Wow! The explosion rate is really high

Chapter 632 New Opportunities

"You said your planet is within the scope of a black hole?" Catherine's disguised and cute face was full of pure curiosity at this moment.

No one would have thought that in the remote corners that have not been explored by today's Galactic Empire, there is still such a nation that can rely on its own strength to develop and set foot in the stars.

I didn’t expect that this nation’s process of exploring the stars would be so difficult.

Just like the people in the three empires who were born as sons of the Galactic Empire, they would never imagine what kind of situation the people in their Bauhinia Republic would be in in a civilized society.

Born in the Bauhinia Republic, she probably would never have imagined how a planet with no space foundation could embark on the path of exploring the universe step by step.

"As for the spaceship encountering spaces with different curvatures, I actually don't know much about it." An apologetic expression appeared on Catherine's face.

She is a warrior, not a scientific researcher.

"If you want to know more about this aspect, I can recommend you to go to our Academy of Sciences... No, or I can help you find out. Your situation is a bit special. In addition, you can keep this, a search software, which should be used on your planet There are some, right?”

Bai E took a small watch-like thing and curiously looked at how to use it.

"It's very simple to use, but you have to wait until you leave this high-dimensional space before you can use it. Some common knowledge and knowledge are listed above. You can read more when you have time."

Bai Efan grasped it and said with some gratitude, "Thank you."

"Compared to what you have done, this is not worth mentioning. In addition, I don't know the overall strength of your planet, but if you want to join this cosmic society, make sure you have the most powerful one against a star region. Before countries or groups, I advise you not to expose the fact that you are from an undiscovered planet. After all, the existing Covenant Convention is only valid for those existing countries."

Just like the long-term oppression that Bauhinia has suffered, even the Star Alliance Convention cannot help, let alone a new planet that has not yet joined the Star Alliance?

It would be great if a cultural planet with a certain level of civilization could be directly used as a production planet and a recruiting planet in the backyard.

"Only you know the strength of your planet, and you don't need to tell me this. In short, it's not necessarily a bad thing for you to live here alone. Before you see more about the comprehensive strength of mainstream countries or forces, It is recommended that you use an individual or small group of star ranger teams to explore. If you can get involved, forming a team of Rogue Traders may also be a good choice. More specific information will be provided after you read more basic information. More knowledgeable.”


In the dark void, several eyes from far away watched a mechanical spacecraft that was difficult for normal demons to detect as it slowly moved forward in space.

The voice that was neither male nor female once again conveyed a message full of temptation that only beings of the same level could perceive, "The Human Emperor seems to have stopped moving."

The fluctuations of spiritual energy were extremely clear before their eyes.

Not to mention that the other party is currently in the high-dimensional space they are most familiar with. Whether they have recovered their strength or not, they can know with just a moment's awareness.

"It's best to be silent." The kind father smiled kindly, "Give him a life of peace and joy, and then completely enter eternal sleep!"

"Hmph! You are plotting against him, your methods are really boring!"

"I advise you not to meddle in other people's business! Otherwise, the four major origins will become three major origins, which will also sound great." The clown-like voice chuckled, echoing in the entire distorted space.

The wild and arrogant voice stood proudly, "If you want to come, then just come and do it! I want to see if you have made any progress in these years of recuperation?"

The clown sneered in a sinister voice, "When the Human Emperor dies, do you think we can still be as peaceful as we are now?"

But before that, in order for the Emperor to live an ordinary life without regaining any strength, the "peaceful cage" they carefully built for him must not be destroyed!

As long as there are no blind demons or major annihilation crises to stimulate the essence of the Human Emperor, the whole universe can create a beautiful harmony and quietly bid farewell to the reincarnated life of the Human Emperor, and the world will not be able to do whatever it wants to do in the future. The four original demon gods have the final say?

"Hmph!" The voice filled with the taste of iron and blood smiled disdainfully and said nothing more.

But no one knows what is going on in his heart.

Although the devil is created by his own laws, he is also trapped in the core of his own authority.

But when you reach the level of the Four Origin Demon Gods, you can already do whatever you want.

No one knows what these demon gods plan to do in private.

But at this moment, a few vast eyes just watched the ordinary spaceship fly through the twisted space quietly.

Then he left in a flash of brilliance, and together with the Qi of the reincarnated Human Emperor, disappeared behind the phase gate.

The rules of the material universe are the best protection for human beings. Anyone with a spirit will eventually be recruited by the high-dimensional space.

The moment she stepped off the spaceship and landed, the disguised Catherine breathed a sigh of relief, but she did not show a completely relaxed attitude.

Looking around warily, she pulled Bai E in one direction and walked over.

While walking quickly like countless travelers in the port, Catherine explained to Bai'e the reasons for her actions, including her next plan, "It's not safe in China either."

As soon as the expedition team found the treasure of the God's Fragment, they reported this information to the country, and also reported their planned route of action, hoping that the country would send reinforcements to escort them to ensure that everything is safe.

The number of people who handle this kind of important information will never be large, and they are basically in high positions in Bauhinia, but even so, the expedition team, which should not have received any attention, was blocked by the Peak Alliance at the first time.

It is not easy for the expedition fleet to transmit information to the outside world in real time, at least it is impossible to hide it from Catherine on the spacecraft.

This means that the exposure of the expedition fleet's whereabouts is likely to come from the leak of domestic traitors.

Although there is also the possibility that the Peak Alliance wants to deal with the fleet, this possibility is extremely small.

With a heavy responsibility, just in case, Catherine must also take the domestic crisis into consideration.

If a high-ranking traitor wants to do something in secret, even Catherine will feel that she can't defend herself.

The knife from one's own people is more cruel... and more deadly.

Catherine will not feel at ease unless she personally hands the things to the National Academy of Sciences in front of everyone.

Catherine, who returned to her country, was obviously familiar with the way.

Determined not to be exposed, she easily found a way with Bai'e and embarked on the journey back to the capital of the Central Star.

Even the bullied Bauhinia Republic is nominally a formal country with three planets.

One of them is a mining planet with a bad climate and not rich minerals, but even so, it has become the core lifeline of Bauhinia.

The other is a colony planet. Only the equatorial circle is suitable for living, so the population is sparse, but the geographical location is good, and it can become the "gatekeeper star" of the Central Star.

And the last one is the origin of the Bauhinia Republic, which is also the location of their current national central capital.

The place where Bai'e and Catherine arrived by boat was the "gatekeeper star" where the portal was located.

If a cross-border ship does not want to cause trouble, it needs to log in and register at the portal planet before entering other empire central star systems.

It is unreasonable to break in rashly or destroy it directly.

Regardless of whether the ship they took before was directly heading to the central star of Bauhinia, they had to change to another ship to prevent being targeted.

There were no dangers along the way.

Although everyone looked like a traitor, the two of them easily came to the capital of the central star of Bauhinia with their agile movements and reactions.

Catherine, who finally returned to "home", let go of the suitcase in her hand for the first time, and stretched her tired and stiff waist in the warm sunshine of her mother planet, "Finally back!"

Looking at a shining roof bathed in the sun in the distance, Catherine pointed there and said in a comforting tone: "That's where our Academy of Sciences is! I'll take you to my house first, and I'll come back to find you after I finish my job."

"Okay." Bai'e smiled gently.

Along the way, Bai'e also used search software to read a lot of basic information about alien society.

Information that ordinary people think they have become accustomed to or even subconsciously ignored is the fastest tool for Bai'e to understand this society.

Bai'e also searched for "Catherine"... Obviously, the Catherine he knew was almost the same as the rumors on the Internet.


Catherine's home is located in the bustling downtown area. As one of the two rare legendary pilots in Bauhinia, it is quite normal for her to live wherever she wants.

And this generous female war god is obviously more willing to get close to ordinary people. Her home is on the top floor of a building that integrates commercial and residential functions.

Hundreds of square meters of large flats are all hers.

After taking Bai'e to live in her home, Catherine turned around and left.

The process of handing over the fragments of God is obviously not simple. Bai'e, who had stayed in Catherine's house for three days without going out, saw Catherine, who looked tired, open the door and return home for the first time.

"Is it going well?" Bai'e greeted her and asked with a smile.

"Something unexpected." Catherine frowned, her face full of puzzlement.

"What happened?" Bai Er asked curiously.

Catherine's expression was not serious, and the accident was obviously not a big trouble.

"Unexpectedly smooth." Catherine was still puzzled, "I reported the entire process of this operation to the national chief as soon as I returned, and at the same time deliberately released some false news to lure the spies who might exist in the dark. But the strange thing is... there was no movement."

The fragment of God was transferred smoothly.

The reason why they took three days was to try to catch the spies, but it was obvious... the operation failed.

Either the spies were hiding very deep; or she misjudged that there were no spies in the top management of Bauhinia.

"Do you think they are unwilling to take action?"

"Yes..." Catherine stared, "The interception of the expedition fleet was too sudden, it must have been a premeditated ambush! I don't believe there are no spies among the senior officials who have been involved, but they probably heard the news and all retreated."

Knowing that there is a traitor among the senior officials in the country but unable to identify him is an unspeakable torture for everyone who cares about his country.

"But fortunately... the things are still in the hands of the Academy of Sciences." A relieved smile appeared on Catherine's face.

As long as the things are in the hands of the Academy of Sciences, it will be fine.

After these thirty to fifty years have passed, and the Academy of Sciences is able to extract sufficiently strong technology from the fragments of God, maybe Bauhinia's national power will be able to surge instantly.

What will the Summit Alliance be if it just dominates a small remote star area?

The Bauhinia Republic might also be qualified to compete for the top of the universe!

After the country becomes strong, traitors will also become loyal ministers!

With her heart a little brighter, Catherine smiled at Baie and said: "As for the questions you wanted to know before, I have also asked about them. If the spacecraft wants to normally pass through spaces with different curvatures, it needs materials and biotechnology. A double breakthrough. Materials are the basis, and adaptive repair and filling is also the key. These technologies are not a secret in the universe, and most companies that can manufacture interstellar travel spaceships can skillfully use these two technologies. I’ve already packaged the pre-requisite technology for you.”

Catherine threw a small chip, with a smile on her face, "As for how you want to 'go home'... I've been talking around a lot, and I don't have a good plan for the time being. Your planet has not established a 'cruising lighthouse' , the location of your planet is not recorded on the star maps of all the starships in the universe, and naturally there is no way to directly reach it through high-dimensional space. As for directly assigning a ship to you... I can do it with my authority. But then I won’t be the only one to know the secrets of your planet. If there are more people, it will be very risky. If you insist, I can help you.”

"..." Bai E didn't say anything when he heard the words, but there was a hint of thinking in his eyes.

Seeing this, Catherine smiled and comforted, "There's no rush. If you want, you can tell me at any time. There's another thing that you should care more about."


"Do you still remember what I told you before about the need to find out the comprehensive strength of a country or force?"


"Now, the opportunity has come."

Catherine smiled, "The time has come for the replacement of the core members of the Star Alliance every ten years..." (End of this chapter)

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