

"Boom boom boom!"

The huge vibrations were particularly obvious at the epicenter.

Even though the steel frame structures that served as the basic structural layer of the entire satellite city were the most solid buildings in the entire satellite city, they still showed a tendency to gradually collapse in the face of the continuous bombardment of military-grade weapons.

The huge metal plates were crooked with several damaged and twisted pillars, and made a "squeaking" sound in the collisions, as if they were about to fall down at any time.

Catherine, who had smashed away another all-metal small guard mecha, stared at the captain-type guard mecha with the most special color with a murderous look on her face.

"To entangle me, are you really so crazy?!"

Using such a level of firepower in the structural layer of this satellite city completely disregards the safety of everyone in the entire satellite city.

If the structural layer completely collapses, I don't know how many people will die in the entire satellite city in an instant.

This floating city floating in space is the absolute territory of the Sharp Knife Society. Without the free port, there will be no Sharp Knife Society. Don't they understand this truth?

Not to mention that if there is one survivor today, it will be difficult for these people from the Sharp Knife Society to get out.

Such terrorists who do not care about any consequences will not be welcomed anywhere.


"What benefits did the people from the Sharp Peak Alliance promise you!"

The other party sneered disdainfully, and some metallic voices came out from the microphone of the guard mecha, "Hmph! Since you know the danger, you should surrender early! Remember, if something happens here, the people in the entire Freeport will die because of you, the Bauhinia Republic!"

"Okay." Catherine laughed angrily, "You are as shameless as those dogs from the Sharp Peak Alliance, no wonder you can get along with them. I think I know why the higher-ups asked me to carry out this mission..."

As she said that, Catherine gathered her strength again and exploded, "Because, I won't listen to your nonsense!"

Almost at the same time as she exploded again, a shocking loud noise broke out from a distance.

Before Catherine's voice arrived, an irregular hole as big as a casserole was broken on the chest of the captain-type small guard mecha.

The hole was transparent from front to back. Catherine, who was shocked, suddenly stopped moving. When she stared at the empty chest of the guard mecha in front of her, she could actually see the ordinary member of the Sharp Knife Society hiding in the corner and shivering behind him!

In the structure full of mechanical cables, blood flowed along the broken metal.

The small mecha is almost an enlarged version of a real person, and to some extent, it has a certain similarity with the Storm Armor.

So the chest of the mecha is often also the vital part of the chest of the human body.

The damaged guard mecha automatically opened the fully wrapped helmet, revealing the pale face of the Sharp Knife Society boss underneath.

His eyes stared at the direction of the explosion in the darkness, and his face was full of unwillingness, "You... have helpers?!"

The other party was surrounded and intercepted by the Peak Alliance, and it can even be said that he fled to this place in a panic.

They set up a dragnet here, and no matter where Catherine escaped, it would be difficult to escape from their control. Even those black ships that seemed to be private escapes were baits set by them.

Even many senior members of the association didn't know about this.

The Strong Dragon Peak Alliance and the Local Snake Sharp Knife Alliance almost made this place into a perfect cage. As long as Catherine stepped into it, there was no way she could escape.

But unexpectedly, the final cage that they built into a dragnet had been ambushed by the other party's helpers in advance? !

'There can't be helpers! '

Catherine also looked back in surprise.

Her actions were absolutely concealed. Knowing that there were traitors inside, Catherine would not trust any outsider except herself.

This transportation was related to the revitalization of the entire Bauhinia Flower. Only by personally delivering the things she carried to the chief scientist of the laboratory, she would really feel relieved.

Therefore, except for the front-line personnel of the Peak Alliance who had been biting her, even people in her own country could hardly know her real-time movements.

They didn't know the location, so where did the helpers come from? Not to mention ambushing in advance.

The firearms used by the other party were also among the absolute contraband items that could penetrate the chest armor of this guard mecha with one blow.

Who was this person who suddenly helped him?

A middle-sized man wearing a peaked cap came out of the shadows carrying a gun taller than himself.

He took off his hat, revealing a charming middle-aged man with stubble.

He smiled at Catherine, "Don't get me wrong, I don't want to help. I just don't want to be buried here with you because of the disintegration of the satellite city."

The moment she saw the other party, Catherine's eyes shrank, "Star Alliance?"

Catherine, who had been holding the black box on her shoulder with one hand, subconsciously turned her body and blocked the view of the black box with her body, "You also want to get involved in this thing?"

"No, no, no!" The other party waved his hands one after another, "Investigation! Just an investigation. The organization is very curious about what the Peak Alliance is doing so much trouble for, and I am just here to investigate the reason."

"So the person who has been following me in secret is you?!" Catherine frowned, "The internal affairs of the region should have nothing to do with the Star Alliance, right? No matter how long your hand is, you can't reach someone else's home."

Hearing this, the man just smiled bitterly, "The original intention of our Star Alliance is to mediate some injustices and disputes that occur in every corner of the universe. What Miss Catherine said is really too prejudiced against our Star Alliance."

"Hmph! Then disappear from here!" Catherine sneered and chased away, "Don't worry about the matters within our sector, you people in the Star Alliance!"

The man sighed again and silently shouldered the spear in his arms, "That's why I said it as soon as I came out... Don't get me wrong, I just don't want to die because of the disintegration of the satellite city!"


There was another huge explosion, and another guard mecha was shot through the core.

"First kill these real dangerous elements, and then let's talk about my mission, okay?" The strong wind from the bullet blew the man's clothes, and the other man looked sideways at Catherine with a smile that he thought was handsome.

Catherine raised the single-edged sword in her hand and burst out with strength again.

When they joined forces to kill the people with sharp knives, they did not forget to sneer at the man, "Dream! With these people, I don't need your help."

Having said that, no one showed mercy to anyone.

More than a dozen guard mechas and hundreds of members of the Sharp Knife Society were harvested like grass in the hands of the two men.

At this critical moment, no one is a good man or woman who cherishes life.

Finally, the two came to the dying president of the Sharp Knife Club, who was only relying on his mecha to keep him from falling to the ground.

The man from the so-called Star Alliance asked curiously, "What's going on with the Summit Alliance? How could they come to a waste like you? There isn't even a master above the 'planet' level, and you dare to come to trouble Miss Catherine." ?”

Even among planet-level masters, Catherine is considered a strong one.

Otherwise, how could the Bauhinia Republic trust her to transport such an important treasure that the Summit Alliance cares so much about?

In front of a planet-level master, ordinary conventional firepower and combat power will hardly have any impact on a planet-level master unless it reaches a terrifying level.

Without masters of the same level to entangle them, these people from the Sharp Sword Society really couldn't entangle a fierce person like Catherine.

However, Jian Daohui, who was being questioned, had a gray look of death on his face, but he still smiled arrogantly, his white eyeballs staring at the man and woman in front of him like dead fish eyes, foaming with blood. The earth gushed out of his mouth, "You will all die... you will all die."

Catherine frowned slightly, "What do you mean?"

"The real killer move was never us..." The president of the Sharp Knife Guild wanted to laugh, but couldn't laugh out loud, so he could only make a dry smile.

Before he died, he had to see the expression of despair on the other person's face that satisfied him. Being able to drag two planet-level masters to bury him with him, he had finally achieved something in his life!

"You all know that we are trash, doesn't the Summit Alliance know? Wait! Wait! Ha~haha!"

"Pretending to be a ghost!" The man from the Star Alliance flashed a sharp light in his eyes, and he was too lazy to talk nonsense with the other party.


The huge steel platform was crumbling with its pillars destroyed.

A movement in the silence caught Catherine's eye.


Looking at the steel structure slowly toppling in the darkness, Catherine's eyes instantly turned cold.

"Their target is the entire Freeport!"

The man looked around nonchalantly, "Can it fail? Although the structural layer of the Free Port is very important, the extent of their damage just now will only damage some areas at most, but it will not threaten the entire Free Port, right?"

"The killing move is not on them!"

"There are no explosives embedded in the entire structural layer?" The man's head was full of confusion.

As the target being tracked, Catherine was of course unable to carefully explore the secret details of the entire Freeport.

But as the oriole at the back, watching the Pinnacle Alliance pursue Catherine from a distance, he was able to observe more things from an overall perspective.

And obviously, he didn't see any other back-ups from the Peak Alliance that joined hands with the Sharp Knife Association.

Even during this siege, none of the masters from the Peak Alliance came forward.

"No! It's not explosives!" Catherine closed her eyes, and the entire process of being hunted by the Peak Alliance flashed through her mind one by one like a clear line of development.

"It's Freeport! They are deliberately trying to lure me to Freeport! They are here, and they must have prepared a plan to keep me here!"

The review afterwards is meaningless.

The president of the Sharp Knife Society can reveal that they have other methods at this time, which means... they can no longer prevent the final arrival of that method.


In the black and empty universe, a bright spark exploded not far from the floating city in space called Freeport.

As a result, all the spaceships that were filled or not filled with passengers, as well as those that had just flown out of the port, were all forcibly held in place as if they had been subjected to a holding spell.


Whether they were crowded in the passage to board the spacecraft, those sitting in the cabin waiting to escape from danger, or those squeezed on the outermost side of the spacecraft landing platform and unable to squeeze into the platform... everyone stared blankly. Looking at the black space in front of him.

The spark that exploded was the most dazzling light and fire here.

"Did they encounter an attack?"

"Is there an ambush?"

"Someone won't let us go?!"

"Is it their own spaceship's problem?"

Endless speculations instantly rose in everyone's mind.

Before this speculation spread into gossip, another spaceship flew to a certain distance from the free port and exploded again, turning into a dazzling firework in the universe.

The Wild Wolf who squeezed onto the "Black Pearl" with Bai E looked at the place where the second fire exploded with horror.

His eyes were a little straight, "Another one exploded!"

If the first spaceship could be said to be a coincidence, it was the other party's spaceship's own problem, then the second spaceship that exploded in succession could no longer be described as a coincidence.

Someone was secretly stopping everyone from leaving the free port.

But no one saw the form of the attack, let alone knew how to deal with it.

"Someone is trying to kill us!"

"Who the hell did I offend?!"

"I've been saving money for ten years! Ten years! I heard that the Customs Museum in Freeport is a must-see, but I didn't expect to encounter such a thing before I even achieved my goal!"

"What should I do?"

"Where's the Governor of Freeport? Come out and say something!"

"Who offended that big shot? Can you please come out and stop dragging everyone down with you!"

Various voices spread among the crowd in an instant.

It was so noisy that it was difficult to hear the words of the people in front of him even though he was so close.

Bai'er's eyes fell on the direction where the second spaceship exploded, and his eyes were a little dazed.

For some reason, his observation ability seemed to have briefly returned to the level of insight at the time when he had 60 points of all attributes.

The first spaceship was caught by surprise, but the second spaceship was prepared, so Bai'er saw the entire process of the spaceship's rupture almost immediately.

In his eyes, the second spaceship was not hit by any external blow, but more like... hitting some invisible and intangible transparent barrier.

The structural deformation process that slowly spread from the front of the spacecraft to the middle was brief, but it was quite obvious to my eyes.

It was as if... as if there was some kind of barrier that could not be detected by the spacecraft or the human eye.

The two exploding spacecraft were destroyed after they hit this absolutely "solid" barrier! (End of this chapter)

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