Wow! The explosion rate is really high

Chapter 631 Shielding Force Field

Catherine talked to herself about the inside story in more detail, "The duty of their Covenant agents is to collect relevant information about various forces, large and small, in the universe and ensure that they have first-hand information for mediation when needed. …”

The Covenant, simply put, is an organization that mediates the internal strife of mankind.

Demons in high-dimensional space are always coveting everything in the material world. From the perspective of the entire human race, only by reducing fights as much as possible can we reduce the risk of being eroded by demons to a certain extent.

The Covenant, simply put, is an organization that maintains peace in the universe.

It was founded under the leadership of the sons of the three major galactic empires, but it was unable to maintain peace among the sons of the three major galactic empires. There were countless overt and covert fights, and there were many factions that suppressed its actions in the local star region.

This is why Catherine doesn't like dealing with Covenant agents.

An organization that nominally maintains peace and justice in the universe is actually just another place of hegemony.

Naturally, most of the spies in the Star Alliance have their own selfish motives.

If the status of the treasures on his body were known to them, then Bauhinia's enemies might not be just the nearby Pinnacle Alliance.

After all, this treasure is something that every force in the universe will flock to!

Of course... there are also some people in the Star Alliance who are truly fighting for the common destiny of mankind.

After several meetings and inspections, Catherine had a pretty good impression of the secret agent Alvin.

Considering that even if the treasure is successfully returned to the country, it may still be coveted by the Pinnacle Alliance, Catherine decided to inform Alvin of the information about the treasure when he lures the people from the Pinnacle Alliance away and then reunites with him. .

Then, be prepared.

If the Pinnacle Alliance is really willing to launch an aggressive war for this treasure, then the "mediation" from the Star Alliance may be able to find a way out for Bauhinia.

Or even if it just delays some time, that would be an excellent development.

"Is this treasure... so important?" Bai E was a little curious.

Any force in the universe wants to fight for it?

When placed on the planet, Bai E can understand if it is a mineral resource such as oil.

But something that can be carried by Catherine in a small box is also of such great value?

Even though Bai E had never cared about this treasure from beginning to end, now he had to be successfully aroused by Catherine's curiosity.

Catherine's eyes were deep and her tone was a bit mysterious, "There is a god in this world. Treasures are... fragments of the god."


Bai E's face was complicated.

Those demons in high-dimensional space seem to be called gods.

And judging from my own observations of them, they are indeed the embodiment of some kind of authority, and they are actually worthy of the name of "gods" in essence.

It's just that these gods are a danger to normal humans, so they are more often called "demon".

"Of course not those 'gods' in high-dimensional space." Catherine shook her head, "but, the god of our material universe..."

The world has two sides.

High-dimensional space and the material universe are just like two sides of a mirror.

The other side of the mirror has its own rules, and this side of the mirror also has its own rules.

Normally, rules are rules.

But when rules are turned into authority, those individuals who hold authority and have their own subjective consciousness and can move freely are "gods".

If there is any difference between the physical universe and the gods in high-dimensional space...

Perhaps this is because the gods in high-dimensional space are always active in every corner of the long river of time, while the gods in the material universe have long since died.

No one knows how they died, and no one knows what these "gods" have done to the world.

It can only be said that based on the current exploration of the universe by all cosmic civilizations, all the gods of the material universe have indeed disappeared.

Only these fragments belonging to "gods" can prove the fact that these "gods" once existed.

"Actually, this box is also specially made." Catherine patted the suitcase beside her.

Her big black box is now stuffed in the suitcase and has not been directly replaced.

The box is used to shield the impact from the fragments of God.

The fragment of God is so dazzling that if a mortal without any protective measures really sees it with his own eyes, the vast "original knowledge" in it will directly impact the brain and fall into a state of brain death.

In fact, it is precisely because this is a fragment of the God of the Material Universe that it cannot be stored in the storage space of high-dimensional space at all.

Otherwise, if such a small thing is stuffed into a personal storage space, Catherine, who no longer has to carry such a box on her back, will definitely move more freely, and maybe even in such a dangerous situation

Bai E's eyes subconsciously glanced at the black box slung across the other party's body, "So, what's the use of this fragment?"

There is nothing wrong with things that are recognized by the entire universe, society, and civilization.

It’s just that God’s fragments are rare, but if they don’t have any heaven-defying effects, they won’t become something that every cosmic civilization will covet, right?

Catherine smiled slightly and explained bluntly, "God is the incarnation of rules. The fragments of God are naturally a small part of the rules. Any force that obtains the fragments of God will obtain information about the essential rules of this world from the fragments. Information, thus achieving terrifying technological developments in the corresponding areas of the rules. In fact, in addition to inheriting the heritage of the past galactic empires, the three sons of the current galactic empire can make them the key to the central core of the present universe. It’s because they all have more or less fragments of God in their hands.”

Every fragment of God will bring about a sudden explosion of technology in a certain field.

Therefore, the fragment of God discovered by the Bauhinia Republic's exploration team on an unexplored planet this time has become the hope for the rise of the Bauhinia Republic.

It’s just that the news accidentally leaked out for some reason. On the way back, the transport ship was blocked by the Summit Alliance. Only Catherine escaped in time and smuggled the fragments of God back home alone. This was what happened to the group in the Freeport.

Through the fight for a fragment of God, Bai E, who understood the cause and effect, had a rough idea of ​​the tone of the universe.

'This is indeed a good thing...'

Bai E sighed secretly in his heart, not even a little bit greedy.

The stuff is good stuff, but it was mined and discovered by others.

As the actual leader of this star region, it is already quite a disgraceful act for the Peak Alliance to snatch it away. If I were to be like them again, what would I do?

Not to mention that I haven't returned to my own power yet, so it's useless to hold this kind of thing in my hand.

"It's just that this kind of thing...isn't it too confidential?"

"It's okay." Catherine pursed her lips with a smile, "You are not those beasts from the Summit Alliance, I believe you. And after we get on this spaceship, we will go directly back to the Redbud Kingdom, and then everyone will be watching our every word and deed. , it’s not good to talk to you about these things anymore.”

Of course, at the national level, we hope that as few people as possible will know about such an important secret.

And if the country knew that the suspected planet-level powerhouse in front of him, who was only stronger than himself, also knew this secret, it was hard to tell whether something bad would happen.

"It's your turn." Catherine raised her chin, "You said before that you wanted to know something?"

"Hmm..." Bai E was extremely curious about all the new things he saw in the universe.

For example, what is the basis of that kind of psychic canopy technology?

For example, the technology for their spacecraft to travel through high-dimensional space seems to be quite common.

What about bugs? What about the orcs? What about the devil?

What is the attitude of human civilization in the universe when facing these disasters?

If they faced a planetary force they had never come into contact with before, their attitude... would be peaceful acceptance? Or a war of plunder?

The universe in front of him is like an onion with layers of layers, with layers of mystery waiting for him to slowly unravel.

The female warrior from the Bauhinia Republic in front of her trusts me so much, maybe it doesn't matter if she can let her know a little bit about herself?

While waiting, the two of them had already followed the flow of people and lined up to enter the port hall leaving the free port.

Sitting on the spacecraft, Bai E felt the steady acceleration of the spacecraft amid slight vibrations, gradually leaving the port.

The deep and vast feeling coming from spiritual energy came to my face again, and under the premise that I didn't have much sense of power now, the feeling of powerless insignificance was particularly clear.

Bai E, who had had an encounter before, couldn't help but feel a little wary about this high-dimensional space.

Bai E, who was sitting side by side with Catherine, looked at the ship wall beside him, trying to see through the gray iron wall in front of him and look at the real void space outside, "Have we entered the channel of high-dimensional space?"

"Well..." Catherine nodded quietly, feeling a little excited in her heart.

This white technician is powerful and has a mysterious origin.

Although he possesses abilities that are more powerful than his own, he doesn't seem to know much about the world.

It stands to reason that a being of this level should have been exposed to many truths about this world long ago, but the other party's performance seemed a bit...ignorant?

This strange mismatch between strength and knowledge actually made her have a bold guess in her mind.

And now, this is probably the moment when this speculation is about to be verified.

A person's knowledge comes from all aspects, and some of the most basic concepts can explain more problems.

"Is there no danger here?" Bai E asked softly.

"Danger?" Catherine was stunned, "What danger?"

"Danger of crash." Bai E turned to look at Catherine and said solemnly: "My spaceship crashed once."

"Crashed?" Catherine frowned, "Did the ship get hijacked by the Black Pirate King?"

A spaceship with a strong man like Bai E can crash. Apart from being attacked by the King of Space Pirates, who is also a planet-level strong man, what other possibility is there?

Bai E slowly shook his head, "No, it's in this high-dimensional space."

"It is difficult to crash in high-dimensional space. This is the safest place."

Although theoretically high-dimensional space is not absolutely safe, in my career of traveling around, I have never seen a spacecraft crash directly in high-dimensional space.

The probability of an accident being one in ten million or one in hundreds of millions is probably too much.

Even if there is a fatal problem with the structure of the spacecraft, it will not explode until the spacecraft leaves the high-dimensional space.

The high-dimensional space where those high-dimensional demons exist is indeed not a peaceful place, but when it comes to spacecraft navigation, it can be regarded as a first-class place in the universe where you can rest assured.

Bai Er stared into the other party's eyes and said in a deep voice: "But we did crash."

Although she had guessed it long ago, Catherine still slightly condensed her eyes after hearing the verification with her own ears, "So your spacecraft... has no shielding force field?"

Bai Er's eyes dimmed slightly, "I haven't heard of it..."

"Dare to rush straight into the high-dimensional space without a shielding force field..." Catherine's pupils shrank slightly, "I'm afraid it's not a crash that happened as soon as you entered?"

In their universe, spacecraft entering the high-dimensional space must be equipped with a "shielding force field generator" to pass freely. This is already a consensus of everyone.

And this consensus actually comes from the exploration of some daring adventurers.

Any spacecraft that is not equipped with a "shielding force field generator" will suffer from the natural corrosion of this space as soon as it enters the high-dimensional space.

If they find something wrong and retreat in time, there won't be any big problems.

But the knowledge and strength of this technician Bai are obviously not available in this star region. Now he said that his spaceship had crashed in the high-dimensional space, so his origins are almost obvious.

This mysterious strong man must come from a distant unexplored corner of the universe.

The high-dimensional space is not absolutely related to the material world, but there is a positive correlation.

Humans will never stop exploring the unknown.

The star region they are in now may be a remote star region in the entire human territory, but for them, the universe within hundreds of light years around them has been explored, and they will never miss any planet that can accommodate the next civilization.

The other party can appear here, he must have carried his spaceship across the endless universe, until the spaceship crashed because of the lack of shielding force field, he escaped from the high-dimensional space urgently and drifted here.

The corrosion of human spaceships by high-dimensional space is going on all the time, and their spaceships can survive the long voyage in high-dimensional space without a shielding force field and come here. There must be an extremely powerful psychic who protects the entire spaceship with his own will.

Catherine's pupils shrank slightly when she realized this, and she realized that the other party might be an extraordinary leader whose strength was far superior to hers.

He led his civilization to develop spaceships that can travel across the universe, but did not develop a shielding force field to protect them from voyages in high-dimensional space.

This great leader tried to lead the tribe to join the family of the universe with his own personal ability, but he ended up in this situation of being alone in a foreign land. (End of this chapter)

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