Wow! The explosion rate is really high

Chapter 615 The Lamp of the Sea of ​​Stars

The news of the starship taking off again spread widely among players, and Kuang Xin and others who were planning to come to Bai E also learned about it immediately.

Knowing that Master Bai E has not given up his plan to explore the stars, they are undoubtedly the happiest.

Therefore, when their players encounter other intelligent beings in the deep space of the universe, they should inform the adults in time, and maybe they can help the adults a little.

Bai E, who had just returned from the outer atmosphere after testing the new starship, heard someone report that the "sons of the devil" he was most familiar with were waiting for him.

‘They usually don’t come to me when they have nothing to do. Now they are actively looking for me. They probably have some valuable information or items that they want to present to me. ’

Bai E, who was thinking slightly, nodded and replied to his assistant: "Go and bring them in."

In Bai E's exclusive reception hall of the City Lord's Mansion, Bai E once again met the team members who had been together since the beginning of the game.

It is always a happy thing for a player to form his own "little family" in the game.

If they can continue like this, I'm afraid that is their biggest gain in this game.

Seeing them, Bai E seemed to think of the friends he had made in the game a long time ago... Even though now it is difficult for him to recall the names or even personalities of those friends, only those who had experienced a lot of joy together The mood will remain in the memory forever.

"What's the matter?" Bai E asked with a smile.

Kuang Xin was the first to jump forward excitedly, "Sir, we have found aliens!"

This concise and concise sentence undoubtedly instantly triggered the suspense that had been on Bai E's mind.


Although there is almost a consensus among the aborigines that there is an unexpected communication channel within existences such as "devil sons" or "fanatics", only Bai E, who clearly knows the identities of these players, can Know how useful their real-world forums really are.

The players’ ears and eyes are unlimited and universal.

The fact that Kuang Xin and others were able to find him so excitedly meant that this information was indeed verified by them.

After all, from the time they met until now, the performance of this group of players has always been quite reliable.

"Yes! Aliens!" Kuang Xin looked excited, "Our companions found a lot of information about those aliens. When we learned about this, we immediately thought that you might need this information more."


Undoubtedly, they are those players who used small escape cabins to go out for a swim when the starship returned.

The purpose of letting them out at that time was to see if the players could find some surprises in the universe with their luck and vitality.

Unexpectedly, they actually found some results now.

Bai E was secretly excited, with a clear look of encouragement on his face, "Tell me, what do those aliens look like?"

"The internal structure is not known yet, but at least from the outside, it looks similar to us. There is almost no difference in height, body shape, and race. Only humans who grow in some special planetary environments will have some They have distinct planetary characteristics, but overall, they are more like branches of each lineage inherited from the same ancestor.”

When it came to more detailed speeches, Dai Lian also took a step forward and stated all the information they had deliberately collected, including the reliable guesses among the players themselves: "In addition, their social relations are also in a state-to-state relationship. Basically, it is peace on a large scale and struggle on a small scale. It’s just that we don’t have much information about our companions at the moment, and we are not sure what they will do when they come into contact with a planet like ours that they have never had contact with before. What an attitude.”

The players who went out to wander around were not stupid. Before the situation of the universe was discovered, no one was stupid enough to blow themselves up and say that they came from a corner of the universe that had just entered the age of exploration.

More information will take time or a large fleet to go out together to collect.

Bai E nodded and asked with some expectation, "Do your companions know the approximate star field they are in? Maybe next time we sail, we can sail directly to the star field they are in."

The planned target star field only has traces of human transformation with a high probability, but is that comparable to the information given by the players who are leading the way?

"This..." Dai Lian was slightly startled, a little embarrassed, "We still have to inquire."

When it comes to the positioning of astronomy, which one can ordinary players play well?

Looking back, I have to go online to see if there are any forum masters who can use the information given by those players to lock the starry sky guidance in the game.

"Then I'll trouble you." Bai E pursed his lips and added, "It would be even better if you could find a companion who is willing to contribute a psychic beacon."

With this in mind, Bai E directly wrote a task on the spot——

[The commission description is automatically generated...]

[Side mission - Lamp of the Star Sea (resource-based commission): On the way forward for human exploration of the starry sky, we encountered a major trouble that was difficult to solve. In order to solve this problem, we must now send some pioneers to light a lighthouse leading the route far away from the target point. Only the sparkle of wisdom shining in high-dimensional space is the only fire that leads mankind out! (Note: This task is only valid for the first time completed, and subsequent completers will not be able to obtain task rewards.)

Mission requirements: Find a psyker who volunteers to be a "beacon" 0/1, and successfully lead the starship across a long space to the location of the beacon 0/1.

Mission reward: Technology points*2, item reward: Storm Armor*1 (psykers who voluntarily become "Beacons" can obtain the same mission reward). 】

(Note: There is a physical submission link. The current commission cannot be "automatically completed" and needs to be "accepted and completed"; after the commission is confirmed and released, the "authority" and "expense" will be deducted and locked.)

It's too troublesome to spend time on your own to become a beacon in a distant place.

It's better to let the players who are on the scene come.

Moreover, Bai E was still uneasy about letting the Elf Wind Spirit take an entire starship on his behalf across a potentially long high-dimensional space to find his whereabouts.

Not only do you have to be wary of this alien race of elves with whom you have not had very deep contact, but you also have to worry about not doing such an important thing yourself.

After all, it is a high-dimensional space!

Apart from the last expedition against the "Eternal System" demons, Bai E no longer had time to lead anyone to launch any other expedition into high-dimensional space.

First, it is difficult to succeed and the losses will be huge. Second, they have not been able to find the reason for the sudden appearance of the high-dimensional space storm until now.

At present, the most reasonable guess among human psykers is that the fallen "eternal type" demons used their last strength to set off this storm before they "dyed", in order to bring this human heroic spirit to the high dimension. They were trapped to death.

If it happened again, Bai E wasn't sure whether they could have the same good luck as last time.

Therefore, except for the army of heroic spirits in his "soul black hole" that have been looking for trouble for demons, Bai E has never carried out large-scale operations to clean up demons.

Those high-dimensional demons are an eternal threat to all intelligent beings in this world.

Not to mention, as elves, the wind spirits also have their own special attack demons in the high-dimensional space. Once they encounter any powerful desire demon, Bai E is very afraid that the wind spirits will lead an entire starship to fall. Entering the abyss of the demon of desire.

When there was no other way, Bai E could only let her take the risk.

But if he could control it himself, Bai E still wanted to complete this real exploration voyage by himself.

As long as the players light up the beacon at the other end of the universe, they can set sail instantly when they receive the beacon here.

The motivation brought by verbal instructions is always not that great, and it is not easy to attract attention. Only actual benefits can make players really put in 120 points of effort.

Several players' eyes turned red when they saw the mission rewards.

Storm armor!

That was the equipment that their players dreamed of obtaining.

Although in order to reward everyone for being willing to follow the fleet to explore outer space, the Aboriginal officials directly gave them, those who boarded the ship for the first time to participate in the exploration operation, a complete surgical transformation.

Except for a few people who are unwilling to accept transformation because of their own quirks, their surgical transformations are all given away for free, and this... is already a strength increase that other players only dream of.

Those players who were not selected as the first batch to participate in the exploration operation can only accumulate points through meritorious service, and then they may be able to redeem the qualifications for surgery.

But players who haven't had surgery want to have surgery, and players who have had surgery want to get the Storm Armor specifically for those who have had surgery.

This kind of armor is expensive to build, and it is the highest technological polymer expression of human society's current masters. It will not be awarded to outsiders easily.

Players like them who are not completely subordinate can only obtain temporary use rights on certain special occasions and moments - for example, when the starship cracked, players such as Kuang Xin on the starship could drive the Storm War A goes out to save people.

And it is this kind of contact that makes players more clearly aware of the terrifying improvements that battle armor can bring to them.

If the combat effectiveness of a player who has undergone surgery is increased by ten, then after obtaining the armor, the increased combat effectiveness may be one hundred or two hundred!

Among the current players, even Kuang Xin and the others who are closest to the planet's highest honor, Lord Bai'e, do not have a pair of Storm Armor that is completely their own in name.

But now, this opportunity to obtain the first armor is right in front of all of them!

Even two pairs!

One for the recommender and one for the contributor.

There is only one opportunity, first come first served!

For a moment, several players' eyes turned green.

He turned slightly on his toes, looking like he was about to run away.

After all, time is of the essence and there is no room for wastage.

Seeing the players like this, Bai E would not suppress their instincts. He just waved his hand and said: "If you have nothing else to do, you can go ahead. I still have something to deal with."

"Then we will take our leave, sir." Dai Lian was polite, turned around and left quickly.

Sensing the somewhat competitive atmosphere among these players, Bai E smiled silently.

One or two sets of battle armor are certainly not very important assets to him now.

But as the player's strength and status improve, there are fewer and fewer "good things" that he can get in front of them.

War Armor is currently the most valuable reward. In order to ensure absolute control in the future, he cannot let War Armor become too cheap for players in an instant.

So how to distribute this first set of internal battle armors depends on your choice~

The few players who left the place where the adults were were separated for a short time. Dai Lian followed his past habits and told them the rules that everyone needs to abide by in this mission.

"Only the first person to complete the task can get the reward. We have done similar tasks many times before. So as usual...whoever finds it first will get it."

Dai Lian looked around and spoke calmly.

No fighting or grabbing, everyone depends on their ability.

Similar things have happened many times before. Maybe the rewards from the adults' missions this time are more generous, but the bond between them will not be broken.

Gu Lan nodded indifferently, "Okay."

Gong Yan and Kuang Xin also readily agreed, "No problem."

Xu Ruoguang, who resigned from his position as captain of the underworld guard before setting out to explore the universe and mingled with them, also smiled freely and said, "Anything is fine."

He doesn't know why, but he always feels that he will have as much of this thing as he wants in the future.

It's like... these things should be yours.

I'm going to vomit even though I'm wearing it, so what's there to argue about?

"Then it's settled!" Dai Lian nodded and finally announced, "Then let's act separately from now on!"

Bai E, who watched the players leave, finally realized the joy of having players again.

These little things that are not afraid of death are really invincible when used.

The biggest problem that originally troubled me, I didn't expect to have the opportunity to be solved by them so easily.

If they really find players who are willing to light beacons in the distance, then this high-dimensional space voyage will have the greatest chance of success!

And it’s really easy to find, right?

There is still some difference between lighting the beacon and Kuang Xin's wild burning self last time.

As long as it does not exceed the limit of one's ability for too long, the person who lights the beacon will generally not be in danger of life.

Just do any job and you will get a set of Storm Armor. As long as these players are not stupid enough to communicate with others based on this, it will be easy to find players who are willing to take risks, right?

And through the channels he specially provided, most players have now ensured their own resurrection in this world by reserving artificial human bodies.

To them, this level of risk-taking should be nothing.

Next, all we have to do is wait for the good news... (End of this chapter)

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