stunned, and found the rare and terrifying thing that could kill him instantly from his memories, "The biological mastermind center they created?"

"Yes! That master brain center can completely serve as the core processing system of a starship." Helen's eyes glowed. "If that biological master brain center is used to replace the electronic central control system of today's starship, then from the attribute point of view, this ship The starship might really be considered a 'spiritual' existence! And the biological master brain center is still well preserved in the warehouse... We can definitely give it a try!"

When Fengling saw that they really had the corresponding technical reserves, he widened his eyes full of aura in curiosity and thought to himself, 'Do they really have the corresponding technical reserves to solve this problem? Then maybe this is really a way out that they found. ’

After all, prophecy is a thing that sometimes works but sometimes fails.

Sometimes what you see may not be useful.

Those fragmentary prophetic pictures must be true, but the dimensions of time and space cannot be guaranteed.

The more detailed the purpose of an event is, the more vague it becomes in terms of time and space.

And if the limitations of time and space are restricted, the direction and type of prophecy will be completely different.

If she wanted to know the fate of mankind's exploration of the universe, she could only "see" the porthole view of the spacecraft in front of the interstellar harbor full of buildings.

As for whether it is now or hundreds or thousands of years in the future, I can't say for sure.

It is not even certain whether the interstellar harbor is at the target point set by this exploration team.

Even if this interstellar harbor was built by humans themselves... it's hard to say.

With many uncertainties added together, people who are more able to predict the future will feel more confused about the future.

She also didn't know how the humans on the ground would behave in it.

Facing Bai E's questioning gaze, Feng Ling collected her thoughts and nodded gently, "You can try it, it might be a feasible idea. But even if this problem is solved, you still need to face another problem - The guidance of the beacon..."

When their elf envoys came to Blackwater City, they relied not only on Wind Spirit's own powerful psychic ability, but more importantly, on the high-dimensional space guidance provided by Yueying in Blackwater City, using itself as a beacon.

If you want to move in that dark and strange realm, the most important thing is the existence of psychic beacons.

Navigation in the ancient Middle World required the guidance of lighthouses, and now traveling through high-dimensional space also requires the punctuation of these beacons.

Otherwise the consequences will be unbearable.

"The mapping relationship between high-dimensional space and the real world is not stable, complex and changeable. If we act side by side in high-dimensional space separately, it is very likely that the moment before, you traveled from high-dimensional space to the real world. It's in a certain city on our planet, and the next moment I go to the real world, I will appear from the center of the star. If City Master Bai doesn't want your starship to be in the center of some star or even a black hole as soon as it appears, then. A psychic beacon that can be accurately positioned is crucial! Otherwise, we can only rely on luck..."

'Need a beacon? ’

‘Does this mean that there must be a goal to reach the desired destination first? ’

Bai E frowned secretly.

Is it possible, or do I have to rely on myself to act alone?

The change in curvature is a fatal limitation. The starship as a whole is too large, and it is impossible for one person to carry the starship across such a long physical space.

But if it is a small escape cabin similar to those that individual players requested when they came back, they can completely protect it with their own spiritual power and travel around the star sea at will.

This was actually the worst plan I had made at the beginning.

The reason why I was reluctant to do this at the beginning was because the universe is really too big. With my own strength, even if it passes, what can I do?

Whether it is the game expansion pack that I have learned about, or the observations of the universe by Blackwater City and the Imperial Capital, it has been proved that there is a high probability that there are other intelligent beings in this universe.

If I go there alone and empty-handed, what can I do even if I see those intelligent beings?

With a fourth-level psychic level or a peak of 60 points in all attributes? Or do you have all the ten mastery levels or all the unlocked skill trees?

Compared to the entire universe, Bai E was never that confident in his personal strength.

If you want to strengthen the power of the planet and completely resist the threat of the Zerg, you must use a large number of manpower to reach deals with alien intelligent beings and increase your strength.

This is why he insisted on bringing a whole team with him.

Now, the plan is still the same, but the goal is completely different.

He only needs to pilot a small spacecraft that also has a curvature navigation engine to reach the destination first, and then he can use himself as a beacon to guide the team on the starship to reach his location through high-dimensional space.

Plan accomplished!

Bai E nodded with satisfaction, feeling that this idea was currently the most likely to be implemented based on all conditions.

"Then the matter of replacing the main brain center will be left to you." After saying his plan, Bai E turned to look at Helen, "As long as it is confirmed that it is feasible, we can start executing the entire plan!"

"No problem!" Helen responded.

Then Bai E looked at Fengling again, "I will trouble you about the secret of high-dimensional space travel."

"A small problem." Feng Ling smiled sarcastically, "I am equally excited to participate in this kind of thing!"

In order to give Bai E a quiet and focused study environment, Yueying and Helen both retreated, leaving only Fengling and Bai E in the same room.

"Before I officially start teaching the method of teleportation in high-dimensional space, I need to explain something to you first -

The method of teleportation in high-dimensional space is actually not that difficult. What it requires most is...knowledge and the ability to calculate.

Yueying's spiritual cultivation level is actually not much inferior to mine, but this is the reason why she will never be able to master high-dimensional space teleportation.

Therefore, if you feel any difficulty while studying, it is quite normal, and you do not need to feel disappointed or blame yourself for it. "

Bai E nodded seriously, "Of course I understand this."

The elf prophet in front of me spoke very seriously, and he didn't know if my experience storage of hundreds of thousands of stocks could withstand it.

If there were really any troublesome requirements beyond experience, then he could only look back and sigh.

Of course, this actually doesn’t have much impact on the plan itself.

After all, in the current plan, he is only serving as a beacon to locate the target point in advance.

The only person who really brought the starship from the high-dimensional space was the wind spirit who didn't run away.

"Okay." Bai E's calmness and humility made Fengling nod with satisfaction, "Then let's talk about the mystery of high-dimensional space teleportation... The so-called high-dimensional space teleportation is actually an enhanced version of high-dimensional walking. It's just that high-dimensional space teleportation is Dimensional walking only requires a psyker to control his body to briefly pass through the high-dimensional space; while teleportation in high-dimensional space requires a single will to carry a group of "spiritual objects" through the core of the high-dimensional space. In 'the only', and in 'the whole'."

[You are learning "Psychic Skills - High-Dimensional Space Teleportation"...]

[It has been detected that learning this psychic skill requires certain prerequisites, and your requirements are currently being determined...]

[It is detected that your accumulated knowledge level exceeds 100, and the judgment is passed. 】

[It is detected that your technology level accumulation exceeds 100, and the judgment is passed. 】

[The judgment is successful and you have the qualification to study. 】

"..." Bai E pursed his lips slightly, but he didn't expect that the prerequisite for learning this ability would be this.

In the past few years, after harvesting hundreds of thousands of experience from players and maxing out his combat skills to the point where they could hardly be maxed out, he spent the rest of his time following researchers like Helen or Doctor. Do things here and there, just in case.

Unexpectedly, now, it has become an opportunity to learn this ability... (End of this chapter)

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