Bai E knew that the player's efficiency would definitely be fast, but he didn't expect it to be so fast.

Not long after they went out, figures turned around - it was Kuang Xin and Gong Yan.

The two came hand in hand and brought Bai E's favorite piece of good news.

A player named "Painter" is willing to use himself as a beacon to lead the starship forward.

The goal is in place and ready for action.


Bai E got up overjoyed and immediately went to find Helen, "Get ready to set sail again!"

It had just been one day since the last attempt by Bai E and Fengling. Helen did not expect that the day to set sail again would come so urgently.

But she never refuses Bai E's orders.

Even though time was tight, she went to prepare for the final large-scale manned commissioning of the starship without a second thought.

Another large-scale selection among humans cannot be hidden from the attention of anyone who is interested. After getting the news, Fengling also found Bai E out of curiosity, "City Lord Bai, have you started preparing now?"

This is a large-scale plan that he is also involved in. In the plan, Baie has to drive a small spacecraft alone to a place where alien civilization is confirmed to exist, and then he can use himself as a beacon to launch this space exploration.

But now...

"When we went out to explore last time, some people wanted to go out and explore alone. In the past two days, they heard back, saying that they had found an alien civilization and could lead the way for us."

"..." Fengling pursed her lips and remained silent.

‘Is this the unity of the human race? ’

With the future uncertain, there is a group of people who, regardless of their own safety, resolutely open up a new path in the universe for the future of their race.

Although Bai E said it lightly, going alone to explore such a vast universe, which is like finding a special grain of sand in the desert, how many people would need to pay the price of their lives to fight for this extremely small probability? ?

Through his daily contacts and Yue Ying and others' views on Bai E, the human city lord, we can know that this city lord Bai will never disdain to force his subjects to carry out orders that require death.

Those people are all voluntary.

They all should know that if they fail to succeed, it will be a lonely and sad way for a person to die alone in the illusory universe.

And even in the face of such a result, there are still so many people who have worked hard to create such a rare case.

Human beings should be a tenacious race that stands firm in this galaxy and universe!

Bai E, who was found by Feng Ling on his own initiative, smiled slightly, "Originally, I just wanted to find you. Now that I am no longer needed to pilot the starship myself, I wonder if you, Prophet, would still like to explore with us?"

Feng Ling pondered slightly, then nodded lightly, "Go."

The road ahead is confusing.

Since the seal surrounding the high-dimensional space mapped by this planet was broken, her ability to predict has been weakened a lot.

Being on this planet, her ability growth has reached a limit.

Facing the high-dimensional space connected to the main universe, she could no longer get a glimpse of more fragments about the future through the connection with the long river of time and space in the high-dimensional space.

She also didn't know what kind of ending she would encounter when she set out to explore the universe with humans.

She didn't know where this human exploration fleet was going, nor what kind of things she would encounter.

I don’t know if I will meet the tribesmen in the universe, and I don’t know... what the tribesmen in the universe are like. Will they accept myself from a remote time and space?

Knowing a little more than the elves on the planet wouldn't have given her any clarity about the future.

The more you know, the more you don’t know.

Marching into the unknown is... somewhat fun.

In a certain ocean planet in the distant universe.

A figure wearing simple oxygen supply equipment and light protective clothing was tangled in the mud with a "clop".

Manipulate the huge mechanical claws to grab the abnormally sticky seabed mud. From time to time, a sharp alarm will sound due to the stuck of some too sticky mud or foreign objects.

At the same time, these figures who need to wander among them are the artificial miners who carry out mining work.

The so-called deep-sea miners are the coolies who assist the operation of these machines and ensure that they do not malfunction.

Without personal freedom, there is no future.

Either choose to be completely swept into the seabed by the deep-sea silt one day and become part of the silt, or... choose a great resistance and then be executed in a humble way.

What I look forward to the most is the 16 hours of rest after every eight hours of work, and the two days of complete relaxation where I can go to the upper entertainment area for free and indulge freely every five days of work.

After all, even black miners have to consider the cost of use.

This is the highest intensity labor time that the human body can accept, otherwise it will break down quickly... Black miners are not so easy to find these days.

For some aborigines, this kind of life is a life-long grind.

But for players who are free by nature...impossible!

Want to limit my freedom? That's because I'm willing to put limits on you!

The artist felt that there must be a unique reason why he appeared in this place as his first stop after entering the universe! This is the arrangement of the Destiny (crossed out) game system!

There must be a great opportunity waiting for you in this place.

Therefore, he worked diligently without any complaints, striving to be a model worker and strive to become a labor star.

Until one day, other players far away on the original star issued a py application to themselves.

They hope that they can become a qualified leading party and be fully prepared for the arrival of the imperial army.

At this moment, the painter instantly found the true meaning of being thrown into this place!

yes! This is the mission of being chosen and thrown into a place like this!

I want to be the envoy of the imperial army and pave the way for my hometown to take off!

The first step is to liberate the Black Ore Star!

Floating on a giant yacht on a rare calm sea, the painter and his companions lay on the deck and enjoyed a rare hot sunbath.

The sun, which is even more scorching and poisonous than that on the original star, shines on the body. If it were an ordinary person who had not undergone surgical transformation, it would probably not take half a day to shed a whole layer of skin.

But for them, it is no more than a blind man rubbing his back.

However, my companion who had been basking in the sun for a while couldn't help but feel a little excited when he thought of those beautiful alien girls.

"Painter, when are you going to post it? Why don't you go play?"

The painter looked at the sky with a cold face and said seriously, "I won't go."

"Aren't you usually the most positive person?"

The painter snorted coldly, "It used to be before..."

"So now you have a better place to go?" His companion suddenly came closer to his face, "You still plan to hide it from your brother?"

"Hmph~" The painter's lips curled up slightly, "Now, I have an ideal!"

In reality, he received a message from the young lady who contacted him: "No mole, prepare to take action!"

Then the painter opened his arms and looked enthusiastically towards the sky.

Regardless of the sun that stings your eyes, you have to look straight at the black tone factories floating in the sky.

‘Let you become the first trophy of our imperial army! ’

He thought so happily in his heart.

He even wished that the beautiful one-eyed female Pirate King would appear in front of him at this time and listen to his great revenge plan, and she shed tears of regret for this, regretting that he had not included himself as her as she proposed. One of the harems.

'snort! This is the price! ’

Psychic energy burns hot.

The human bond makes his beacon flash hotly in a special frequency band.

The fully prepared starship on the other side of the star is already waiting outside the planet's atmosphere.

One of the many fourth-level psychics who were always closely monitoring the frequency band generated by the psychic breathing method on the planet instantly discovered the faint light point flickering in the "distant distance".

After roughly comparing it with the star map, the man immediately announced with great joy, "Found it!"

"Thanks for your hard work."

Bai E handed over and at the same time opened the hatch to send these aboriginal psykers away.

The backbone of the indigenous people on the planet must not be taken away. The main force of his trip is still players.

With a thought, a blurry space like rippling water appeared in front of the fusiform starship.

"Set off."

The calm order was given, and the crew of the starship started the propulsion engine with trepidation.

The entire starship once again sailed towards the deep and mysterious space.

And as the ship gradually submerged, at a certain moment the whole thing fell into a blur and disappeared completely...

"Hey! It's time! It's time to rework. It's time to rework!" The companion who had been playing for two days returned to his best condition. He came to the deck with a red face, found the painter and greeted him warmly: "What's your ideal? "

"Ideal?" The painter's eyes were dull, "Yes... where is my ideal?"

He felt like he had been holding on for a long time.

His beacon shone brightly for two days and one night. This was due to his extremely high psychic level, which was second to none among players.

But even if he burned his spiritual energy completely, he could not wait for the arrival of the imperial army.

'what's the situation? ’

‘The imperial army went astray? ’

‘Or am I holding on for a short time? ’

'But there's no reason... No one said that someone must die in this mission, right? You can’t blame me for not burning my life to keep the beacon shining, right? It can't be my fault, right? No way, right? ’

‘Didn’t the Imperial Army say they would leave from a high-dimensional space? It is said that time and space are ignored in high-dimensional space. Traveling there is not a blink of an eye? It’s definitely not my problem that it hasn’t happened yet! ’

'right! I've been tricked! I am the victim, I must find that guy later and ask him clearly! ’

As the painter thought this, his body stiffened and moved.

Having been trapped in this black mineral star for several months, the habit of going to work on time has become instinctive.

While returning to the deep seabed through the tunnel elevator with his companions, he looked at the dark deep sea outside through the transparent outer wall of the elevator, in which giant machines with artificial light sources were dotted extremely conspicuously.

"Painter, do you think these aliens are all idiots? Or is their technology crooked to this extent? They already have the ability to explore the interstellar space and travel, but in the end, we still need these deep-sea mining tools. Manual operation? There is no technology at all in this intelligent machine!”

No matter how flexible a human being is, he is still a human being, and as a human being he must rest.

No matter how stupid a machine is, it is still a machine and can keep working.

Why can’t those capitalists understand this?

Why not use smart machines?

It really makes people look down on their IQ...

"You're right!" The artist now just wants to wait for the opportunity for unified offline in the real world, and then find the female player who flirted with her and give her a hard punishment.

Of course, depending on the appearance of the other party, he can flexibly change the intensity of his words.

When he was once again buried in the dark mud of the seabed, the painter's figure showed a slight "stutter".

The real world's online and offline does not affect the time process in the game.

After going offline and going online again, the game world may have changed in less than one breath.

However, the painter, who had already gone offline and spent an entire day in the real world, held a large puddle of sticky and thick mud in his hands, his eyes filled with confusion.

‘What’s going on? ’

‘Could it be that I masturbated too much and had hallucinations? ’

The female player named "Gong Yan" can't be found!

This is no ordinary disconnection!

But there is no such person at all!

There is no contact record between her and herself!

The painter who directly found her family through the "memory" of previous contact got a bit of creepy news——

Her family also denied the existence of such a person as "Gong Yan"!

"Gong Yan" disappeared.

And not only Gong Yan, but also "Kuang Xin"..."Dai Lian"..."Gu Lan"... who she pulled out as a guarantee...

Behind each of these names, they represent real people.

These names used to be fairly well-known names among players! That was the first red man to follow the Lord of Baie City!

But now...they are all gone!


It’s not that we lost contact!

Instead, it disappeared from everyone’s memory!

Not only the memories, but also the chat records, forum records...all disappeared.

Except for my own memory.

Was he really hallucinating?

Or when did this world undergo some huge changes that I didn't know about?

The painter shook his body when he thought of this, and felt a cold chill deep in his heart.

The coldness spread all over the body instantly, making it hair-raising.


A certain confusion covered his mind.

The painter scratched his head and didn't quite understand the reason for his current unexplained distraction.

Turning to look at his companion with a weak look on his face, the painter picked up the other person's collar and shouted with jealousy, "You hooked up with a few more sisters during this break!"

The companion's face was full of pride, "Can you blame me if you don't go when I tell you?"

"Fart! I won't do such a thing?"

"Haha! How do I know why you are crazy this time?"

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