There are countless star regions of all sizes in the entire Milky Way, and there are only a few core member states of the Star Alliance. Of course, it is impossible for every country to have one, and it is even impossible for every star region to have one.

Therefore, if you want to participate in this core competition, each star region naturally needs to select individual national players who can best represent the strength of the star region to participate.

The participating events are very simple...

In the case of the impossibility of launching a large-scale war, the competition of personal ability and national technology and resource background has become the only standard for this kind of competition.

Mecha! It is the only solution in this case.

Not to mention that in the case of non-large-scale battles, the mobile forces composed of mecha warriors are originally a symbol of the comprehensive strength of a country, and even in large-scale battles, in addition to large interstellar battleships, the performance of mobile warriors is still the top priority.

Mobile warriors operating mechas are the most basic backbone of every country in the universe.

The damage rate of mechas in real battles on the field is extremely high, and the ability to provide sufficiently reliable cutting-edge mechas or timely repairs is also a manifestation of a country's scientific and technological strength.

Taken together, the strength that the mobile suits can show in the arena can indirectly represent the comprehensive strength of a country.

Even though they know that their abilities are limited, the Bauhinia Republic is still quite active in this kind of competition.

Any country that wants to develop in the universe will not miss this opportunity to show up in front of everyone and contact other forces.

At the same time, this opportunity is also the best opportunity for Bai'e to get familiar with the forces of other countries in the universe.

If the representative team of the Bauhinia Republic can be lucky enough to get through the competition in their own star zone and get a ticket to the Star Alliance selection, then they will have a better chance to go to the center of the Milky Way to see the style of many countries in the universe.

By then, Bai'e can follow along and make full preparations for his planet to contact the universe society.

"This is a good thing." Bai'e's eyes are full of light.

In the competition representing the peak level of the universe, there will inevitably be strong people who represent the first-line level of this universe.

Even if they are not the few at the top, they must be the cutting-edge forces in the universe.

Looking at the level of these people, we can better find our own position in the universe, including other people on the original star.

"When do we set off?"

"The selection within the star region will be held in about half a month. In fact, the news came out earlier, but at that time I was still exploring a new and unfamiliar star region with the expedition fleet. Now that I am back, I know that they want me to lead the team to participate in this competition."

Catherine's eyes moved, and it was obvious that she had something to say but hesitated.

This expression was so obvious that Bai Er had to smile and ask, "What? Any other ideas?"

Catherine bit her lip and hesitated, "Although I am one of the two rare legendary pilots in our Bauhinia, it is basically a legendary pilot to represent a country in the final. Unless you don't want to get a good result, it is better to have more personnel to participate. Although my master is also a legendary pilot, he is too old and has exceeded the maximum age stipulated by the Star Alliance. If I am the only legendary pilot leading the team, I am afraid that it will be difficult for our Bauhinia team to stand out from the selection competition within the star zone, let alone perform well in the Star Alliance competition."

There may be morality between people, but the exchanges between countries in the universe are purely based on strength.

If you can perform well in the competition, then any country will look up to you.

Only in this way can they, the Bauhinia, be treated with respect for the friendship of those countries. Otherwise, a small country in a corner that is nothing but shit also wants to be respected?

It's a fool's dream!

In such a top competition, Catherine obviously does not have enough confidence to rely on herself as a legendary pilot.

"They gave me the right to select personnel. Now, in addition to myself, I need to find at least seven team members. If you can help us..." Catherine was halfway through her words, and quickly turned her head to talk about the benefits first, "After you achieve good results, even if you directly allocate a spaceship that can travel in the interstellar space to your personal name, it is completely possible. At that time, no matter what you do with that ship, no one will ask."

If you want to return to the original star, you must first have a reliable interstellar spaceship.

And the money you want to directly buy a spaceship that can travel long distances in the interstellar space is an astronomical figure that ordinary people will never see in their lifetime.

Bai Er also considered that if he became a bounty hunter and did tasks everywhere to accumulate money... and then found that it might be better to rob directly.

As for making it yourself... the technology can indeed be learned, but the many materials needed to accumulate, although it is much easier than buying a ship, are actually astronomical figures that ordinary people can hardly reach.

In summary... it is better to rob directly.

If we exclude the possibility that Bai'e wants to rob, then Catherine's channel may be the fastest way for him to get a spaceship of his own.

At the same time, this is also an opportunity for him to see and even experience the cutting-edge combat power in the universe.

Even if there is no such thing as a starship, Bai'e still wants to get one.

As long as Bauhinia can pass the political review, I have no objection.

"I can do anything." Bai'e replied with a smile, "Even if you didn't say it, I would have wanted to go with you to see it. Of course, it would be better to have the opportunity to experience it myself."

"That's good!" Catherine's face instantly bloomed with a bright smile.

Bai'e's strength is unclear, but it must be better than her.

With him, there are two legendary pilots in the team, at least there is a great chance to break out of the star zone.

"If you are willing to help, we can definitely play in the Star Alliance Competition."

As for the small problem of political review that Bai'e is worried about...

A legendary pilot fell from the sky, and even had the experience of being a "good guy" who helped them transport the fragments of God back. Those people in the Bauhinia Republic would be stupid to push such a person out.

If anyone dares not to pass, Catherine can go to the door with a knife to greet them one by one.

"That's settled! If you can help, the rest will be easy."

"They can't all be there to make up the numbers, right?" Bai'e asked jokingly.

"That's not the case." Catherine shook her head, "There are at most five of them to make up the numbers."

Bai'e raised his eyebrows and was a little curious, "Do you have a secret weapon?"

"Well..." Catherine was a little absent-minded, her eyes were vague, "It's not a secret weapon, but his talent... is okay."

Catherine pressed her head again with a headache, "I just don't know where this guy is now, and I don't know if I can find him back before the competition is really confirmed."


On a planet full of waves, several dark spaceships slowly landed from different platforms.

In a moment, a large group of blindfolded and hand-bound figures were pushed out by muscular men.

The leading big man smiled and greeted the cold and thin dog man who came to greet him. He kicked a prisoner beside him and made him stagger and said, "Another batch of new goods has arrived. It should be enough for you to use for a while, right?"

The cold and thin dog man looked at the hundreds of figures in front of him, and smiled coldly, "How long it takes is not up to us."

How long they can last depends on their own strength.

If they are all trash, they may die as soon as they go down.

If they are like the stupid things they kidnapped some time ago, they can probably be used for a long time.

Mining under the sea... As long as the people above don't urge for goods, they won't exploit these black miners.

As he said, the man waved to his men behind him, indicating that all the new goods should be taken down.

So a group of guys who looked fierce and fierce went up and took off the black cloth bags on the heads of each prisoner, and pulled the handcuffs and chains in their hands and led them to the facilities under their feet.

"Where is this?"

"Woo woo woo! I want to go home!"

"Let me go back! Let me go back!"

"I have money! I can redeem myself!"

"Let me make a phone call! Let me make a phone call! My big brother is a famous big brother in the underworld. He can get through misunderstandings with just one word!"

The prisoners who were "re-blinded" and "seen the light of day" seemed even more panicked.

Everyone looked at the dark underground space they were about to be taken into, and they seemed extremely resistant.

In the corner of their eyes, they could still see the endless blue waves.

But they could not see any familiar landmarks or landmarks, and they felt even more desperate and gloomy about the future.


"Go quickly!"

"Don't talk nonsense!" The vicious bandits whipped the prisoners randomly with whips.

After a whip, the direct physical impact was not as painful as the electric shock.

Several prisoners fell to the ground in a moment of spasm in the severe pain.

Seeing this, the thugs raised their long whips even more fiercely and hit the fallen prisoners even harder.



"I told you not to cooperate!"

"I told you not to cooperate!"

One whip after another.

The thin clothes were instantly torn, and the flesh under the clothes was torn apart.

The stronger the whipping, the more intense the current.

The figures who were twitching more and more violently were foaming at the mouth and incontinent in the blink of an eye.

Some even kicked their legs on the spot, and their bodies instantly stiffened and stopped moving.


"Who told you to hit me so hard? I'm here to work, not to be your slave?" The cold man waved his hand and dismissed him with disdain, "Drag it away! Drag it away! Don't bring bad luck here!"


The stiff corpse was dragged all the way to the side, aimed at the turbulent sea below and thrown casually. After a few white foams, it sank.

"You, carry them on your back!" The thugs casually pointed at the nearby prisoners, and no one dared to say no to this order.

The prisoners who were still able to walk freely carried their companions who were knocked unconscious by the electric shock on the ground, and followed the thugs in the front, slowly sinking into the facilities under the sea.

Walk, stop.

The footsteps faded away, and it was pitch black.

Under the "buzzing" sound of the motor running and the friction and swaying of the mechanical structure, the prisoners dared to carefully exchange information with other companions around them after confirming that all the thugs around them had left.

"Brother, where are you from?"

"I don't know. I fainted when I got off the tourist ship. I woke up and found myself here."

"What a coincidence. Are you traveling too? I'm traveling too. I signed up for a tour group. I don't know how I ended up here."

"Am I the only one who was abducted here... They beat me, it hurts."

"I took the initiative to board the ship at the free port... Damn! Who knew there were no good people on this ship! I got on a pirate ship!"

As everyone exchanged information, the voices became louder and louder.

On the contrary, there was a voice that insisted on being quiet but firm, full of persistence.

"Big Brother~"

"Big Brother~"

"Big Brother is me! Little Wolf! Where are you, Big Brother?"

"Big Brother~"

"Big Brother~"

"Stop shouting, stop shouting!" Someone who couldn't stand it stopped this guy's crazy behavior, "Why are you shouting? Who is your Big Brother here?"

"My Big Brother is my Big Brother!"

A man who accidentally got hit by the tail of the whip said disdainfully: "It's all here, what's the point of looking for your Big Brother? Isn't he tied up like us?"

"My Big Brother... My Big Brother..." Wild Wolf was impulsive twice, but he didn't tell his Big Brother's great record of driving a mecha to kill the psychic sky curtain set up by the Peak Alliance.

What if Big Brother has some deep meaning, wouldn't it ruin Big Brother's big plan?

The Star Alliance spy said that Big Brother changed his appearance and hid his identity on the same ship as himself. At this time, he must have been brought here like himself.

"Anyway, my Big Brother kills indiscriminately!" Wild Wolf sneered and decided not to argue with these idiots.

After seeing the strength of their big brother, aren't you the fools crying and shouting for hugs?

Now you are ignoring me, but later I will tell you that you are out of reach!


So the Wild Wolf turned around and lowered his body, trying to get through the crowded crowd, "Big Brother~"

"Big Brother~"

Suddenly, a hand grabbed the Wild Wolf's body, and before the Wild Wolf could shout in surprise, the short man's voice suddenly shushed.

"Don't talk, we're here."

"It's Big Brother!" The Wild Wolf was full of joy and stood aside, obedient like a wolf's offspring.


Sure enough, as the space decelerated, after a vibration and movement, the iron door in front of everyone shone again with a friction sound.

A figure with a bright light on his back appeared in front of all the prisoners and announced with a smile, "Welcome everyone, the road to wealth that belongs to you has begun!" (End of this chapter)

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